Lab West Upper Management?

I heard the volume at LabWest keep going down but they still have a lot of staffing in the Monrovia lab. Any indications of a post 2nd quater RIF?

LabCorp kicked out the first group of LabWest employees in mid June. The second group will be kicked out in mid July and a third group in mid August. By August, almost all the specimens will be down in San Diego. Some volume is being diverted from Monrovia to other LabCorp facilities. In a few months, there will also be layoffs in Monrovia as consolidation and elimination of duplication takes place. If I were you, I'd get a different job now. Meanwhile, unhappy clients are leaving as the transition of specimens to San Diego is not going that well. What do you expect when the upper management of the failed Westcliff lab was put in charge of the LabCorp transition.

LabCorp kicked out the first group of LabWest employees in mid June. The second group will be kicked out in mid July and a third group in mid August. By August, almost all the specimens will be down in San Diego. Some volume is being diverted from Monrovia to other LabCorp facilities. In a few months, there will also be layoffs in Monrovia as consolidation and elimination of duplication takes place. If I were you, I'd get a different job now. Meanwhile, unhappy clients are leaving as the transition of specimens to San Diego is not going that well. What do you expect when the upper management of the failed Westcliff lab was put in charge of the LabCorp transition.

If the clients are dissatisfied with LabCorp, show is that Westcliff's fault?

For those that stayed the 60 days, they will soon get their severance pay this week or next for those in the first round of layoffs. There have been 3 rounds of massive layoffs cutting 95% of the workforce, and for those in the first round, it ends in mid June. How much that would actually be is a mystery, and I'm betting it won't be that much. If you leave before your 60 days, then you don't get a severance.

LabCorp made Westcliff employees believe that most tests would stay onsite, some would leave to San Diego, but some would also come to the Santa Ana lab. Why else would most people keep working at the lab even after LabCorp bought it during the whole FTC thing, mostly because people thought their jobs were secure. There were some that left, the smart ones I'd say, afraid that LabCorp would close us down which they pretty much did. There were rumors that our specimens would go to San Diego, but even supervisors and managers denied it. We all figured San Diego couldn't handle 9,000+ extra requisitions so they would still need the lab open to run specimens.

After the FTC lost, LabCorp made the decision to send almost all specimens to San Diego. They made it seem like it was a decision that was just made, but it was really what they wanted to do all along. They tried to convince everyone it was a good thing, that we would be offered jobs in San Diego if we decided to move down there, and it was a great opportunity. The only decent thing LabCorp did was give us a 60 day notice of a layoff, giving people an opportunity to find a job. As far as 900 people, I'd say in the end it'll probably be accurate. Westcliff had 1,000 employees before the purchase. You figure 100+ processors cut, 80+ in technical on every shift, 100+ couriers, 40+ in client services, 60+ in billing, most of management, a lot of sales, IT, QA, etc. I'm not sure how many were in Monrovia, but probably some there also. Several PSCs were closed down and those all had phlebotomists and other staff. It was the 3rd largest lab in CA so obviously it was a lot. In actuality, we should have been hoping for the FTC to win to preserve the lab rather than LabCorp.

To those current LabCorp employees out there, know this. You are expendable to this company. As soon as your lab is underperforming, they will cut you and consolidate your lab with another lab that's relatively close by. If you happen to be bought out by LabCorp, be afraid. Do not believe they will keep you open because you're duplication, and it saves them money to steal you lab's clients and send them to one of their lab's close by. They do not care about you, and you're only as good as how much money you bring in. It's up to you if that is the type of company you want to work for.

Really? The only decent thing LabCorp did was what is required by law. When companies merge, it is required by federal law that employees be given a 60 day notice of pending layoffs.

They gave extensions to some LabWest employees that received the layoff notices for another month. The transition to San Diego is not going smoothly as planned so they had to delay further. All Kip knows how to do is talk, but as a manager of sales of this transition, he's failing miserably. LabCorp should put one of their own that has proven that they can handle such a task.

They gave extensions to some LabWest employees that received the layoff notices for another month. The transition to San Diego is not going smoothly as planned so they had to delay further. All Kip knows how to do is talk, but as a manager of sales of this transition, he's failing miserably. LabCorp should put one of their own that has proven that they can handle such a task.

Just what is the problem? San Diego can't handle the volume? Computer's crashing? Couriers all confused and don't know when to go where? Clients found another lab yet?

Complete chaos. Why would you put a man in charge who brought his previous company into bankruptcy? Loose lips sinks ships....blah..blah...blah. His sidekicks are no better and need to thrown overboard now!

I like how couriers seem to end up in empty parking lots with no specimens to pick up - whoops!
How hard can it be, really, to get a route together for the couriers? I mean its been months since the LabWest deal went throught and they still cant get it done??

YEah let Kip keep going - looks like things are going SO well!!

Don't kid yourself because it's insulting to the 900 or so employees that used to be part of Westcliff that were laid off by LabCorp. LabWest is no more. The only thing that exists are cyto and histo which was a very small fraction of what used to be called Westcliff. The Santa Ana lab is done so you must be talking about the Monrovia lab. It's only a matter of time before LabCorp downsizes that lab to as soon as they figure out a way to consolidate.

What is going on with Monrovia? Volume is a little down. They have to split the Clinical for San Diego for the Anatomical Path to go to Monrovia so is the decrease in volume related to the problems they are having with the transition form Santa Ana to San Diego? Neither San Diego or the Pathnet lab in the west valley can handle the extra volume from Monrovia.

They gave extensions to some LabWest employees that received the layoff notices for another month. The transition to San Diego is not going smoothly as planned so they had to delay further. All Kip knows how to do is talk, but as a manager of sales of this transition, he's failing miserably. LabCorp should put one of their own that has proven that they can handle such a task.

You want to know why bankruptcy was the only option. The investment company that bought Healthline and Westcliff paid a small fortune to Nicholson and the sale got the feds off Healthline's back. They offered the sales teams a rotten deal. They would have to give up their clients (and commissions) after a year to be maintained by someone else and start all over. Most of the sales team quit and took their bread and butter clients with them. Non-compete clauses in contracts be damned.

In comes Kip to save the day. Word is that the only thing that he did for Westcliff was bring cheap capitated accounts and low paying clinics with test that cost more to process than they brought in.He brought them with him from Quest. Quest had made the decision to dump those accounts because they were not cost effective. Because of that, Westcliff had an increase in volume but ended up making less money. Couldn't cover their operating expense. Blamed their problems on lowered 3rd party reimbursements.

I like how couriers seem to end up in empty parking lots with no specimens to pick up - whoops!
How hard can it be, really, to get a route together for the couriers? I mean its been months since the LabWest deal went throught and they still cant get it done??

YEah let Kip keep going - looks like things are going SO well!!

Logistics problems? What happened to Ronny?