The secret is that they are reading these posts too.
Makes sense. That would be why sk threw together those shytie reviews at the last minute for the "cream of the crop" techs.
The secret is that they are reading these posts too.
No, I mean the culture that this is a business, and we need to be profitable above all else.
Who are you talking about getting rid of? I hope you mean SK. If not, explain why.
Who cares about SK or SC or BC or whatever at Monrovia. Your lab will be a ghost town by the end of the year when LabCorp does not renew the lease, everyone is laid off, and the work goes to Van Nuys and San Diego. It will all become a mute point.
LMAO. Not unexpected. Did you walk into your living room and pee on the rug too.
I heard about a cytology manager in San Diego that got canned a while back. I cannot remember her name though. Is this the M.........a you are talking about?
U have 2 be able to c past the charade. Keeping drama going is just a tactic 2 mask incompetency. Can u say distraction? The more I read about this situation the tireder I get.
Scroll up and re-read the posts. The solution is there. I heard from a reliable source that there is a gag order on the cytots.Whats up with that?
Yes, big time. She treated her employees like sweat shop workers too. Thought everyone was trying to get away with something and it was her job to be the ruler. Also talked on the phone a lot while threatening others who tried to take calls from family members. Sound vaguely familiar???
People finally got sick of it and complained about her. Upper management saw the problem and got rid of the problem because there were so many complaints about her. They know that TAT and quality does suffer if techs are constantly harassed and miserable. as money-hungry as they are they dont want problems with either one, it hurts them in the long-run.
What IS up with the gag order? We need more details.
From labcorp, or the Imager manufacturer, or are they coming up with this together?
Fascinating! This is the stuff we need to talk about. Way better than listening to salesman spew their vile opinions about something they know nothing about.
There are a lot of changes going on in Santa Ana but there is no formal communication about it. The only information available to the Monrovia lab is via the lab grapevine. Likewise, there is a lot of unfairness going on. sk is a petty little opportunist on a serious power trip. She is downright wicked.
They want to project this image of having it all together. So they do not want the techs to compare notes. Who knows what the impact might be...someone with the power to make changes might actually make changes.
No one is to discuss anything that took place during their employee evaluations. Techs are not allowed to visit with each other, especially at each others cubical because this leads to gossip, and there is to be no gossiping or discussions of what is going on. Cytots are only to come into the lab, work and go home. No interpersonal contact.
Oh yes, cytots may now show each other their slides in order to get a second opinion. That is the the only communication allowed.
Break any of these rules and you can be replaced , no matter how excellent an employee you are. That was the warning. In other words, you will be labeled a trouble maker and you will be history. They are malicious and completely without ethics. Those are the only words from them that I would take seriously.
Cytots don't be afraid.They sense your fear like radar and that is how they control you because that is how they themselves are controlled.
SK is so malicious that she does not need a reason to single you out. She will just make one up. Then it is your word against hers. She is trash.
SK does much more than just threaten her employees
i hope she gets caught before the rest of us take the fall for her unethical, illegal behavior