Lab West Upper Management?

It is no better in San Diego LabCorp. Production trumps quality; I witnessed outright dry-labbing and verification of one particular incident in my dept. I brought it to the lab director and NOTHING was I looked for another opportunity where quality, professionalism, and accuracy for the sake of patient care matters.
I know techs in this department in SD that are local reputations for incompetence and would never be hired by a hospital lab -- they are bottom of the barrel. The only thing I could control was where I worked, so I found other employment.
I am genuinely frightened by the lack of standards, professionalism, and ethics displayed by many of the employees and managers in SD. Forget about HR -- it serves to keep managers from getting LCA sued.
I would NEVER allow any of my family to have testing done at LCA SD after what I have witnessed as a bench tech there. God help those poor patients.

It is no better in San Diego LabCorp. Production trumps quality; I witnessed outright dry-labbing and verification of one particular incident in my dept. I brought it to the lab director and NOTHING was done....

You're full of shit. CW and JT are among the most professional and dedicated people I have ever met, anywhere, and I've been in this game a long time.

I cannot all the lies I am reading on here! You people should be ashamed of yourselves. It is obvious that you received a bad review and I am sure you deserved it. I can see this coming from teenagers but a bunch of adults obviously unhappy about their job is ridiculous! Like I said before you are a dumb bitch and cannot believe we work with people like you.

Oh no she didn"t. I wasn't going to say anything because it was just too much fun reading what the others had to say. But your little lecture was too much to swallow. Do you hear yourself, S.K.? This is so friggen rich coming from you. How do you think you are fooling now. Every word in every posts that I read about you and what is going on is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and you know it. I wouldn't blame a person who works in a healthy work environment for having doubts. You should than your lucky stars.

S.K., you don't have a clue what shame feels like. Shame is just a word to you. If you ever experienced it, you would have shown it sometime in your life. So I say bravo guys. More power to you! Lets tell it like it is. And if you keep up with the insults, S.K., the heavy duty will be revealed. What they have been talking about is just the tip of the iceberg. Trust me when I say that you don't want the best of the 411 spilled out here. I know teenagers who are honest, care about the feelings of others,serious about their studies, donate time to serve others, and don't have to blackmail others to control them or force them to become allies. They will make fine adults. When you get your roll models from reality TV shows like "Survivor," how dare you lecture anyone about maturity.

And FYI. Anyone who deserved a bad review, would have been fired from there a long time ago, psycho. We are the "cream of the crop."techs. Remember? Your dumb bitch is in your mirror.

You're full of shit. CW and JT are among the most professional and dedicated people I have ever met, anywhere, and I've been in this game a long time.

Wow. I guess I didn't see you there when this event occured. I had an e-mail from one tech to another indicating that a negative test result was put out b/c the tech couldn't find the sample.
NOTHING was done. The key word here is "done." There is no excuse for catching a tech dry-labbing and that tech still having a job the next day.
Oh, by the way, BOTH those techs are still working there. LCA is so desperate for cheap labor with an ASCP license they will keep anyone who has a pulse.
Things have changed there in the past few years.

It is no better in San Diego LabCorp. Production trumps quality; I witnessed outright dry-labbing and verification of one particular incident in my dept. I brought it to the lab director and NOTHING was I looked for another opportunity where quality, professionalism, and accuracy for the sake of patient care matters.
I know techs in this department in SD that are local reputations for incompetence and would never be hired by a hospital lab -- they are bottom of the barrel. The only thing I could control was where I worked, so I found other employment.
I am genuinely frightened by the lack of standards, professionalism, and ethics displayed by many of the employees and managers in SD. Forget about HR -- it serves to keep managers from getting LCA sued.
I would NEVER allow any of my family to have testing done at LCA SD after what I have witnessed as a bench tech there. God help those poor patients.

I feel the same way. I would never allow tests of family to be done at LCA either. I warn my friends. When I realized that QA is just their device to punish the tech rather than providing follow-up for quality patient care and feedback to enhance accuracy in reporting it became apparent something was way wrong and I should start looking for a job.
Good for you for reporting the incident and trying to make a difference and showing genuine professionalism and for being smart enough to get out of there.

It is no better in San Diego LabCorp. Production trumps quality; I witnessed outright dry-labbing and verification of one particular incident in my dept. I brought it to the lab director and NOTHING was I looked for another opportunity where quality, professionalism, and accuracy for the sake of patient care matters.
I know techs in this department in SD that are local reputations for incompetence and would never be hired by a hospital lab -- they are bottom of the barrel. The only thing I could control was where I worked, so I found other employment.
I am genuinely frightened by the lack of standards, professionalism, and ethics displayed by many of the employees and managers in SD. Forget about HR -- it serves to keep managers from getting LCA sued.
I would NEVER allow any of my family to have testing done at LCA SD after what I have witnessed as a bench tech there. God help those poor patients.

Thank you so much for your post. I have been a tech for a long time, but this is the first time I ever experienced anything like this. It was as if I had stumbled into the Twilight Zone. I was wondering what HR was for. You just confirmed my thoughts. To protect LCA from being sued by its employees. That explains managementt's bizarre behavior. Wow. LCA punishes the victim of harassment and protects the perpetrator because they don't want to get sued. Strange, because most people don't want to sue. They want to be treated justly.

Oh no she didn"t. I wasn't going to say anything because it was just too much fun reading what the others had to say. But your little lecture was too much to swallow. Do you hear yourself, S.K.? This is so friggen rich coming from you. How do you think you are fooling now. Every word in every posts that I read about you and what is going on is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and you know it. I wouldn't blame a person who works in a healthy work environment for having doubts. You should than your lucky stars.

S.K., you don't have a clue what shame feels like. Shame is just a word to you. If you ever experienced it, you would have shown it sometime in your life. So I say bravo guys. More power to you! Lets tell it like it is. And if you keep up with the insults, S.K., the heavy duty will be revealed. What they have been talking about is just the tip of the iceberg. Trust me when I say that you don't want the best of the 411 spilled out here. I know teenagers who are honest, care about the feelings of others,serious about their studies, donate time to serve others, and don't have to blackmail others to control them or force them to become allies. They will make fine adults. When you get your roll models from reality TV shows like "Survivor," how dare you lecture anyone about maturity.

And FYI. Anyone who deserved a bad review, would have been fired from there a long time ago, psycho. We are the "cream of the crop."techs. Remember? Your dumb bitch is in your mirror.

Did anyone ever mention to Westcliff management that when sk was at Health Line Labs, there were at least two investigations by LAB QA for HR into her abusive behavior and harassment toward other techs. She only talked when she had her buddy with her. She was a frightened little mouse when she was by herself or when it was time to speak up to management. That is, unless she was ratting someone out . She was just a bench tech then. Even though she was written up and reprimanded, it didn't stop her behavior. Her tactics just became more depraved. You have to ask yourself, what was Westcliff thinking when they promoted her? It only gets worse.....

Don't mind if I do..

I don't ever discourage anyone from fighting for what is right, especially concerning patient testing - but the sad fact of the matter is if you look to get out of LC into a smaller successful lab, you still run the risk of being acquired by LC, or Quest. That's why you need to cut the cancer out where it lies. SK will only be as powerful and wicked as she is allowed to be. Upper management loves it when someone other than them does all the nasty stuff and keeps employees "in line". It's called "passing the buck" and usually ends up with a "scapegoat". There are specific examples where SK can be exposed, but one person cannot do it and keep their job. There is safety in numbers and we need to stick together to make it happen. I know there are no other jobs out there with as much security as a big lab, and I don't want to let SK ruin it for me and my family and my future. I would be a spineless idiot to let that happen.

Turn and run and she/they win, fight the valiant (but SMART) fight and expose the fraud for who she is. Our lives and jobs here could be so pleasant and rewarding, and SK is a total moron for not realizing that and torturing her employees for the sick fun of it. LC needs the techs to screen the Paps so they can bill for them and get the money - SK can't do it all by herself. Mess with the cash flow and upper management will eventually get it. Fight to get rid of her and all our lives will be better.

We need to communicate and organize.

No that complicated. They thought they could fake it and being out of compliance would not be noticed because of the merger and because they passed the State Inspection. When complaints surfaced concerning that fact that LCA raises are given in August and all of the other labs had gotten their raises,and Labwest, Monrovia had not, the little team turned in some bullsht to HR to cover their asses. Clueless, who has no idea how nor the moral authority to judge or evaluate anyone, screwed pver the best techs and they are rightfully pissed.
It is best to follow Dr. Y's orders to keep to yourself, do your work and get the hell out. Face it. There is no place to look for friendships, fairness or human emotion like compassion. You are treated as if you have no rights and how dare you ask for your raise. You are not needed or wanted here so stop complaining . So you haven't had a raise in 4 1/2years and in that time your work load including responsibilities have nearly doubled with the prices of gasoline and groceries. You should be glad you have a job. Don't you know that there are people starving in Somalia, India and North Korea? If you don't like it ,leave. Good riddance because you will easily be replaced. We don't give a damn how talented or good you are. You think you should be treated fairly an properly compensated? Who wants to deal with attitudes like that?

Come here to share information and vent.

I cannot all the lies I am reading on here! You people should be ashamed of yourselves. It is obvious that you received a bad review and I am sure you deserved it. I can see this coming from teenagers but a bunch of adults obviously unhappy about their job is ridiculous! Like I said before you are a dumb bitch and cannot believe we work with people like you.

See, she can't handle the truth and control herself! Way to be an inspiration, sk!
Your little circus of smoke and mirrors will be out in the open soon, and there will be no one who will defend you or fight for you bbecause you are putting everyone in a liability situation.

You brought this on yourself so live with it. besides you know what is it like to be fired dont you? like you were from Interscope Labs? At least you moved on to just being investigated at Health Line. But since you havent learned your lesson and continue treat people like dog sh*t, so start packing up your office

It is no better in San Diego LabCorp. Production trumps quality; I witnessed outright dry-labbing and verification of one particular incident in my dept. I brought it to the lab director and NOTHING was I looked for another opportunity where quality, professionalism, and accuracy for the sake of patient care matters.
I know techs in this department in SD that are local reputations for incompetence and would never be hired by a hospital lab -- they are bottom of the barrel. The only thing I could control was where I worked, so I found other employment.
I am genuinely frightened by the lack of standards, professionalism, and ethics displayed by many of the employees and managers in SD. Forget about HR -- it serves to keep managers from getting LCA sued.
I would NEVER allow any of my family to have testing done at LCA SD after what I have witnessed as a bench tech there. God help those poor patients.

it is company-wide
i also would never trust any lca test result
but I have never heard of dry-labbing, what is that?

it is company-wide
i also would never trust any lca test result
but I have never heard of dry-labbing, what is that?

Dry-labbing is essentially not running the test but putting out results on the accession. It is usually not done maliciously -- commonly happens when the original specimen is lost or misplaced and people are to lazy or scared to tell their supervisor and deal with the problem. They would rather "save face" than get in trouble.

See, she can't handle the truth and control herself! Way to be an inspiration, sk!
Your little circus of smoke and mirrors will be out in the open soon, and there will be no one who will defend you or fight for you bbecause you are putting everyone in a liability situation.

You brought this on yourself so live with it. besides you know what is it like to be fired dont you? like you were from Interscope Labs? At least you moved on to just being investigated at Health Line. But since you havent learned your lesson and continue treat people like dog sh*t, so start packing up your office

SK worked at Kaiser also. She caused such much conflict among the techs and dissension with management before she left, that KS said that she will NEVER come back to Kaiser to work again.

See, she can't handle the truth and control herself! Way to be an inspiration, sk!
Your little circus of smoke and mirrors will be out in the open soon, and there will be no one who will defend you or fight for you bbecause you are putting everyone in a liability situation.

You brought this on yourself so live with it. besides you know what is it like to be fired dont you? like you were from Interscope Labs? At least you moved on to just being investigated at Health Line. But since you havent learned your lesson and continue treat people like dog sh*t, so start packing up your office

The irony is that she badmouthed Stephany H. so bad for firing her from Interscope. She had nothing but hateful things to say about her. Then she turns around and uses her as model for her own behavior. Go figure....What a psyco.

Oh yes, complaints of harassment against the little witch were investigated. The last investigation was in the middle of the merger, but because Healthline Labs needed the sale of the lab to go through and did not want to look bad, they toned things down and begged everyone not to air dirty laundry before the sale was final.

The short story is this:
Until SK started at Healthline, everyone had fun, got along, and it was a great place to work. By the time the merger was done, she had teamed up with Sylvia C., destroyed the morale of the department with her backbiting, malicious rumor mongering, and ratting on her coworkers, among other things. Dan Ambross was played, and conned into replacing the two supervisors of Heathline and Westcliff with Sylvia, and Sylvia made SK her assistant as a reward for being her eyes and hears .

Don't mind if I do..

I don't ever discourage anyone from fighting for what is right, especially concerning patient testing - but the sad fact of the matter is if you look to get out of LC into a smaller successful lab, you still run the risk of being acquired by LC, or Quest. That's why you need to cut the cancer out where it lies. SK will only be as powerful and wicked as she is allowed to be. Upper management loves it when someone other than them does all the nasty stuff and keeps employees "in line". It's called "passing the buck" and usually ends up with a "scapegoat". There are specific examples where SK can be exposed, but one person cannot do it and keep their job. There is safety in numbers and we need to stick together to make it happen. I know there are no other jobs out there with as much security as a big lab, and I don't want to let SK ruin it for me and my family and my future. I would be a spineless idiot to let that happen.

Turn and run and she/they win, fight the valiant (but SMART) fight and expose the fraud for who she is. Our lives and jobs here could be so pleasant and rewarding, and SK is a total moron for not realizing that and torturing her employees for the sick fun of it. LC needs the techs to screen the Paps so they can bill for them and get the money - SK can't do it all by herself. Mess with the cash flow and upper management will eventually get it. Fight to get rid of her and all our lives will be better.

We need to communicate and organize.

I am with you all of the way. Right now our advantage is that we are anonymous here. We should all take part in exposing her incompetence. You are right. Life would be awesome under other circumstances. She is base and wicked and I am convinced that nothing short of an exorcist can help her.

One way she operated at Health Line was to fk with any tech who was in her way. Mind you, she was a bench tech, and her seniority was low, so she had to push out techs who had been there much longer than she had in order to make the cut when layoffs came. She got people to listen to her by insisting that they should work together in order to get a raise. She was frantic and hungry for more money.But she was also frantic and fearful of losing her job. But once she became the eyes and ears of Sylvia C,, the fear of losing her job was greatly diminished. Sylvia treated like her spoiled child.

SK even tried to organize a strike. The motto was if you are not for us you are against us. That frightened other techs into joining with her out of fear of also being harassed.

She is the type of person who will get you to talk about controversial issues and then go back to management and tell them everything you said in order to put you in a negative light, but she will leave out what she said to engage you. She would harassed techs who did not go along with her program. If you had the wisdom of common sense, could think for yourself, and were not easily led, you were her enemy and you had to go. That was one of the reasons that she was investigated. Techs complained about her tactics that I won't go into right now for the sake of brevity.

Hopefully, this will give you some insight on how she operates.The only thing that has changed is that she has formal authority now as supervisor and is in the position to do some real damage. If she is behaving true to form, she will lie cheat and steal to save herself. She will try to charm the pants off anyone she needs to manipulate. She thinks she is the smartest one in the room but she is a moron. Just don't underestimate her duplicity.

You are right. We have to do it together. Think about our livelihoods and families. It is worth the fight. Can you think of another way that we can organize without giving away our plans.

Really hard to say if it's just one or two people acting like a whole bunch of techs or if
a lot of people are really participating in this hateful forum. Don't act like you know your fellow techs. Cytotechs are generally intelligent and independent workers who do their job without much supervision and they are not easily manipulated unless they willingly get manipulated for some personal gain. People will not believe all this crap even if it was all true. Don't take things so personally and don't act like you are trying to save your "people"... SHIT happens and you just have to deal with it... ALONE...