Next hits to LCC, LTC/N, LTC/S, and InTech


Another Monday means the whilrlwind of masslayoff destruction continues without ceasing. Kiss them all goodbye, on this their Last Lly monday...walking slowly, forlornly out to the parking lots/structures weeping in silence at the Growth Pharma of the MILLENIUM; a sampling of the 1/5 let go:
MR,GM,RO,RI,PS,JD,JC,WY,NR,KT;mrkting;reg.aff.;proj.manag.;hlth.sfty;brnd.manag.;sr.biol.; sr.res.sci; consult.sci.;sr.res.advs.;sr.sci.

Another Monday rolls around, and the never-ending mass layoff continues unceasing. Watch your former colleagues turn in their badges, parking tags, keys, etc. on their last day, Monday June 13...shuffling slowly to their parking spaces for the very last time. A merel 20% of those who will be gone forever are:
it.manag.; bus.devel.conslt.;med.fellow;conslt.qual.asurnc.;sales.mngr.;sr.stat.;spec.sales.;med.advisr.;eis.asoct.;sr.biol.

MassLayoff Monday

Another Monday rolls around, and the never-ending mass layoff continues unceasing. Watch your former colleagues turn in their badges, parking tags, keys, etc. on their last day, Monday June 13...shuffling slowly to their parking spaces for the very last time. A merel 20% of those who will be gone forever are:
it.manag.; bus.devel.conslt.;med.fellow;conslt.qual.asurnc.;sales.mngr.;sr.stat.;spec.sales.;med.advisr.;eis.asoct.;sr.biol.


Why doesn't the Indy Star run a column listing all of the "collateral damage" that occur so regularly at the Indianapolis facilities? I'll bet they could sell a lot of newspapers with that kind of juicy news. If I had some time on my hands, I would volunteer my efforts for a small fee.

Who knows, that kind of reality-based journalism might win a Pulitzer some day. Get Bob Woodward on the phone. Now. Don't ask why, just do it.

Why doesn't the Indy Star run a column listing all of the "collateral damage" that occur so regularly at the Indianapolis facilities? I'll bet they could sell a lot of newspapers with that kind of juicy news. If I had some time on my hands, I would volunteer my efforts for a small fee.

Who knows, that kind of reality-based journalism might win a Pulitzer some day. Get Bob Woodward on the phone. Now. Don't ask why, just do it.

Now you know why Bart is on the team...

You can bitch all you want to, but the Indy Star will not win a Pulitizer until it reports the truth about corporate gluttony in Indiana... does it have to be COMPLETELY spelled out for the Indiana ADHD crowd?