Lab West Upper Management?

Van Nuys closing down and dropping of the LabWest name was only the beginning. LabCorp never intended to keep Westcliff. You idiots at Monrovia are the last remnants of the old Westcliff that's still hoping to survive. As soon as LabCorp can send your specimens to San Diego, YOU'RE DONE. So keep crying about your supervisor because it's laughable to everyone on this board. In fact, just for crying about it, you all deserved to be RIFed. LabCorp doesn't need whiney bitches like you here. We want robots that will do what we say, and then we'll waste you when we don't need you anymore.

Van Nuys closing down and dropping of the LabWest name was only the beginning. LabCorp never intended to keep Westcliff. You idiots at Monrovia are the last remnants of the old Westcliff that's still hoping to survive. As soon as LabCorp can send your specimens to San Diego, YOU'RE DONE. So keep crying about your supervisor because it's laughable to everyone on this board. In fact, just for crying about it, you all deserved to be RIFed. LabCorp doesn't need whiney bitches like you here. We want robots that will do what we say, and then we'll waste you when we don't need you anymore.

And who the hell do you think you are...Mr. LabCorp himself? Talking about drinking the koolaid. You got drunk on it. You are the whiney fkn bitch. Crying about your Master Kip like the little girly boy you are. Listen and learn.....You are an employee. That is all you are and you can't even hold on to the clients that the company buys so you can be RIFed any day yourself. Go polish up your ass kissing skills and stop wasting our time channeling your rage here. We come here to share information and we know who we are.

Yes, if and when idiots like you loose the rest of the specimens, they will have not choice but to send them to San Diego who will probably lose the rest of them. You had better HOPE another lab is acquired soon. So you can HOPE to keep your babysitting job.

Van Nuys closing down and dropping of the LabWest name was only the beginning. LabCorp never intended to keep Westcliff. You idiots at Monrovia are the last remnants of the old Westcliff that's still hoping to survive. As soon as LabCorp can send your specimens to San Diego, YOU'RE DONE. So keep crying about your supervisor because it's laughable to everyone on this board. In fact, just for crying about it, you all deserved to be RIFed. LabCorp doesn't need whiney bitches like you here. We want robots that will do what we say, and then we'll waste you when we don't need you anymore.

Anyone with the slightest measure of common sense can figure that out. Get off your high horse. You already showed that you don't have the inside track.

Van Nuys closing down and dropping of the LabWest name was only the beginning. LabCorp never intended to keep Westcliff. You idiots at Monrovia are the last remnants of the old Westcliff that's still hoping to survive. As soon as LabCorp can send your specimens to San Diego, YOU'RE DONE. So keep crying about your supervisor because it's laughable to everyone on this board. In fact, just for crying about it, you all deserved to be RIFed. LabCorp doesn't need whiney bitches like you here. We want robots that will do what we say, and then we'll waste you when we don't need you anymore.

Don't you mean that when you loose enough clients, you will have to close down Monrovia? If you were worth your salt you would be never be talking here about the demise of Lab West because you would be too busy growing the lab, you incompetent moron. You can pretend that the purchase of Westcliff and Pathnet in Van Nuys was to eliminate competitors if you want, but everyone on this board knows better. You mucked it up. You wasted millions. This is bound to happen when your priorities are whacked and you see employees as robots instead of human beings who are the most important part of the company.

Don't you mean that when you loose enough clients, you will have to close down Monrovia? If you were worth your salt you would be never be talking here about the demise of Lab West because you would be too busy growing the lab, you incompetent moron. You can pretend that the purchase of Westcliff and Pathnet in Van Nuys was to eliminate competitors if you want, but everyone on this board knows better. You mucked it up. You wasted millions. This is bound to happen when your priorities are whacked and you see employees as robots instead of human beings who are the most important part of the company.

This is exactly right. How many times can you buy it and eat it and crap it out and think clients and good employees will hang around? You are still wasting millions, and keeping incompetent management around because they are great suck-ups. Instead the bodies of hard-working and ethical people litter the road at the end of the year because the books need to be cleaned up a little. You keep the cheap employees with little experience and smaller paychecks so you can buy yourselves another summer home or take that trip to the Bahamas?
Shame on all of you for taking tests that are designed to help patients and using it as your personal piggy bank. Your evil greed and lack of compassion will catch up to you, no doubt about it. Disease and karma is an equal-opportunity employer.

former labcorp employee here. about 80% of what you see on here is true. where there's smoke, there's fire. bottom line: this company is all about turning a profit. you, the employee, are absolutely meaningless to them and replaceable. the people they employ are usually no talent cast-offs from every other industry. lowest of the low. paranoid jealous people fearing for their lives. they accept the subpar benefits and below industry standard income because they could not do better than labcorp. labcorp is not in the lab business to perform lab testing.

great stock pick though.

This is exactly right. How many times can you buy it and eat it and crap it out and think clients and good employees will hang around? You are still wasting millions, and keeping incompetent management around because they are great suck-ups. Instead the bodies of hard-working and ethical people litter the road at the end of the year because the books need to be cleaned up a little. You keep the cheap employees with little experience and smaller paychecks so you can buy yourselves another summer home or take that trip to the Bahamas?
Shame on all of you for taking tests that are designed to help patients and using it as your personal piggy bank. Your evil greed and lack of compassion will catch up to you, no doubt about it. Disease and karma is an equal-opportunity employer.

While Karma has nothing at all to do with disease it does keep a fair number of mechanics employed.

former labcorp employee here. about 80% of what you see on here is true. where there's smoke, there's fire. bottom line: this company is all about turning a profit. you, the employee, are absolutely meaningless to them and replaceable. the people they employ are usually no talent cast-offs from every other industry. lowest of the low. paranoid jealous people fearing for their lives. they accept the subpar benefits and below industry standard income because they could not do better than labcorp. labcorp is not in the lab business to perform lab testing.

great stock pick though.

So you're a no talent cast-off? Sorry 'bout that, bro.

Bit** Bit** Bit**

Why is there so much bit**in on this board
If you really want to help your fellow LCA employees.

Post leads where other companies are hiring.
What area, what type of positions etc.

Go out, get leads, help people find better jobs, so they can be paid a decent wage, better benefits and not be subjected to very bad management who love to manage by intimidation and threats.

Please get rid of the Lab West folks before they taint our waters even more. The management is a joke and have a horrible track record. They have zero loyalty and would jump ship and screw you like they have before.

abCorp is being sued for allegedly violating the civil rights of an employee who complained about a supervisor’s racial remarks.

James Litomisky filed suit against Laboratory Corp. of America on June 27 in federal court of New Orleans. In the lawsuit, Litomisky argues he was terminated from his employment with LabCorp in retaliation for his objecting to, opposing, and refusing to cooperate with LabCorp’s discrimination against its employees with respect to the terms and conditions of their employment on the basis of their race.

Specifically, Litomisky alleges his supervisor made racist remarks regarding African American LabCorp employees. He objected to this language and complained to the human resource department. He was told the employees who were the butt of the racial comments must file complaints in writing on the proper forms for any action to be taken.

Less than a month later, he was placed on a performance improvement plan, allegedly in retaliation for his complaints about the discriminatory behavior. Litomisky also argues that his supervisor directed him to falsify quarterly performance management reviews of two African-American employees so that his supervisor could terminate them. Initially, he complied with the directive, but the next day he informed human resources of the incident and corrected the reviews. He was terminated from his position in October 2010, the lawsuit says.

The defendant is accused of violating the Louisiana Human Rights Act and the Louisiana Whistleblower Act. The plaintiff is seeking damages for back pay, reinstatement or in lieu of reinstatement, front pay, compensatory damages including medical expenses, pecuniary damages, damages for emotional distress, lost wages and benefits, punitive damages and attorney’s fees.

When will these "B" players get off the court? Why would LCA in NC allow these knuckleheads to manage the west? I've heard they've already fired some legacy LC folks. How many LabWest folks have been fired? Playing favorites perhaps? This place was used to be a decent place to work. Now, it's being run by a bunch of monkeys.

LabCorp is being sued for allegedly violating the civil rights of an employee who complained about a supervisor’s racial remarks.

James Litomisky filed suit against Laboratory Corp. of America on June 27 in federal court of New Orleans. In the lawsuit, Litomisky argues he was terminated from his employment with LabCorp in retaliation for his objecting to, opposing, and refusing to cooperate with LabCorp’s discrimination against its employees with respect to the terms and conditions of their employment on the basis of their race.

Specifically, Litomisky alleges his supervisor made racist remarks regarding African American LabCorp employees. He objected to this language and complained to the human resource department. He was told the employees who were the butt of the racial comments must file complaints in writing on the proper forms for any action to be taken.

Less than a month later, he was placed on a performance improvement plan, allegedly in retaliation for his complaints about the discriminatory behavior. Litomisky also argues that his supervisor directed him to falsify quarterly performance management reviews of two African-American employees so that his supervisor could terminate them. Initially, he complied with the directive, but the next day he informed human resources of the incident and corrected the reviews. He was terminated from his position in October 2010, the lawsuit says.

The defendant is accused of violating the Louisiana Human Rights Act and the Louisiana Whistleblower Act. The plaintiff is seeking damages for back pay, reinstatement or in lieu of reinstatement, front pay, compensatory damages including medical expenses, pecuniary damages, damages for emotional distress, lost wages and benefits, punitive damages and attorney’s fees.

What kind of scum bags are these? Sleazy garbage mouth racists. It isn't helpful that this is the 21st century and we have President Barack Obama in the White House? Teach them the only lesson that they understand. Make them pay.

Van Nuys closing down and dropping of the LabWest name was only the beginning. LabCorp never intended to keep Westcliff. You idiots at Monrovia are the last remnants of the old Westcliff that's still hoping to survive. As soon as LabCorp can send your specimens to San Diego, YOU'RE DONE. So keep crying about your supervisor because it's laughable to everyone on this board. In fact, just for crying about it, you all deserved to be RIFed. LabCorp doesn't need whiney bitches like you here. We want robots that will do what we say, and then we'll waste you when we don't need you anymore.

Still waiting......

Someone update the rest of us as to how Monrovia is doing.
Heard it is the same sweatshop they all are, but I LOVED hearing about the "Adventures of SK"!!
Please, I'm bored-

Someone update the rest of us as to how Monrovia is doing.
Heard it is the same sweatshop they all are, but I LOVED hearing about the "Adventures of SK"!!
Please, I'm bored-

OMG!! Everything you've heard is true. Sweatshop only begins to describe the work situation in that place. Are all of LabCorp labs managed like this?? including the top down micromanagement?