Lab West Upper Management?

Really hard to say if it's just one or two people acting like a whole bunch of techs or if
a lot of people are really participating in this hateful forum. Don't act like you know your fellow techs. Cytotechs are generally intelligent and independent workers who do their job without much supervision and they are not easily manipulated unless they willingly get manipulated for some personal gain. People will not believe all this crap even if it was all true. Don't take things so personally and don't act like you are trying to save your "people"... SHIT happens and you just have to deal with it... ALONE...

I think it is one tech talking like several people. From the looks of it she is a tech from healthline and her desk must be pretty close to sk office ....hmm I wonder who that could be! Roflmaof!

I think it is one tech talking like several people. From the looks of it she is a tech from healthline and her desk must be pretty close to sk office ....hmm I wonder who that could be! Roflmaof!

Hmm.You think so. LMAOAU. You don't have to work at Healthline to have the 411. Just know someone who did, or someone who knows someone that worked there. Cytology is a very small field and most of this stuff is common knowledge, believe it or not. You don't want to make trouble in a field like this. Word travels fast.

Really hard to say if it's just one or two people acting like a whole bunch of techs or if
a lot of people are really participating in this hateful forum. Don't act like you know your fellow techs. Cytotechs are generally intelligent and independent workers who do their job without much supervision and they are not easily manipulated unless they willingly get manipulated for some personal gain. People will not believe all this crap even if it was all true. Don't take things so personally and don't act like you are trying to save your "people"... SHIT happens and you just have to deal with it... ALONE...

Get it straight. This forum is not hateful. People are talking about hateful things that were done and sharing information. Yes, Cytotech's are intelligent and all that, but what does that have to do with being manipulated. What a strange statement . People are manipulated all of the time. It doesn't matter what the motivating force is. The test is awareness. They don't realize that they are being manipulated into doing something that they might not do under ordinary circumstances. When both parties have an agreement where both will gain, that is not manipulation. That is a contract.

People generally believe what they want to believe. If they want verification, that is an easy thing to do. Just talk to a tech who works or worked at a certain lab or knows someone who does. Enough people telling the same story is very convincing.

Shit happens like a heart attack or a hurricane too, but you don't handle ThAT alone. If you want to handle your "shit" alone. More power to you. We do mention protecting our families and the genuine distaste for corruption and how it affects the lives of patients. You will not shut us up. If you are saying that we should not give a hoot, what are you doing in this profession, SK? Leave it to you to look for some less than admirable motive.

Don't mind if I do..

I don't ever discourage anyone from fighting for what is right, especially concerning patient testing - but the sad fact of the matter is if you look to get out of LC into a smaller successful lab, you still run the risk of being acquired by LC, or Quest. That's why you need to cut the cancer out where it lies. SK will only be as powerful and wicked as she is allowed to be. Upper management loves it when someone other than them does all the nasty stuff and keeps employees "in line". It's called "passing the buck" and usually ends up with a "scapegoat". There are specific examples where SK can be exposed, but one person cannot do it and keep their job. There is safety in numbers and we need to stick together to make it happen. I know there are no other jobs out there with as much security as a big lab, and I don't want to let SK ruin it for me and my family and my future. I would be a spineless idiot to let that happen.

Turn and run and she/they win, fight the valiant (but SMART) fight and expose the fraud for who she is. Our lives and jobs here could be so pleasant and rewarding, and SK is a total moron for not realizing that and torturing her employees for the sick fun of it. LC needs the techs to screen the Paps so they can bill for them and get the money - SK can't do it all by herself. Mess with the cash flow and upper management will eventually get it. Fight to get rid of her and all our lives will be better.

We need to communicate and organize.

Yes. SK is a wet dream for LCA upper management. She has no moral character, follows instruction, does not question authority, deadly afraid of getting riffed, has credentials, and is economical for them. The funny thing is that hatchet people like this usually end up meeting their karma the same way that they dished it out. I wonder if they take that personal.

I am not too concerned about them winning if I should leave. Sooner or later things will change and peace of mind is way more important to me right now. I've talked to some friends and acquaintances in the field who have been very informative. SK has really burned some bridges and folks don't mind talking about it .

Lets expose this fraud.

If that is the case and MOnrovia is next, then I have a question for longtime Labcorp employees. If an employee sees potentially illegal or non-ethical behavior and does what the comapny has told us to do, report it to the compliance dept,, can Labcorp fire you, or does that give you a little more power because you have something bad on them?

I thought about reporting it to someone outside of labcorp, but wasnt sure if I should report it to the internal compliance dept. Is it anonymous? If I am going to get riffed anyway and they r closing Monrovia, I want to do what it right for the patients.

Lab Corp treats there employees horrible, I recently went to HR regarding sexual harrassment and a hostile work environment. I complained to HR approximately two months ago. HR asked me and other co-workers to submit documentation. They met with the alleged on Monday and Tues we were notified to meet the alleged on Thursday and we were all fired(or as they put it position eliminated.) Lab Corp treats there employees like crap. I filed with the EEOC and contacted Date line. I believe all locations are being run like this and I think the news needs to get a hold of all of this. Best of luck to all Lab Corp people I will never use them as a lab. I will pay out of pocket before I ever use Lab Corp.

When are they finally going to realize they are losers??? I have never seen a more childish bunch running a health care facility in my life. Actually they are pretty much like the oil companies charge what ya want and give them as little as possible and act like you did them a favor by giving them that!
Its ok tho. I've gone on with my life and there is life after labcrap and its wonderful!! I cant wait to finally see those in management upper and lower sitting on their thumbs spinning saying what did we do wrong?? Hey Joe College go for it baby!!! NOT!

Yes. SK is a wet dream for LCA upper management. She has no moral character, follows instruction, does not question authority, deadly afraid of getting riffed, has credentials, and is economical for them. The funny thing is that hatchet people like this usually end up meeting their karma the same way that they dished it out. I wonder if they take that personal.

I am not too concerned about them winning if I should leave. Sooner or later things will change and peace of mind is way more important to me right now. I've talked to some friends and acquaintances in the field who have been very informative. SK has really burned some bridges and folks don't mind talking about it .

Lets expose this fraud.

I agree! Someone has to try to fight the good fight - and it will be a milestone to get cytos together for a common good, to take that rotton apple that is spoiling the batch and throw it in the trash.
You are right and I have heard the same thing about SK, she doesn't have too many fans, and lots of enemies.

Lab Corp treats there employees horrible, I recently went to HR regarding sexual harrassment and a hostile work environment. I complained to HR approximately two months ago. HR asked me and other co-workers to submit documentation. They met with the alleged on Monday and Tues we were notified to meet the alleged on Thursday and we were all fired(or as they put it position eliminated.) Lab Corp treats there employees like crap. I filed with the EEOC and contacted Date line. I believe all locations are being run like this and I think the news needs to get a hold of all of this. Best of luck to all Lab Corp people I will never use them as a lab. I will pay out of pocket before I ever use Lab Corp.

So much for HR saying, "If you feel like anything is wrong it is your obligation and duty as an employee to contact us as soon as possible.."
Yeah, so you are given your walking papers much more quickly??
If you are on the level and it is all documented, Lab Corp legal thinks they will either drag it on until you give up, or just pay you off if you can prove they were wrong.

Either way, I would fight it if I was in the right. They get away with too much too easily, and need to be called on it. Time to get sick of this BS...

Yes. SK is a wet dream for LCA upper management. She has no moral character, follows instruction, does not question authority, deadly afraid of getting riffed, has credentials, and is economical for them. The funny thing is that hatchet people like this usually end up meeting their karma the same way that they dished it out. I wonder if they take that personal.

I am not too concerned about them winning if I should leave. Sooner or later things will change and peace of mind is way more important to me right now. I've talked to some friends and acquaintances in the field who have been very informative. SK has really burned some bridges and folks don't mind talking about it .

Lets expose this fraud.

Look. They already know that she's a fraud. If what the prior posts say are true, they don't give a damn as long as she has a Calf. license to work in cytology. They need someone to do payroll and make sure the work gets turned around in a timely manner so that they can bill for it. That's all they care about. Compliance is just another dirty word.

It probably pisses you off that most of her time is spent doing what she does best.... narking, making shallow annoying chatter, and trying to come up with ways to make herself look busy because she has delegated all of the real work to others.

Didn't somebody say that leads would be even more cost effective.......?

Look. They already know that she's a fraud. If what the prior posts say are true, they don't give a damn as long as she has a Calf. license to work in cytology. They need someone to do payroll and make sure the work gets turned around in a timely manner so that they can bill for it. That's all they care about. Compliance is just another dirty word.

It probably pisses you off that most of her time is spent doing what she does best.... narking, making shallow annoying chatter, and trying to come up with ways to make herself look busy because she has delegated all of the real work to others.

Didn't somebody say that leads would be even more cost effective.......?

This is absolutely right, BUT what THEY won't stand for is someone being a liability and upsetting the apple cart so THEY look bad. And let me tell you this - if she is not in complaince and violating the regulations and you have proof of it - they will get rid of her. Because then she is messing with the one thing that they care (either billing for tests OR having to pay fines for being out of compliance).

I think everything LabCorp does is scripted and done intentially to keep everyone in the dark. THey may be stroking her along so she doesn't leave, but have plans in place. And anyone who is human and a great person with morals will never go far up the ladder at LabCorp, especially if he voices his opinion about any unfair practices that he sees in the LabCorp system.
History repeats and LabCorp will not keep duplicate labs too close to each other, especially one that is expensive and losing clients. Thats what happens when LabCorp takes over, you lose your clients - then corporate needs to make cuts to balance it out and keep stuffing cash in their pockets. Monrovia's lease is also coming up for renewal.

OMG,You were right about Dr. P., the great guy with morals. His last day was Friday past. Can you look into your crystal ball and tell us what is next....? Never mind. The signs are obvious.Even Ray Charles could see this....

OMG,You were right about Dr. P., the great guy with morals. His last day was Friday past. Can you look into your crystal ball and tell us what is next....? Never mind. The signs are obvious.Even Ray Charles could see this....

I told you! Sometimes I even impress myself with my wisdom...oh wait, we ARE dealing with complete idiots so maybe I shouldn't be THAT proud.

SK, I am warming my crystal ball up right you feel a little extra heat coming? Maybe someone has opened their ears to the chatter that accurately reflects this forum...hmmmm? How are you going to explain the TAT and declining volume, by throwing more of your own people under the bus? Think before you do that because you are officially on the radar now, I so proudly say - and there is info out there that has your name smeared all over it. Payback is a bitch!

Let me give it to all you remaining cytotechs at LabWest straight. All of LabWest will close down soon. All of what LabCorp has told you has been a lie. LabCorp said they would keep some testing at the Santa Ana site which they didn't. They didn't even keep the FDA approved donor testing that Westcliff had, which was one of the few tests that the technical department thought would remain.

They laid off EVERYONE in Santa Ana. They laid off the pathologists at Santa Ana and some at Monrovia. They're not keeping the Santa Ana building as they said they would. Even some med techs in technical that moved to stat labs around the area, GOT LAID OFF!!! The reason is because LabCorp lost too many Westcliff accounts to justify keeping them.

Monrovia is losing specimens and the lease is almost up? Take your heads out of your asses, stop complaining about some dumb supervisor that no one cares about, worry about yourselves, and apply to different companies NOW!! Waiting to be laid off and hoping for a miracle only proves your idiocy. Believing anything that LabCorp says after they devastated Westcliff is simply revealing your below average intelligence.

Let me give it to all you remaining cytotechs at LabWest straight. All of LabWest will close down soon. All of what LabCorp has told you has been a lie. LabCorp said they would keep some testing at the Santa Ana site which they didn't. They didn't even keep the FDA approved donor testing that Westcliff had, which was one of the few tests that the technical department thought would remain.

They laid off EVERYONE in Santa Ana. They laid off the pathologists at Santa Ana and some at Monrovia. They're not keeping the Santa Ana building as they said they would. Even some med techs in technical that moved to stat labs around the area, GOT LAID OFF!!! The reason is because LabCorp lost too many Westcliff accounts to justify keeping them.

Monrovia is losing specimens and the lease is almost up? Take your heads out of your asses, stop complaining about some dumb supervisor that no one cares about, worry about yourselves, and apply to different companies NOW!! Waiting to be laid off and hoping for a miracle only proves your idiocy. Believing anything that LabCorp says after they devastated Westcliff is simply revealing your below average intelligence.

Well .. looks like you had SOME of it right.

Just start asking around, it is all out there and no secret.
Monrovia stays where it is but no more LabWest name. I'm sure more RIFs to come soon.
Anyone in San Diego hearing anything?

No secret is right. Sad news. Heard that RIFs already came to the Van Nuys pathology lab last Friday. They are closing down and sending specimens to Monrovia.

I told you! Sometimes I even impress myself with my wisdom...oh wait, we ARE dealing with complete idiots so maybe I shouldn't be THAT proud.

SK, I am warming my crystal ball up right you feel a little extra heat coming? Maybe someone has opened their ears to the chatter that accurately reflects this forum...hmmmm? How are you going to explain the TAT and declining volume, by throwing more of your own people under the bus? Think before you do that because you are officially on the radar now, I so proudly say - and there is info out there that has your name smeared all over it. Payback is a bitch!

Yes, but she works cheap so she's a keeper.