Lab West Upper Management?

This is is crazy. Does LCA really base cytotech's salary increases only on their semi-annual stats of how often the pathologist or QC review disagrees with the tech's findings? Those old stats are bull crap anyway, because were edited. Sk has deleted all of the discrepant cases that SHE did not agree with the pathologist on.No tissue correlation, or anything to back her up. She just overruled the pathologists. Now if you happen to belong to her crew, a missed low grade on QC, a major upgrade or downgrade would conveniently disappear from your stats.

It is so obvious that any fool can see that she had an agenda. You can make someone believe anything you want using statistics simply by including some and excluding others.
Why? You are probably asking yourself. Because she is crazy. Because she wants to put you in your place and keep you there.

Now to reasonably intelligent persons, isn't it obvious that you show stats to support the technical supervisor's daily workload limit for that tech. Why would you undermine it with negative, unnecessary, unrelated information. After all, this is a legal document. A document that can be used in a court of law. A document that was never intended for used as an annual employee evaluation by HR to determine raises. WTF is going on here?

Is this the way LCA does things? Or is ineptitude rearing its ugly head again?

now this doesn't seem right to me..

we don't live in THEIR world
fight for what you believe in that is right, and you will ultimately win

It feels like the calm before the storm.So sick of the manufactured theater. A few things have started to change for the good.Someone is finally listening. But sk is still in charge. Quite frankly, I am used to way more integrity in a superior. When will they realize that she is just an opportunist who gets off being a bully. For the gullible, you can be fooled by the image but don't judge the book by its cover (or those who cover up for her). You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.

Monrovia Cytology has some great potential leads.
for instance, Pam B. is both a licensed histotechnologist and licensed cytotechnologist. She is an obvious choice for lead perhaps in the evening. There is also a cytotech driving all the way from San Bernadino,EL. She would make a great lead. The problem is that sk has found a reason to reprimand or warn anyone that she feels threatened by. Ignore the warnings in the files. They are bull sht. Monrovia is fortunate to have some outstanding cytotechs who are not interested in pushing others around, creating dissension, or victimizing their coworkers and that understand that nobody is trying to get away with anything illicit. They are all competent hard workers.Their only problem was that they spoke up for themselves or for someone else getting screwed over. And that is unacceptable for bullies.

We do not need policemen on sadistic power trips. We need facilitators. Doing payroll is not rocket science. Neither is ordering supplies or approving PTO, or rotation schedules. These are all things either a lead tech or Jackie, who s very capable. could do as she reports directly to Dr. Y.

If someone has had experience with HR, could you comment. From the other threads I read, HR is only here for management, not the workers.

The latest intimidation was at the meeting last week at Monrovia. We cannot talk to each other and we cannot tell anybody what happened in our employee evaluation meetings. No one say that we not allow use phone at home. Nobody stupid either. We not their children. What unfairness. Not ok.

The latest intimidation was at the meeting last week at Monrovia. We cannot talk to each other and we cannot tell anybody what happened in our employee evaluation meetings. No one say that we not allow use phone at home. Nobody stupid either. We not their children. What unfairness. Not ok.

Ridiculous, how does telling co-workers that you got the same crappy score they did affect anything? I like how really good techs get the same score as the terrible techs that miss High Grade Sils left and right. Funny how those cases seem to disappear if you are a big enough brown-nose to the right people.

What would happen if EVERYONE talked about, or posted their crappy scores? What is SK going to do? Convince management to fire everybody? Then what?
I am making this argument because she is given the assumption of power, so don't just hand it over to her.

News flash #2, big corporations don't want to pay high-paid employees more, whether they are doing a good job or not. They do not encourage that cts actually get really good reviews, because that means more of a raise. They may actually discourage supervisors from giving good reviews but I have yet to see that memo. It is the usual corporate greed but a tool like SK makes you want to stab yourself in the eye with your own pen.

That is a good question. Maybe they think if what they do is exposed, we will finally get angry enough to unite. Yes sunlight is the best sanitizer.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. It doesn't matter if you are so good you never miss more than an ASCUS every other year. You get rated like a Fup. What is so hard to swallow is the better the you are as a tech, the least likely you are to get a raise. And like you said, missed cases have a way of disappearing if you are one of her sucked ups. This is also a tool . It is how they try to turn us against each other: By showing favoritism. We must be wise and not fall for it. OK? United we stand.

I agree that sk is just the spineless lackey which means that we don't really have a supervisor. A supervisor would stand up for and represent us. Don't hold your breath for sk to stand up for anyone but herself. She will lie with impunity and management and HR will believe her because they want to believe her.

How difficult is it to tell us what the salary range is and be honest with us? We don't deserve that games.

What we have to do is take back our power. We can do it by uniting and standing up for what is right.

WOW!!! How long will this pathetic conversation go on between two cytotechs that hate their supervisor in some small lab in CA. A lab that won't exist in a few months none the less. Get over it already. LabCorp doesn't want to keep you or any part of LabWest. All we wanted were your clients. As soon as we divert all specimens to San Diego from the Santa Ana site, we will divert all Monrovia workload to Van Nuys and San Diego. STOP this ridiculous conversation about office politics and do something useful like look for another job before it's too late. Your regretful supervisor situation will end soon in a few months.

No doubt. Go get retrained cytotechs and quit wasting time here. you are gonna be out of work very soon. Quit rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. Good luck finding a new job!

WOW!!! How long will this pathetic conversation go on between two cytotechs that hate their supervisor in some small lab in CA. A lab that won't exist in a few months none the less. Get over it already. LabCorp doesn't want to keep you or any part of LabWest. All we wanted were your clients. As soon as we divert all specimens to San Diego from the Santa Ana site, we will divert all Monrovia workload to Van Nuys and San Diego. STOP this ridiculous conversation about office politics and do something useful like look for another job before it's too late. Your regretful supervisor situation will end soon in a few months.

You think your office politics about Kip is any better? Follow your own advice, dick head.

KV and his little entourage have no clue how to drive the ship. Way to reactive and have zero forethought. Bummer as we all suffer from the KV clan incompetence. Yeah, but we have huge accounts....sure with HMO's that pay ship.

KV and his little entourage have no clue how to drive the ship. Way to reactive and have zero forethought. Bummer as we all suffer from the KV clan incompetence. Yeah, but we have huge accounts....sure with HMO's that pay ship.

How lo.g Dr we going 2 listen 2 ur complaininabout how much u hate ur boss? OK? Steal more account and become top salesperson and someone will listen 2 u 2.

No doubt. Go get retrained cytotechs and quit wasting time here. you are gonna be out of work very soon. Quit rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. Good luck finding a new job!
You don't know what you're talking about. Without paps labcorp won't be fable to buy labs for their accounts :
And puts lab workers out of a job .they don't care about you either. They only need someone to service theaccount.hello.get it yet do head?

That's right. What makes you think that you are the exception to the rule. Your are just part of their single minded business strategy. Grow by acquisition. It doesn't matter how many lives you destroy in the process. Just greedily gobble up labs, take what clients you can, and spit out the rest. No different strategy than other big businesses. The only problem is that sooner or later their will be no more clients because their will be no patients with jobs. But then there will be Obama Care in the future when all of your work will be HMO.s that pay ship.

You are just an employee like the rest of the people you put down. You serve even less of a purpose though. Your purpose is to take care of those clients that you were given so that they will not get ripped off by another lab . Now do your job, stop whining about your boss and go back to sleep.

That's right. What makes you think that you are the exception to the rule. Your are just part of their single minded business strategy. Grow by acquisition. It doesn't matter how many lives you destroy in the process. Just greedily gobble up labs, take what clients you can, and spit out the rest. No different strategy than other big businesses. The only problem is that sooner or later there will be no more clients because there will be no patients with jobs. But then there will be Obama Care in the future when all of your work will be HMO.s that pay ship.

You are just an employee like the rest of the people you put down. You serve even less of a purpose though. Your purpose is to take care of those clients that you were given so that they will not get ripped off by another lab . Now do your job, stop whining about your boss and go back to sleep.

Anonymous said:
You don't know what you're talking about. Without paps labcorp won't be fable to buy labs for their accounts :
And puts lab workers out of a job .they don't care about you either. They only need someone to service theaccount.hello.get it yet do head?

Ok, lets unwind the syntax. What is being said here is that Paps fund the acquisition of other labs and without cytotechs, you, yourself would not have a job. So instead of biting yourself in the butt, understand the true nature of the business. Cancer is the oil of of medicine. It is big business and where most of the money is. Only the real scientists seem to understand what is real and what is memorex. And almost everything being put out there for public consumption is propaganda.

It feels like the calm before the storm.So sick of the manufactured theater. A few things have started to change for the good.Someone is finally listening. But sk is still in charge. Quite frankly, I am used to way more integrity in a superior. When will they realize that she is just an opportunist who gets off being a bully. For the gullible, you can be fooled by the image but don't judge the book by its cover (or those who cover up for her). You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.

Monrovia Cytology has some great potential leads.
for instance, Pam B. is both a licensed histotechnologist and licensed cytotechnologist. She is an obvious choice for lead perhaps in the evening. There is also a cytotech driving all the way from San Bernadino,EL. She would make a great lead. The problem is that sk has found a reason to reprimand or warn anyone that she feels threatened by. Ignore the warnings in the files. They are bull sht. Monrovia is fortunate to have some outstanding cytotechs who are not interested in pushing others around, creating dissension, or victimizing their coworkers and that understand that nobody is trying to get away with anything illicit. They are all competent hard workers.Their only problem was that they spoke up for themselves or for someone else getting screwed over. And that is unacceptable for bullies.

We do not need policemen on sadistic power trips. We need facilitators. Doing payroll is not rocket science. Neither is ordering supplies or approving PTO, or rotation schedules. These are all things either a lead tech or Jackie, who s very capable. could do as she reports directly to Dr. Y.

If someone has had experience with HR, could you comment. From the other threads I read, HR is only here for management, not the workers.

This is so true. Pam B, being a histotech and cytotech is a perfect choice. Ester L. is also a perfect choice. Both are qualified and both have excellent temperament for leads. We could never imagine either of them lying on or bullying their coworkers in order to put keep them in their places or going on some power trip. Cytots do not have a supervisor who truly represents them. What they have is an insecure corrupt little cytotech following orders and performing secretarial duties, hating it , but preferring it to doing real work.

Since Jackie has taken over some of sk's duties, we have not had to deal with her nasty attitude. However, it has left sk with more time to giggle and gossip on her phone and do nothing. Sherrie does a fine job of running the processing dept already.
It will be interesting to see what the next manufactured crisis will be.

The latest intimidation was at the meeting last week at Monrovia. We cannot talk to each other and we cannot tell anybody what happened in our employee evaluation meetings. No one say that we not allow use phone at home. Nobody stupid either. We not their children. What unfairness. Not ok.

What went on in some of the meetings was unfair and inappropriate.