Novartis Oncology Layoffs

That was less than a year. Does anyone know the real reason?
No one knows and will not know. Why do you care? Probably because the wrong people got laid off. Sat in several marketing meetings where the sales force was heavily blamed. Marketing does nothing except talk and gossip. All their work is done by vendors and approvals by a review committee. All they do is argue. Why was marketing not affected as much as sales? Marketing supports sales but all I saw was backstabbing sales by in house marketing

Didn’t get let go, but was fortunate enough to qualify for the severance/retirement package. Stunning how many seasoned, and competent reps were let go. Personally, I’m glad to be getting out of this ridiculously run organization. How the Tasigna marketing team wasn’t fired on the spot after their failed TFR campaign last year is beyond mind boggling. Instead, they blamed their incompetence on the sales force. Dave D is such an arrogant, incompetent jerk, I can’t believe he kept his job. Glad to be gone.

Didn’t get let go, but was fortunate enough to qualify for the severance/retirement package. Stunning how many seasoned, and competent reps were let go. Personally, I’m glad to be getting out of this ridiculously run organization. How the Tasigna marketing team wasn’t fired on the spot after their failed TFR campaign last year is beyond mind boggling. Instead, they blamed their incompetence on the sales force. Dave D is such an arrogant, incompetent jerk, I can’t believe he kept his job. Glad to be gone.
Really sad. Hope you find something better. What about those that don't qualify for retirement? Heard that Tasigna people that were laid off in East Hanover were all non-white in marketing and other areas. Some who were just doing their job as TFR was pushed on them from the very top. No one from that top leadership got laid off. Thomas W was moved. Dave D and his cronies who actually messed up got promotions. They blamed sales for being lazy and not making their calls and doing nothing at every internal meeting. Tasigna dip was blamed on sales rather than marketing by Dave D, Brian W, Melanie M and Megan Something. Agree that Dave D is the biggest arrogant jerk with zero pharma understanding and zero leadership. The new woman, don't even know her name moved from medical solid tumor franchise and is Dave D's boss is a prude with no understanding of US marketing . She has zero US experience and is an European with socialist medical background. A very wrong choice.

Really sad. Hope you find something better. What about those that don't qualify for retirement? Heard that Tasigna people that were laid off in East Hanover were all non-white in marketing and other areas. Some who were just doing their job as TFR was pushed on them from the very top. No one from that top leadership got laid off. Thomas W was moved. Dave D and his cronies who actually messed up got promotions. They blamed sales for being lazy and not making their calls and doing nothing at every internal meeting. Tasigna dip was blamed on sales rather than marketing by Dave D, Brian W, Melanie M and Megan Something. Agree that Dave D is the biggest arrogant jerk with zero pharma understanding and zero leadership. The new woman, don't even know her name moved from medical solid tumor franchise and is Dave D's boss is a prude with no understanding of US marketing . She has zero US experience and is an European with socialist medical background. A very wrong choice.
By European, you mean Germans in control all over the company. Does that remind you of something? Do we need this environment?

Really sad. Hope you find something better. What about those that don't qualify for retirement? Heard that Tasigna people that were laid off in East Hanover were all non-white in marketing and other areas. Some who were just doing their job as TFR was pushed on them from the very top. No one from that top leadership got laid off. Thomas W was moved. Dave D and his cronies who actually messed up got promotions. They blamed sales for being lazy and not making their calls and doing nothing at every internal meeting. Tasigna dip was blamed on sales rather than marketing by Dave D, Brian W, Melanie M and Megan Something. Agree that Dave D is the biggest arrogant jerk with zero pharma understanding and zero leadership. The new woman, don't even know her name moved from medical solid tumor franchise and is Dave D's boss is a prude with no understanding of US marketing . She has zero US experience and is an European with socialist medical background. A very wrong choice.

That’s so fucking funny, European socialist medical background. I’m sure you’re antiquated view of Europe means you’ve never even left the red neck state you live in. So funny!

What about US Marketing and US Medical? Company can be led by anyone- who cares?

Don't know about USMedical but US marketing needs understanding of US market and reg. US medical may require the understanding of US hospitals, doctors, laws and regs. What about HR who have hired lousy middle management throughout who then hire incompetence so they can control them. Start reading resumes of all employees and contractors and see which ones are here just because of ass kissing. People with experience are constantly insulted and fake allegations are made against them. Promotions are handed out without any sensibility. Some are getting promoted every year without doing much and there are others who are here because they are getting paid only for ass kissing. This company has lost its morals and ethics.

Didn’t get let go, but was fortunate enough to qualify for the severance/retirement package. Stunning how many seasoned, and competent reps were let go. Personally, I’m glad to be getting out of this ridiculously run organization. How the Tasigna marketing team wasn’t fired on the spot after their failed TFR campaign last year is beyond mind boggling. Instead, they blamed their incompetence on the sales force. Dave D is such an arrogant, incompetent jerk, I can’t believe he kept his job. Glad to be gone.
The marketing team made sure that the failed marketing strategy affected everyone else. Thomas W is a bigger jerk than Dave D. He saved himself and is in hiding. S***hole jerk brainless loser. Ameet M the wimpy whiney did not fire him and the real a**es the entire marketing team. Ameet should be fired and crazy HR idiots should be fired with him who agreed that majority of marketing should stay as their small brains does not understand that the marketing strategy is responsible for the losses.

The marketing team made sure that the failed marketing strategy affected everyone else. Thomas W is a bigger jerk than Dave D. He saved himself and is in hiding. S***hole jerk brainless loser. Ameet M the wimpy whiney did not fire him and the real a**es the entire marketing team. Ameet should be fired and crazy HR idiots should be fired with him who agreed that majority of marketing should stay as their small brains does not understand that the marketing strategy is responsible for the losses.

Hope you found your Xanax. This is intense.

The marketing team made sure that the failed marketing strategy affected everyone else. Thomas W is a bigger jerk than Dave D. He saved himself and is in hiding. S***hole jerk brainless loser. Ameet M the wimpy whiney did not fire him and the real a**es the entire marketing team. Ameet should be fired and crazy HR idiots should be fired with him who agreed that majority of marketing should stay as their small brains does not understand that the marketing strategy is responsible for the losses.
Novartis has the very worst marketing team across the board in all divisions this is why our products are failing they don't understand the US market. Where do they find these people ?

Novartis has the very worst marketing team across the board in all divisions this is why our products are failing they don't understand the US market. Where do they find these people ?

Thats a lot to put on marketing. You have your products, you have marketing and you have sales.

Great marketing and sales will struggle with a dog product. A great product with no marketing will fail to achieve its market potential. Poor sales execution can hurt the best product with the best strategy.

The product, the strategy and the execution can all be great and still fail due to lack of communication, coordination and accountability.

So, what is really the problem?? Rarely does it rest all on one team but one is almost always accountable.

Thats a lot to put on marketing. You have your products, you have marketing and you have sales.

Great marketing and sales will struggle with a dog product. A great product with no marketing will fail to achieve its market potential. Poor sales execution can hurt the best product with the best strategy.

The product, the strategy and the execution can all be great and still fail due to lack of communication, coordination and accountability.

So, what is really the problem?? Rarely does it rest all on one team but one is almost always accountable.

Thats a lot to put on marketing. You have your products, you have marketing and you have sales.

Great marketing and sales will struggle with a dog product. A great product with no marketing will fail to achieve its market potential. Poor sales execution can hurt the best product with the best strategy.

The product, the strategy and the execution can all be great and still fail due to lack of communication, coordination and accountability.

So, what is really the problem?? Rarely does it rest all on one team but one is almost always accountable.
It rests on one team in this case. The marketing strategy failed but everyone else was impacted. That's not logical when the entire marketing team is still there minus one who is not of the same race as the majority of the marketing team. With everything happening in this country, it is time to tell the truth before something escalates to a point that no one ever wants to be again, not in a civilized world. Do not ignore the news and if everyone keeps quiet and turns their head away, things might get out of control.

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