Massive layoff round will happen in 2H 2018

You must be a newbie if you think the roller coaster has just begun! Lol!!
I’ve been riding this coaster since the late 90’s and nothing has changed except one thing....the crap has finally caught up with Novo. We’ve hired enough exec’s from the old pharma ways to infect this company and make it just like the others. It’s the Trojan horse.
I wish I had the 10+year ago Novo. But I can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see what fills u fastest! Lol.

Relax everybody. We had a great ADA and 3 of the top 5 diabetes products in the future is ours. The low growth is only temporary.

Correct! Except for the fact that employees have to stay employed between now and 2020 and that's the problem. Which member of The ET guaranteed you that you'll still have your current job with Novo in 2020 when growth returns?

Relax everybody. We had a great ADA and 3 of the top 5 diabetes products in the future is ours. The low growth is only temporary.
You know what one of those “top 5” products is? Novolog. In fact, all 3 of these future top products are already launched, if you count Ozempic. Everyone thinks oral is the great savior, but it won’t be. QW will still outsell it.

You know what one of those “top 5” products is? Novolog. In fact, all 3 of these future top products are already launched, if you count Ozempic. Everyone thinks oral is the great savior, but it won’t be. QW will still outsell it.

What about pricing for oral Sema ? If it is priced on par with invokana or sitagliptin per dose, I wonder about the business case as oral semaglutide must be at least 100- fold more expensive to produce per dose.

If you wait until the call comes, you’ll regret it. If you’re not networking, creating a six month emergency fund, getting your resume updated and educating yourself on the new market, it’s just like waiting until you have Type II before you decide to eat better and get some exercise. Word to the wise.

If you wait until the call comes, you’ll regret it. If you’re not networking, creating a six month emergency fund, getting your resume updated and educating yourself on the new market, it’s just like waiting until you have Type II before you decide to eat better and get some exercise. Word to the wise.
Good comment!

If you wait until the call comes, you’ll regret it. If you’re not networking, creating a six month emergency fund, getting your resume updated and educating yourself on the new market, it’s just like waiting until you have Type II before you decide to eat better and get some exercise. Word to the wise.

Why look for a job when I already have one? I’ll take my chances, thanks.

Layoffs have started but GSC if having a grand old party.Every team is going on offsites and a big grand party is being planned for all employees.Disgusting.

It's not disgusting at all. If you think a three thousand person layoff is about saving money this quarter, then you're mistaken. It's about spending less money in less profitable markets in the long-term. What's disgusting is cutting people and then making life miserable for those who aren't being cut.

NNi contributes over 50% of the profit and sales.If your theory holds good, then NNI should be spared.I doubt it with Dougie talking about reorg.So what’s fair?

Reorg has been going on for years and will continue. What that means are more accounts in the HS space and less in the DCS space - new HSAM roles and HSDCS roles replace current DCS ones - not a headcount reduction.