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NEWS ! Monique and Doug plan to do massive layoffs in Q4

DBMs will be too busy trying to justify the value that they bring to the company post COVID-19.

Do you interact with customers?
Nope. Not permitted in offices.

Do you coach up the reps between calls?
Yes, after each call when the rep gets into her car, I call her from my car and she tella me what happened, and then I put it in a form.

Have You Actually Witnessed ANY interactions with customers?
Yes. I go on Veeva Virtuals WITH the rep.

So, why don’t you just stay home?
I NEED to be in the field.

Are there any customers that YOU help reps with?
No, I just tell the rep how to talk to somebody that has zero time for me.

Since there are no promotions, IC is capped, Novo is going to Call Metrics on Steroids what’s your plan to motivate?
I will approve expense reports in a timely manner, and look thru Connex for HOURS and give my removed from reality approach that only works on Conf Calls. I will also create multiple “lead positions” with Acronyms to have reps do the BS that I don’t want to do.

This is great

She is the GLOBAL boss of HR. In Denmark. Ask most Danes in HQ and they tell you she is a big dumb ass, not sure if she is behind the layoffs in NNI. Would be odd, but she would most likely know about it and could be taking about it. Anyways what’s the big secret?
Sounds like the company, with the people they keep around.

CMR will see >20% cuts starting with Medical Affairs. Diabetes and Obesity medical teams will be merged to one portfolio team called Pop Health. The rest will stay in Managed Markets, DUGL's favorite. Too top heavy in Medical leadership, so many EDs will be separated from company.

It all started in 2016 - a 5 year plan. Restructure will definitely occur in the fall and sadly positions will be eliminated - AGAIN. So sad because Novo Nordisk is truly a great company.

Was a great place, now a garbage pile!! Management sucks, once great culture is gone too. Most reps suck and diabetes meds have become uninteresting. I personally would welcome a package after the painful years I have endured.

lame post most likely from a competitor. oral glp-1 RA has become uninteresting? OK. maybe it's time for you to find another line of work.

I’m not who you responded to, but I’ll answer your question. Yes - we can dress up oral GLP1 all we want - all we’ve done is improve the delivery method and added one more OAD to the market. Plus, there are already multiple GLP1 available. What have we really accomplished? We’ll steal some market share here and there, but nothing really changes. We act like this and a groundbreaking, but there are already OAD on the market that lower blood sugar, lower weight, and offer CV benefit. This will make us some money, but it’s far from groundbreaking. This company is living on small, incremental improvements.

I’m not who you responded to, but I’ll answer your question. Yes - we can dress up oral GLP1 all we want - all we’ve done is improve the delivery method and added one more OAD to the market. Plus, there are already multiple GLP1 available. What have we really accomplished? We’ll steal some market share here and there, but nothing really changes. We act like this and a groundbreaking, but there are already OAD on the market that lower blood sugar, lower weight, and offer CV benefit. This will make us some money, but it’s far from groundbreaking. This company is living on small, incremental improvements.

Spot on- oral sema is a nice scientific accomplishment, but the advantage to the patient and society is indeed very small.

That is so not true! Patients would much rather take an oral medication than an injection! Go creep somewhere else!!

You’re right....and there are about 100 oral medicines they can take that offer virtually the exact same benefits as oral GLP1 - either alone or in combination with others. This will do nothing to truly help patients with diabetes. It’s just one more pill thrown out there that brings essentially nothing new to the market. This is not ground breaking or life changing for patients. It’s another, boring minimal step to make NNI more money.

It all started in 2016 - a 5 year plan. Restructure will definitely occur in the fall and sadly positions will be eliminated - AGAIN. So sad because Novo Nordisk is truly a great company.

Hahahaha, a great company. 10 years later after leaving that shithole of a company, you people are still saying the same things here about layoffs, etc. It's amusing to see that, thanks for making my morning a bit brighter!!

You’re right....and there are about 100 oral medicines they can take that offer virtually the exact same benefits as oral GLP1 - either alone or in combination with others. This will do nothing to truly help patients with diabetes. It’s just one more pill thrown out there that brings essentially nothing new to the market. This is not ground breaking or life changing for patients. It’s another, boring minimal step to make NNI more money.

Yes, you are are absolutely right so thank you for letting us all know. Good luck in your continued job search, you sound like quite a catch.