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NBU restructure


No restructure
We are screwing everything up, making life miserable with all the trackers so y’all will just quit.

I got my letter from _____

truly hilarious what this company has become

now they will not pay for us to PRINT anything off at home ???????

it has gotten beyond sad

No restructure
We are screwing everything up, making life miserable with all the trackers so y’all will just quit.

I got my letter from _____

truly hilarious what this company has become

now they will not pay for us to PRINT anything off at home ???????

it has gotten beyond sad
The takeda controllers don’t want to pay the $$$$$$$$ losers we’re tacking on their expense reports for printer ink

After the news of stoping the neuroscience pipeline narcolepsy drug — that explains the cuts

the cuts will continue to get deeper

How’s that stock price ? Under 16 now

great leadership we have

After the news of stoping the neuroscience pipeline narcolepsy drug — that explains the cuts

the cuts will continue to get deeper

How’s that stock price ? Under 16 now

great leadership we have

Just look at the pipeline and where the emphasis is. No future in NSBU. Brace for impact!

Is this one of the reasons for the jab? To weed out people without paying any type of severance and maybe getting lay-off numbers below 100 so they don’t have to give WARN notice?

Just look at the pipeline and where the emphasis is. No future in NSBU. Brace for impact!

Is this one of the reasons for the jab? To weed out people without paying any type of severance and maybe getting lay-off numbers below 100 so they don’t have to give WARN notice?

BINGO. We have a winner

Leadership plan is working. Who the hell wants to work for these clowns

we had more resignations Friday in neuroscience; and couple of them were stellar reps with some serious tenure.

I doubt leadership even waved goodbye; they simply don’t care!

Leadership plan is working. Who the hell wants to work for these clowns

we had more resignations Friday in neuroscience; and couple of them were stellar reps with some serious tenure.

I doubt leadership even waved goodbye; they simply don’t care!

It really says something when the companies/products people are leaving for aren’t necessarily that great. It’s that Takeda has become that bad.

So bad with the micromanagement that it is clearly on purpose to make people leave

well my manager had better watch it, I have verified texts of sexual discrimination upon my hiring - emails of encouragement to promote products off label - verified harassment of reps within my own team from same mgr - fumbled handling of Covid sickness chain of command and coercion - documented discrimination for application of a possible exemption and now singling out with these micromanagement techniques but no worries anymore of this they will lose their job and I get paid regardless it’s complete bs never was a person to look at things like this but it’s so obvious

well my manager had better watch it, I have verified texts of sexual discrimination upon my hiring - emails of encouragement to promote products off label - verified harassment of reps within my own team from same mgr - fumbled handling of Covid sickness chain of command and coercion - documented discrimination for application of a possible exemption and now singling out with these micromanagement techniques but no worries anymore of this they will lose their job and I get paid regardless it’s complete bs never was a person to look at things like this but it’s so obvious

Just look at the pipeline and where the emphasis is. No future in NSBU. Brace for impact!

Is this one of the reasons for the jab? To weed out people without paying any type of severance and maybe getting lay-off numbers below 100 so they don’t have to give WARN notice?

Also, is your manager acting like a total psycho?! Are they trying to run us out?!

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