Anyone may request pubic information records regarding B. Clark’s death.
Police Report: call 602-876-1742
Ask for Case Ref. Number: DR#06-035356
Photos of Scene of Death: call 602-876-1000
Ref. Number: 06035357
Autopsy: Phoenix Medical Examiners Office, 701 W. Jefferson St. Phoenix, AZ 85007
Telephone: 602-876-1742
Case Number: 06-00885
The public may request the above for a small fee.
A typed hard-copy and cassette copy of the 911 Call may also be requested.
Cause of death: Blunt Force Trauma
3 words. Blunt force trauma.
3 words. Blunt force trauma.
so y has the case been closed. it seems there would be more investigating if foul play suspcted.Ass. It was "looked at" in 2011 because that is when Dr. Gleason DIED!!!! You really are a snake.
so y has the case been closed. it seems there would be more investigating if foul play suspcted.
You are absolutely correct! Notice how these conspiracy freaks and liars will NEVER, and can NEVER, and CAN"T answer the question of why this case is CLOSED and has bee for 9 years. This is the ONE true response they can't discuss and answer. YOU know it and so do most all the employees here at Jazz!
I too invite anyone who wants to know the TRUTH about Bill's death, to call The Maricopa County Sheriff's office at 602-876-1742, and press #2. Case# 06-00885 or Case# 06-035356.
You can now find out that this case is CLOSED. There will be NO MORE investigation associated with Bill's death. Period. The FBI and POLICE have long ago determined there was NO foul play, and this is why the case is CLOSED. Only the crackpot conspiracy freaks and liars continue to push their misinformation. But you are too smart to believe their un-substantiated claims. Remember, they'll NEVER be able to explain why the case is CLOSED! Why the case has been CLOSED! NEVER! I invite you to challenge their lies! WHY? Cases involving ANY type of foul play are NEVER CLOSED! Bill'a death is NOT up for scrutiny.
Feel free to share these facts with other employees.
Ok dumb fuck it's very obvious you wrote a post acting like another person so you could write your same OCD post again that you have written like 1000 times already. Geeeeez you are a dumbo the ass clown! Get a purpose in life.
"so y has the case been closed. it seems there would be more investigating if foul play suspected" (quote)
I am attacking you for posting the above and them replying to it with your OCD dumb fuck response. Loser for multiple posting shit and than replying to it.
Stupidity seems rampant here by the conspiracy freaks who just can't let go! But this is clearly the result when dumb people can't admit the TRUTH! Like knowing this case is CLOSED, and has been for 9 years!
And once again, I have never written a post in order to respond to it. My posts are always CLEARLY evident.
Murder and foul play ALWAYS leave cases OPEN. There will NEVER be enough FALSE information come forward to open this case again; not from the FBI, not from the POLICE, not from any investigating authority. WHY???
So, continue your attacks on me personally! But EVERYONE should always remember, the conspiracy freaks can NEVER answer why the case has been CLOSED for so long. Think about it.
Ass. It was "looked at" in 2011 because that is when Dr. Gleason DIED!!!! You really are a snake.
Hey dumb fuck at least read a post before replying so your response can at least be on topic. I posted specifically to call your dumb ass out for posting Something stupid so you can set up your own response to it. Multiple,posing on here makes so look like the dumb fuck that you are. That's my point of calling you out.
Anger management is always the answer for those who don't like the TRUTH!
Bill's death was innocent. A tradgedy yes. But according to the FBI and POLICE from 9 years ago, NO foul play was determined. Otherwise the case would remain OPEN, which of course, it is NOT!
Once again, I have NEVER "set up" anything to respond to it. But this seems to be your only way to cope.
Why don't you comment on why the case has been CLOSED for so many years.?? You can't, because you know you are nothing but an angry conspiracy freak! Get your head out of your ass! The entire Company sees you for what you are! Just an angry loser with no answers! You CAN"T call anyone out!
My comments are directed at you for being a dumb fuck for multiple,posting shit and directly replying to it.
Now sweetheart, I only reply to YOUR misguided posts! Even now, you are unable to accept Bill' death was one of natural causes! This was clearly determined by the FBI and POLICE who investigated all claims of foul play and murder. 9 YEARS and counting. YOU try to evade the REAL issue by your attacks upon me. As always, you refuse to comment on TRUTH. You can't handle the TRUTH, so you attempt to attack me personally. But I'm sure our Jazz employees see through you- quite easily. You avoid commenting on why the case is CLOSED. And CLOSED for 9 years! So, I'll just continue to bring this FACT to the attention of any and all employees who read this post!
No, YOU just can't seem to accept TRUTH and FACT! It bothers you because for al long time you have ascribed to the conspiracy freak theory, along with a few others who have their heads up their asses- just like YOU! Bill did not die from foul play, and YOU know it.