
It is like arguing with a child. I've done everything he has asked of me and been quite successful but due to a personality conflict with another team member, all of a sudden i'm just poo. It is like the last 4 years before this didn't even exist. Every time I bring up something he finds a way to dimiss it as insignificant. I'd like to go on a find another job but I really do love what I do. I'm proud of the products and enjoy being in the OR. If I wasn't doing something right I wouldn't have the track record I do have. So I'll fill out his stupid activity report and keep praying he will get axed but I'm doubtful that will happen.

My 2 cents: Don't ever argue but don't agree either. Say very little. Record your conversations and at the end of a bad review say "that sounds good" thanks. It really burns them up when they can't get you emotional.

I've been told by folks who have either left or retired that as long as I'm making my number, other than harrassing me, there isn't much he can do. But the harrassment is tiresome and burdensome. I'm praying and crossing everything I can that my SD is gone because then I know my DM will be gone as well. Thank you all for the advice!

My advice...hang on for another month. That's it. I guarantee you that he will be GONE. Then, your life will be much better. What comes around goes around. He treats you like shit, and then he will be shit on. YOU will be laughing at the end of this. You will be employed and he will be homeless. lol

Bad karma to hope someone loses their job. If I was you I would man up and stop using words like "poo" and deal with it and fall in line or leave. I tried to give you good advice earlier however I am starting to see maybe you are the problem. I am sure your manager is a prick however if you are not getting along with a team member even though you have good numbers that wont save you. JNJ is all about horseshit kool aid drinking dopes. Why do you think all the managers are such tool bags? They want people who can get along with others. Hitting a number is great but you wont find another organization in the world that lets people hang on for decades because they are good people and do their adminstrative work and drink the kool aid. Look around some people never hit a number yet never have problems. I bet they do what is asked of them, get along with everyone and whack off to the credo. JNJ is all about lifers. If you are looked at as the problem then you better figure out how to fix whatever it is that is not allowing you to get along with your team mate even if it truly is them. Good luck

I am trying to kiss this persons butt. And you are correct about the Karma part. I hope that due to the re-organization he finds a position more to his liking (how's that?) It's just frustrating that this same person has been a pain in the ass for 4 out of 6 people on my team and yet everyone else is the problem but her. I'm competitive and get tired of being force fed the shit sandwich. I used "poo" earlier because when you use profanity, CP doesn't always post it. I admit I'm not perfect but damn, when you have this kind of evidence staring you in the face, how could it not be this one individual???

That's what infuriates me. I've worked really hard to be supportive of this witch and now that I'm on her shit list, everything I've done in the past is being totally disregarded. Just disgusting to see how my good intentions have been turned against me. So now I eat the shit and say "thank you, may I have another" because I have a family to support.

While I am very nervous about these upcoming changes and layoffs, the one positive I see is that DMs will actually have to work under the new system and be accountable for their own production. As a 10 year rep, I have always been disgusted by the DM job. In no other device company are managers paid to watch their reps work. I could understand them working with new reps or strugging reps, but why with consistently successful reps?
My best DM experience has been with a DM who just said what do you need, and she did exactly what they new plan expects by opening doors at the highest levels of a system and getting me access for a trial.
What I have seen over the past 10 years is DMs who ride on successful reps' coattails, taking credit for their work. And when a DM is doing poorly, they immediately start putting reps on PIPs and building a case as to why "it isn't their fault" their division sucks.
It will be so welcome to see the DMs be held accountable for producing results and actually having to work for a change.

I am trying to kiss this persons butt. And you are correct about the Karma part. I hope that due to the re-organization he finds a position more to his liking (how's that?) It's just frustrating that this same person has been a pain in the ass for 4 out of 6 people on my team and yet everyone else is the problem but her. I'm competitive and get tired of being force fed the shit sandwich. I used "poo" earlier because when you use profanity, CP doesn't always post it. I admit I'm not perfect but damn, when you have this kind of evidence staring you in the face, how could it not be this one individual???

That's what infuriates me. I've worked really hard to be supportive of this witch and now that I'm on her shit list, everything I've done in the past is being totally disregarded. Just disgusting to see how my good intentions have been turned against me. So now I eat the shit and say "thank you, may I have another" because I have a family to support.

"Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple." This apply's not only to life but even the territories at EES. Some reps fall into a killer territory and think they are amazing. I am just saying maybe you are the problem and your successful numbers have nothing to do with you but the contracts that you ended up with?? Take this time to look introspectively..

While I am very nervous about these upcoming changes and layoffs, the one positive I see is that DMs will actually have to work under the new system and be accountable for their own production. As a 10 year rep, I have always been disgusted by the DM job. In no other device company are managers paid to watch their reps work. I could understand them working with new reps or strugging reps, but why with consistently successful reps?
My best DM experience has been with a DM who just said what do you need, and she did exactly what they new plan expects by opening doors at the highest levels of a system and getting me access for a trial.
What I have seen over the past 10 years is DMs who ride on successful reps' coattails, taking credit for their work. And when a DM is doing poorly, they immediately start putting reps on PIPs and building a case as to why "it isn't their fault" their division sucks.
It will be so welcome to see the DMs be held accountable for producing results and actually having to work for a change.

Wow you are a real handjob. What part of Manager and Rep dont you get? A manager is only as good or bad as the team they manage. Ride coat tails? No shit numbnuts! If you kill it, I kill it and the team kills it! What would you like managers to have accounts to call on too? If we did then we would be called, um what is it? Oh thats right, we would be called sales reps!!! That is why I am a manager so I dont have to call on accounts anymore on my own however I am more than happy to grab the bag make calls if necesarry or get reps access to accounts if I have contacts. Just ask.

Lets be honest though too. The manager job is basically a job that makes you do reports and then turns those into one big report and shoots it up the ladder. We take credit when the region kills it and when everyone sucks a fat one or a bunch of contracts end we take it up the tail pipe just as quickly as we would get the credit. It works both ways.

SHUT UP . Your job is to make your managers job easier . The less work he has to do for you the easier your job is . Don't engage in any negative comments and always agree. The least amount of time you talk to him the better off you are . Stop talking to him as if he is your friend . Remember the only value you have is your relationships. Income averaging over time and save as much as you can and SHUT up and you will be okay. Once you get your big boy pants on and realize EES owes you nothing,because you will never get it as good as you got it .

Wow you are a real handjob. What part of Manager and Rep dont you get? A manager is only as good or bad as the team they manage. Ride coat tails? No shit numbnuts! If you kill it, I kill it and the team kills it! What would you like managers to have accounts to call on too? If we did then we would be called, um what is it? Oh thats right, we would be called sales reps!!! That is why I am a manager so I dont have to call on accounts anymore on my own however I am more than happy to grab the bag make calls if necesarry or get reps access to accounts if I have contacts. Just ask.

Lets be honest though too. The manager job is basically a job that makes you do reports and then turns those into one big report and shoots it up the ladder. We take credit when the region kills it and when everyone sucks a fat one or a bunch of contracts end we take it up the tail pipe just as quickly as we would get the credit. It works both ways.

I am not in sales with EES but in another department in the home office.....interesting to read the perspectives of the reps and the managers. We do share some of the same "culture" mindfuck shit though. My conclusion from all this?.....What the fuck do we need so many managers for? I'm happy to send reports or whatever by email to anyone who wants them, just cut the middle manager out of it! They serve no purpose but to place undue bullshit processes in place so their job is justified. Us bottom feeders have to keep our mouths shut and not discuss possible efficiency improvements, as this threatens the middle manager role/job. If you open your mouth, your labelled a "negative" person or you're placed on a PIP to make sure you HEAR the message loud and clear to keep your mouth shut!! ....and so the mindfuck games continue. HEY J&J? Cut the managers!!! They can't do anything anymore nor do they want to do anything and yet they are making 6 figures + benefits!!! End this hostage situation that is the culture of J&J!!! The job is great, the CULTURE that has been cultivated for 20 years needs to CEASE, cut the managers!!!

wow, yet another conferance call on the 30th. i wonder if we are actually going to find out who the sales directors are. I know there are currently 9 on the EES side. How many were there with EWHU and EP? Just curious what we are going from - to.

I am not in sales with EES but in another department in the home office.....interesting to read the perspectives of the reps and the managers. We do share some of the same "culture" mindfuck shit though. My conclusion from all this?.....What the fuck do we need so many managers for? I'm happy to send reports or whatever by email to anyone who wants them, just cut the middle manager out of it! They serve no purpose but to place undue bullshit processes in place so their job is justified. Us bottom feeders have to keep our mouths shut and not discuss possible efficiency improvements, as this threatens the middle manager role/job. If you open your mouth, your labelled a "negative" person or you're placed on a PIP to make sure you HEAR the message loud and clear to keep your mouth shut!! ....and so the mindfuck games continue. HEY J&J? Cut the managers!!! They can't do anything anymore nor do they want to do anything and yet they are making 6 figures + benefits!!! End this hostage situation that is the culture of J&J!!! The job is great, the CULTURE that has been cultivated for 20 years needs to CEASE, cut the managers!!!

wow. put the bottle down, take your meds and step away from the computer chief. you do realize that this whole thread is about sales managers, don't you? not operations managers. clearly you are not in a revenue producing capacity. That's why you don't make so much. Go produce some revenue and maybe you will make more money, and maybe be happier.

I am not in sales with EES but in another department in the home office.....interesting to read the perspectives of the reps and the managers. We do share some of the same "culture" mindfuck shit though. My conclusion from all this?.....What the fuck do we need so many managers for? I'm happy to send reports or whatever by email to anyone who wants them, just cut the middle manager out of it! They serve no purpose but to place undue bullshit processes in place so their job is justified. Us bottom feeders have to keep our mouths shut and not discuss possible efficiency improvements, as this threatens the middle manager role/job. If you open your mouth, your labelled a "negative" person or you're placed on a PIP to make sure you HEAR the message loud and clear to keep your mouth shut!! ....and so the mindfuck games continue. HEY J&J? Cut the managers!!! They can't do anything anymore nor do they want to do anything and yet they are making 6 figures + benefits!!! End this hostage situation that is the culture of J&J!!! The job is great, the CULTURE that has been cultivated for 20 years needs to CEASE, cut the managers!!!

Why not shut down your department and outsource your job son? Exactly shut your pie hole.

Gang, we finally hear from someone on the "inside" and all your doing is bashing this person who is feeling and seeing the same b*llsh*t we do out here in the field. They are fighting the same problem we are = if you say ANYTHING that goes against what management wants to hear, you are label negative. I think that is WRONG. Why? Because a lot of the time we can see what is wrong with something or see how it is going to affect our business long before management does (robotics, reprocessing for example).

Not everyone in corporate is a pencil pusher. Without some of these people, we wouldn't have anything to sell or it would be more f'ed up than it already is. I'm sure someone tried to tell management that we needed more than one assembly line for powered.....

Wow you are a real handjob. What part of Manager and Rep dont you get? A manager is only as good or bad as the team they manage. Ride coat tails? No shit numbnuts! If you kill it, I kill it and the team kills it! What would you like managers to have accounts to call on too? If we did then we would be called, um what is it? Oh thats right, we would be called sales reps!!! That is why I am a manager so I dont have to call on accounts anymore on my own however I am more than happy to grab the bag make calls if necesarry or get reps access to accounts if I have contacts. Just ask.

Lets be honest though too. The manager job is basically a job that makes you do reports and then turns those into one big report and shoots it up the ladder. We take credit when the region kills it and when everyone sucks a fat one or a bunch of contracts end we take it up the tail pipe just as quickly as we would get the credit. It works both ways.

Wow- back at you. My manager is worthless. I'm actually thankful he doesn't micromanage. I will never bring him into an important meeting or account because I'm embarrassed by his lack of ability to communicate effectively and stay on the topic we are there to discuss. In over 5 years, we have never had a discussion on territory planning, business planning, career development, how to improve any kind of strategy or what that strategy might be. When I used to ask his opinion or advice, I would get a quote that was irrelevant and I'd have to listen to him ramble for 30 minutes about how that quote ties into my current situation. I've found success by bypassing him and going to real people who can answer my questions or give me solid advice. Ineffective DMs are irrelevant. Unfortunately, the majority of them are ineffective. My division is proof we don't need a DM to be successful. Out with all of you!!!

I agree with all the above posts. Do away with all the managers. They are basically useless. We all work fine as a team and if we have any pressing questions, why not go straight to the regional? What do the regional managers do all day anyway? I think field rides are the biggest waste of time. All the stupid reports come back so negative that they do not realize that this DEMOTIVATES reps! They do this because they like the feeling of the power that they are in. What a joke.

I agree with all the above posts. Do away with all the managers. They are basically useless. We all work fine as a team and if we have any pressing questions, why not go straight to the regional? What do the regional managers do all day anyway? I think field rides are the biggest waste of time. All the stupid reports come back so negative that they do not realize that this DEMOTIVATES reps! They do this because they like the feeling of the power that they are in. What a joke.
