Layoffs 2024

Layoffs are coming? Great!!
Can our idiot boss get laid off since this crack head barely has a GED and smokes crack in their car in the parking lot! Shameful that all of us have bachelors & masters degrees but since this lazy dumb ass kisses the right ass, we in the department who all have college degrees with over 6 years of experience are "not qualified enough", he becomes our boss. Great job Abbott!! Keep hiring your friends to hold those positions and continue watching the burning ship sink. This DF is highly unqualified to be where they are. Let's just keep putting DMF like this in important positions to keep tanking the morale and lose good people!

Sociopaths. Lacking so much in empathy that they lack the self awareness or care for human beings with families or demonstrate understanding that not everyone can roll up in their Porsche. Transactional and ruthless. Death in the family or any life emergency or not, Badia and her girl gang henchmen couldn’t give a damn. All they see is a replaceable resource - a liability in those who are human and are dealing with challenges. How dare you get between Badia and her bonus?
Irony is that their secretaries hate them so much they leak company info left and right. Interested in getting intel? Approach a disgruntled secretary with an axe to grind. You’ll find out everything from who they’re trying to fire next and who they’re bringing on board. Nothing is a secret. ADC won’t be a market leader for long. Loose lips sink ships.

Sociopaths. Lacking so much in empathy that they lack the self awareness or care for human beings with families or demonstrate understanding that not everyone can roll up in their Porsche. Transactional and ruthless. Death in the family or any life emergency or not, Badia and her girl gang henchmen couldn’t give a damn. All they see is a replaceable resource - a liability in those who are human and are dealing with challenges. How dare you get between Badia and her bonus?
Irony is that their secretaries hate them so much they leak company info left and right. Interested in getting intel? Approach a disgruntled secretary with an axe to grind. You’ll find out everything from who they’re trying to fire next and who they’re bringing on board. Nothing is a secret. ADC won’t be a market leader for long. Loose lips sink ships.
They are all out for themselves. Their only real control over you is your paycheck. So, you save, don't have debt, live below your means, and at some point, that control they have is no longer there. I know how bad it can be, I worked at ADC for 12 years where the managerial mantra is to drain you dry. They steal your work and push you down. The only security you have is money in the bank.

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