IT Layoffs

I see no improvements under MM yet. Wipro is still a disaster 3 years in and no one has the balls to say a mistake was made and roll back. Local Wipro staff are a joke at Euro sites. Please God they offer me any decent package and I’d be delighted to get out.

I see no improvements under MM yet. Wipro is still a disaster 3 years in and no one has the balls to say a mistake was made and roll back. Local Wipro staff are a joke at Euro sites. Please God they offer me any decent package and I’d be delighted to get out.

Don't hold your breath, rumor has it that packages might just be a thing of the past!

I see no improvements under MM yet. Wipro is still a disaster 3 years in and no one has the balls to say a mistake was made and roll back. Local Wipro staff are a joke at Euro sites. Please God they offer me any decent package and I’d be delighted to get out.

and you wont. mm hired jv who is a chump and is doubling down on wipro

MM has a $50MM task for 2019 - his BTS VPs each have $5-7 MM to cut on their teams. Open positions are being frozen or cancelled in 2Q already.

As of Friday, 13-Sep word from AP6 is that MM has met most of the $50MM task by cancelling open positions (ex. ~26 in LMs area, etc), 'retiring' a couple of VPs (like Ms. KK) and a few band 21-24 directors & sr directors, and postponing band promotions.

Come Jan 2020, the cancellations, cuts, retirements will start anew.

I see no improvements under MM yet. Wipro is still a disaster 3 years in and no one has the balls to say a mistake was made and roll back. Local Wipro staff are a joke at Euro sites. Please God they offer me any decent package and I’d be delighted to get out.

Word is MM was admonished by Miles for doing a disappointing IT update to the board in Q1 2019, droning on about Tech Debt when the board was looking for a compelling IT Vision to drive Abbott forward.

MM is proving his bite is far more boring than his bite.

and you wont. mm hired jv who is a chump and is doubling down on wipro

OMG, JV is such a dolt! Where in heck is he coming from? His tech cred is weak for a VP, and he has trouble articulating even relatively simple concepts like time stamping (two major incidents on his watch already, causing product loss at AN & ADC from discarded batches due to batch records with incorrect time-stamps - ouch)

Word is MM was admonished by Miles for doing a disappointing IT update to the board in Q1 2019, droning on about Tech Debt when the board was looking for a compelling IT Vision to drive Abbott forward.

MM is proving his bite is far more boring than his bite.

... or the board doesn't know shit about Enterprise IT. If I never change the oil in my car, never change the tires, should I be surprised when eventually a rod shoots through the hood? If I hire someone to change the brakes and he doesn't know the difference between a socket wrench and pair of pliers, should I be surprised when my car won't stop? The "board" hasn't funded key base infrastructure and hired a MSP that is on the verge of being criminally incompetent.

Compelling Vision? It's a miracle the lights are still on.

... or the board doesn't know shit about Enterprise IT. If I never change the oil in my car, never change the tires, should I be surprised when eventually a rod shoots through the hood? If I hire someone to change the brakes and he doesn't know the difference between a socket wrench and pair of pliers, should I be surprised when my car won't stop? The "board" hasn't funded key base infrastructure and hired a MSP that is on the verge of being criminally incompetent.

Compelling Vision? It's a miracle the lights are still on.

Is there a mutiny on the Titanic? Quick! Start a war room, this must be suppressed!

I joined Abbott after coming from the Baxter implosion just to find out everything is IBM and Cognizant....they are awful. I have been told to create tickets to get IT work done but I was a developer and end up doing the shit in 1/³ of the time it takes the Mumbai Mumblers to do it..... hopefully things swing back around.

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