Novartis Oncology Layoffs

Anyond else think they didn’t offer an enhanced retirement package BEFORE the cuts is because too many people were eligible and would likely have taken it? Now if you don’t ask for it in time you won’t get it. Nice

Are reps selling sandostatin LAR going to be impacted? I heard that a generic from Teva for LAR is coming early next year
The layoffs are done. No more for now. Perhaps in March 2019. They were done in the worst possible way. The company is degrading. They have kept the scum who should have been kicked with a real kick in the rear.

Anyond else think they didn’t offer an enhanced retirement package BEFORE the cuts is because too many people were eligible and would likely have taken it? Now if you don’t ask for it in time you won’t get it. Nice
All people who were eligible are still here. They don't need it because no one kicked these idiots out.

All people who were eligible are still here. They don't need it because no one kicked these idiots out.
They tried to do it the right way but did it did not go the right way only because the lies, anger and deceit of some people ruined some decent lives which the company is not aware of. Some of them used BPO due to the fear that they would be implicated for their mistakes and pointed fingers at completely unaware individuals who did nothing wrong. These individuals who were wrongly blamed were impacted. The company needs to re-investigate all BPO complaints and do the right thing by making sure the perpetrators who are still enjoying employment by wrongly blaming others will be impacted in the next round and to take back the ones that have been impacted. Included in the above is also another group of people who are impersonating others in the complaints. There are others who are anonymously filing complaints on other people's behalf without their knowledge and again the unaware individuals were affected. Some people due to fear for their own jobs and fear that they would be taken to BPO due to their wrongdoings made the first move. All these four types of complaints must be re-investigated as ruining someone's life due to lies and improper investigations is criminal.

The layoffs are done. No more for now. Perhaps in March 2019. They were done in the worst possible way. The company is degrading. They have kept the scum who should have been kicked with a real kick in the rear.

And now Liz B gets fired, so now oncology gets a long term friend of Vas to continue to Reimagine and continue to turn the revolving door

And now Liz B gets fired, so now oncology gets a long term friend of Vas to continue to Reimagine and continue to turn the revolving door
Did she? Well, good. Finally, someone up there. Hope many more go after ruining regular working people's lives. I finally feel justice will be done after harming so many unaware hardworking good employees.

Did she? Well, good. Finally, someone up there. Hope many more go after ruining regular working people's lives. I finally feel justice will be done after harming so many unaware hardworking good employees.
Probably was laid off with the rest but bought time for announcement until she found something. These are the perks of being at the top to avoid embarrassment. The rest of the people are worthless anyway. So they don't matter. Vas was kind to her versus the unfairness for the rest who are gone.

Probably was laid off with the rest but bought time for announcement until she found something. These are the perks of being at the top to avoid embarrassment. The rest of the people are worthless anyway. So they don't matter. Vas was kind to her versus the unfairness for the rest who are gone.

Well with 2500 folks in Switzerland being kicked out over 2 years it goes to show!

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