Isnt the pattern of layoffs either layoffs in Aug or January for PPD?


Seems like that is the pattern. If we last till end of Aug then we will be here in 2012

One was June, one was March and one January. There is no set pattern. I do think this next one will come before the major holidays. Tricor and Trilipix going off patent next year. They will want to clear the books before 2012. But I could be wrong on this one.
P.S. Consolidation of CSS, DSS, and Solvay. We will all be hit.

The three will be put together. It will happen in early 2012. The biggest complaint from the field last time was "no rhyme or reason" to who was let go. So, enter the new 75/25 metrics on year-end reviews. If you receive a PA for 2011, you will be gone! DM gives it, RM signs off....there's your transparency promised. Problem is, we all know how credible the rankings are.

Wrong! The layoffs will once again be done by an independent third party. There is too much at stake from a legal discrimination standpoint to base layoffs on a brand new metric. It will continue to be a random layoff as always from a vendor's computer.

But where do you think the criteria comes from that the third party vendor uses? Like last time, criteria was selected after the profiles of who would meet those were determined, plus the lower performing reps and DMs. Now with the 75% on manager assessed competencies, it is so open to abuse, if the manager doesn't like their direct report... a little advanced counseling, a little documentation, then a PA in competencies and there you have it.... A low performer that can easily be justified into displacement by the criteria given to the third party.

Wrong! The layoffs will once again be done by an independent third party. There is too much at stake from a legal discrimination standpoint to base layoffs on a brand new metric. It will continue to be a random layoff as always from a vendor's computer.

That's the whole point. If you have a "documented" PA for the year, Abbott will have a stronger defense case in letting you go if challenged. Wake Up, Abbott makes the rep sign their year end.
Go to a lawyer and say, " I was discriminated against, and that's why I was let go. Oh, by the way, here is my 2011 year end eval stating my DM and RM believe I am a PA rep, and I signed the document agreeing to their assessment."

Good Luck with that.

I agree with earlier take. If they suddenly give anyone a PA and that person is in any protected group, they had better have their ducks in a row. They cannot change rules at the last minute and expect no exposure. That PA person better be a consistent PA in the past as well. Thats my point. If you are a white male (me) you can easily be screwed though.

But where do you think the criteria comes from that the third party vendor uses? Like last time, criteria was selected after the profiles of who would meet those were determined, plus the lower performing reps and DMs. Now with the 75% on manager assessed competencies, it is so open to abuse, if the manager doesn't like their direct report... a little advanced counseling, a little documentation, then a PA in competencies and there you have it.... A low performer that can easily be justified into displacement by the criteria given to the third party.

once again the brown-nosers will win! anyone who stands up for their rights to their dm or rm will be gone! this will be fun!

There won't be a layoff this. They already budgeted $250 million for this one and many laid-off personnel are still collecting their continuance that will last well into the year. It will be next year, maybe January again, so that the new severance package will be reported in 2012.

There won't be a layoff this. They already budgeted $250 million for this one and many laid-off personnel are still collecting their continuance that will last well into the year. It will be next year, maybe January again, so that the new severance package will be reported in 2012.

Would not count on no layoff in 2011. They put away alot of money in total when they announced the one in January '11. There is no way that I see this crazy horde of people running around in CSS, DSS and Metabolic all in the same zips with different docs for much longer. Alot of bad news/studies have come out since Jan on fibrates, and Nia. Is total insanity especially with the generic fibs and the heat Nia is getting and going to get more of. Hard to believe that this money machine will keep printing dollar bills for us all much longer. I would like it to continue though. : =}
Still think a big reduction is coming that will leave at most 2 reps per terr and combine everything including sister territories into larger ones. That would still leave plenty of room for more cuts down the road.

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