Lab West Upper Management?

What are you talking about? Labwest just got set up with LabCorp computer systems for billing and reporting histo and cyto! The big bosses are saying that they are planning to grow that lab, and investing money in it. They must know something about some work going there or they wouldn't have done anything! Everyone there is gearing up to be a major lab/player in the LabCorp game.

You must remember. It is much easier to spend money that is not coming out of your own pockets. There is money for everything else in Monrovia except raises. They must figure if Westcliff could get away with not giving employees their yearly raises they can do it too. Especially if layoffs are imminent. Less to pay out in the severance packages.

What are you talking about? Labwest just got set up with LabCorp computer systems for billing and reporting histo and cyto! The big bosses are saying that they are planning to grow that lab, and investing money in it. They must know something about some work going there or they wouldn't have done anything! Everyone there is gearing up to be a major lab/player in the LabCorp game.

Lets keep it real. LabCorp had no choice. They had to do something because of the different computer systems. In order to report histo and cyto and integrate the labs seamlessly, Westcliff's computer system had to be converted over to LabCorp's. Monrovia's five year lease will be up next year. If Genzyme Genetics is moving to Santa Ana with US Labs, the only reason Monrovia is still hanging on is due to a shortage in manpower. Neither Van Nuys nor San Diego would be able to handle the extra volume right now. Looks like they are not silly enough to do to Monrovia what they did to Santa Ana. Tat is critical. Paps bring with them ancillary testing like HPV reflex testing and biopsies- the real money makers.

September 30 is the proposed last day of LabWest in Santa Ana, and when all the specimens will move to San Diego. Once LabCorp moves Genzyme and US Labs to the Santa Ana location, they will close down Monrovia and layoff all the excess LabWest employees that are still around. The goal is to layoff almost all the LabWest employees except some of the management which are proving to fail in the transition in LabCorp. They probably will go too soon.

Why wait for September? Get some proactive people who have a plan that works. Upper management reacting to this crisis has created a sticky web. The competing spiders are sucking the life out of LabCorp. Thank you LabWest Upper Management! Get these folks out!

Neither Van Nuys nor San Diego would be able to handle the extra volume right now. Looks like they are not silly enough to do to Monrovia what they did to Santa Ana. Tat is critical. Paps bring with them ancillary testing like HPV reflex testing and biopsies- the real money makers.

This is not correct - Pap volumes are down in San Diego and Van Nuys. There are more than enough people between the two labs to be able to handle Monrovia's shrinking Paps. It would be easy to shut down what is left of Monrovia right now. Are they obligated to wait until a certain time because of the layoff notifications?

This is not correct - Pap volumes are down in San Diego and Van Nuys. There are more than enough people between the two labs to be able to handle Monrovia's shrinking Paps. It would be easy to shut down what is left of Monrovia right now. Are they obligated to wait until a certain time because of the layoff notifications?

How do you know this? The over staffing at the other labs make no sense unless that is the plan. To close Monrovia and divide up the work between the two labs. There are laws limiting the number of Paps that a tech can read in a 24 hour period...the equivalent of 80. There are non-gyns, fna's and biopsies to be read, transcribed and reported.
Neither of these labs can handle the volume now without significant sacrifice to TAT. The Monrovia lab might be expensive, but from the outside looking in, it is state of the art. What a waste to throw that away.

What is the real reason for the drop in volume? Mismanaged transition?

Why wait for September? Get some proactive people who have a plan that works. Upper management reacting to this crisis has created a sticky web. The competing spiders are sucking the life out of LabCorp. Thank you LabWest Upper Management! Get these folks out!

What happened? Did you get passed over for the management position. You sure are hostile.

Former LabWest management IS LabCorp management Get it? You got what you paid for. Looks like a common pyramid scheme. LabCorp keeps going by searching out labs to buy just to wreck them, put all of the employees out of work and take their clients. They lose the half of these clients during the merger because they screw up the transition, then they go out to do the same thing all over again. They don't care about you or anyone else. They have one need.. to show an increase in the bottom line in order to keep their cushy positions, big salaries, and bonuses. That is the game.

How do you know this? The over staffing at the other labs make no sense unless that is the plan. To close Monrovia and divide up the work between the two labs. There are laws limiting the number of Paps that a tech can read in a 24 hour period...the equivalent of 80. There are non-gyns, fna's and biopsies to be read, transcribed and reported.
Neither of these labs can handle the volume now without significant sacrifice to TAT. The Monrovia lab might be expensive, but from the outside looking in, it is state of the art. What a waste to throw that away.

What is the real reason for the drop in volume? Mismanaged transition?

You sound too optimistic and naive. The workers in Santa Ana including the supervisors all thought that San Diego couldn't handle all of the 9,000 requisitions because they had 27,000 of their own already. They believed the same as you that TAT would suffer, etc. It turns out LabCorp still tried to cut duplication. Monrovia is duplication if LabCorp has San Diego and Van Nuys to do the same thing. If your volume is going down, it's because it's slowly being sent away. Pap smears are old and the new technology is molecular HPV. A much higher volume can be done and it's cheaper to hire one medtech to do that then a lot of cytotechs reading a few smears. Hence the purchase of Genzyme Genetics. Monrovia will be done soon probably shortly after the transition to San Diego is complete in September. Don't wait and hope to survive the layoff onslaught because you won't. Find another job now.

How do you know this? The over staffing at the other labs make no sense unless that is the plan. To close Monrovia and divide up the work between the two labs. There are laws limiting the number of Paps that a tech can read in a 24 hour period...the equivalent of 80. There are non-gyns, fna's and biopsies to be read, transcribed and reported.
Neither of these labs can handle the volume now without significant sacrifice to TAT. The Monrovia lab might be expensive, but from the outside looking in, it is state of the art. What a waste to throw that away.

What is the real reason for the drop in volume? Mismanaged transition?

It makes perfect sense because that is the plan. Close Monrovia and take the work to split between SD and VanNuys, there will be more than enough cytos that would relocate - they are dying for jobs. Most specimens are Imager cases and then they can screen up to about 130 Paps in a 24-hr period. Pathologists do the biopsies, and the number of non-gyns and fnas are managable.

You also forget that SD and VN are established LabCorp labs that have the system down and are fully immersed in the Kool-aid. Monrovia still has a chip on its shoulder and with that buffoon Kip trying to hold the reigns - sounds like the next to go. Maybe state of the art building but with that also comes more expensive overhead. SD is west coast corporate and VN has proven for several years it can handle the job, while still working out of a smaller, less-expensive lab.

I do think molecular is the new wave, but you still have to deal with the Paps that are still coming in. And mis-managed transition?? Well of course, still LabCorp after all.

It makes perfect sense because that is the plan. Close Monrovia and take the work to split between SD and VanNuys, there will be more than enough cytos that would relocate - they are dying for jobs. Most specimens are Imager cases and then they can screen up to about 130 Paps in a 24-hr period. Pathologists do the biopsies, and the number of non-gyns and fnas are managable.

You also forget that SD and VN are established LabCorp labs that have the system down and are fully immersed in the Kool-aid. Monrovia still has a chip on its shoulder and with that buffoon Kip trying to hold the reigns - sounds like the next to go. Maybe state of the art building but with that also comes more expensive overhead. SD is west coast corporate and VN has proven for several years it can handle the job, while still working out of a smaller, less-expensive lab.

I do think molecular is the new wave, but you still have to deal with the Paps that are still coming in. And mis-managed transition?? Well of course, still LabCorp after all.

Thanks for the 411. Sounds like you know of what you speak. The cyto supervisor at the VN lab is genuine and kind, much more experienced and knowledgeable than the Monrovia one who, to the trained eye, is obviously faking it. As Dr. Y's protege, she must adhere to strict direction because she has proven deadly when left to her own devices. Dr. Y, also lab director of Santa Ana is piece of work. What will happen to that little team. Do you think Dr. Y knows what the plans are for Monrovia? Did they keep her in the dark about Santa Ana or was she faking that too?

Now Dr. P is a great guy. He is human. He also understands the business and does not have a language barrier. For the life of me, I do not understand why he was not put in charge of the lab.

Will be interesting to watch everything unfold.

You sound too optimistic and naive. The workers in Santa Ana including the supervisors all thought that San Diego couldn't handle all of the 9,000 requisitions because they had 27,000 of their own already. They believed the same as you that TAT would suffer, etc. It turns out LabCorp still tried to cut duplication. Monrovia is duplication if LabCorp has San Diego and Van Nuys to do the same thing. If your volume is going down, it's because it's slowly being sent away. Pap smears are old and the new technology is molecular HPV. A much higher volume can be done and it's cheaper to hire one medtech to do that then a lot of cytotechs reading a few smears. Hence the purchase of Genzyme Genetics. Monrovia will be done soon probably shortly after the transition to San Diego is complete in September. Don't wait and hope to survive the layoff onslaught because you won't. Find another job now.

I do agree that molecular testing is the future, but they have a way to go. When a test is developed that can determine the viral load necessary to cause significant cell changes, the pap will become obsolete. This hybridization test will only tell you that the patient has the virus, not a tumor. But what does LabCorp care as along as there is money to be made.

Trust me, Kip is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to incompetence. That twisted paranoid little supervisor who is incapable of honesty has turned Monrovia into a plantation. Why? Because she is so frightened of losing her job as she so often tells everyone. She is completely devoid of a moral compass.Put simply, she is just a grifter. All giggles and butt sucking for management and icy stares for anyone she doesn't need to manipulate. And after all of her shenanigans, the work is still declining. Why is it that the venal and mediocre always want to be in charge? Techs are not allowed to visit or speak with each other. They may only speak with her. Just sit in your little cubical, nose to the grindstone and slave away like a prisoner. They are not allowed to answer their cell phones in the lab. However, she sits in her office chit chatting and giggling on her phone all morning long. If you violate any of her edicts, known or unknown by you, you are quickly reprimanded by and written up. This person is mental but has Dr. Y wrapped around her finger, totally manipulated.

When it comes to technical skills. she may talk a good game but she sucks there too. Since no one respected her technical skills, out of jealousy, she ordered that no one may show their slides to anyone else but her. ROFL. So no one asks anyone for advice on their slides.


What is wrong with LabCorp? Why did they leave these lunatics in charge? But on the other hand, if they intend to close Monrovia, like you say, perhaps they are being kept around to maintain things until then.

I'd love to transfer to Van Nuys. Would LabCorp allow for that?

I do agree that molecular testing is the future, but they have a way to go. When a test is developed that can determine the viral load necessary to cause significant cell changes, the pap will become obsolete. This hybridization test will only tell you that the patient has the virus, not a tumor. But what does LabCorp care as along as there is money to be made.

Trust me, Kip is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to incompetence. That twisted paranoid little supervisor who is incapable of honesty has turned Monrovia into a plantation. Why? Because she is so frightened of losing her job as she so often tells everyone. She is completely devoid of a moral compass.Put simply, she is just a grifter. All giggles and butt sucking for management and icy stares for anyone she doesn't need to manipulate. And after all of her shenanigans, the work is still declining. Why is it that the venal and mediocre always want to be in charge? Techs are not allowed to visit or speak with each other. They may only speak with her. Just sit in your little cubical, nose to the grindstone and slave away like a prisoner. They are not allowed to answer their cell phones in the lab. However, she sits in her office chit chatting and giggling on her phone all morning long. If you violate any of her edicts, known or unknown by you, you are quickly reprimanded by and written up. This person is mental but has Dr. Y wrapped around her finger, totally manipulated.

When it comes to technical skills. she may talk a good game but she sucks there too. Since no one respected her technical skills, out of jealousy, she ordered that no one may show their slides to anyone else but her. ROFL. So no one asks anyone for advice on their slides.


What is wrong with LabCorp? Why did they leave these lunatics in charge? But on the other hand, if they intend to close Monrovia, like you say, perhaps they are being kept around to maintain things until then.

I'd love to transfer to Van Nuys. Would LabCorp allow for that?

Why is SK so afraid of losing her Job?

Why is SK so afraid of losing her Job?

You ask me to look into the mind of a person who is mental. I can tell you what she says and what I am witness to. This is what she says with extreme desperation in her voice: Turnaround time is the only thing that separates the Monrovia lab from the others. She ssid that any lapse in turnaround time means that another lab could come right in and steal the client. Fewer clients mean layoffs and she intends to keep her job right there in Monrovia.

My guess is that she feels insecure and that the real sk will be revealed. And because she is spineless wimp when confronting authority, she will manufacture some fictional crisis in order create a smoke screen and distract attention from her ineptness and to dupe management into thinking that she is somehow being violated and that they are protecting and supporting her. Trust me when I say that it is all contrived drama. The only threat is in her mind.

For instance. Law requires that every cytotechnologist is given a 6 months review in order to show that they can handle the workload without a significant increased error rate. The one review that she prepared was a joke. She took over the supervisor job a year and 9 months ago. We only had one semi-annual Westcliff review from her and she submitted those outdated statistics to HR. Yes, 1-1/2 years old in order for our current LabCorp July 2011 annual evaluation. Throughout the time that she has supervised, we have received no cyt/histo tissue correlations. No monthly stats. Unbelievable.This is basic Quality Assurance.

You ask me to look into the mind of a person who is mental. I can tell you what she says and what I am witness to. This is what she says with extreme desperation in her voice: Turnaround time is the only thing that separates the Monrovia lab from the others. She ssid that any lapse in turnaround time means that another lab could come right in and steal the client. Fewer clients mean layoffs and she intends to keep her job right there in Monrovia.

My guess is that she feels insecure and that the real sk will be revealed. And because she is spineless wimp when confronting authority, she will manufacture some fictional crisis in order create a smoke screen and distract attention from her ineptness and to dupe management into thinking that she is somehow being violated and that they are protecting and supporting her. Trust me when I say that it is all contrived drama. The only threat is in her mind.

For instance. Law requires that every cytotechnologist is given a 6 months review in order to show that they can handle the workload without a significant increased error rate. The one review that she prepared was a joke. She took over the supervisor job a year and 9 months ago. We only had one semi-annual Westcliff review from her and she submitted those outdated statistics to HR. Yes, 1-1/2 years old in order for our current LabCorp July 2011 annual evaluation. Throughout the time that she has supervised, we have received no cyt/histo tissue correlations. No monthly stats. Unbelievable.This is basic Quality Assurance.

Herein lies your saving grace from sk...obviously totally incompetent but LabCorp is so big and disjointed it takes a LONG time for people's ineptness to be realized. It is only when there are complaints (esp to HR about LabCorp protocol violations - ie lack of reviews, stats, etc.) that action is taken. From experience I know that the more that CTs complain about valid points, big wigs see who is rocking the boat and get rid of them. Does the name M*******a ring a bell? Do everybody a favor and try to get rid of her now, and your transition to one of the other labs will be better because it will be without her.

Thanks for the 411. Sounds like you know of what you speak. The cyto supervisor at the VN lab is genuine and kind, much more experienced and knowledgeable than the Monrovia one who, to the trained eye, is obviously faking it. As Dr. Y's protege, she must adhere to strict direction because she has proven deadly when left to her own devices. Dr. Y, also lab director of Santa Ana is piece of work. What will happen to that little team. Do you think Dr. Y knows what the plans are for Monrovia? Did they keep her in the dark about Santa Ana or was she faking that too?

Now Dr. P is a great guy. He is human. He also understands the business and does not have a language barrier. For the life of me, I do not understand why he was not put in charge of the lab.

Will be interesting to watch everything unfold.

I think everything LabCorp does is scripted and done intentially to keep everyone in the dark. THey may be stroking her along so she doesn't leave, but have plans in place. And anyone who is human and a great person with morals will never go far up the ladder at LabCorp, especially if he voices his opinion about any unfair practices that he sees in the LabCorp system.
History repeats and LabCorp will not keep duplicate labs too close to each other, especially one that is expensive and losing clients. Thats what happens when LabCorp takes over, you lose your clients - then corporate needs to make cuts to balance it out and keep stuffing cash in their pockets. Monrovia's lease is also coming up for renewal.