Janssen CNS

I interviewed with several companies recently. I was surprised (and fortunate) on how easy the interview process was to get into J&J. The ABM who interviewed me (not my ABM) was dressed "business casual" but it looked like rumpled clothes from Old Navy, and he was unshaven. My field trainer worked with me for a few hours for only two days during my home training. She told me (in confidence, wink wink) that she was headed to the mall because there was a big sale at some clothing store. The home office sales training was okay.

To the person who keeps asking about the west region, if you have not picked it up yet:

The ABMs are TOXIC and everyone is leaving. The RBDs are TOXIC. The Sales reps are TOXIC. There is a ABM DP that is about to finally be fired, has caused a lot of compliance issues, and has never done anything productive. She takes credit for everyone's work and will throw anyone and everyone under the bus to save herself.

This is the Janssen way. Contract is better than this place on the best of days. CNS used to be the place to be 10 years ago, NOT anymore.

YOU were toxic that’s why you're gone. It sounds like someone has an axe to grind with ABM DP.

MB and JD being gone has only made things worse. We will now be micromanaged by people who know nothing about our business. Anyone involved in running them out should be ashamed.