Sweatshop indeed; They have made exploitation and the tactics of fear a science. Like a vampire, they suck very drop of energy from you until you feel little more than a zombie-like drone. The work that came from the Pathnet lab in Van Nuys is from family planning clinics, extremely high risk populations. The work is dirty, and full of infectious diseases, very difficult to screen and can be exceptionally time consuming. No consideration is made for this added, and sometimes overpowering issue. Such as, dividing up the high risk patients and distributing them to techs equally, so that a tech does not end up with a full load of this stuff. Just pump out the slides to the legal limit. If, like sk, you never did and never have to do this kind of work, you don't even know what the problem is. let alone care. And one dares not complain. because you certainly would end up with a full load of high risk family planning clients. Lesson already learned.
Something as simple as a lunch or breakfast for employees comes out of the pathologists' pockets. The company gives no quarter Not in the budget.. Got to keep those expenses low in order to impress upper management.
SK is just a tool, albeit an all too willing tool, for her task masters. Most of her time is spent chit chatting on the telephone or getting instruction in conference calls. She has delegated all of the customary supervisor duties to others. But you know, if not her, they would probably have another tool in the position. After all, the only prerequisite for her position is a California license , a ruthless mind, and a strong survive at any cost instinct. We are all aware of it and know to stay out of her way.There is no stock in experience or expertise there. It's a job. However, the economy is starting to improve so it looks like light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.