Lab West Upper Management?

Problem is, they don't have anyone in Van Nuys or San Diego who could take SK's job. And they won't promote from within until the good old boys are sure anybody they promote is drinking the koolade.

U don't have to get rid of her. She is in the wrong department. Transfer her to Sales. She would be a perfect fit there.

Problem is, they don't have anyone in Van Nuys or San Diego who could take SK's job. And they won't promote from within until the good old boys are sure anybody they promote is drinking the koolade.

Yes, transfer her to the Sales Dept. She has all of the qualities of a successful sales person. A classic sociopath.

Technologists are professionals. We don't like being treated like Korean sweat shop workers.
This used to be the United States of America.

Herein lies your saving grace from sk...obviously totally incompetent but LabCorp is so big and disjointed it takes a LONG time for people's ineptness to be realized. It is only when there are complaints (esp to HR about LabCorp protocol violations - ie lack of reviews, stats, etc.) that action is taken. From experience I know that the more that CTs complain about valid points, big wigs see who is rocking the boat and get rid of them. Does the name M*******a ring a bell? Do everybody a favor and try to get rid of her now, and your transition to one of the other labs will be better because it will be without her.

I heard about a cytology manager in San Diego that got canned a while back. I cannot remember her name though. Is this the M.........a you are talking about?

I have been reading some of the other threads on this site. Is it true that LCA does not value long term employees, no matter how great they are on the job? They say that once you are there long enough to get over a month vacation. chances are you get riffed. WTF. Can anyone comment on this?

Yes, transfer her to the Sales Dept. She has all of the qualities of a successful sales person. A classic sociopath.

Technologists are professionals. We don't like being treated like Korean sweat shop workers.
This used to be the United States of America.

Correct!! Cyto needs leader who encourages teamwork, not turn co-workers against one another.

I have been reading some of the other threads on this site. Is it true that LCA does not value long term employees, no matter how great they are on the job? They say that once you are there long enough to get over a month vacation. chances are you get riffed. WTF. Can anyone comment on this?

You need to stop listening/reading some of the crap posted on this rumor mill. LCA has numerous employees (meaning hundreds) at at all levels (bench techs through SVP's)who have been with the company for 30 years or more. Some are RBL some are National Health (the 2 companies that merged to make LCA) while still other oldtimers came from acquiring smaller defunked labs.

Correct!! Cyto needs leader who encourages teamwork, not turn co-workers against one another.

U have 2 be able to c past the charade. Keeping drama going is just a tactic 2 mask incompetency. Can u say distraction? The more I read about this situation the tireder I get.
Scroll up and re-read the posts. The solution is there. I heard from a reliable source that there is a gag order on the cytots.Whats up with that? Dr. Phil says that u r as sick as ur secrets.

You need to stop listening/reading some of the crap posted on this rumor mill. LCA has numerous employees (meaning hundreds) at at all levels (bench techs through SVP's)who have been with the company for 30 years or more. Some are RBL some are National Health (the 2 companies that merged to make LCA) while still other oldtimers came from acquiring smaller defunked labs.

Awesome. Thats what I wanted to hear.

U have 2 be able to c past the charade. Keeping drama going is just a tactic 2 mask incompetency. Can u say distraction? The more I read about this situation the tireder I get.
Scroll up and re-read the posts. The solution is there. I heard from a reliable source that there is a gag order on the cytots.Whats up with that? Dr. Phil says that u r as sick as ur secrets.

Nothing mysterious. They want to shut down the grapevine.

Well that goes without saying, doesn't it? The person who is professional, can get the job done and still hold on to his/her soul in the process is desired. Does this corporation value professionally trained supervisors and managers? Apparently Westcliff did not or we would not be going through this now. There is a science to it. To be a good manager, you first have to be a good person.Having morals does not mean that you are not practical.

Can you have ethics and still get ahead at LCA? Is it true that ethics and profitability are believed to be mutually exclusive there? Comment Please.

You need to stop listening/reading some of the crap posted on this rumor mill. LCA has numerous employees (meaning hundreds) at at all levels (bench techs through SVP's)who have been with the company for 30 years or more. Some are RBL some are National Health (the 2 companies that merged to make LCA) while still other oldtimers came from acquiring smaller defunked labs.

You may call it crap, but most of the stuff I'm reading here is for real.

I have been reading some of the other threads on this site. Is it true that LCA does not value long term employees, no matter how great they are on the job? They say that once you are there long enough to get over a month vacation. chances are you get riffed. WTF. Can anyone comment on this?

Yes LabCorp likes to cut the oldtimers because they make too much money. Why do you think LabCorp keeps churning out the profits? Just pay some newbie a lot less to do the same job the old timer was doing. Chalk up the layoff to "duplication" or "consolidation" and the old timers with the highest pay are usually the first to go.

Yes LabCorp likes to cut the oldtimers because they make too much money. Why do you think LabCorp keeps churning out the profits? Just pay some newbie a lot less to do the same job the old timer was doing. Chalk up the layoff to "duplication" or "consolidation" and the old timers with the highest pay are usually the first to go.

If what you say is true, it's odd that Labcorp doesn't get sued more for age discrimination.

U have 2 be able to c past the charade. Keeping drama going is just a tactic 2 mask incompetency. Can u say distraction? The more I read about this situation the tireder I get.
Scroll up and re-read the posts. The solution is there. I heard from a reliable source that there is a gag order on the cytots.Whats up with that? Dr. Phil says that u r as sick as ur secrets.

The secret is that they are reading these posts too.

If what you say is true, it's odd that Labcorp doesn't get sued more for age discrimination.

Then answer is in the post, Einstein. They use the merger, duplication of job excuse. That would explain what is going on now. Most people don't want to go through the hell of taking m to court. However, they will fk over the wrong person on of these days and get the shyt sued out of them.