So it could be much much higher than a savings of 600,000,000 since many of the reallocated people earned twice the amount you mentioned of $50,000
So it could be much much higher than a savings of 600,000,000 since many of the reallocated people earned twice the amount you mentioned of $50,000
Screw them. Do you have any idea what a terrible burden it is for real, live, hardworking professional folks to be surrounded by idiot contractors?
One idiot management decision giveth, another taketh away.
Zero gain. But John gets his bonus.
Really? One idiot management decision? So all the management who make decisions are not real, live, hardworking professionals?
Well, it may be a simple case of "the blind leading the blind."
Or - "The Pots, calling the Kettle....."
The next wave is gearing up in earnest.
The next wave is gearing up in earnest.
So what groups will be affected and when?
In LRL look for a contraction of DHTs and reduction of WIP by at least 30%. There is no funding...must pay 'dividends' whilst chopping, chopping.