what is the length of the contract?
11" x 10" legal sized paper length
what is the length of the contract?
I got a phone call with my job offer too. Tennessee Valley. 75K base. waiting for car info.
Base Salary?
Is there anything that stood out from the interview like certain things they were looking for?
Mississippi, 55 base. Tennessee is full of shit. They are all inbreads there anyways.
I got the job, Midwest territory!!!!! I just hope the FDA gives it the final approval!!
Mississippi, 55 base. Tennessee is full of shit. They are all inbreads there anyways.
we are not all inbreds in Tennessee .. that is mean!
Is there anything that stood out from the interview like certain things they were looking for?
Looking for diabetes injectable experience with numbers format questions--3 people for one territory and one gets the jog...heard base is 72-75 with company car
Where in the Midwest?
Looking for diabetes injectable experience with numbers format questions--3 people for one territory and one gets the jog...heard base is 72-75 with company car
no diabetes or injectable exp. and interviewing soon -- hope the people i'm up against are without that experience too...
You're up against me and I am going to kick your ASS.
You're up against me and I am going to kick your ASS.