YOU know sweetheart, I can state facts too. It's far more meaningful and simpler to hold a phone conversation about Bill's death, with a live un- biased person, representing the Sheriff;s Office in Maricopa County, Arizona!
Instead of seeing a list of items, YOU can actually ASK questions!
Questions about why the case has been closed for 9 years. Questions about why Bill's death was declared accidental in nature. Questions of why there have never been suspects under suspicion. Questions about whether or NOT anyone has ever been arrested. Questions about whether the case is CLEARED, off the books, and CLOSED. And for how long. Questions about whether foul play had EVER BEEN considered.
YOU can actually have a dialogue with a real, live knowledgable person from the sheriff's dept! This is NOT a random suggestion! Several of our Jazz employees have spoken to a representative from the sheriff's dept. Calling the phone number is all that most people need! Enough knowledge can be received to justify common sense. 602-876-1742. Why would YOU not believe The FBI and POLICE REPORT (verbally)??

Again you provide no documented web link from the authorities to support any of your delusional and disresctful posts. Bill was a good guy and you making a mockery over his tragic death is not only disrespectful but it's demented.

Again you provide no documented web link from the authorities to support any of your delusional and disresctful posts. Bill was a good guy and you making a mockery over his tragic death is not only disrespectful but it's demented.

Sweetheart, what I have provided is TRUTH. I have provided a way for YOU and the few other conspiracy freaks, to learn what REALLY happened to Bill.
Yes, Bill was a good guy. And making a mockery of how he passed away is not only a blatant lie, but is immoral. Bill died accidentally. It will always be sad, but TRUE!
Why would anyone believe he was some kind of a "CRIME VICTIM"?? There has NEVER been any PROOF of foul play involved in Bill's death. And to remotely suggest there was foul play involved in his death, IS disrespectful and demented, and completely FALSE! His case is CLEARED and CLOSED, as it should be, and WILL continue to be. RIP.

Sweetheart, what I have provided is TRUTH. I have provided a way for YOU and the few other conspiracy freaks, to learn what REALLY happened to Bill.
Yes, Bill was a good guy. And making a mockery of how he passed away is not only a blatant lie, but is immoral. Bill died accidentally. It will always be sad, but TRUE!
Why would anyone believe he was some kind of a "CRIME VICTIM"?? There has NEVER been any PROOF of foul play involved in Bill's death. And to remotely suggest there was foul play involved in his death, IS disrespectful and demented, and completely FALSE! His case is CLEARED and CLOSED, as it should be, and WILL continue to be. RIP.

Take a look at yourself. You come on an anonymous public site posting personal opinion bull shit with NEVER posting any documentation. hint, posting what you think is hardly documentation. Post a web link and people would be much more likely to believe your shit. Telling people to call a # shows how back assed your are. This shows you live down in your moms basement with a rotary dial phone and a modem internet connection. Geeeex what a fucktard.

Take a look at yourself. You come on an anonymous public site posting personal opinion bull shit with NEVER posting any documentation. hint, posting what you think is hardly documentation. Post a web link and people would be much more likely to believe your shit. Telling people to call a # shows how back assed your are. This shows you live down in your moms basement with a rotary dial phone and a modem internet connection. Geeeex what a fucktard.

Sweetheart, I simply post the TRUTH about the death of Bill Clark. Thats all I have ever done.
And while most of our employees by now know the TRUTH about how Bill died, some few conspiracy freaks try so hard to blatantly lie about how he died! This small group is what YOU represent, so YOU just continue to attack me, name call, and try to distort FACTS! This is the only thing YOU are capable of doing! Avoid all segments of TRUTH.
When prople can't get out of a lie, they TRY distortion, and attack the messenger! They curse the messenger, saying anything they can to TRY to invalidate the TRUTH! Thankfully, our employees know this, and avoid any acceptance of murder or foul play that YOU try to push!
A LONG TIME AGO, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and all other authorities reached the decision that Bill Clark's death was attributed to natural causes. No conspiracy here. Anyone can get most answers from The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. 602-876-1742. (select prompt# 2).

Sweetheart, I simply post the TRUTH about the death of Bill Clark. Thats all I have ever done.
And while most of our employees by now know the TRUTH about how Bill died, some few conspiracy freaks try so hard to blatantly lie about how he died! This small group is what YOU represent, so YOU just continue to attack me, name call, and try to distort FACTS! This is the only thing YOU are capable of doing! Avoid all segments of TRUTH.
When prople can't get out of a lie, they TRY distortion, and attack the messenger! They curse the messenger, saying anything they can to TRY to invalidate the TRUTH! Thankfully, our employees know this, and avoid any acceptance of murder or foul play that YOU try to push!
A LONG TIME AGO, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and all other authorities reached the decision that Bill Clark's death was attributed to natural causes. No conspiracy here. Anyone can get most answers from The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. 602-876-1742. (select prompt# 2).

Perfectly said. Now all you need to do is provide a web based link as proof/evidence. You can't even prove his cause of death. Actually you have never proven anything accept running your Narcissitic mouth. You pass off an obvious documented police report which outlines specific details and you offer no documentation to defute it. Hmmmmmm.

Perfectly said. Now all you need to do is provide a web based link as proof/evidence. You can't even prove his cause of death. Actually you have never proven anything accept running your Narcissitic mouth. You pass off an obvious documented police report which outlines specific details and you offer no documentation to defute it. Hmmmmmm.

Sweetheart, evidence from Bill Clark's death comes directly from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. They will verbally tell YOU what the official record shows and has shown for 9 years. What better proof source could there be than when a deputy tells YOU what is on record? But of course YOU'LL never know this, since YOU are so absolutely petrified to call. And if some day YOU ever chose to call, YOU would NEVER accept the TRUTH and FACTS of what YOU found out!
YOU are so caught- up in conspiracy, that YOU can NEVER accept HONESTY, only LIES! This is partially due to the fact YOU have been so caught- up in lies and misinformation for so long! The TRUTH really doesn't matter to YOU anymore. What YOU choose to believe is what matters. And YOU CAN"T see past this!
I am very THANKFUL that most all of our employees are ABLE to determine what the TRUTH is!

Sweetheart, evidence from Bill Clark's death comes directly from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. They will verbally tell YOU what the official record shows and has shown for 9 years. What better proof source could there be than when a deputy tells YOU what is on record? But of course YOU'LL never know this, since YOU are so absolutely petrified to call. And if some day YOU ever chose to call, YOU would NEVER accept the TRUTH and FACTS of what YOU found out!
YOU are so caught- up in conspiracy, that YOU can NEVER accept HONESTY, only LIES! This is partially due to the fact YOU have been so caught- up in lies and misinformation for so long! The TRUTH really doesn't matter to YOU anymore. What YOU choose to believe is what matters. And YOU CAN"T see past this!
I am very THANKFUL that most all of our employees are ABLE to determine what the TRUTH is!

Since you live in delusionals outside of the web based world that all others live in, you need to call Officer Bylow. And after you speak with him, ask him for a web based copy of the detailed police report. He'll gladly provide it to you. Once you receive the web based police report, do us all a favor and post the link on here. Now in the meantime, get the hell out of your moms basement on New Years Eve and maybe go buy a piece of ass. It may do your sorry ass some good. Fucking looney bird.

Since you live in delusionals outside of the web based world that all others live in, you need to call Officer Bylow. And after you speak with him, ask him for a web based copy of the detailed police report. He'll gladly provide it to you. Once you receive the web based police report, do us all a favor and post the link on here. Now in the meantime, get the hell out of your moms basement on New Years Eve and maybe go buy a piece of ass. It may do your sorry ass some good. Fucking looney bird.

Well sweetheart, now YOU have pushed YOUR lying and conspiracy theories further into YOUR world of delusion!
Darlin', now YOU know there is NO OFFICER BYLOW in the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. I called! YOU'RE trying so hard to push YOUR invalid conspiracy theory about Bill Clark's death, that YOU will lie about anything and everything! So, I ask ANY employee at Jazz Pharmaceuticals who has an interest in knowing the TRUTH and FACTS about the death of Bill Clark, to do the following: Call 602-876-1742, press# 2, then press "0". They will answer personnel questions, when you press "0". You can then ask questions, such as whether or not there is an "Officer Bylow" working there. They NEVER heard of him!! He doesn't exist! More lies from the FEW conspiracy freaks here at Jazz!
I am thankful you can learn from the Officer that the case is CLEARED and CLOSED, and has been for a long time! There was NO foul play involved in Bill's death. This decision comes after his death was investigated 9 years ago by the FBI and POLICE, thoroughly!

Well sweetheart, now YOU have pushed YOUR lying and conspiracy theories further into YOUR world of delusion!
Darlin', now YOU know there is NO OFFICER BYLOW in the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. I called! YOU'RE trying so hard to push YOUR invalid conspiracy theory about Bill Clark's death, that YOU will lie about anything and everything! So, I ask ANY employee at Jazz Pharmaceuticals who has an interest in knowing the TRUTH and FACTS about the death of Bill Clark, to do the following: Call 602-876-1742, press# 2, then press "0". They will answer personnel questions, when you press "0". You can then ask questions, such as whether or not there is an "Officer Bylow" working there. They NEVER heard of him!! He doesn't exist! More lies from the FEW conspiracy freaks here at Jazz!
I am thankful you can learn from the Officer that the case is CLEARED and CLOSED, and has been for a long time! There was NO foul play involved in Bill's death. This decision comes after his death was investigated 9 years ago by the FBI and POLICE, thoroughly!

Last time a woman called me sweetheart she went down on me and polished my knob. Pucker up honey and open wide.

Last time a woman called me sweetheart she went down on me and polished my knob. Pucker up honey and open wide.

Well sweetheart, it sounds like YOU may have had many lonely years! YOU sound like the type!
In fact, I'll bet YOU can even do it yourself! And pull YOUR head out of YOUR ass, while YOU"RE at it!

Well sweetheart, it sounds like YOU may have had many lonely years! YOU sound like the type!
In fact, I'll bet YOU can even do it yourself! And pull YOUR head out of YOUR ass, while YOU"RE at it!

The mentally deranged person who wastes their life away down in their moms basement is calling someone out. Now that down right funny.

The mentally deranged person who wastes their life away down in their moms basement is calling someone out. Now that down right funny.

Now sweetheart, YOU and everyone else knows the situation surrounding Bill Clark's death. Of course by now it's been proven there was NO foul play involved! But, for an idiot like YOU, things are often difficult to accept. YOU feel threatened! Other folks seem to have a much easier time accepting the things YOU cannot.
I think it may stem from YOUR having a personality disorder that leaves YOU without personal satisfaction. YOU need to feel important, so YOU try to add excitement to YOUR rather DULL existence! Therefore, making- up conspiracy lies serves to add "spice" to the meaningless role YOUR has become!
Yes, YOU'RE actually quite pitiful, and because YOU CAN"T accept TRUTH and FACT, YOU have no choice but to lash out at anyone who may EXPOSE YOU for what YOU really are! But our employees ALL know!

Now sweetheart, YOU and everyone else knows the situation surrounding Bill Clark's death. Of course by now it's been proven there was NO foul play involved! But, for an idiot like YOU, things are often difficult to accept. YOU feel threatened! Other folks seem to have a much easier time accepting the things YOU cannot.
I think it may stem from YOUR having a personality disorder that leaves YOU without personal satisfaction. YOU need to feel important, so YOU try to add excitement to YOUR rather DULL existence! Therefore, making- up conspiracy lies serves to add "spice" to the meaningless role YOUR has become!
Yes, YOU'RE actually quite pitiful, and because YOU CAN"T accept TRUTH and FACT, YOU have no choice but to lash out at anyone who may EXPOSE YOU for what YOU really are! But our employees ALL know!
I like how you don't come up for air. Head down and keep those lips locked down.

I like how you don't come up for air. Head down and keep those lips locked down.

Please sweetheart, YOUR maturity is showing! YEP, stupidity continues to run rampant!
But as to the death of Bill Clark, have YOU finally pulled YOUR head out of YOUR ass, and accepted the TRUTH? Or are YOU still living in the made- up world of conspiracy and foul play?
Even a true MORON like YOU, will someday be able to accept the TRUTH!

Please sweetheart, YOUR maturity is showing! YEP, stupidity continues to run rampant!
But as to the death of Bill Clark, have YOU finally pulled YOUR head out of YOUR ass, and accepted the TRUTH? Or are YOU still living in the made- up world of conspiracy and foul play?
Even a true MORON like YOU, will someday be able to accept the TRUTH!

You just can't get enough of my rod. You can't live without it. Now head down and no coming up for air.

You just can't get enough of my rod. You can't live without it. Now head down and no coming up for air.

Well sweetheart, I'm glad to know YOU have a rod. I thought YOU dropped a PEANUT down the front of YOUR pants! Interesting to note that Jazz accepts candidates regardless of their IQ! And darlin' always remember:

Well sweetheart, I'm glad to know YOU have a rod. I thought YOU dropped a PEANUT down the front of YOUR pants! Interesting to note that Jazz accepts candidates regardless of their IQ! And darlin' always remember:

I like feeling your tonsils and you really like it.

I like feeling your tonsils and you really like it.

Sweetheart, the only thing YOU feel is YOUR own hand!!
I'm so glad to see now that so many of our employees know the TRUTH about Bill Clark's death. Sad and unfortunate, but due to normal causes! The conspiracy theories are being "debunked", as everyone learns the TRUTH about Bill's death. Thank you for your support.

I like feeling your tonsils and you really like it.

Sweetheart, the only thing YOU feel is Your hand!
I'm so glad to see that our employees have accepted the TRUTH about the death of Bill Clark. From the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, we all know Bill died from natural causes.
No more invalid conspiracy theories!