No! You prove your statement correct. That's a hell of an assumption!

No sweetheart, it's not an assumption! By calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, and asking about the death of Bill Clark, 9 years ago, is all the proof ANYONE needs!
602-876-1742, selection# 2, will help straighten YOU out! The case# is 06-00885. This will show that both the FBI and POLICE 9 years ago have signed off that there was NO foul play or murder involved in Bill's death. Bill's death has always been FREE of any suspicion of foul play. How much more correct can this issue be? Don't YOU think now would be a good time to get YOUR head out of YOUR ass, and join the world of reality? YOU may get the answers YOU are looking for by calling the Sheriff's Office. Most all other employees know the TRUTH and accept it!

No sweetheart, it's not an assumption! By calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, and asking about the death of Bill Clark, 9 years ago, is all the proof ANYONE needs!
602-876-1742, selection# 2, will help straighten YOU out! The case# is 06-00885. This will show that both the FBI and POLICE 9 years ago have signed off that there was NO foul play or murder involved in Bill's death. Bill's death has always been FREE of any suspicion of foul play. How much more correct can this issue be? Don't YOU think now would be a good time to get YOUR head out of YOUR ass, and join the world of reality? YOU may get the answers YOU are looking for by calling the Sheriff's Office. Most all other employees know the TRUTH and accept it!

No! You prove your statement correct. That's a hell of an assumption! Apparantly, you are tightly connected with the legal authorities from the case so just post the link to the case on here for all to read. Cut to the chase and post the link.

No! You prove your statement correct. That's a hell of an assumption! Apparantly, you are tightly connected with the legal authorities from the case so just post the link to the case on here for all to read. Cut to the chase and post the link.

You know sweetheart, YOU'RE really quite stupid! When the FBI and POLICE have maintained for 9 years that Bill Clark" death was accidental, and NO foul play was involved, that should be PROOF enough for most NORMAL human beings!
By calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, information can be shown to prove this. This is NOT now, nor has it ever been an assumption. It's FACT! Apparently it's TRUTH and FACT that for some strange reason YOU choose to ignore. Fortunately, it appears to be proof enough for others to accept! The MCSD phone number has been posted several times. There is NO link.
To suggest I am somehow connected with the "legal authorities" shows everyone at Jazz just how stupid YOU really are! I don't control the FBI or the POLICE! Get YOUR head out of YOUR ass!

Post the fucking link to the case dip shit. It's that simple. No need to write all the Naricissitic filled essays. Serves no purpose. A link cuts to the chase and saves all the bull shit.

Sweetheart, still afraid of the TRUTH! I must admit that I and everyone else knew YOU would be! No need to post any link when the Maricopa County Sheriff will give out most information verbally. YOU know you can actually speak with a real live deputy by calling 602-876-1742 and pushing #2. But this abject fear YOU have won't allow YOU to do it! NO, YOU are absolutely petrified of the TRUTH. YOU can NEVER, EVER call and get the answers YOU claim you need from a link! Both the FBI and POLICE determined there was NO foul play involved in Bill's death. This was decided 9 years ago, and is still this way today, 9 years later! NO suspects, NO crime, NO arrests EVER made! Law enforcement can give YOU some answers verbally. But YOU are "drowning in FEAR".
It's rather ironic, like a test tube experiment, watching a person who is so filled with anger, refuse to resolve this issue in his own mind! YOU are a PRIME example of someone who desperately needs anger management help!

Case Report:
National Sales Conference
Bill's awarded Top Salesman Award
Everyone gets drunk
FBI got to Bill and got him to wear a wire (strong armed to do so)
Some flunkies find out
Fight breaks out
Bill gets clubbed to death on the golf course
FBI stong arms Jazz who stong arms its folk to not talk (investigation gone bad)
Three days later FBI arrest Dr. Gleason - attempt to strong arm him to wear a wire - he says no - they dig in to destroy him.

Cause of death: Blunt force trauma

Case Report:
National Sales Conference
Bill's awarded Top Salesman Award
Everyone gets drunk
FBI got to Bill and got him to wear a wire (strong armed to do so)
Some flunkies find out
Fight breaks out
Bill gets clubbed to death on the golf course
FBI stong arms Jazz who stong arms its folk to not talk (investigation gone bad)
Three days later FBI arrest Dr. Gleason - attempt to strong arm him to wear a wire - he says no - they dig in to destroy him.

Cause of death: Blunt force trauma

Sweetheart, what planet are YOU living on? What YOU have stated is total bull shit!
For the last 9 years, Bill Clark's death is listed as accidental. There was NEVER any blunt force trauma involved according to the FBI and POLICE! If YOU believe the FBI "GOT" to Bill, YOU'RE dumber and sicker than anyone has ever thought! The FBI would NEVER get involved in dealing with some MINOR rep, working for some (lesser known) pharmaceutical company! YOU really do have YOUR head up your ass!
But of course, YOU don't have the guts to check things out. YOU would rather spout nonesense, stupidity, and lies. Wearing wires?? Crap! NO, actually it's funny!
But you know what darlin', NO employee with even half a brain would believe your statements. YOU'VE made it that obvious; especially to our newer employees! 9 years and counting. NO blunt force trauma ever listed by any investigating agency. ONLY in YOUR own sick mind!

Sweetheart, what planet are YOU living on? What YOU have stated is total bull shit!
For the last 9 years, Bill Clark's death is listed as accidental. There was NEVER any blunt force trauma involved according to the FBI and POLICE! If YOU believe the FBI "GOT" to Bill, YOU'RE dumber and sicker than anyone has ever thought! The FBI would NEVER get involved in dealing with some MINOR rep, working for some (lesser known) pharmaceutical company! YOU really do have YOUR head up your ass!
But of course, YOU don't have the guts to check things out. YOU would rather spout nonesense, stupidity, and lies. Wearing wires?? Crap! NO, actually it's funny!
But you know what darlin', NO employee with even half a brain would believe your statements. YOU'VE made it that obvious; especially to our newer employees! 9 years and counting. NO blunt force trauma ever listed by any investigating agency. ONLY in YOUR own sick mind!

No! You prove your statement correct. That's a hell of an assumption!

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

No! You prove your statement correct. That's a hell of an assumption!

LaToya Jazz
Asst. Dir. Sales& Board Member

No sweetheart, YOUR stupidity speaks for itself! Any Jazz employee can learn the current status of Bill Clark's death over the last 9 years by calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office! 602-876-1742.
Many have already done so, and YOUR stupidity shows how much YOU live for and accept a phony conspiracy theory.
Yes darlin', clearly YOUR head is firmly implanted in YOUR ass. And most importantly, Jazz employees know it! To me, this is MOST important.

Enough of the mindless banter. no phone calls or any other propaganda necessary. Here is the ,original police report from Bill's case for any sincerely interested people to read. . True tradegy and very sad that someone on here has turned this into a stream to feed their mentally disturbed life.



    Bystanders found this 44 year old man unresponsive on the sidewalk of a resort at which he was staying. The details pertaining to how he ended up here were not known. He was transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.


    The body is received in a zippered body pouch secured by seal # 3204660.


    When first reviewed, the body is clad in black boxer shorts.


    An endotracheal tube is present in the mouth. There are defibrillator pads on the torso. There are EKG pads on the shoulders and right lower quadrant of the abdomen. There is a vascular catheter in the left antecubital area. There are anterolateral, left-sided rib fractures that are consistent with resuscitative chest compression injuries.


    Blunt force head trauma.

    There is a left-sided periorbital hematoma. The lateral aspect of the left side of the forehead has a 1 ¼ x 1 inch area punctate abrasion. The lateral aspect of the left side of the tongue is contused. There is a basilar skull fracture that involves the anterior cranial fossa. There are cortical contusions of the basilar surfaces of the left frontal lobe. There is left- sided temporalis muscle hemorrhage. The anteromedial portion of the right temporal lobe has cortical contusion. The lateral aspect of the right temporal lobe contains a 5 x 1 cm area of subarachnoid hemorrhage and a 2.5 x to centimeter area of cortical contusion.

    Neck trauma.

    The right sternocleidomastoid muscle is contused.

    Torso injuries.

    There is a palpable, midline, left clavicular fracture. The inferior,anterolateral aspect of the left side of the chest has a 7/8 x 5/8- inch area of contusion. The back of the left shoulder as a 3 x 1 ¾-inch hematoma.

    Page 2 of 5


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    Joby said he (an unknown male) was drinking,” had a few,” and was beyond serviceable. He also noticed William (Clark) was drinking water, in between. Joby had no further information to provide on William. Joby then told me about a person whom he described as an “Irishman”. He described the person as a white male, 40s to 50s, grey/blond hair, 5”08”, medium build. He did not remember any details about clothing or tattoos.

    The unknown male told Joby something about a fight. Joby thought the individual may have been from a group from “DHL”. The male suspect told Joby, “These guys are outside waiting for me” and that someone was “messing” with him in the bathroom. Joby went outside but did not see anything unusual. Joby said he did not hear anything else the rest of the evening. This ended my conversation with Joby.

    Michael Smith

    On 03/03/2006 at 1655 hours, I spoke to Michael Smith by telephone. Michael is a bartender at the Red Horse Saloon and was working the evening William died. I asked Michael if he knew who William was. Michael described William as the guy who won the awards and that he was a “super nice guy”.

    Michael said his shift started at 2200 hours. He served William three “watered down” rum and cokes. William then switched to water. The bar closed at 0130. William played pool until 0115 hours. Michael added the pool table is right in front of them men's restroom.

    Michael told me William was hanging out with Barry Levine and a “guy from upstate New York” (Robert Key). Michael said they were inseparable. Michael did not recall if they left the bar together though. Michael had no further information to provide. This ended our conversation.

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    NEXT OF KIN: Susan C. Clark

    WEAPONS: None

    VEHICLE: (Unknown) Deceased was observed on a golf cart approximately 20-30 minutes before being discovered by witnesses deceased.

    AUTOPSY: Maricopa County Medical Examiner MME #06-00885 Doctor A. L. Mosley, MD
    03/06/2006 at 1030 Hours

    Cause of Death: BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA
    Manner of Death: UNDETERMINED


    FIRST OFFICER ON SCENE: Deputy Bylow # 1582, District 4 Patrol Deputy Campbell # 1566, District 4 Patrol

    OFFICERS INVOLVED : Deputy Lamar #1495, District 4 Patrol Detective, Cason #932, Central Detectives, Sergeant Swingle # 1059, Central Detectives

    WITNESSES: Norman Grant

    Collin B. Mulder

    Val Talia

    Reed Selby

    David L. Tucker

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059



Enough of the mindless banter. no phone calls or any other propaganda necessary. Here is the ,original police report from Bill's case for any sincerely interested people to read. . True tradegy and very sad that someone on here has turned this into a stream to feed their mentally disturbed life.



    Bystanders found this 44 year old man unresponsive on the sidewalk of a resort at which he was staying. The details pertaining to how he ended up here were not known. He was transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.


    The body is received in a zippered body pouch secured by seal # 3204660.


    When first reviewed, the body is clad in black boxer shorts.


    An endotracheal tube is present in the mouth. There are defibrillator pads on the torso. There are EKG pads on the shoulders and right lower quadrant of the abdomen. There is a vascular catheter in the left antecubital area. There are anterolateral, left-sided rib fractures that are consistent with resuscitative chest compression injuries.


    Blunt force head trauma.

    There is a left-sided periorbital hematoma. The lateral aspect of the left side of the forehead has a 1 ¼ x 1 inch area punctate abrasion. The lateral aspect of the left side of the tongue is contused. There is a basilar skull fracture that involves the anterior cranial fossa. There are cortical contusions of the basilar surfaces of the left frontal lobe. There is left- sided temporalis muscle hemorrhage. The anteromedial portion of the right temporal lobe has cortical contusion. The lateral aspect of the right temporal lobe contains a 5 x 1 cm area of subarachnoid hemorrhage and a 2.5 x to centimeter area of cortical contusion.

    Neck trauma.

    The right sternocleidomastoid muscle is contused.

    Torso injuries.

    There is a palpable, midline, left clavicular fracture. The inferior,anterolateral aspect of the left side of the chest has a 7/8 x 5/8- inch area of contusion. The back of the left shoulder as a 3 x 1 ¾-inch hematoma.

    Page 2 of 5


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    Joby said he (an unknown male) was drinking,” had a few,” and was beyond serviceable. He also noticed William (Clark) was drinking water, in between. Joby had no further information to provide on William. Joby then told me about a person whom he described as an “Irishman”. He described the person as a white male, 40s to 50s, grey/blond hair, 5”08”, medium build. He did not remember any details about clothing or tattoos.

    The unknown male told Joby something about a fight. Joby thought the individual may have been from a group from “DHL”. The male suspect told Joby, “These guys are outside waiting for me” and that someone was “messing” with him in the bathroom. Joby went outside but did not see anything unusual. Joby said he did not hear anything else the rest of the evening. This ended my conversation with Joby.

    Michael Smith

    On 03/03/2006 at 1655 hours, I spoke to Michael Smith by telephone. Michael is a bartender at the Red Horse Saloon and was working the evening William died. I asked Michael if he knew who William was. Michael described William as the guy who won the awards and that he was a “super nice guy”.

    Michael said his shift started at 2200 hours. He served William three “watered down” rum and cokes. William then switched to water. The bar closed at 0130. William played pool until 0115 hours. Michael added the pool table is right in front of them men's restroom.

    Michael told me William was hanging out with Barry Levine and a “guy from upstate New York” (Robert Key). Michael said they were inseparable. Michael did not recall if they left the bar together though. Michael had no further information to provide. This ended our conversation.

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    NEXT OF KIN: Susan C. Clark

    WEAPONS: None

    VEHICLE: (Unknown) Deceased was observed on a golf cart approximately 20-30 minutes before being discovered by witnesses deceased.

    AUTOPSY: Maricopa County Medical Examiner MME #06-00885 Doctor A. L. Mosley, MD
    03/06/2006 at 1030 Hours

    Cause of Death: BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA
    Manner of Death: UNDETERMINED


    FIRST OFFICER ON SCENE: Deputy Bylow # 1582, District 4 Patrol Deputy Campbell # 1566, District 4 Patrol

    OFFICERS INVOLVED : Deputy Lamar #1495, District 4 Patrol Detective, Cason #932, Central Detectives, Sergeant Swingle # 1059, Central Detectives

    WITNESSES: Norman Grant

    Collin B. Mulder

    Val Talia

    Reed Selby

    David L. Tucker

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059


Sweetheart, the case number is correct. But all other information is nonesense with regard to Bill's death.
If there was any shred of blunt force trauma, or any shred of "foul play" involved, this case would NOT be CLOSED. YOU know it is CLOSED because the FBI and POLICE have researched, and investigated Bill's death over 9 years ago. It is listed as "officially closed".
The FBI and Police have determined there was NOTHING suspicious about Bill's death. NOTHING. NOBODY has or will ever be charged with ANY crime. NONE!
None of YOU conspiracy theory freaks can EVER explain why this case has been CLOSED for 9 years!
None of YOU conspiracy theory freaks has ever taken the opportunity to call The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. 602-876-1742, press# 2. Case# 06-00885.

Sweetheart, the case number is correct. But all other information is nonesense with regard to Bill's death.
If there was any shred of blunt force trauma, or any shred of "foul play" involved, this case would NOT be CLOSED. YOU know it is CLOSED because the FBI and POLICE have researched, and investigated Bill's death over 9 years ago. It is listed as "officially closed".
The FBI and Police have determined there was NOTHING suspicious about Bill's death. NOTHING. NOBODY has or will ever be charged with ANY crime. NONE!
None of YOU conspiracy theory freaks can EVER explain why this case has been CLOSED for 9 years!
None of YOU conspiracy theory freaks has ever taken the opportunity to call The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. 602-876-1742, press# 2. Case# 06-00885.

Your posts are blowing hot air and ALL personal opinion based. Save the talk and post legit info from the case in the form of factual web based links. The following is straight from the sheriffs office. Your delusional mind cant change this REAL police report. No phone calls necessary it's all here. Do yourself a favor and try to spend xmas day away from this site. I know you believe you are living your life's purpose out on this site but arguing against a legit police report from 10 years ago is fucked up on your part.


    Bystanders found this 44 year old man unresponsive on the sidewalk of a resort at which he was staying. The details pertaining to how he ended up here were not known. He was transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.


    The body is received in a zippered body pouch secured by seal # 3204660.


    When first reviewed, the body is clad in black boxer shorts.


    An endotracheal tube is present in the mouth. There are defibrillator pads on the torso. There are EKG pads on the shoulders and right lower quadrant of the abdomen. There is a vascular catheter in the left antecubital area. There are anterolateral, left-sided rib fractures that are consistent with resuscitative chest compression injuries.


    Blunt force head trauma.

    There is a left-sided periorbital hematoma. The lateral aspect of the left side of the forehead has a 1 ¼ x 1 inch area punctate abrasion. The lateral aspect of the left side of the tongue is contused. There is a basilar skull fracture that involves the anterior cranial fossa. There are cortical contusions of the basilar surfaces of the left frontal lobe. There is left- sided temporalis muscle hemorrhage. The anteromedial portion of the right temporal lobe has cortical contusion. The lateral aspect of the right temporal lobe contains a 5 x 1 cm area of subarachnoid hemorrhage and a 2.5 x to centimeter area of cortical contusion.

    Neck trauma.

    The right sternocleidomastoid muscle is contused.

    Torso injuries.

    There is a palpable, midline, left clavicular fracture. The inferior,anterolateral aspect of the left side of the chest has a 7/8 x 5/8- inch area of contusion. The back of the left shoulder as a 3 x 1 ¾-inch hematoma.

    Page 2 of 5


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    Joby said he (an unknown male) was drinking,” had a few,” and was beyond serviceable. He also noticed William (Clark) was drinking water, in between. Joby had no further information to provide on William. Joby then told me about a person whom he described as an “Irishman”. He described the person as a white male, 40s to 50s, grey/blond hair, 5”08”, medium build. He did not remember any details about clothing or tattoos.

    The unknown male told Joby something about a fight. Joby thought the individual may have been from a group from “DHL”. The male suspect told Joby, “These guys are outside waiting for me” and that someone was “messing” with him in the bathroom. Joby went outside but did not see anything unusual. Joby said he did not hear anything else the rest of the evening. This ended my conversation with Joby.

    Michael Smith

    On 03/03/2006 at 1655 hours, I spoke to Michael Smith by telephone. Michael is a bartender at the Red Horse Saloon and was working the evening William died. I asked Michael if he knew who William was. Michael described William as the guy who won the awards and that he was a “super nice guy”.

    Michael said his shift started at 2200 hours. He served William three “watered down” rum and cokes. William then switched to water. The bar closed at 0130. William played pool until 0115 hours. Michael added the pool table is right in front of them men's restroom.

    Michael told me William was hanging out with Barry Levine and a “guy from upstate New York” (Robert Key). Michael said they were inseparable. Michael did not recall if they left the bar together though. Michael had no further information to provide. This ended our conversation.

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    NEXT OF KIN: Susan C. Clark

    WEAPONS: None

    VEHICLE: (Unknown) Deceased was observed on a golf cart approximately 20-30 minutes before being discovered by witnesses deceased.

    AUTOPSY: Maricopa County Medical Examiner MME #06-00885 Doctor A. L. Mosley, MD
    03/06/2006 at 1030 Hours

    Cause of Death: BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA
    Manner of Death: UNDETERMINED


    FIRST OFFICER ON SCENE: Deputy Bylow # 1582, District 4 Patrol Deputy Campbell # 1566, District 4 Patrol

    OFFICERS INVOLVED : Deputy Lamar #1495, District 4 Patrol Detective, Cason #932, Central Detectives, Sergeant Swingle # 1059, Central Detectives

    WITNESSES: Norman Grant

    Collin B. Mulder

    Val Talia

    Reed Selby

    David L. Tucker

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059



  2. #84Jan 6, 2013 at 3:35 PM

Your posts are blowing hot air and ALL personal opinion based. Save the talk and post legit info from the case in the form of factual web based links. The following is straight from the sheriffs office. Your delusional mind cant change this REAL police report. No phone calls necessary it's all here. Do yourself a favor and try to spend xmas day away from this site. I know you believe you are living your life's purpose out on this site but arguing against a legit police report from 10 years ago is fucked up on your part.


    Bystanders found this 44 year old man unresponsive on the sidewalk of a resort at which he was staying. The details pertaining to how he ended up here were not known. He was transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.


    The body is received in a zippered body pouch secured by seal # 3204660.


    When first reviewed, the body is clad in black boxer shorts.


    An endotracheal tube is present in the mouth. There are defibrillator pads on the torso. There are EKG pads on the shoulders and right lower quadrant of the abdomen. There is a vascular catheter in the left antecubital area. There are anterolateral, left-sided rib fractures that are consistent with resuscitative chest compression injuries.


    Blunt force head trauma.

    There is a left-sided periorbital hematoma. The lateral aspect of the left side of the forehead has a 1 ¼ x 1 inch area punctate abrasion. The lateral aspect of the left side of the tongue is contused. There is a basilar skull fracture that involves the anterior cranial fossa. There are cortical contusions of the basilar surfaces of the left frontal lobe. There is left- sided temporalis muscle hemorrhage. The anteromedial portion of the right temporal lobe has cortical contusion. The lateral aspect of the right temporal lobe contains a 5 x 1 cm area of subarachnoid hemorrhage and a 2.5 x to centimeter area of cortical contusion.

    Neck trauma.

    The right sternocleidomastoid muscle is contused.

    Torso injuries.

    There is a palpable, midline, left clavicular fracture. The inferior,anterolateral aspect of the left side of the chest has a 7/8 x 5/8- inch area of contusion. The back of the left shoulder as a 3 x 1 ¾-inch hematoma.

    Page 2 of 5


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    Joby said he (an unknown male) was drinking,” had a few,” and was beyond serviceable. He also noticed William (Clark) was drinking water, in between. Joby had no further information to provide on William. Joby then told me about a person whom he described as an “Irishman”. He described the person as a white male, 40s to 50s, grey/blond hair, 5”08”, medium build. He did not remember any details about clothing or tattoos.

    The unknown male told Joby something about a fight. Joby thought the individual may have been from a group from “DHL”. The male suspect told Joby, “These guys are outside waiting for me” and that someone was “messing” with him in the bathroom. Joby went outside but did not see anything unusual. Joby said he did not hear anything else the rest of the evening. This ended my conversation with Joby.

    Michael Smith

    On 03/03/2006 at 1655 hours, I spoke to Michael Smith by telephone. Michael is a bartender at the Red Horse Saloon and was working the evening William died. I asked Michael if he knew who William was. Michael described William as the guy who won the awards and that he was a “super nice guy”.

    Michael said his shift started at 2200 hours. He served William three “watered down” rum and cokes. William then switched to water. The bar closed at 0130. William played pool until 0115 hours. Michael added the pool table is right in front of them men's restroom.

    Michael told me William was hanging out with Barry Levine and a “guy from upstate New York” (Robert Key). Michael said they were inseparable. Michael did not recall if they left the bar together though. Michael had no further information to provide. This ended our conversation.

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    NEXT OF KIN: Susan C. Clark

    WEAPONS: None

    VEHICLE: (Unknown) Deceased was observed on a golf cart approximately 20-30 minutes before being discovered by witnesses deceased.

    AUTOPSY: Maricopa County Medical Examiner MME #06-00885 Doctor A. L. Mosley, MD
    03/06/2006 at 1030 Hours

    Cause of Death: BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA
    Manner of Death: UNDETERMINED


    FIRST OFFICER ON SCENE: Deputy Bylow # 1582, District 4 Patrol Deputy Campbell # 1566, District 4 Patrol

    OFFICERS INVOLVED : Deputy Lamar #1495, District 4 Patrol Detective, Cason #932, Central Detectives, Sergeant Swingle # 1059, Central Detectives

    WITNESSES: Norman Grant

    Collin B. Mulder

    Val Talia

    Reed Selby

    David L. Tucker

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059



  2. #84Jan 6, 2013 at 3:35 PM

At last, Finally a real documented police report posted for the record.

At last, Finally a real documented police report posted for the record.

Sweetheart, YOU know how amazing the lies are that are told by the small group of conspiracy freaks!
Foul play, murder, the subject wearing a "wire" for law enforcement! All absolute nonesense!!
Fortunately, many of our employees have followed- up with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, and are fully aware of the lies that a few conspiracy freaks are attempting to tell! 602-876-1742. Case# 06-00885.
Our employees want to know why Bill Clark's case has been CLOSED for so long! They want to know WHY NO person has ever been charged, if foul play was ever involved! They want to know why a sales rep, an unimportant sale rep, would be at the center of a murder!They want to know how Jazz Pharmaceuticals could ever have enough "clout" to influence the outcome of a "cover- up" by The Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the POLICE! These are all lies and MADE- UP stories by a few SICK conspiracy freaks!
I have FAITH our employees know TRUTH from fiction.

Enough of the mindless banter. no phone calls or any other propaganda necessary. Here is the ,original police report from Bill's case for any sincerely interested people to read. . True tradegy and very sad that someone on here has turned this into a stream to feed their mentally disturbed life.



    Bystanders found this 44 year old man unresponsive on the sidewalk of a resort at which he was staying. The details pertaining to how he ended up here were not known. He was transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.


    The body is received in a zippered body pouch secured by seal # 3204660.


    When first reviewed, the body is clad in black boxer shorts.


    An endotracheal tube is present in the mouth. There are defibrillator pads on the torso. There are EKG pads on the shoulders and right lower quadrant of the abdomen. There is a vascular catheter in the left antecubital area. There are anterolateral, left-sided rib fractures that are consistent with resuscitative chest compression injuries.


    Blunt force head trauma.

    There is a left-sided periorbital hematoma. The lateral aspect of the left side of the forehead has a 1 ¼ x 1 inch area punctate abrasion. The lateral aspect of the left side of the tongue is contused. There is a basilar skull fracture that involves the anterior cranial fossa. There are cortical contusions of the basilar surfaces of the left frontal lobe. There is left- sided temporalis muscle hemorrhage. The anteromedial portion of the right temporal lobe has cortical contusion. The lateral aspect of the right temporal lobe contains a 5 x 1 cm area of subarachnoid hemorrhage and a 2.5 x to centimeter area of cortical contusion.

    Neck trauma.

    The right sternocleidomastoid muscle is contused.

    Torso injuries.

    There is a palpable, midline, left clavicular fracture. The inferior,anterolateral aspect of the left side of the chest has a 7/8 x 5/8- inch area of contusion. The back of the left shoulder as a 3 x 1 ¾-inch hematoma.

    Page 2 of 5


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    Joby said he (an unknown male) was drinking,” had a few,” and was beyond serviceable. He also noticed William (Clark) was drinking water, in between. Joby had no further information to provide on William. Joby then told me about a person whom he described as an “Irishman”. He described the person as a white male, 40s to 50s, grey/blond hair, 5”08”, medium build. He did not remember any details about clothing or tattoos.

    The unknown male told Joby something about a fight. Joby thought the individual may have been from a group from “DHL”. The male suspect told Joby, “These guys are outside waiting for me” and that someone was “messing” with him in the bathroom. Joby went outside but did not see anything unusual. Joby said he did not hear anything else the rest of the evening. This ended my conversation with Joby.

    Michael Smith

    On 03/03/2006 at 1655 hours, I spoke to Michael Smith by telephone. Michael is a bartender at the Red Horse Saloon and was working the evening William died. I asked Michael if he knew who William was. Michael described William as the guy who won the awards and that he was a “super nice guy”.

    Michael said his shift started at 2200 hours. He served William three “watered down” rum and cokes. William then switched to water. The bar closed at 0130. William played pool until 0115 hours. Michael added the pool table is right in front of them men's restroom.

    Michael told me William was hanging out with Barry Levine and a “guy from upstate New York” (Robert Key). Michael said they were inseparable. Michael did not recall if they left the bar together though. Michael had no further information to provide. This ended our conversation.

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    NEXT OF KIN: Susan C. Clark

    WEAPONS: None

    VEHICLE: (Unknown) Deceased was observed on a golf cart approximately 20-30 minutes before being discovered by witnesses deceased.

    AUTOPSY: Maricopa County Medical Examiner MME #06-00885 Doctor A. L. Mosley, MD
    03/06/2006 at 1030 Hours

    Cause of Death: BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA
    Manner of Death: UNDETERMINED


    FIRST OFFICER ON SCENE: Deputy Bylow # 1582, District 4 Patrol Deputy Campbell # 1566, District 4 Patrol

    OFFICERS INVOLVED : Deputy Lamar #1495, District 4 Patrol Detective, Cason #932, Central Detectives, Sergeant Swingle # 1059, Central Detectives

    WITNESSES: Norman Grant

    Collin B. Mulder

    Val Talia

    Reed Selby

    David L. Tucker

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059



Enough of the mindless banter. no phone calls or any other propaganda necessary. Here is the ,original police report from Bill's case for any sincerely interested people to read. . True tradegy and very sad that someone on here has turned this into a stream to feed their mentally disturbed life.



    Bystanders found this 44 year old man unresponsive on the sidewalk of a resort at which he was staying. The details pertaining to how he ended up here were not known. He was transported to a hospital where he was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.


    The body is received in a zippered body pouch secured by seal # 3204660.


    When first reviewed, the body is clad in black boxer shorts.


    An endotracheal tube is present in the mouth. There are defibrillator pads on the torso. There are EKG pads on the shoulders and right lower quadrant of the abdomen. There is a vascular catheter in the left antecubital area. There are anterolateral, left-sided rib fractures that are consistent with resuscitative chest compression injuries.


    Blunt force head trauma.

    There is a left-sided periorbital hematoma. The lateral aspect of the left side of the forehead has a 1 ¼ x 1 inch area punctate abrasion. The lateral aspect of the left side of the tongue is contused. There is a basilar skull fracture that involves the anterior cranial fossa. There are cortical contusions of the basilar surfaces of the left frontal lobe. There is left- sided temporalis muscle hemorrhage. The anteromedial portion of the right temporal lobe has cortical contusion. The lateral aspect of the right temporal lobe contains a 5 x 1 cm area of subarachnoid hemorrhage and a 2.5 x to centimeter area of cortical contusion.

    Neck trauma.

    The right sternocleidomastoid muscle is contused.

    Torso injuries.

    There is a palpable, midline, left clavicular fracture. The inferior,anterolateral aspect of the left side of the chest has a 7/8 x 5/8- inch area of contusion. The back of the left shoulder as a 3 x 1 ¾-inch hematoma.

    Page 2 of 5


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    Joby said he (an unknown male) was drinking,” had a few,” and was beyond serviceable. He also noticed William (Clark) was drinking water, in between. Joby had no further information to provide on William. Joby then told me about a person whom he described as an “Irishman”. He described the person as a white male, 40s to 50s, grey/blond hair, 5”08”, medium build. He did not remember any details about clothing or tattoos.

    The unknown male told Joby something about a fight. Joby thought the individual may have been from a group from “DHL”. The male suspect told Joby, “These guys are outside waiting for me” and that someone was “messing” with him in the bathroom. Joby went outside but did not see anything unusual. Joby said he did not hear anything else the rest of the evening. This ended my conversation with Joby.

    Michael Smith

    On 03/03/2006 at 1655 hours, I spoke to Michael Smith by telephone. Michael is a bartender at the Red Horse Saloon and was working the evening William died. I asked Michael if he knew who William was. Michael described William as the guy who won the awards and that he was a “super nice guy”.

    Michael said his shift started at 2200 hours. He served William three “watered down” rum and cokes. William then switched to water. The bar closed at 0130. William played pool until 0115 hours. Michael added the pool table is right in front of them men's restroom.

    Michael told me William was hanging out with Barry Levine and a “guy from upstate New York” (Robert Key). Michael said they were inseparable. Michael did not recall if they left the bar together though. Michael had no further information to provide. This ended our conversation.

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059


    INCIDENT TYPE: Deceased Person DR# 06035366
    LOCATION: 37200 N. Mule Train Road

    DATE TIME: 03/03/2006 at 01:21 Hours VICTIM: Clark

    NEXT OF KIN: Susan C. Clark

    WEAPONS: None

    VEHICLE: (Unknown) Deceased was observed on a golf cart approximately 20-30 minutes before being discovered by witnesses deceased.

    AUTOPSY: Maricopa County Medical Examiner MME #06-00885 Doctor A. L. Mosley, MD
    03/06/2006 at 1030 Hours

    Cause of Death: BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA
    Manner of Death: UNDETERMINED


    FIRST OFFICER ON SCENE: Deputy Bylow # 1582, District 4 Patrol Deputy Campbell # 1566, District 4 Patrol

    OFFICERS INVOLVED : Deputy Lamar #1495, District 4 Patrol Detective, Cason #932, Central Detectives, Sergeant Swingle # 1059, Central Detectives

    WITNESSES: Norman Grant

    Collin B. Mulder

    Val Talia

    Reed Selby

    David L. Tucker

    PREPARED BY: B.K. Luth #1375 REVIEWED BY: Sergeant K. Swingle #1059



Now sweetheart, everyone knows that if blunt force trauma was used, the FBI and POLICE would have it reported today! It is not, and the Case is CLOSED and CLEARED!
If YOU had even the slightest amount of "guts", YOU would do what many of our employees have done, and called the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, press selection# 2, and SPEAK with a sheriff's dept. officer, and give case# 06-00885. ASK QUESTIONS.
WHY is the case CLOSED? WHY have there been NO conviction(s) if foul play was involved? WHY have 9 years gone by with NO changes? DO YOU really, honestly believe THE FBI and POLICE were involved in ANY kind of "COVER- UP? With Jazz Pharmaceutical Co. at the center of the conspiracy?
Pure absolute, made- up, complete lies! Complete fabricated nonesense!
Our employees can EASILY see through this crap! Simply pick- up the telephone and dial the number.
NO EVIDENCE, NO PROOF, NO CREDIBILITY! Bill Clark was a sales representative. Period.

Now sweetheart, everyone knows that if blunt force trauma was used, the FBI and POLICE would have it reported today! It is not, and the Case is CLOSED and CLEARED!
If YOU had even the slightest amount of "guts", YOU would do what many of our employees have done, and called the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, press selection# 2, and SPEAK with a sheriff's dept. officer, and give case# 06-00885. ASK QUESTIONS.
WHY is the case CLOSED? WHY have there been NO conviction(s) if foul play was involved? WHY have 9 years gone by with NO changes? DO YOU really, honestly believe THE FBI and POLICE were involved in ANY kind of "COVER- UP? With Jazz Pharmaceutical Co. at the center of the conspiracy?
Pure absolute, made- up, complete lies! Complete fabricated nonesense!
Our employees can EASILY see through this crap! Simply pick- up the telephone and dial the number.
NO EVIDENCE, NO PROOF, NO CREDIBILITY! Bill Clark was a sales representative. Period.

This is a matter of the above official police report and not your delusional personal opinion. If you have any official documented information to share feel free to post it as a web based link. Otherwise save the BS mindless and repetitive banter.

This is a matter of the above official police report and not your delusional personal opinion. If you have any official documented information to share feel free to post it as a web based link. Otherwise save the BS mindless and repetitive banter.

Sweetheart, the incredible FEAR YOU have of making a simple phone call to The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office to inquire about the death of Bill Clark is mind- boggling! This FEAR YOU and other conspiracy freaks have, shows how far YOU will go to avoid the TRUTH! YOU will NEVER, EVER, DARE to pick up the telephone and call for information. YOU are totally PETRIFIED of what YOU will find out!
Other Jazz employees HAVE called, and this has taken away ALL credibility from YOU!
So continue YOUR personal attacks because that's all YOU'RE able to do! The more time passes, every Jazz employee will know Bill's death was an accident. NO murder, NO foul play, NO cover- up by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and POLICE, NO cover- up by a small pharma company! JUST a simple, unfortunate death.

Sweetheart, the incredible FEAR YOU have of making a simple phone call to The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office to inquire about the death of Bill Clark is mind- boggling! This FEAR YOU and other conspiracy freaks have, shows how far YOU will go to avoid the TRUTH! YOU will NEVER, EVER, DARE to pick up the telephone and call for information. YOU are totally PETRIFIED of what YOU will find out!
Other Jazz employees HAVE called, and this has taken away ALL credibility from YOU!
So continue YOUR personal attacks because that's all YOU'RE able to do! The more time passes, every Jazz employee will know Bill's death was an accident. NO murder, NO foul play, NO cover- up by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and POLICE, NO cover- up by a small pharma company! JUST a simple, unfortunate death.

You got the wrong person. Not hating just stating fact. A documented detailed police report was posted on here. So are you denying that? Please do feel free to post a link if you claim to have any other legit info. It would be welcomed. Just spouting off random posts on here without providing documentation does make you look quite foolish. Again, I'm trying to help you so don't look like a moron. I hate to assume things such as you not knowing how to post a web based link, so please let us know if you don't know how to post a simple web based link to provide documentation.

You got the wrong person. Not hating just stating fact. A documented detailed police report was posted on here. So are you denying that? Please do feel free to post a link if you claim to have any other legit info. It would be welcomed. Just spouting off random posts on here without providing documentation does make you look quite foolish. Again, I'm trying to help you so don't look like a moron. I hate to assume things such as you not knowing how to post a web based link, so please let us know if you don't know how to post a simple web based link to provide documentation.

YOU know sweetheart, I can state facts too. It's far more meaningful and simpler to hold a phone conversation about Bill's death, with a live un- biased person, representing the Sheriff;s Office in Maricopa County, Arizona!
Instead of seeing a list of items, YOU can actually ASK questions!
Questions about why the case has been closed for 9 years. Questions about why Bill's death was declared accidental in nature. Questions of why there have never been suspects under suspicion. Questions about whether or NOT anyone has ever been arrested. Questions about whether the case is CLEARED, off the books, and CLOSED. And for how long. Questions about whether foul play had EVER BEEN considered.
YOU can actually have a dialogue with a real, live knowledgable person from the sheriff's dept! This is NOT a random suggestion! Several of our Jazz employees have spoken to a representative from the sheriff's dept. Calling the phone number is all that most people need! Enough knowledge can be received to justify common sense. 602-876-1742. Why would YOU not believe The FBI and POLICE REPORT (verbally)??