• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.

Next hits to LCC, LTC/N, LTC/S, and InTech

MaaLayoff Monday

To honor their mothers, the verminous sr. management continue their waves of craven masslayoffs in a futile attempt to save this sinking disaster. But mostly to line their own pantsuits with ca$hmoney. A sampling of ~1/5 of those for whom Today is "...just another Mass Layoff Monday":
AB,KB,JD,KK,MH,SM,ER,RS,NV,US; sr.mrkt.manag.;glob.logist.;nsd.sales;bus.anlyst.;acct.manag.;proj.manag.conslt.;sr.med.advis.;mrkting.assoc.;applic.admin.;sales.rep

Re: MaaLayoff Monday

To honor their mothers, the verminous sr. management continue their waves of craven masslayoffs in a futile attempt to save this sinking disaster. But mostly to line their own pantsuits with ca$hmoney. A sampling of ~1/5 of those for whom Today is "...just another Mass Layoff Monday":
AB,KB,JD,KK,MH,SM,ER,RS,NV,US; sr.mrkt.manag.;glob.logist.;nsd.sales;bus.anlyst.;acct.manag.;proj.manag.conslt.;sr.med.advis.;mrkting.assoc.;applic.admin.;sales.rep

Why not construct a monolithic series of black marble slabs just outside Bldg. 74, and engrave the name of each and every casualty of corporate misleadership not to mention borderline felonious breach of legal responsibilities associated with billions of dollars in income tax breaks.

This folks is not only incompetent leadership, but far more. More than is allowed to be spoken of in this forum. Those of you who know the inner workings, whose retirement is not contingent upon the survival of this company, may be able to say more.

Re: MaaLayoff Monday

Why not construct a monolithic series of black marble slabs just outside Bldg. 74, and engrave the name of each and every casualty of corporate misleadership not to mention borderline felonious breach of legal responsibilities associated with billions of dollars in income tax breaks.

This folks is not only incompetent leadership, but far more. More than is allowed to be spoken of in this forum. Those of you who know the inner workings, whose retirement is not contingent upon the survival of this company, may be able to say more.

The glyphs will be accompanied by 5500 black-clad mourners, and the following broadcast over mammoth loudspeakers 24/7, 365 days/yr:


Another week begins, and lil-lie shows its true values by continuing the mass-layoffs...dozens per week, unrelenting. Remember those whose last day is tomorrow, May 16, as they are march out to the parking lots/structures by security. Their lillie lives in small cardboard boxes. A sampling, ~20% of those going tomorrow:
DA,AB,OB,KG,PH,CL,JP,NP,JS,GV; proj.manag.;sr.direct.;med.advisor;eng.consult.;area.sales.manag.;sales.rep.;sr.med.advisor;sales.manag.biomed.;onc.tech.advisor;nsd.sales.


Another week begins, and lil-lie shows its true values by continuing the mass-layoffs...dozens per week, unrelenting. Remember those whose last day is tomorrow, May 16, as they are march out to the parking lots/structures by security. Their lillie lives in small cardboard boxes. A sampling, ~20% of those going tomorrow:
DA,AB,OB,KG,PH,CL,JP,NP,JS,GV; proj.manag.;sr.direct.;med.advisor;eng.consult.;area.sales.manag.;sales.rep.;sr.med.advisor;sales.manag.biomed.;onc.tech.advisor;nsd.sales.

au revoir.

Dark Appalachian Matter

The International Space Station now has the capability to seek out Dark, Empty Matter and Appalachian FIPNet Energy. It is focused on McCarty, Delaware and E. Merrill streets. Readings are pegging the needle.

The Rupture Continues

Kiss goodbye to the following good souls who, after dedicating their lives and careers to Lil'lie, are now shown the door on Monday, May 23. The last day of Lilly, forever. Kicked to the gutter and escorted to their assigned departure points by rent-a-cops, 1/5 of the total for this week are mourned:


I totally agree with this article. It's those nasty patent expirations and the mean business environment that has led to Lilly's demise. The incompetence of Lilly's leaders has absolutely nothing to do with it. They are totally innocent.

I had some friends in college who had to drop out because of the "challenging environment" -- but in the silver-spoon-fed Harvard elite, the incompetent get the highest grades. Go figure.

My name is John and I have more millions than I can count.

Memorial Day MassLayoffs

As Monday is Memorial Day in the US, the following dejected souls experience the humiliation of their Last Lilly Day (LLD) on Tuesday. Marched to the lots, boxes in hand, to face the record unemployment disaster of Indiana. Be sure to let lechliter know how his values are helping to increase morale. Just plant some trees and absolve your crimes. Among a sampling of ~20% to be fired are:


Memorial Day MassLayoffs

As Monday is Memorial Day in the US, the following dejected souls experience the humiliation of their Last Lilly Day (LLD) on Tuesday. Marched to the lots, boxes in hand, to face the record unemployment disaster of Indiana. Be sure to let lechliter know how his values are helping to increase morale. Just plant some trees and absolve your crimes. Among a sampling of ~20% to be fired are:


SHAME, jcl....SHAME!


Another Monday means the whilrlwind of masslayoff destruction continues without ceasing. Kiss them all goodbye, on this their Last Lly monday...walking slowly, forlornly out to the parking lots/structures weeping in silence at the Growth Pharma of the MILLENIUM; a sampling of the 1/5 let go:
MR,GM,RO,RI,PS,JD,JC,WY,NR,KT;mrkting;reg.aff.;proj.manag.;hlth.sfty;brnd.manag.;sr.biol.; sr.res.sci; consult.sci.;sr.res.advs.;sr.sci.

I realize that we lied to each and every one of them concerning life long employment.

However, our word is only as good as the paper it is written upon.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must get back to counting my millions.


Another Monday means the whilrlwind of masslayoff destruction continues without ceasing. Kiss them all goodbye, on this their Last Lly monday...walking slowly, forlornly out to the parking lots/structures weeping in silence at the Growth Pharma of the MILLENIUM; a sampling of the 1/5 let go:
MR,GM,RO,RI,PS,JD,JC,WY,NR,KT;mrkting;reg.aff.;proj.manag.;hlth.sfty;brnd.manag.;sr.biol.; sr.res.sci; consult.sci.;sr.res.advs.;sr.sci.



Another Monday means the whilrlwind of masslayoff destruction continues without ceasing. Kiss them all goodbye, on this their Last Lly monday...walking slowly, forlornly out to the parking lots/structures weeping in silence at the Growth Pharma of the MILLENIUM; a sampling of the 1/5 let go:
MR,GM,RO,RI,PS,JD,JC,WY,NR,KT;mrkting;reg.aff.;proj.manag.;hlth.sfty;brnd.manag.;sr.biol.; sr.res.sci; consult.sci.;sr.res.advs.;sr.sci.



Another Monday means the whilrlwind of masslayoff destruction continues without ceasing. Kiss them all goodbye, on this their Last Lly monday...walking slowly, forlornly out to the parking lots/structures weeping in silence at the Growth Pharma of the MILLENIUM; a sampling of the 1/5 let go:
MR,GM,RO,RI,PS,JD,JC,WY,NR,KT;mrkting;reg.aff.;proj.manag.;hlth.sfty;brnd.manag.;sr.biol.; sr.res.sci; consult.sci.;sr.res.advs.;sr.sci.


Every Monday, when I suit up and show up at LCC, I have a fresh vision for the future.

I say to myself, "in the future, I will not feel so high and mighty. In the future, I will work in cooperation with research scientists, hard working sales reps, and FDA officials, and have the deepest possible respect for doctors and patients. Yes, in the future. But not this week."


Another Monday means the whilrlwind of masslayoff destruction continues without ceasing. Kiss them all goodbye, on this their Last Lly monday...walking slowly, forlornly out to the parking lots/structures weeping in silence at the Growth Pharma of the MILLENIUM; a sampling of the 1/5 let go:
MR,GM,RO,RI,PS,JD,JC,WY,NR,KT;mrkting;reg.aff.;proj.manag.;hlth.sfty;brnd.manag.;sr.biol.; sr.res.sci; consult.sci.;sr.res.advs.;sr.sci.