Another distorted claim from a conspiracy theory freak! Bill was NOT murdered, according to the FBI and POLICE. And Bill's wife was NOT paid anything because there was NO foul play involved!
I hope all our employees, especially our newer employees, see this conspiracy "crap" for what it is; pure nonesense!
I'm continually amazed how "gullable" a few individuals can be. I guess it makes their life more interesting to promote conspiracy! But NO comments ever on why Bill Clark's death has long ago been CLEARED and CLOSED by professional investigating authorities, and remains so today, 9 years later!!

Gib laut

Well, stupidity and conspiracy seem to be walking hand in hand!
Both the FBI and POLICE, 9 years ago have determined there was NO foul play in the death of Bill Clark!
To believe the FBI and POLICE are engaged in some kind of "cover-up" goes beyond the bounds of stupidity!
This can't be stated without SHOWING proof!
It shows just how disturbed, and how dumb some people are. I ask that our employees just look at the TRUTH.
Why has there NEVER been charges brought against anyone? Why have there been NO arrests made in 9 years? Jazz Pharmaceuticals does NOT HAVE the clout to alter outcomes determined by the FBI and POLICE!

sprechen Verlierer

Another distorted claim from a conspiracy theory freak! Bill was NOT murdered, according to the FBI and POLICE. And Bill's wife was NOT paid anything because there was NO foul play involved!
I hope all our employees, especially our newer employees, see this conspiracy "crap" for what it is; pure nonesense!
I'm continually amazed how "gullable" a few individuals can be. I guess it makes their life more interesting to promote conspiracy! But NO comments ever on why Bill Clark's death has long ago been CLEARED and CLOSED by professional investigating authorities, and remains so today, 9 years later!!

erhalten sie ein leben Trottel

You know sweetheart, in YOUR case, stupidity and anger make YOU into the FOOL YOU are. YOU clearly need anger management, and everyone at Jazz knows it. Not only are YOU just plain stupid, but YOU continue to avoid dealing with the FACT as to why the FBI and POLICE CLEARED and CLOSED the case of Bill Clark's death over 9 years ago!
And YOU and a couple of other conspiracy freaks revel in the nonesense you promote. And then of course, you direct YOUR anger at me for telling the TRUTH about Bill's death! This shows just how far up your ass your head really is! Avoid the TRUTH, sweep it under the rug, and maybe it will go away! But 'darlin, TRUTH always wins out. YOU know it, and so do our employees here at Jazz! Avoidance is really your medntal disorder. The TRUTH will overcome you and your attempt(s) to hide it!

Sie sind eine bipolare Trottel

Sweetheart, as your stupidity continues to show itself from your posts, our employees are still wondering why it is that YOU REFUSE to address the issue of Bill's death! So, YOU think that by attacking me personally you can divert TRUTH and FACTS away from your conspiracy theory beliefs about the untimely death of Bill Clark.
But this DOESN"T work. Our employees here at Jazz Pharmaceuticals are smart enough to know what YOU'RE doing! Pitiful unsubstantiated attempts! The FBI and POLICE are correct. NO foul play involved.
As I've said, it's time for YOU- to get your head out of your ass- if it's at all possible! Try to come back to reality and decency! By now you deserve it! Many of us are pulling for YOU to return to normalcy and SOME semblence of intellegence in YOUR life. Many of us do care about YOU!

You live in a vacuum. Jazz employees and admin (hey carol) know bill was murdered. Now Shut your fucking pie hole. You were there. You know he was murdered.

No sweetheart HE was NOT murdered! Why has the FBI and POLICE say there was NO foul play in Bill's death?
Have YOU got the GUTS to answer this question? WHY? WHY? Are YOU really that stupid to claim both the FBI and POLICE are lying? And YOU expect people to believe YOU?? Why would they believe YOU?
What kind of a planet are YOU living on? What would cause YOU to believe this nonesense? Are YOU seriously challenging the FBI??? Have the guts to answer this! But I know YOU NEVER will!
Get your head out of YOUR ass, and wake- up!

No sweetheart HE was NOT murdered! Why has the FBI and POLICE say there was NO foul play in Bill's death?
Have YOU got the GUTS to answer this question? WHY? WHY? Are YOU really that stupid to claim both the FBI and POLICE are lying? And YOU expect people to believe YOU?? Why would they believe YOU?
What kind of a planet are YOU living on? What would cause YOU to believe this nonesense? Are YOU seriously challenging the FBI??? Have the guts to answer this! But I know YOU NEVER will!
Get your head out of YOUR ass, and wake- up!

Hey ass brain, Bill's wife was paid a cool million after the murder from life insurance plan. Also, they don't shut down a national sales meeting by sending everybody home early when somebody has a heart attack. They don't send homicide detectives out to a resort with yellow crime scene tape to take DNA evidence when somebody has a heart attack. Give it up you narcissitc and attention starved moron. I know your daily function in life depends on you posting narcissitc BS on here but it's time for you to find another purpose in your pathetic life.

No sweetheart HE was NOT murdered! Why has the FBI and POLICE say there was NO foul play in Bill's death?
Have YOU got the GUTS to answer this question? WHY? WHY? Are YOU really that stupid to claim both the FBI and POLICE are lying? And YOU expect people to believe YOU?? Why would they believe YOU?
What kind of a planet are YOU living on? What would cause YOU to believe this nonesense? Are YOU seriously challenging the FBI??? Have the guts to answer this! But I know YOU NEVER will!
Get your head out of YOUR ass, and wake- up!

schreiben Sie Mist auf mein Kommand

Hey ass brain, Bill's wife was paid a cool million after the murder from life insurance plan. Also, they don't shut down a national sales meeting by sending everybody home early when somebody has a heart attack. They don't send homicide detectives out to a resort with yellow crime scene tape to take DNA evidence when somebody has a heart attack. Give it up you narcissitc and attention starved moron. I know your daily function in life depends on you posting narcissitc BS on here but it's time for you to find another purpose in your pathetic life.

Yes sweetheart, it is NOT unusual to end a National Sales Meeting when a death occurred! No meeting can be expected to simply CONTINUE as though nothing had happened.
Yes sweetheart, it's also NOT unusual immediately after a death to have homicide detectives in place (temporarily) investigating a death. BUT, the TRUTH is that shortly after the investigations, both the FBI and POLICE investigating homicide detectives concluded there was NO foul play involved! NO murder. This decision has held for 9 years, with NO charges against anyone. Bill Clark's death WAS and IS listed as routine, with NO unusual findings- for the last 9 years! NO ONE will ever be charged because there is no one to charge!! Maricopa County Sheriff, 602-876-1742, press# 2. Accept the TRUTH!
If Bill's wife was paid "a cool million", it's because he HAD "a cool million dollar policy". There is NOTHING illegal here.. In fact, it would be much more difficult to get paid off on a life insurance policy, if murder was determined! There was NO murder ever determined by ANY investigating authority!!

Yes sweetheart, it is NOT unusual to end a National Sales Meeting when a death occurred! No meeting can be expected to simply CONTINUE as though nothing had happened.
Yes sweetheart, it's also NOT unusual immediately after a death to have homicide detectives in place (temporarily) investigating a death. BUT, the TRUTH is that shortly after the investigations, both the FBI and POLICE investigating homicide detectives concluded there was NO foul play involved! NO murder. This decision has held for 9 years, with NO charges against anyone. Bill Clark's death WAS and IS listed as routine, with NO unusual findings- for the last 9 years! NO ONE will ever be charged because there is no one to charge!! Maricopa County Sheriff, 602-876-1742, press# 2. Accept the TRUTH!
If Bill's wife was paid "a cool million", it's because he HAD "a cool million dollar policy". There is NOTHING illegal here.. In fact, it would be much more difficult to get paid off on a life insurance policy, if murder was determined! There was NO murder ever determined by ANY investigating authority!!

You are slipping with your plagiarism. You copied the phone # from older posts but left off the case #. Go back and re read the older posts so you can obtain the oiginal case #. Damn you can't even copy cat posts correctly when you act out your lives purpose on this site.

You are slipping with your plagiarism. You copied the phone # from older posts but left off the case #. Go back and re read the older posts so you can obtain the oiginal case #. Damn you can't even copy cat posts correctly when you act out your lives purpose on this site.

Well sweetheart, YOU need to learn the definition of what plagiarism means! The Maracopa County Sheriff's Office DOESN'T BELONG to someone else! It is a public phone number that can be obtained from any information source!
The TRUTH must really upset YOU! YOU completely avoid the real issue of Bill Clark's death by bringing up nonesense that has NOTHING to do with the issue of his death!
Attacking me makes the validity of my FACTS about Bill's death, believable to our employees, and anyone who reads this board. And this of course, is as it should be! The TRUTH about Bill's death is obvious to all who look at the facts, and want to know what really happened, according to the FBI and POLICE, 9 years ago.
Do I sense YOU are getting serious about finally pulling YOUR head out of your ass?? I hope so!

Well sweetheart, YOU need to learn the definition of what plagiarism means! The Maracopa County Sheriff's Office DOESN'T BELONG to someone else! It is a public phone number that can be obtained from any information source!
The TRUTH must really upset YOU! YOU completely avoid the real issue of Bill Clark's death by bringing up nonesense that has NOTHING to do with the issue of his death!
Attacking me makes the validity of my FACTS about Bill's death, believable to our employees, and anyone who reads this board. And this of course, is as it should be! The TRUTH about Bill's death is obvious to all who look at the facts, and want to know what really happened, according to the FBI and POLICE, 9 years ago.
Do I sense YOU are getting serious about finally pulling YOUR head out of your ass?? I hope so!

You are very agitated and get extremely defensive especially when someone calls you out on your BS. Classic Narcissitic disorder behavior. Now back to the topic at hand, I simply asked a logical question for the case #. Key info needed when calling to get copy of the report. You can find it in the same place that you found the phone #. Go back and troll the old posts which is exactly how you got the phone # on the Maracopa sheriffs office in the first place. inquiring minds want the case #. Not providing it clearly proves that you are indeed the narcissitc and no life loser that you are.

You are very agitated and get extremely defensive especially when someone calls you out on your BS. Classic Narcissitic disorder behavior. Now back to the topic at hand, I simply asked a logical question for the case #. Key info needed when calling to get copy of the report. You can find it in the same place that you found the phone #. Go back and troll the old posts which is exactly how you got the phone # on the Maracopa sheriffs office in the first place. inquiring minds want the case #. Not providing it clearly proves that you are indeed the narcissitc and no life loser that you are.

Yes sweetheart, most everyone here at Jazz Pharmaceuticals knows the TRUTH about Bill Clark's untimely death. Sad but entirely innocent! Of course this is something YOU"RE too afraid to mention, since YOU just can't deal with the subject. Attacking me personally is really all YOU"VE got to try and back up your incorrect points.
Anyone who calls the Maricopa County Sheriff's office at 602-876-1742 and comnnect at choice #2, can give the case# 06-00885, if they ask for the case number. While a lot of information is not forthcoming from Maricopa County, information about a simple, normal death occurance IS available. NO foul play was EVER determined by ANY investigating authority. It's important that our employees know this.
Conspiracy theory freaks who choose to believe that there was foul play or murder involved in Bill's death can spout as much blatant nonesense as they wish. But TRUTH and FACTS always win out!
06-035356 is another number you may give MCS to reference Bill's case. The point is, some TRUE and honest information is available!
NO EVIDENCE, NO PROOF, NO CREDIBILITY of foul play has ever been determined for over 9 years!

Yes sweetheart, most everyone here at Jazz Pharmaceuticals knows the TRUTH about Bill Clark's untimely death. Sad but entirely innocent! Of course this is something YOU"RE too afraid to mention, since YOU just can't deal with the subject. Attacking me personally is really all YOU"VE got to try and back up your incorrect points.
Anyone who calls the Maricopa County Sheriff's office at 602-876-1742 and comnnect at choice #2, can give the case# 06-00885, if they ask for the case number. While a lot of information is not forthcoming from Maricopa County, information about a simple, normal death occurance IS available. NO foul play was EVER determined by ANY investigating authority. It's important that our employees know this.
Conspiracy theory freaks who choose to believe that there was foul play or murder involved in Bill's death can spout as much blatant nonesense as they wish. But TRUTH and FACTS always win out!
06-035356 is another number you may give MCS to reference Bill's case. The point is, some TRUE and honest information is available!
NO EVIDENCE, NO PROOF, NO CREDIBILITY of foul play has ever been determined for over 9 years!

Not the person you banter with. Curious, You accuse posters of "attacking" you however, you attack and name call towards them.

Not the person you banter with. Curious, You accuse posters of "attacking" you however, you attack and name call towards them.

If you read my posts, they are all concerned with TRUTH and FACTS concerning HOW Bill Clark died.
The responding posts are NEVER concerned with Bill's death. Their posts are always directed COMPLETELY at me personally. That is the major difference. My posts are more concerned specifically with Bill's death.
My goal is to state the TRUTH with regard to Bill's death, and point out the FACTS so our employees, both new and old, will accept what occurred according to the investigating authorities over 9 years ago!

If you read my posts, they are all concerned with TRUTH and FACTS concerning HOW Bill Clark died.
The responding posts are NEVER concerned with Bill's death. Their posts are always directed COMPLETELY at me personally. That is the major difference. My posts are more concerned specifically with Bill's death.
My goal is to state the TRUTH with regard to Bill's death, and point out the FACTS so our employees, both new and old, will accept what occurred according to the investigating authorities over 9 years ago!

No! You prove your statement correct. That's a hell of an assumption!