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Layoff Rumors?

Great that Company is trying to keep up morale but the facts are the facts. This is what this industry is all about...you take your risks like anything else in life. There are NO guarantees especially in the land of pharma. Just hold on tight and hopefully you won't get a notice for the imminent conference call.

Please fire my worthless SAEs in my territory, who pretend to be working, and blame everyone else for their own personal ineptitude. Again, absolutely no accountable. If the company wants to really create value through innovation, let's please take this opportunity to get rid of the worthless people who collect a paycheck and do absolutely nothing everyday! Hello, the gig is up. We know you don't actually work.

Certainly not a rumor at this point, as Paul addressed it on last review with Feb timelines for announcements.

Kelly writes about it in Fridays monthly update. Read her comments starting with "we should expect major changes in what we do, how we do it, and how we are structured"

Just be prepared for whatever lies ahead and control your destiny

The funny and yet sad part of this is that Merck tried what our beta project is all about and made the same changes 3 years ago. Result they went back to therapeutic sales teams. That seems about right for BI 3 years behind.

More likely the 19th, Tuesday after a long weekend

Advice to our esteemed workers: the above posts are another prime example of a CP troll trying to excite concern about job security and questioning the capability of key leaders with moronic posts. We suspect there are three or four who continually post this nonsense. We value our workforce; you are an extended family. Layoffs are last action we would ever consider !! JUST CONCERN YOURSELVES WITH DOING YOUR JOB AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL POSSIBLE AND IGNORE THESE MALICIOUS POSTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Advice to our esteemed workers: the above posts are another prime example of a CP troll trying to excite concern about job security and questioning the capability of key leaders with moronic posts. We suspect there are three or four who continually post this nonsense. We value our workforce; you are an extended family. Layoffs are last action we would ever consider !! JUST CONCERN YOURSELVES WITH DOING YOUR JOB AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL POSSIBLE AND IGNORE THESE MALICIOUS POSTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16th not 19th. sure it's the "last action" and the next action. The "trolls" are only repeating what has been stated repeatedly by upper management in videos and emails like the one Friday by KD. But sure, put your heads down and pretend nothing is happening. But don't say you weren't warned. Nobody said everyone is getting axed, some areas won't be affected at all. But it's never bad advice to be prepared, dust off the resume and talk with a couple recruiters

16th not 19th. sure it's the "last action" and the next action. The "trolls" are only repeating what has been stated repeatedly by upper management in videos and emails like the one Friday by KD. But sure, put your heads down and pretend nothing is happening. But don't say you weren't warned. Nobody said everyone is getting axed, some areas won't be affected at all. But it's never bad advice to be prepared, dust off the resume and talk with a couple recruiters

Well said. People have families, and even those that don't have rent/mortgages to pay. This is no joke. The people on here warning of layoffs are just trying to inject some reality into the conversation. There's NO info coming from management (not that ANY company would discuss layoffs ahead of time....I'm not blaming B.i. specifically, just the situation). It's just math folks. Our products are dog shit right now and we have nothing good anywhere in the near future. They aren't going to donate to workers without sales.

hearing April 1 and 15%. Anyone shocked? Don't need an army of reps in today's pharma.
April 1st is the only exact date that has been given, it is the "go live" date for go to market. But it stands to reason any changes would be done prior to this date to give everyone time to complete any training or interviewing for new positions created. That is why Feb is assumed

It stinks, standing by now for those posts.."I'm the only one working in my territory!", "This will be a good thing to clear the dead wood and let me really shine now" or the one post I've never figured out "please let me be the one to get the axe"

It stinks, standing by now for those posts.."I'm the only one working in my territory!", "This will be a good thing to clear the dead wood and let me really shine now" or the one post I've never figured out "please let me be the one to get the axe"

Regardless, people will lose their jobs and that's not a good thing for them. The unfortunate part is that the employment decisions are outsourced, so some great conscientious reps will get sacked. Similarly, some of the less hardworking reps will keep their posts.

hearing April 1 and 15%. Anyone shocked? Don't need an army of reps in today's pharma.

These false posts are creating discomfort at all levels, beit management or esteemed reps. There are NO PLANS TO LAY OFF ANYONE ! Please ignore the three or four trolls who keep posting false information. They probably work for our competitors . We need a strong, dedicated rep team to grow our base. We all are the team ! We are an extended family ! Our future depends on you !

These false posts are creating discomfort at all levels, beit management or esteemed reps. There are NO PLANS TO LAY OFF ANYONE ! Please ignore the three or four trolls who keep posting false information. They probably work for our competitors . We need a strong, dedicated rep team to grow our base. We all are the team ! We are an extended family ! Our future depends on you !

Please ask upper management to say this to us.