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MED Layoffs

Is our severance pay after April 4th which is 8 weeks + 2 weeks for every year of service calculated with IC plan bonus plan at 100% or is it just base salary?

Yes, severance check will be cut about 2-3 weeks after April 4th, it will be the 8wk+2wk as you mention above minus around 22% witholding, but I believe the bonus will be paid out separately on their normal schedule for Q3, and Q4 will be for Jan actuals with Feb & Mar calculated at 100% of plan.

Yes, severance check will be cut about 2-3 weeks after April 4th, it will be the 8wk+2wk as you mention above minus around 22% witholding, but I believe the bonus will be paid out separately on their normal schedule for Q3, and Q4 will be for Jan actuals with Feb & Mar calculated at 100% of plan.
thanks, what about say Q1 April-june Like if you get 3 months exactly is it 100% bonus and Salary?

Sounded like a wink and nod from Colin on the call this morning concerning resigning before April 4th. After talking about taking other jobs prior to April 4th, and possibly losing your severance, he slowly stated how one "must officially resign by sending an email to your HR partner stating that you are officially resigning before April 4th". Was that his way of saying, if your gonna briefly have to double dip to hire on with Sanofi, just don't tell us and you'll be fine? Is this how it works in pharma and other companies that lay people off? Don't ask don't tell?

If you don't officially resign by contacting them, and you sign the severance agreement on a date after April 4th, you're good! My guess is, nobody is going to do anything.

Good question! Maybe they can see through your health insurance coverage at your new job, when the health insurance people check to make sure your not getting duplicate or overlapping health insurance coverage. Who really knows, but I'm sure there are ways HR/Payroll can find out, little red flags they can query for to find out if your social security number is showing activity either in new payroll or new health insurance somewhere else. I'm sure they have ways.

I’m fairly confident you would be safe if you started a job before April 4, except Sanofi. Looks like Takeda and Sanofi have open communication between their respective HR‘s. You don’t want to be caught by Sanofi HR attempting to double dip, you may lose the Dupixent job and your Takeda severance. You’re between a rock and a hard place with the Sanofi situation.

I’m fairly confident you would be safe if you started a job before April 4, except Sanofi. Looks like Takeda and Sanofi have open communication between their respective HR‘s. You don’t want to be caught by Sanofi HR attempting to double dip, you may lose the Dupixent job and your Takeda severance. You’re between a rock and a hard place with the Sanofi situation.

Yep, there is no doubt they (Takeda HR & Sanofi HR) are both talking and sharing information. Hell, Takeda just told us on a call they can forward our Workday contact information at our request to Sanofi HR, that tells you right there they are both ALL OVER THIS!!! BEWARE!!! If you happen to get an offer, be honest and see if you can negotiate a start date after April 4th. If you can't, it's obviously better to take the offer and let go of the severance....bird in the hand!

I’m fairly confident you would be safe if you started a job before April 4, except Sanofi. Looks like Takeda and Sanofi have open communication between their respective HR‘s. You don’t want to be caught by Sanofi HR attempting to double dip, you may lose the Dupixent job and your Takeda severance. You’re between a rock and a hard place with the Sanofi situation.
Screwing us till the bitter end

I wonder how many have had an initial interview already as well as those that have had second interviews? Serious question, thots on ST with with Sanofi (obviously if you’ve interviewed with him)? Sounds like everyone’s experience has been different .

Takeda Layoff History:

June 2010 - large layoff, first ever in company history
January 2012 - small layoff
March 31 2017 - large layoff
March 31 2019 - large layoff
September 2020 - small layoff (41 reps, 25%) GI MED only
February 2022 - all of GI MED

Takeda Layoff History:

June 2010 - large layoff, first ever in company history
January 2012 - small layoff
March 31 2017 - large layoff
March 31 2019 - large layoff
September 2020 - small layoff (41 reps, 25%) GI MED only
February 2022 - all of GI MED

Next will obviously be Trintelix reps.

March 31 2022 - Neuro

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