MassLayoff Monday
MassLayoff Monday
MaaLayoff Monday
To honor their mothers, the verminous sr. management continue their waves of craven masslayoffs in a futile attempt to save this sinking disaster. But mostly to line their own pantsuits with ca$hmoney. A sampling of ~1/5 of those for whom Today is "...just another Mass Layoff Monday":
AB,KB,JD,KK,MH,SM,ER,RS,NV,US; sr.mrkt.manag.;glob.logist.;nsd.sales;bus.anlyst.;acct.manag.;proj.manag.conslt.;;mrkting.assoc.;applic.admin.;sales.rep
To honor their mothers, the verminous sr. management continue their waves of craven masslayoffs in a futile attempt to save this sinking disaster. But mostly to line their own pantsuits with ca$hmoney. A sampling of ~1/5 of those for whom Today is "...just another Mass Layoff Monday":
AB,KB,JD,KK,MH,SM,ER,RS,NV,US; sr.mrkt.manag.;glob.logist.;nsd.sales;bus.anlyst.;acct.manag.;proj.manag.conslt.;;mrkting.assoc.;applic.admin.;sales.rep