Novartis Oncology Layoffs

In our area for the Hem side we had basically a 50% reduction in headcount between open positions not filled and those being laid off today. You’ve gotta take the bad with the good in this gig but my goodness!

I thought most of this realignment/lay-off was supposed to occur in solid tumor as per multiple upper management sources? Based on our area experience it shows otherwise.

I was told most in medical were retained. Job postings were included as an elimination. Of the actual people, 50% were laid off due to performance and 50% due to tenure and product. That's the algorithm from HR. Lot of backstabbing and saving each other in management went on so the good ones were removed as collateral damage. Too many worthless medical people who are living off sales are still there to ruin your days with useless and meaningless suggestions which can get us in trouble.

Bottom line - moolah. Payout to upper management would be too much and cause a loss. Hope these suckers are forced to resign or kicked out for not delivering. Let's start at the top.

Ethnic cleansing is completed except hispanics (all are safe) courtesy Valerie Acito. Novartis has gone bonkers. The Swiss are replacing the competent Caucasians, Indians and Chinese with Acito people irrespective of some being extremely incompetent and loud abrasive individuals. Acito needs to be kicked out. Basel, are you bonkers? What does ur experience say?

Yes, Valerie Acito yuck. During the town hall where layoffs were announced she just got up in the middle of Ameet's talk to interrupt and state so rudely about the layoffs. That woman has no heart and is a biased woman. Ameet was standing like a little lapdog as she interrupted him. Yuck there is no sense of leadership. Gleevec got you your money. Now those beautiful buildings are filled with shady people. The layoffs were supposed to eliminate higher up management. To keep the good ones and remove those that have remained due to Gleevec's success without doing any work. Gleevec sustained many lives. But now when the time was to keep people who worked well so they can unsink the ship, these no gooders kicked the newer competent people along with other lower performers. These were the worst ever layoffs. Lazy liars and manipulators were never shown the door. Shame on Novartis and Acito, HR head. She should be investigated for her actions and the company hired to do these things and the reasoning behind this crappy nonsense that went on for weeks. Valerie Acito should be fired for the process, the way it was handled, keeping the middle and upper management, letting go off competent people who were newly hired and never allowed to contribute, for the time that it took and excessive stress to many, the laziness that Gleevec had brought but the same lazy people are still there not working, hanging around, spending money. There are companies with similar market CAP with half the employees that Novartis has. If Novartis wants to be like them they have to keep people who work and work well. Many in Novartis pooh pooh work and use resources to complete stupid projects which they think are beyond work. First do the job that you are hired for really well then do those other idiotic things. Crap and all nonsense.

A disaster for the sales business or for the patients who are benefitting from the treatment?

R E I M A G I N E !
Have you seen the data for kisqali?? Do you understand it? If you do, you will know there is not much data. It was approved due to unmet needs. Yes a company runs on profits and business. It is not a non profit org. Because of stupid decisions people are losing jobs in this for profit company.

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