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Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be lean


Takeda Pharmaceutical - 10 Largest U.S. Patent Losses

Drug: Actos
Company: Takeda Pharmaceutical
2010 U.S. sales: $3.35 billion/$4.3 billion global
Impact: 51.82% of U.S. revenue
Patent expires: August 2012
It's a good thing Takeda is the biggest drugmaker in Japan. When it loses U.S. patent coverage for its top-selling drug Actos, it faces a drain on half its sales here. But Actos' $3.35 billion in U.S. revenue is only 18% of the company's global sales. That's no easy hole to fill, but it's a lot easier to face than 51%.

Unfortunately, new safety questions won't help Takeda hang on to market share. Evidence about a potential link to bladder cancer prompted France and Germany to pull the drug briefly until European regulators called for updated warnings about the cancer risk. The FDA had already asked Takeda to strengthen cautionary language on Actos' U.S. label.

Takeda doesn't appear to be looking to the U.S. or Europe to help backfill its sales. The company recently bought the Swiss drugmaker Nycomed, largely for its distribution and expertise in emerging markets. It's scouting for small acquisitions in India. And it's building up its business in China. In the meantime, it's warning investors the next few years are likely to be lean.


Re: Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be

Read this online last month and was not surprised. If they are telling investors they will be lean for the next couple of years. I am certain their will be at least one more layoff.

Re: Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be

Takeda doesn't appear to be looking to the U.S. or Europe to help backfill its sales. The company recently bought the Swiss drugmaker Nycomed, largely for its distribution and expertise in emerging markets. It's scouting for small acquisitions in India. And it's building up its business in China. In the meantime, it's warning investors the next few years are likely to be lean.

This is the key paragraph. India and china will receive investment not the USA.

Re: Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be

Doug himself said that each group has to look at their budgets and make cuts...well they've started, in a very deceiving way. Cuts to personnel, sales reps, especially those with many years. My last day was the end of last week. Trumped up charges to get rid of me without paying my year and a half of severance. Evedytime my DM would start to answer a question, the HR lady would interrupt her. I wasn't able to even plead my case, or refute anything. Today called HR for some clarification on insurance. They were apologetjc to me. It was said that with all that's going on they were looking for other options. Yeah, for people who actually have some kind of morals, making up crap to get rid of long time loyal reps, just to get out of paying severance is a difficult pill to swallow. They probably want to go home and shower pretty much all day. Interestiny how money can turn people who have power into even greedier people stepping on anyone to attain more power and more money. Never mind my family, 4 young kids, at the beginning of the Holiday. No severance, now having to live on 25% of my salary with no insurance until I find another job...in this economy...just so they can cut enough money to make their bonus. I hope they do something nice with their bonuses! I'm the trumped up lies that have damaged my self esteem has made it so that they get all the money they deserve. Kudos for cutting cost on the backs of us reps that have worked for you for 14,15, 20, 25 years. Way to go!!! Have a Happy Holiday! Maybe your kids or grandkids can open some presents for mine, since my bonus is all I'm getting after 14 years!

Re: Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be

I'm not buying this one. I was a DM once and it was hard as hell to get rid of anyone and especially those who deserved it. The amount of documentation that was required to cover the company's ass was extensive. What you consider a trumped up charge is probably a very valid reason but it seems trumped up to you due to your sense of entitlement as you shouldn't have to work a full day or blah, blah, blah. Don't come on CafePharma looking for a pity party and make Takeda out to be the villian unless you're willing to place yourself in the court of public opinion by revealing the details. Odds are once you do, people will realize that you did or didn't do something that was blatant in nature. Take some responsibility for your situation!

Doug himself said that each group has to look at their budgets and make cuts...well they've started, in a very deceiving way. Cuts to personnel, sales reps, especially those with many years. My last day was the end of last week. Trumped up charges to get rid of me without paying my year and a half of severance. Evedytime my DM would start to answer a question, the HR lady would interrupt her. I wasn't able to even plead my case, or refute anything. Today called HR for some clarification on insurance. They were apologetjc to me. It was said that with all that's going on they were looking for other options. Yeah, for people who actually have some kind of morals, making up crap to get rid of long time loyal reps, just to get out of paying severance is a difficult pill to swallow. They probably want to go home and shower pretty much all day. Interestiny how money can turn people who have power into even greedier people stepping on anyone to attain more power and more money. Never mind my family, 4 young kids, at the beginning of the Holiday. No severance, now having to live on 25% of my salary with no insurance until I find another job...in this economy...just so they can cut enough money to make their bonus. I hope they do something nice with their bonuses! I'm the trumped up lies that have damaged my self esteem has made it so that they get all the money they deserve. Kudos for cutting cost on the backs of us reps that have worked for you for 14,15, 20, 25 years. Way to go!!! Have a Happy Holiday! Maybe your kids or grandkids can open some presents for mine, since my bonus is all I'm getting after 14 years!

Re: Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be

I'm not buying this one. I was a DM once and it was hard as hell to get rid of anyone and especially those who deserved it. The amount of documentation that was required to cover the company's ass was extensive. What you consider a trumped up charge is probably a very valid reason but it seems trumped up to you due to your sense of entitlement as you shouldn't have to work a full day or blah, blah, blah. Don't come on CafePharma looking for a pity party and make Takeda out to be the villian unless you're willing to place yourself in the court of public opinion by revealing the details. Odds are once you do, people will realize that you did or didn't do something that was blatant in nature. Take some responsibility for your situation!

Exactly. Let the cafepharma jury decide if the charges are trumped up. What were you let go for. You admitted earlier that you should have been written up for whatever you did last year. If so, why do you feel entitled to a severance package because of something you did wrong? Maybe you should be grateful to get another year of bonus and salary when you could have been let go when it happened. More details

Re: Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be

I have empathy for the guy with 4the kids, but why do you think you are entitled to severance after being fired? If you broke company policy, you get fired, right? If I get a DWI, I'm breaking policy and should be fired for it. I would not expect a severance. I hope your case is not that black and white, would be nice to see you do well and back on your feet.

Re: Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be

I'm not buying this one. I was a DM once and it was hard as hell to get rid of anyone and especially those who deserved it. The amount of documentation that was required to cover the company's ass was extensive. What you consider a trumped up charge is probably a very valid reason but it seems trumped up to you due to your sense of entitlement as you shouldn't have to work a full day or blah, blah, blah. Don't come on CafePharma looking for a pity party and make Takeda out to be the villian unless you're willing to place yourself in the court of public opinion by revealing the details. Odds are once you do, people will realize that you did or didn't do something that was blatant in nature. Take some responsibility for your situation!

Well then you were not at the managers meeting which coincided with the roll out of the new coaching model. From what I hear it was specifically discussed that the loads and loads of documentation needed to get rid of an employee is no more. It almost felt like getting the go ahead to "thin the herd". This is what I heard from two people that were there.

Any one in attendance at the meeting care to verify or deny?

Re: Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be

I'm not buying this one. I was a DM once and it was hard as hell to get rid of anyone and especially those who deserved it. The amount of documentation that was required to cover the company's ass was extensive. What you consider a trumped up charge is probably a very valid reason but it seems trumped up to you due to your sense of entitlement as you shouldn't have to work a full day or blah, blah, blah. Don't come on CafePharma looking for a pity party and make Takeda out to be the villian unless you're willing to place yourself in the court of public opinion by revealing the details. Odds are once you do, people will realize that you did or didn't do something that was blatant in nature. Take some responsibility for your situation!

Takeda can get rid of you for any reason. Our RSD got rid of a 12 year veteran rep he ran into at the health club in the middle of the day. Never mind that he was at the same health club and not in the region office when he saw the rep.

Re: Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be

What up RSD? I am here on my sick day using the sauna and stream room trying to get rid of my cold. Why are u here shouldn't you be working?

Re: Layoffs, oops I mean lean (warning investors the next few years are likely to be

Philly Ofc. RSDs need to go.
"Roybot" Williams.
Mark "Napolean" Gimbert.
Cathy "Lazy".

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