Lab West Upper Management?

What is the serious topic? Bad cytology labs? The world is full of them and you are wasting your time talking about it this site. Probably too introverted to do it offline. Luckily the field is dying so counting slides wont be a problem much longer.

What is the serious topic? Bad cytology labs? The world is full of them and you are wasting your time talking about it this site. Probably too introverted to do it offline. Luckily the field is dying so counting slides wont be a problem much longer.

And you are probably the loudest and therefore dumbest mouth in the room. I have yet to meet a sales rep who was not a consummate liar with strong tendencies of, if not a total sociopath. Prone to substance abuse. How would you know about all of the bad cytology labs of the world? Were you a lab inspector? Oh, I see, they are all probably run by LabCorp.

And you are probably the loudest and therefore dumbest mouth in the room. I have yet to meet a sales rep who was not a consummate liar with strong tendencies of, if not a total sociopath. Prone to substance abuse. How would you know about all of the bad cytology labs of the world? Were you a lab inspector? Oh, I see, they are all probably run by LabCorp.


Louisville, Birmingham, Tampa.....Those sure are/were great cytology labs. LOL. You probably count on two hands the number of cytology labs that actually care about quality.

And you are probably the loudest and therefore dumbest mouth in the room. I have yet to meet a sales rep who was not a consummate liar with strong tendencies of, if not a total sociopath. Prone to substance abuse. How would you know about all of the bad cytology labs of the world? Were you a lab inspector? Oh, I see, they are all probably run by LabCorp.

True that. It explains the bizarre response.

Well its about time someone spoke up. Is it true or not that written complaints are circulating in the lab about sk and how she mistreats employees? If it is genuine, you are right to keep it anonymous. Don't know how much good it will do. Seems that complaining only gets her promoted. lol. I guess there is a message somewhere in that....or is it just the Peter Principle winding its way through the corporate structure?

Bring the old LCA employee's back!!!!!! They know how to sell.


If what you say is factual, where did they go and what are you doing? There is no more Lab West. They changed their name to LabCorp over a year ago. Check out the big corporate logo on the building. Besdes, any former Lw employee that remained is now a LabCorp employee. Get with the program.

Isn't M.O. ready to take over yet?

Monrovia Breaking News!!

Well, you must be a prophet cuz it finally happened. SK has been promoted to Lab manager and MO has replaced her as supervisor. SK had MO doing all of her work, anyway. Everything that SK was either too dumb to do or too lazy to do and that covers almost everything. Now lets see how ruthless little Miss MO is can get.

But never worry, Karma always has a way of working things out. Instant karma is even better. Who's bringing the popcorn?

Monrovia Breaking News!!

Well, you must be a prophet cuz it finally happened. SK has been promoted to Lab manager and MO has replaced her as supervisor. SK had MO doing all of her work, anyway. Everything that SK was either too dumb to do or too lazy to do and that covers almost everything. Now lets see how ruthless little Miss MO is can get.

But never worry, Karma always has a way of working things out. Instant karma is even better. Who's bringing the popcorn?

Seriously????? That's an easy query to solve. How did she get her job? Mark my words. M.O. is just another sell out tool.

Just in case you didn't see this post, here it is. It is a perfect description of the work environment coast to coast:

Unfortunately, "threatening" is THE management model, for LCA. There are very, very few managers left, anywhere in the company, who are genuine leaders. The rest either don't care or don't know how to lead. The degree that hangs upon the wall is there to let you, and everyone else, know that they know everything, period. They don't ask questions because they have all of the answers. Besides, it would be undignified to ask a paean for a suggestion or opinion. They create solutions to problems that don't exist; refuse to acknowledge problems that do exist and in general, spend most of their time implementing inane, pointless policies designed with only one purpose in mind... justifying their job. They threaten others because they are ignorant and paranoid, constantly worried that someone upstairs will figure out that they are pathetic little posers, and replace them with another pathetic little poser. So, they wield a big stick, knowing full well that the job market is tighter than a well-digger's a**, and they get away with it because they can. They have no conscience, few scruples and even less common sense... and that's what LCA considers good management. Clients are disappearing faster than a fart in the wind; morale is at an all-time low and the company, on the whole, is a mere shell of its former self. Yet people, like SJ, who ruined everything in Columbus, and the whole division for that matter, consistently get promoted, so they can wreak havoc company-wide. At some point, the whole house of cards will come tumbling down, and those who have made huge gains will live comfortably, and guilt-free while the rest of us are looking for new jobs and trying to keep the mortgage paid and the lights on. It's a story that has played out time and time again, on a much larger scale, throughout history. Have's vs. have-nots. In the meantime, hold on; do a good job and try to find somewhere else to go... it's what a lot of us are doing. It's status quo at LCA.
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Monrovia Breaking News!!

Well, you must be a prophet cuz it finally happened. SK has been promoted to Lab manager and MO has replaced her as supervisor. SK had MO doing all of her work, anyway. Everything that SK was either too dumb to do or too lazy to do and that covers almost everything. Now lets see how ruthless little Miss MO is can get.

But never worry, Karma always has a way of working things out. Instant karma is even better. Who's bringing the popcorn?

You are so sad. Happy new year to you too.