New Diabetes Sales Specialist positions?

Face-to-face interviews do not even take place until next year-Jan 2012-samples haven't been shipped-this contract does not start until the FDA approves the new product-training is likely to be in NJ at Ventiv hdqters and not until Feb.

Anyone have an interview scheduled yet? I was thinking I might hear something by mid-week or so since the interviews begin on the 3rd of January. I know the manager for my area has not been hired yet because it's down to two, and Amylin/Ventiv is having a very tough time deciding which one they want.

DM here.

phone screens for some territories have already taken place, and will continue. the territories are being interviewed in slots. (each territory has its own day over the 3 week time frame.) in other words - the recruiters know that Chicago south is on a certain day and chicago north on a different day. depending on when the specified interview date is for a territory, the phone screens and sourcing will be prioritized accordingly. the territories that will be interviewed the week of 1/3 will be of higher priority for the recruiters now, than a territory that is slotted for week 2 or 3. the rep interviews will start on 1/3 and run for 3 - 4 weeks. week 4 is held for any territories that need to be re-visited. anyone who says they already have been interviewed or hired as a rep is full of $&#@. They have not. Offers will be made the day after the interview - so you will know right away. the offers will all be dependant upon product approval - which will be 1/28 at the latest (unless the fda requests more info - but that is unlikely)

one of the posts stated that there is a process for amylin reps to post referrals. my recommendation to you is that if you are being referred - DO NOT trust the system to ensure you are interviewed. ask your referring amylin employee to contact their dm who in turn should contact the ventiv dm. i am a ventiv dm, and it has been made crystal clear to me that the decision for hiring will be mine. as of now, i have heard that there are amylin referrals, but i have no idea who these candidates are in my area. i am moving forward with many of my own referrals, and unless i have a discussion with an amylin dm about a candidate, it is only by chance that i may or may not interview them. (just a word of advice to help you out.)

training will be a week of home study and the in class training will be combined with the launch meeting. (location to be determined - but it will not be nj office) the training and launch meeting will be in a typical pharma location - - - dallas, orlando, etc. it will be 9 days and will include a weekend that no one will be able to go home. (no work on sunday though) launch will be just after the meeting. dont sweat the small stuff. who cares about samples being carried or shipped. seriously - does that really matter?!

good luck to all -- I know its a tough market and there are a lot of folks looking to provide for their families. this is a serious post. i empathize with the anxiety and uncertainty of looking for a job. that is why i am being forthcoming with the process and timeline.

DM here.

phone screens for some territories have already taken place, and will continue. the territories are being interviewed in slots. (each territory has its own day over the 3 week time frame.) in other words - the recruiters know that Chicago south is on a certain day and chicago north on a different day. depending on when the specified interview date is for a territory, the phone screens and sourcing will be prioritized accordingly. the territories that will be interviewed the week of 1/3 will be of higher priority for the recruiters now, than a territory that is slotted for week 2 or 3. the rep interviews will start on 1/3 and run for 3 - 4 weeks. week 4 is held for any territories that need to be re-visited. anyone who says they already have been interviewed or hired as a rep is full of $&#@. They have not. Offers will be made the day after the interview - so you will know right away. the offers will all be dependant upon product approval - which will be 1/28 at the latest (unless the fda requests more info - but that is unlikely)

one of the posts stated that there is a process for amylin reps to post referrals. my recommendation to you is that if you are being referred - DO NOT trust the system to ensure you are interviewed. ask your referring amylin employee to contact their dm who in turn should contact the ventiv dm. i am a ventiv dm, and it has been made crystal clear to me that the decision for hiring will be mine. as of now, i have heard that there are amylin referrals, but i have no idea who these candidates are in my area. i am moving forward with many of my own referrals, and unless i have a discussion with an amylin dm about a candidate, it is only by chance that i may or may not interview them. (just a word of advice to help you out.)

training will be a week of home study and the in class training will be combined with the launch meeting. (location to be determined - but it will not be nj office) the training and launch meeting will be in a typical pharma location - - - dallas, orlando, etc. it will be 9 days and will include a weekend that no one will be able to go home. (no work on sunday though) launch will be just after the meeting. dont sweat the small stuff. who cares about samples being carried or shipped. seriously - does that really matter?!

good luck to all -- I know its a tough market and there are a lot of folks looking to provide for their families. this is a serious post. i empathize with the anxiety and uncertainty of looking for a job. that is why i am being forthcoming with the process and timeline.

yes. i got offer today
low pay

Approx. 1/3 of what the Direct reps make. This is for the desperate only. If you have any other options go get it. This is not anything to get excited about. Remember kids, it's a Contract job. Basically worthless. I am a manager so my pay is twice yours. But it sucks for us all.

DM here.

phone screens for some territories have already taken place, and will continue. the territories are being interviewed in slots. (each territory has its own day over the 3 week time frame.) in other words - the recruiters know that Chicago south is on a certain day and chicago north on a different day. depending on when the specified interview date is for a territory, the phone screens and sourcing will be prioritized accordingly. the territories that will be interviewed the week of 1/3 will be of higher priority for the recruiters now, than a territory that is slotted for week 2 or 3. the rep interviews will start on 1/3 and run for 3 - 4 weeks. week 4 is held for any territories that need to be re-visited. anyone who says they already have been interviewed or hired as a rep is full of $&#@. They have not. Offers will be made the day after the interview - so you will know right away. the offers will all be dependant upon product approval - which will be 1/28 at the latest (unless the fda requests more info - but that is unlikely)

one of the posts stated that there is a process for amylin reps to post referrals. my recommendation to you is that if you are being referred - DO NOT trust the system to ensure you are interviewed. ask your referring amylin employee to contact their dm who in turn should contact the ventiv dm. i am a ventiv dm, and it has been made crystal clear to me that the decision for hiring will be mine. as of now, i have heard that there are amylin referrals, but i have no idea who these candidates are in my area. i am moving forward with many of my own referrals, and unless i have a discussion with an amylin dm about a candidate, it is only by chance that i may or may not interview them. (just a word of advice to help you out.)

training will be a week of home study and the in class training will be combined with the launch meeting. (location to be determined - but it will not be nj office) the training and launch meeting will be in a typical pharma location - - - dallas, orlando, etc. it will be 9 days and will include a weekend that no one will be able to go home. (no work on sunday though) launch will be just after the meeting. dont sweat the small stuff. who cares about samples being carried or shipped. seriously - does that really matter?!

good luck to all -- I know its a tough market and there are a lot of folks looking to provide for their families. this is a serious post. i empathize with the anxiety and uncertainty of looking for a job. that is why i am being forthcoming with the process and timeline.

Can you provide any insight into the salary/bonus range?

Approx. 1/3 of what the Direct reps make. This is for the desperate only. If you have any other options go get it. This is not anything to get excited about. Remember kids, it's a Contract job. Basically worthless. I am a manager so my pay is twice yours. But it sucks for us all.

I call BS on this. The word is that these reps will have Amylin partners they will need to work closely with, and the business cards will say Amylin only, will not say Ventiv on the card. No way are they going to sabotage their chances by totally low balling these reps.

Approx. 1/3 of what the Direct reps make. This is for the desperate only. If you have any other options go get it. This is not anything to get excited about. Remember kids, it's a Contract job. Basically worthless. I am a manager so my pay is twice yours. But it sucks for us all.

50% on average. Not 1/3. But close.

I call BS on this. The word is that these reps will have Amylin partners they will need to work closely with, and the business cards will say Amylin only, will not say Ventiv on the card. No way are they going to sabotage their chances by totally low balling these reps.

These positions are CONTRACT. Not AMYLIN DIRECT. Two different worlds completely.