so y has the case been closed. it seems there would be more investigating if foul play suspcted.

This is very true, but so many years have gone by showing there are simply NO suspects. NO suspects because it is evident that there was NO foul play, as determined by the FBI and POLICE.
But some idiots, who have their head up their asses, still believe in a phony conspiracy theory on the part of law enforcement and Jazz Pharmaceuticals. We know this has NEVER happened And. NONE of these idiots has ever tried to comment on WHY law enforcement has ruled Bill's death accidental. They will NEVER be able to answer THIS question! Not now, not 100 years from now! Notice how they avoid even mentioning it.
You brought up a most important point, to prove these idiots wrong! Don't let them SWITCH the issue!

Son, you have a long history of playing the role of a fucked up looney bird on these Jazz threads. Making posts and then replying to them acting like another person is mental. You are a proven fuck up.

Son, you have a long history of playing the role of a fucked up looney bird on these Jazz threads. Making posts and then replying to them acting like another person is mental. You are a proven fuck up.

Sweetheart, as I've told you many times before, I'm not your son!
And you have a long history of evading the question of why many years ago the authorities chose to CLOSE Bill's case. Now everyone at Jazz Pharmaceuticals knows you are a liar who can't face TRUTH. YOU really are a pitiful LOSER who is totally incapable of responding to FACTS. So, YOU resort to the one thing you can do- lash out and attack me for being honest, based upon findings by the FBI and POLICE!
YOU are incapable, as others attest, of accepting decisions made by investigating authorities! NO foul play involved, so YOU do the only thing YOU are capable of doing. Attack me! And this has become obvious, to even the casual CP observer! YOU are a proven malcontent, whose head is far up his ass. YOU do KNOW the TRUTH, but you can't ever admit the case has been CLOSED. Least of all to yourself! But Jazz employees see right through YOU, and know full well the case is CLOSED.

Who you calling sweetheart luv bug?
A High 5 to Carol.
Have one on Bill.
Hell have one on Dr. Gleason too.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Right luv bug?
Psychotic lump of shit.
You were there.

Who you calling sweetheart luv bug?
A High 5 to Carol.
Have one on Bill.
Hell have one on Dr. Gleason too.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Right luv bug?
Psychotic lump of shit.
You were there.

Well, it has become so obvious that STUPIDITY is alive and well at Jazz Pharmaceuticals. Yes, the few members of the lunatic fringe are out there!
To all Jazz employees, I urge you to read what conspiracy freaks are saying! Not a single one has the ability to say why Bill's case has been CLOSED for years. They can't. If they did, it would be admitting they have been wrong for many years! Evaluate for yourselves their lack of reason and intellegence! Ask yourselves why they can't admit the case is CLOSED. Indeed, their heads are up their asses!

Well, it has become so obvious that STUPIDITY is alive and well at Jazz Pharmaceuticals. Yes, the few members of the lunatic fringe are out there!
To all Jazz employees, I urge you to read what conspiracy freaks are saying! Not a single one has the ability to say why Bill's case has been CLOSED for years. They can't. If they did, it would be admitting they have been wrong for many years! Evaluate for yourselves their lack of reason and intellegence! Ask yourselves why they can't admit the case is CLOSED. Indeed, their heads are up their asses!

You are a total fuck up. You jump from thread to thread posting the same bipolar bull shit over and over, hundreds of times. That just ain't normal you fuck up.

You are a total fuck up. You jump from thread to thread posting the same bipolar bull shit over and over, hundreds of times. That just ain't normal you fuck up.

And sweetheart, YOU represent "normalcy" with your uncontrolable anger!? You desperately need help because you have become so ADDICTED to my posts, and because YOU CANNOT explain why Bill's case has been CLOSED for so many years. You choose to avoid the TRUTH! Your only answer is to attack me! You are INCAPABLE of expressing any sensible retort!
No, I have not jumped from thread to thread. My purpose is to let our employees know Bill's death involved NO foul play. There was NO murder. I make common- sense remarks refuting the lies, misrepresentations, and lack of any responses about Bill Clark's death. I try to convince employees to use their brains, and to NOT have their heads up their ass like the previous poster, who attacks me for being RIGHT!
I believe that our employees now can easily see the TRUTH!

And sweetheart, YOU represent "normalcy" with your uncontrolable anger!? You desperately need help because you have become so ADDICTED to my posts, and because YOU CANNOT explain why Bill's case has been CLOSED for so many years. You choose to avoid the TRUTH! Your only answer is to attack me! You are INCAPABLE of expressing any sensible retort!
No, I have not jumped from thread to thread. My purpose is to let our employees know Bill's death involved NO foul play. There was NO murder. I make common- sense remarks refuting the lies, misrepresentations, and lack of any responses about Bill Clark's death. I try to convince employees to use their brains, and to NOT have their heads up their ass like the previous poster, who attacks me for being RIGHT!
I believe that our employees now can easily see the TRUTH!



It's really quite sad to see how much STUPIDITY has engulfed the conspiracy theory freaks who post here! Truly amazing! You know this is what it's really all about.
Their ANGER has come to over- rule whatever brains they may have left. But obviously attacking me is the ONLY thing they can do as any form of response to my posts! NEVER, EVER will they utter any kind of response as to why Bill's case is CLOSED! This FAILURE in itself speaks volumes!
All employees see the TRUTH! Yes, their heads are really stuck far up their asses!

And sweetheart, YOU represent "normalcy" with your uncontrolable anger!? You desperately need help because you have become so ADDICTED to my posts, and because YOU CANNOT explain why Bill's case has been CLOSED for so many years. You choose to avoid the TRUTH! Your only answer is to attack me! You are INCAPABLE of expressing any sensible retort!
No, I have not jumped from thread to thread. My purpose is to let our employees know Bill's death involved NO foul play. There was NO murder. I make common- sense remarks refuting the lies, misrepresentations, and lack of any responses about Bill Clark's death. I try to convince employees to use their brains, and to NOT have their heads up their ass like the previous poster, who attacks me for being RIGHT!
I believe that our employees now can easily see the TRUTH!

Ok you are a Narcissistic, OCD and delusion butt hole. You do jump from thread to thread on an anonymous site making yourself look like a total dumb fuck. Nobody cares about the content of your repetitive posts cuz they are too busy laughing at you for being such a dumb ass. Best part is you are too dumb to realize the reality of you. Now it was Blunt force trauma you ass wipe!

Ok you are a Narcissistic, OCD and delusion butt hole. You do jump from thread to thread on an anonymous site making yourself look like a total dumb fuck. Nobody cares about the content of your repetitive posts cuz they are too busy laughing at you for being such a dumb ass. Best part is you are too dumb to realize the reality of you. Now it was Blunt force trauma you ass wipe!

No sweetheart, it was not blunt force trauma. Because YOU say it was blunt force trauma, does not prove it was!
To all employees of Jazz Pharmaceuticals: Please call the Maricopa County Sheriff at 602-876-1742 #2, and ask them whether blunt force trauma was associated with Bill Clark's case. They will tell you that the case has been CLEARED and CLOSED about 9 years ago. #06-035356,
Only conspiracy theory freaks, who have their heads fully implanted in their asses, believe this.
The only thing these people can do is #1:Attack me because they don't know how to handle the TRUTH.
And #2: NEVER, EVER try to explain why the case is CLOSED. If blunt force trauma was a REALITY, this case would be OPEN! The conspiracy theory freaks are a minority of LOSERS!

No sweetheart, it was not blunt force trauma. Because YOU say it was blunt force trauma, does not prove it was!
To all employees of Jazz Pharmaceuticals: Please call the Maricopa County Sheriff at 602-876-1742 #2, and ask them whether blunt force trauma was associated with Bill Clark's case. They will tell you that the case has been CLEARED and CLOSED about 9 years ago. #06-035356,
Only conspiracy theory freaks, who have their heads fully implanted in their asses, believe this.
The only thing these people can do is #1:Attack me because they don't know how to handle the TRUTH.
And #2: NEVER, EVER try to explain why the case is CLOSED. If blunt force trauma was a REALITY, this case would be OPEN! The conspiracy theory freaks are a minority of LOSERS!

Still jumping from thread to thread posting the same shit. All people care about is laughing at you for being a dumb fuck. Nobody even cares about the murder. or your bull shit. Bill may be alive today but people will still laugh at your for being a psychotic fuck up.

Still jumping from thread to thread posting the same shit. All people care about is laughing at you for being a dumb fuck. Nobody even cares about the murder. or your bull shit. Bill may be alive today but people will still laugh at your for being a psychotic fuck up.

Well sweetheart, one of the things that makes me very happy is knowing that every day YOU love reading my posts! YOU just can't stop! YOU eat them up! YOU know people are laughing at me? Well, what about your failure to even comment on why Bill's case has been CLOSED? Again, this is an issue YOU will NEVER comment on, because YOU can't ever acknowledge that for over 9 years this case has been CLEARED and CLOSED! This is really what our employees are laughing at! They know your are so afraid to question why the case is CLOSED!
Yes, our employees are smart enough to easily see through YOU! These people are fully aware YOU can't comment on TRUTH. You're petrified of the TRUTH, and everyone knows it! LOSER! The FBI and POLICE said 9 years ago there was NO foul play involved. Get your head out of your ass! People care about Bill's death.

Well sweetheart, one of the things that makes me very happy is knowing that every day YOU love reading my posts! YOU just can't stop! YOU eat them up! YOU know people are laughing at me? Well, what about your failure to even comment on why Bill's case has been CLOSED? Again, this is an issue YOU will NEVER comment on, because YOU can't ever acknowledge that for over 9 years this case has been CLEARED and CLOSED! This is really what our employees are laughing at! They know your are so afraid to question why the case is CLOSED!
Yes, our employees are smart enough to easily see through YOU! These people are fully aware YOU can't comment on TRUTH. You're petrified of the TRUTH, and everyone knows it! LOSER! The FBI and POLICE said 9 years ago there was NO foul play involved. Get your head out of your ass! People care about Bill's death.

Hold,on bagel boy. The reason nobody takes you serious is because this is a anonymous public forum that anybody can post on. The reason you are a Naricissitic and delusional fuck up is you pretend that you matter by posting on here believing that this site is a real company site. You are an insignificant fuck up with serious mental problems. You feed your mental disorder on here with the same OCD posts while the reality is you keep making yourself look like the psychotic fuck up that you are to all others. Now STFU and get a purpose in your life. Living in your moms basement feeding your mental disorder is a sad way to spend your life.

Hold,on bagel boy. The reason nobody takes you serious is because this is a anonymous public forum that anybody can post on. The reason you are a Naricissitic and delusional fuck up is you pretend that you matter by posting on here believing that this site is a real company site. You are an insignificant fuck up with serious mental problems. You feed your mental disorder on here with the same OCD posts while the reality is you keep making yourself look like the psychotic fuck up that you are to all others. Now STFU and get a purpose in your life. Living in your moms basement feeding your mental disorder is a sad way to spend your life.

You know sweetheart, in YOUR case, stupidity and anger make YOU into the FOOL YOU are. YOU clearly need anger management, and everyone at Jazz knows it. Not only are YOU just plain stupid, but YOU continue to avoid dealing with the FACT as to why the FBI and POLICE CLEARED and CLOSED the case of Bill Clark's death over 9 years ago!
And YOU and a couple of other conspiracy freaks revel in the nonesense you promote. And then of course, you direct YOUR anger at me for telling the TRUTH about Bill's death! This shows just how far up your ass your head really is! Avoid the TRUTH, sweep it under the rug, and maybe it will go away! But 'darlin, TRUTH always wins out. YOU know it, and so do our employees here at Jazz! Avoidance is really your mental disorder. The TRUTH will overcome you and your attempt(s) to hide it!

You know sweetheart, in YOUR case, stupidity and anger make YOU into the FOOL YOU are. YOU clearly need anger management, and everyone at Jazz knows it. Not only are YOU just plain stupid, but YOU continue to avoid dealing with the FACT as to why the FBI and POLICE CLEARED and CLOSED the case of Bill Clark's death over 9 years ago!
And YOU and a couple of other conspiracy freaks revel in the nonesense you promote. And then of course, you direct YOUR anger at me for telling the TRUTH about Bill's death! This shows just how far up your ass your head really is! Avoid the TRUTH, sweep it under the rug, and maybe it will go away! But 'darlin, TRUTH always wins out. YOU know it, and so do our employees here at Jazz! Avoidance is really your mental disorder. The TRUTH will overcome you and your attempt(s) to hide it!

Wow you have validated your mentally deranged and psychotic life for the final time. You proved that your life's existence is totally dependent on this anonymous site. Yep your waste of space life actually spent THANKSGIVING DAY on this site. You provided all the evidence and proof needed for,the final time. Yep you will come back on here I'm sure to provide additional validation of your mental disability but its really not needed. Even your psychotic delusions cant flip this proven evidence. Always remember that you spent thanksgiving day on this site. LMFAO at your sad life.

Wow you have validated your mentally deranged and psychotic life for the final time. You proved that your life's existence is totally dependent on this anonymous site. Yep your waste of space life actually spent THANKSGIVING DAY on this site. You provided all the evidence and proof needed for,the final time. Yep you will come back on here I'm sure to provide additional validation of your mental disability but its really not needed. Even your psychotic delusions cant flip this proven evidence. Always remember that you spent thanksgiving day on this site. LMFAO at your sad life.

You know sweetheart, it's really interesting how you attack me for being dependent on this SITE! Amazing, when YOU are on this SITE every day, TRYING to respond to my posts! YOU are dependent on my posts, but have NO ability to respond to FACT. Through it all, YOU NEVER respond to the FACT that Bill's death case has been CLEARED and CLOSED for over 9 years! NEVER, not once do you try to explain why this CASE is CLOSED if foul play was involved! And YOU don't think people see this and wonder why YOU avoid the subject, but YOU continue to attack me personally?? YOU are marked as a LOSER by almost all Jazz employees! Failure to respond to the TRUTH shows YOU to be a LOSER!
Now sweetheart, YOU know it's past time to pull your head out of your ass!

You know sweetheart, it's really interesting how you attack me for being dependent on this SITE! Amazing, when YOU are on this SITE every day, TRYING to respond to my posts! YOU are dependent on my posts, but have NO ability to respond to FACT. Through it all, YOU NEVER respond to the FACT that Bill's death case has been CLEARED and CLOSED for over 9 years! NEVER, not once do you try to explain why this CASE is CLOSED if foul play was involved! And YOU don't think people see this and wonder why YOU avoid the subject, but YOU continue to attack me personally?? YOU are marked as a LOSER by almost all Jazz employees! Failure to respond to the TRUTH shows YOU to be a LOSER!
Now sweetheart, YOU know it's past time to pull your head out of your ass!

End of story. You spent Thanksgiving day hanging out on this thread. That's LOSER status. Major holiday when normal people are spending it with family, friends, loved ones, traveling etc.... BUT you spent it in your moms basement on this site. Your problems run much deeper than how Bill died. Good bye psychopath.

End of story. You spent Thanksgiving day hanging out on this thread. That's LOSER status. Major holiday when normal people are spending it with family, friends, loved ones, traveling etc.... BUT you spent it in your moms basement on this site. Your problems run much deeper than how Bill died. Good bye psychopath.

You know sweetheart, you attack me for doing things you do yourself. I'm sure you CAN"T wait each and every day to read my latest post! Your stupidity is shown to all Jazz Pharmaceutical employees. They all know YOUR head is so far up YOUR ass, that it may NEVER be able to come out!
And of course, everyone still wonders why YOU can't bring yourself to mention why Bill's case has been CLEARED and CLOSED for the last 9 years! Something YOU avoid like the plague! YOU are the one with problems. The FBI and POLICE know full well there was NO foul play involved in Bill Clark's death! Now 'darlin, thats exactly why they CLOSED the case! Maricopa County Sheriff; 602-876-1742.
Keep making a FOOL of yourself. It's the only response you have left! Attacking me is YOUR feeble attempt to sweep away the TRUTH about Bill's death. Our employees see through YOU.

You know sweetheart, you attack me for doing things you do yourself. I'm sure you CAN"T wait each and every day to read my latest post! Your stupidity is shown to all Jazz Pharmaceutical employees. They all know YOUR head is so far up YOUR ass, that it may NEVER be able to come out!
And of course, everyone still wonders why YOU can't bring yourself to mention why Bill's case has been CLEARED and CLOSED for the last 9 years! Something YOU avoid like the plague! YOU are the one with problems. The FBI and POLICE know full well there was NO foul play involved in Bill Clark's death! Now 'darlin, thats exactly why they CLOSED the case! Maricopa County Sheriff; 602-876-1742.
Keep making a FOOL of yourself. It's the only response you have left! Attacking me is YOUR feeble attempt to sweep away the TRUTH about Bill's death. Our employees see through YOU.

But you spent thanksgiving day trolling on here Which validates your total loser status. Thanksgiving day and the only thing you had to do was troll this site. Loser boy! Bahahahahaha