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Layoff Rumors?

I don't think you are a senior manager, because your tone is not professional. The person you are responding to is also a little unhinged. You keep shouting that there will be no layoffs, but if that were true I don't think they would have used the exact words "some of our jobs will be eliminated". It would be nice if we could share any real thoughts or information here. People just want an opportunity to process the situation and their options, but this is CP, so I guess that is a little unrealistic.

Thank you. I did become unhinged and apologize. We never read these posts but my admin showed me this thread on Friday and I couldn't believe what was being posted as fact ! Yes some jobs will be eliminated but those employees will be given the option to take on new assignments. We will not throw anyone on the street. As to the use of caps that is my way to make a strong point.

Thank you. I did become unhinged and apologize. We never read these posts but my admin showed me this thread on Friday and I couldn't believe what was being posted as fact ! Yes some jobs will be eliminated but those employees will be given the option to take on new assignments. We will not throw anyone on the street. As to the use of caps that is my way to make a strong point.

If you are new to these boards, there are some things you should know. First is that nobody takes anything here as fact, because nobody knows who is who, and there are many trolls posting nonsense to get people irritated. Overall it is a very negative place that is used by a very small percentage of sales forces in any company. Sometimes posts are actually made by reps from other companies trying to cause trouble and you don't know which posts they are. Many threads just deteriorate into something about someone else's mother.

So why does anybody come here? Sometimes just to say something that can't be said safely in any other environment, sometimes to seek insights, sometimes for entertainment. At times of great uncertainty in a company there will be a lot more activity from people who never look here any other time. What you see here can be useful sometimes, but is not a true reflection of any companies sales force.

I hope that what you say about no layoffs is true. People are stressed and scared. Nobody is worried about their jobs changing. They are just worried about not having one. If there really are no layoffs, upper management should be speaking differently. I am sure they can not guarantee all people will be placed, but they could say something to the effect that the goal is to be as head count neutral as possible.

I come here to read about the hot reps (anymore, those are few and far between.) I also like to read about what rep is banging their boss. That's always a good read.

Tired of reading about Fred, HK (whoever that is) or the drunk manager in the Carolina's.

Lastly, I like to read the rumors about who was shit canned.

I come here to read about the hot reps (anymore, those are few and far between.) I also like to read about what rep is banging their boss. That's always a good read.

Tired of reading about Fred, HK (whoever that is) or the drunk manager in the Carolina's.

Lastly, I like to read the rumors about who was shit canned.

Well you must be bored, because there is not much happening here. You are looking for the company that existed 15 years ago.

If you are new to these boards, there are some things you should know. First is that nobody takes anything here as fact, because nobody knows who is who, and there are many trolls posting nonsense to get people irritated. Overall it is a very negative place that is used by a very small percentage of sales forces in any company. Sometimes posts are actually made by reps from other companies trying to cause trouble and you don't know which posts they are. Many threads just deteriorate into something about someone else's mother.

So why does anybody come here? Sometimes just to say something that can't be said safely in any other environment, sometimes to seek insights, sometimes for entertainment. At times of great uncertainty in a company there will be a lot more activity from people who never look here any other time. What you see here can be useful sometimes, but is not a true reflection of any companies sales force.

I hope that what you say about no layoffs is true. People are stressed and scared. Nobody is worried about their jobs changing. They are just worried about not having one. If there really are no layoffs, upper management should be speaking differently. I am sure they can not guarantee all people will be placed, but they could say something to the effect that the goal is to be as head count neutral as possible.

Thank you. Very informative post. I assumed all these posts were generally truthful and serious. But on perusing them I see what you are saying. That said I have calmed down and don't take all the threads seriously. My admin has also cautioned me likewise.

Regarding future layoffs, all we can say at this point is that we DO NOT ever want to layoff anyone. Period. We have great respect for our workforce. We feel we are an extended family and are indeed fortunate to have such skilled dedicated employees. There are absolutely no plans for any layoffs. However if they become unavoidable at some future date we will provide a generous separation package and full career guidance (recruiting services, training, etc).

Thank you. Very informative post. I assumed all these posts were generally truthful and serious. But on perusing them I see what you are saying. That said I have calmed down and don't take all the threads seriously. My admin has also cautioned me likewise.

Regarding future layoffs, all we can say at this point is that we DO NOT ever want to layoff anyone. Period. We have great respect for our workforce. We feel we are an extended family and are indeed fortunate to have such skilled dedicated employees. There are absolutely no plans for any layoffs. However if they become unavoidable at some future date we will provide a generous separation package and full career guidance (recruiting services, training, etc).

Why do you think that upper management won't use such reassuring language? It would help everyone a lot.

The layoffs are coming. Get a clue. When the corporation comes out with a "LEAP" survey,
it means it has already been determined more than 9 months ago. The process could be called "JUMP", "CHANGE", "RENEW", etc. When the corporation puts a name on it, it is solid. They have to name it to create a nice "cover" for what it really means. Layoffs, reductions.
The lawyers are involved, the consultants, etc. This has been well planned out almost a year ago. Putting a label on it assists with reducing lawsuits that might come after the fact. Years ago, Pfizer did the same thing. Created a name for camouflaging the future layoffs. Typical.
Sales reps with BI should be worried. It is happening!

CP is fun read, place to vent, get some laughs, but look at any boards history of comments regarding layoffs..you'll find the usual posts of "layoffs next year!" or "what's up with our contract reps?" but then the drumbeat of a real layoff starts to grow..then its the deniers posting "no layoffs!!stop posting bs!" then 'why no news or my DM doesn't know anything about it, can't be true' it rolls to the 'Conference call Friday announced?!' theme and finally its the posts of "How many left in....?" and ends with the bitter posts "Class action lawsuit we need!"

I know my territory has too many reps, especially compared to what other pharma co's are fielding...now its just another waiting came for who's going to make the cut lottery.

There are no class action suits....we all signed an arbitration agreement 10/14.
Layoffs happen when revenue goals are not met and headcount is cut...reality. Unfortunately, they don't distinguish between dead wood and true talent.

There are no class action suits....we all signed an arbitration agreement 10/14.
Layoffs happen when revenue goals are not met and headcount is cut...reality. Unfortunately, they don't distinguish between dead wood and true talent.
thats the crux of it. fuck turds always seem to make it through.

There are no class action suits....we all signed an arbitration agreement 10/14.
Layoffs happen when revenue goals are not met and headcount is cut...reality. Unfortunately, they don't distinguish between dead wood and true talent.
My DM assured me there will be no cutbacks. ! But maybe some relocations. It seems enuf people are quitting that we actually are under staffed with reps. that's what he said today.

Think about what's behind or motivating your DM with the don't worry, be happy talk...boil it down to what's in it for your DM?

DM's get judged too..how's the territory doing (anybody's guess and beyond DMs control), how's paperwork flowing ? but a BIG grade is turnover...companies don't shelling out dough to retrain the monkeys...big brownie points for low turnover districts.

Think about what's behind or motivating your DM with the don't worry, be happy talk...boil it down to what's in it for your DM?

DM's get judged too..how's the territory doing (anybody's guess and beyond DMs control), how's paperwork flowing ? but a BIG grade is turnover...companies don't shelling out dough to retrain the monkeys...big brownie points for low turnover districts.
My DM would never lie to me about layoffs. He ssid we are safe.

Why do you think that upper management won't use such reassuring language? It would help everyone a lot.

Thank you for the feedback. I cannot speak for all of management; however, those I work with are a dedicated group and do not want to see anyone let go. As I said previously, there are never any guarantees - that's simply unrealistic and would be a lie - but we will do our best to keep everyone gainfully employed as what we believe is the best team in the field !