New Diabetes Sales Specialist positions?

I have a face to face next week and very excited for the opportunity, but I am a new mom and can't be away from my daughter for 9 days if I get the job. Can anyone confirm this is accurate information? Thank you

Oh, please. I got laid off from a pharma company after decades of service, have lots of diabetes experience, and CAN be away for whatever training they want, but of course I don't get a call. It's because of these cute, mommy reps that older, experienced reps don't get a shot.

Why would you even consider a job with such low pay and lack of bennies? These jobs suck and are a joke to get. You basically just sign up and it's yours. Is this really what you want to call your career with a college education? People there are jobs out there. I have had 3 offers in the last 6 weeks. Get moving and get a respectable postion, THEY ARE OUT THERE.

Your are correct. There are good jobs out there. A voice of reason.

I have a face to face next week and very excited for the opportunity, but I am a new mom and can't be away from my daughter for 9 days if I get the job. Can anyone confirm this is accurate information? Thank you

It's 14 days. Lots of sex taking place. Be sure to tape your tits so you don't leak in class.

the ventiv dms dont even know who they will be interviewing until a day or two ahead of the scheduled interviews. the majority of recruiters are women. i dont think that your arguement holds up regarding sexism. as a dm - i want the most qualified person that can make an immediate and positive impact on the territory. period.

the ventiv dms dont even know who they will be interviewing until a day or two ahead of the scheduled interviews. the majority of recruiters are women. i dont think that your arguement holds up regarding sexism. as a dm - i want the most qualified person that can make an immediate and positive impact on the territory. period.

Coming from a CSO manager? Worthless fuck.

Those of you with negative attitudes shouldn't be hired. I can only imagine the impression you leave with your doctors, unimpressive to say the least.
To the older rep with years of diabetes experience making sexist remarks: you may not have done well on your phone screen. They can't judge your appearance on a phone screen. There will always be someone younger, prettier and smarter so get over it. I am well qualified with injectable and diabetes experience with numerous product launches.
How long is the away training? Does anyone know for sure? Do you think they would let me fly home over the weekend at my own expense?

Those of you with negative attitudes shouldn't be hired. I can only imagine the impression you leave with your doctors, unimpressive to say the least.
To the older rep with years of diabetes experience making sexist remarks: you may not have done well on your phone screen. They can't judge your appearance on a phone screen. There will always be someone younger, prettier and smarter so get over it. I am well qualified with injectable and diabetes experience with numerous product launches.
How long is the away training? Does anyone know for sure? Do you think they would let me fly home over the weekend at my own expense?

Apparently, the only day that we wouldn't be working at training would be Sunday. So, I was told that there was no way to fly own expense or not.

Those of you with negative attitudes shouldn't be hired. I can only imagine the impression you leave with your doctors, unimpressive to say the least.
To the older rep with years of diabetes experience making sexist remarks: you may not have done well on your phone screen. They can't judge your appearance on a phone screen. There will always be someone younger, prettier and smarter so get over it. I am well qualified with injectable and diabetes experience with numerous product launches.
How long is the away training? Does anyone know for sure? Do you think they would let me fly home over the weekend at my own expense?

Yeah, I hear you. But I didn't even get a phone screen yet, so that's not it.

Hey douche bag,

Maybe you didn't get the call because you're a jaded asshole! "Cute, mommy reps" this a joke? I know a bunch of "cute, mommy reps" that could run circles around you in any job, especially sales. Hang it up,'re days are over!

Another "Cute, Mommy Rep" who has 14 years of diabetes experience

Umm, how would they know if I was a "jaded asshole", since I didn't get a call?

I need to stay home. I have a new baby and a mom I look after. I don't have the time or ability to travel. Anyone else need to stay home? If they want me they have to accomodate me or they can screw it.

Are you stating that you cannot attend training because you want to stay at home? Please mention this during your interview. It is a very popular view and inVentiv managers are happy to assist with this. In fact all your meals will be covered at home while you study. anywhere you decide to eat it's covered.

Are you stating that you cannot attend training because you want to stay at home? Please mention this during your interview. It is a very popular view and inVentiv managers are happy to assist with this. In fact all your meals will be covered at home while you study. anywhere you decide to eat it's covered.

Thank you for the reply. I was hoping someone would understand. I just prefer to be home and to study at my leisure. I cannot study 8-5 with a baby. The feedings are every couple hours and then the naps, and my naps, and then it 8pm it seems. This way I can study in the evening an hour or two after I put the baby to bed.

Thank you for the reply. I was hoping someone would understand. I just prefer to be home and to study at my leisure. I cannot study 8-5 with a baby. The feedings are every couple hours and then the naps, and my naps, and then it 8pm it seems. This way I can study in the evening an hour or two after I put the baby to bed.

Make sure to mention this schedule during your interview so your manager can be sure to accomadate you when hired. Going into the field at 10 since there are feedings, and taking breaks all day to pump, and then calling it early for a nap and another feeding...seems like a great work ethic and situation your manager will be looking for. Or maybe you could just stay at home and let others that will really work have the job. Give me a break.

Thank you for the reply. I was hoping someone would understand. I just prefer to be home and to study at my leisure. I cannot study 8-5 with a baby. The feedings are every couple hours and then the naps, and my naps, and then it 8pm it seems. This way I can study in the evening an hour or two after I put the baby to bed.

I did mention this to the hiring manager, both of them. I was hired last week and am sooo excited. The worst part is the baby thing. It is stressful but if I dont like it I will just quit. I only need some spending money, nothing too much luckily.

Make sure to mention this schedule during your interview so your manager can be sure to accomadate you when hired. Going into the field at 10 since there are feedings, and taking breaks all day to pump, and then calling it early for a nap and another feeding...seems like a great work ethic and situation your manager will be looking for. Or maybe you could just stay at home and let others that will really work have the job. Give me a break.

This is typical of someone entitled, an HR nightmare. So this person comes on board a few weeks later had a field contact with their manager. In the middle of the day she say's she needs to go home to feed/pump for her baby. Manager reinforces the job requirements and from that point she goes home calls HR and claims disability. Typical Obama I want and expect all but will not give anything in return. Stay away we don't want you.