But you spent thanksgiving day trolling on here Which validates your total loser status. Thanksgiving day and the only thing you had to do was troll this site. Loser boy! Bahahahahaha

Well sweetheart, I'm so glad you're concerned about my Thanksgiving Holiday! It shows how intellegent YOU really are! YOUR attempts at avoiding the SUBJECT are failing!
Bill Clark's untimely death has been solved long ago. NO need to rehash something that has already been determined! The FBI and POLICE have already solved Bill's untimely death! NO foul play involved! Only true IDIOTS and Conspiracy Freaks try to distort the TRUTH. Almost all Jazz employees know the TRUTH based on FACTS!
I post because I want to be sure the TRUTH about Bill's death is accepted by our employees, especially our newer employees, who are NOT familiar with Bill's unfortunate untimely death. They know the TRUTH now.

Well sweetheart, I'm so glad you're concerned about my Thanksgiving Holiday! It shows how intellegent YOU really are! YOUR attempts at avoiding the SUBJECT are failing!
Bill Clark's untimely death has been solved long ago. NO need to rehash something that has already been determined! The FBI and POLICE have already solved Bill's untimely death! NO foul play involved! Only true IDIOTS and Conspiracy Freaks try to distort the TRUTH. Almost all Jazz employees know the TRUTH based on FACTS!
I post because I want to be sure the TRUTH about Bill's death is accepted by our employees, especially our newer employees, who are NOT familiar with Bill's unfortunate untimely death. They know the TRUTH now.

Hahahaha you had nothing better to do on thanksgiving day but troll on this anonymous site.
No family, no friends, no life.... all you have to look forward in your pathetic life is spending holidays trolling this anonymous site.

Hahahaha you had nothing better to do on thanksgiving day but troll on this anonymous site.
No family, no friends, no life.... all you have to look forward in your pathetic life is spending holidays trolling this anonymous site.

Well sweetheart, as everyone can see from your immature comments, you have NOTHING to refute my posts! You can only attack me because.YOU just CAN"T handle the TRUTH! Is this YOUR only response to my FACTS? Typical LOSER!
There was NO foul play involved in Bill Clark's death. Accept it, and get YOUR head out of YOUR ass, like YOUR friend is seemingly trying to do!
The vast majority of Jazz Pharmaceutical employees must be laughing at the stupidity of your post!

I could,care less about refuting anything you post ya loser boy. You are a scam.

You have ..... No family, not friends, no life..... You spent thanksgiving day trolling this site. That tells anyone everything they need to know anout you and your pathetic loser status life!

I could,care less about refuting anything you post ya loser boy. You are a scam.

You have ..... No family, not friends, no life..... You spent thanksgiving day trolling this site. That tells anyone everything they need to know anout you and your pathetic loser status life!

Sweetheart, as your stupidity continues to show itself from your posts, our employees are still wondering why it is that YOU REFUSE to address the issue of Bill's death! So, YOU think that by attacking me personally you can divert TRUTH and FACTS away from your conspiracy theory beliefs about the untimely death of Bill Clark.
But this DOESN"T work. Our employees here at Jazz Pharmaceuticals are smart enough to know what YOU'RE doing! Pitiful unsubstantiated attempts! The FBI and POLICE are correct. NO foul play involved.
As I've said, it's time for YOU- to get your head out of your ass- if it's at all possible! Try to come back to reality and decency! By now you deserve it! Many of us are pulling for YOU to return to normalcy and SOME semblence of intellegence in YOUR life. Many of us do care about YOU!

Sweetheart, as your stupidity continues to show itself from your posts, our employees are still wondering why it is that YOU REFUSE to address the issue of Bill's death! So, YOU think that by attacking me personally you can divert TRUTH and FACTS away from your conspiracy theory beliefs about the untimely death of Bill Clark.
But this DOESN"T work. Our employees here at Jazz Pharmaceuticals are smart enough to know what YOU'RE doing! Pitiful unsubstantiated attempts! The FBI and POLICE are correct. NO foul play involved.
As I've said, it's time for YOU- to get your head out of your ass- if it's at all possible! Try to come back to reality and decency! By now you deserve it! Many of us are pulling for YOU to return to normalcy and SOME semblence of intellegence in YOUR life. Many of us do care about YOU!

Come on Clem, "our employees?" There are no employees on this anymymous site. At least nobody who cares about your dumb ass. It's all in your psychotic and delusional mind. Remember, you Spent thanksgiving day trolling on here. Hmmmmm! You are pathetic and have no life outside of the delusional and OCD trolling that you do on here. Again you spent thanksgiving day on here! LMFAO

Come on Clem, "our employees?" There are no employees on this anymymous site. At least nobody who cares about your dumb ass. It's all in your psychotic and delusional mind. Remember, you Spent thanksgiving day trolling on here. Hmmmmm! You are pathetic and have no life outside of the delusional and OCD trolling that you do on here. Again you spent thanksgiving day on here! LMFAO

Yes, it's obvious to all, that stupidity continues to rear its head on this board. And have you noticed the FEAR this person has? Fear of even mentioning one word about Bill Clark's cause of death! This is what an employee questiones about conspiracy theory freaks!
Their only response is to attack me personally. But really, what else can they do?? NOTHING.
For many years these idiots have claimed foul play was involved in the death of Bill Clark, so many years ago. NOW most everyone knows and accepts Bill died of natural causes.
These people, with their heads up their asses, actually believe Bill was murdered! And they want each and every employee at Jazz Pharmaceuticals, including NEW hires, to believe their nonesense! Because of TRUTH and FACT, their lies will NEVER again be believed by our employees! To me, this is most important! Exposing the liars makes it all worthwhile, despite their personal attacks on me. It's ALL they can do any more!

I don't think you are being attacked. No need to be so paranoid and defensive. It's a fact that you spent your thanksgiving holiday trolling on here. Another fact is most normal people don't spend their holidays on this site.

I don't think you are being attacked. No need to be so paranoid and defensive. It's a fact that you spent your thanksgiving holiday trolling on here. Another fact is most normal people don't spend their holidays on this site.

You know sweetheart, what normal people DON"T do is believe in phony conspiracy theories! But apparently YOU do. Bill's death is a topic YOU must always avoid, or be proven wrong! That shows me and the majority of employees that YOU are so petrified of the TRUTH, that YOU can't bear to even mention Bill's death!
YOUR head is still firmly entrenched up your ass! But because we all care about YOU as a fellow employee, we're all in hopes YOU succeed in getting your head out, and can return to living a normal life! But YOU DO need help in being able to face TRUTH and FACTS.

You know sweetheart, what normal people DON"T do is believe in phony conspiracy theories! But apparently YOU do. Bill's death is a topic YOU must always avoid, or be proven wrong! That shows me and the majority of employees that YOU are so petrified of the TRUTH, that YOU can't bear to even mention Bill's death!
YOUR head is still firmly entrenched up your ass! But because we all care about YOU as a fellow employee, we're all in hopes YOU succeed in getting your head out, and can return to living a normal life! But YOU DO need help in being able to face TRUTH and FACTS.

You spend your holidays trolling here. You pretend that this public forum is an internal employee site. You have posted under false names while you pretend to be other people. You post the same OCD bull shit over and over. You get all hostile and defensive when posters question your mental stability. Look pal, your problem is not Bill, company employees or anybody else. Your only problem is you are a mental misfit. Geeeeez you are fucked up.

You spend your holidays trolling here. You pretend that this public forum is an internal employee site. You have posted under false names while you pretend to be other people. You post the same OCD bull shit over and over. You get all hostile and defensive when posters question your mental stability. Look pal, your problem is not Bill, company employees or anybody else. Your only problem is you are a mental misfit. Geeeeez you are fucked up.

Amazing, sweetheart! You have such anger! It's clear to everyone who reads this board that YOU would do well seeking anger management.
We really want YOU to be able to keep your anger under control. YOU can pull your head out of your ass if YOU really try! Many people are pulling for YOU, and will support YOUR efforts to control your anger! But YOU must take the first step! YOU must want to be helped!
My posts about Bill's death are an effort to show "some" few employees that Bill's death was from natural causes, NOT foul play. Natural causes was the finding of the FBI and POLICE over 9 years ago. Our employees need to know that foul play was NOT an issue in Bill Clark's death.

Amazing, sweetheart! You have such anger! It's clear to everyone who reads this board that YOU would do well seeking anger management.
We really want YOU to be able to keep your anger under control. YOU can pull your head out of your ass if YOU really try! Many people are pulling for YOU, and will support YOUR efforts to control your anger! But YOU must take the first step! YOU must want to be helped!
My posts about Bill's death are an effort to show "some" few employees that Bill's death was from natural causes, NOT foul play. Natural causes was the finding of the FBI and POLICE over 9 years ago. Our employees need to know that foul play was NOT an issue in Bill Clark's death.

Son, Your assumptions are yet another thing that makes you look like The mentally disturbed person that you are. Let's not forget it's quite abnormal for a person to have the highlight of their thanksgiving day be trolling on this site like you did. Quite frankly, I'm not the posters who have posted hundreds of posts about Bill's murder like you keep assuming. I only recognize your very familiar Mentally deranged and OCD posts from numerous other threads on here. No matter how much you deny it, the evidence and proof show you are a loser for celebrating Your thanksgiving day posting on here. You have no life. I'm sure you are looking forward to spending your Christmas on this site as well. You can run from your loser life but the evidence lies. Never forget, you celebrated thanksgiving day on here.

Son, Your assumptions are yet another thing that makes you look like The mentally disturbed person that you are. Let's not forget it's quite abnormal for a person to have the highlight of their thanksgiving day be trolling on this site like you did. Quite frankly, I'm not the posters who have posted hundreds of posts about Bill's murder like you keep assuming. I only recognize your very familiar Mentally deranged and OCD posts from numerous other threads on here. No matter how much you deny it, the evidence and proof show you are a loser for celebrating Your thanksgiving day posting on here. You have no life. I'm sure you are looking forward to spending your Christmas on this site as well. You can run from your loser life but the evidence lies. Never forget, you celebrated thanksgiving day on here.

Sweetheart, YOU continue to amaze me and everyone else with YOUR attacks on me!
Yes, it's so interesting and reassuring how much YOUR life depends upon my posts! What would YOU do and say every day if I stopped posting? Please, anger management awaits YOUR committment!
It's clear to everyone just how much YOU need help!
But YOUR problem is that YOU have become truly addicted to my posts. Probably because they are TRUE! Bill's case is CLEARED and CLOSED, and YOU know it! Why else would the FBI and POLICE declare NO foul play was involved in Bill's death? Of course, this is something YOU will NEVER mention!! But I think our employees wonder why YOU continue to avoid it! C'mon now, get that head out of your ass!
And as long as YOU continue to read my posts every day, I'm satisfied. I'm satisfied because those who read YOUR pathetic efforts to attack me personally can see through it!
Ya' know sweetheart, maybe I will post on Christmas Day! And I'm sure you WILL read it. I don't want to disappoint YOU!!!

Funny thing. Jazz paid off Bill's wife right after his murder. A lot of blood money. Wonder why we never hear from her.....

Another distorted claim from a conspiracy theory freak! Bill was NOT murdered, according to the FBI and POLICE. And Bill's wife was NOT paid anything because there was NO foul play involved!
I hope all our employees, especially our newer employees, see this conspiracy "crap" for what it is; pure nonesense!
I'm continually amazed how "gullable" a few individuals can be. I guess it makes their life more interesting to promote conspiracy! But NO comments ever on why Bill Clark's death has long ago been CLEARED and CLOSED by professional investigating authorities, and remains so today, 9 years later!!

Was Bill wearing the wire when he was murdered?

Well, stupidity and conspiracy seem to be walking hand in hand!
Both the FBI and POLICE, 9 years ago have determined there was NO foul play in the death of Bill Clark!
To believe the FBI and POLICE are engaged in some kind of "cover-up" goes beyond the bounds of stupidity!
This can't be stated without SHOWING proof!
It shows just how disturbed, and how dumb some people are. I ask that our employees just look at the TRUTH.
Why has there NEVER been charges brought against anyone? Why have there been NO arrests made in 9 years? Jazz Pharmaceuticals does NOT HAVE the clout to alter outcomes determined by the FBI and POLICE!

Bill and Dr Gleason should not have been the fall guys in this double hommicide.

Well now sweetheart, YOU really need to work on YOUR spelling. It's "HOMICIDE"! But it doesn't really surprise me with the few conspiracy freaks who post here. YOUR stupidity runs rampant.
There's NO "fall guy(s) because there was NO murder 9 years ago! (Maricopa County Sheriff, 602-876-1742).
Sorry, but the FBI and POLICE don't lie! So I say to you too, pull your head out of your ass! Try to come back to the world of reality.