
To clarify about the interviews.... We do not interview with any other candidates in the room. They wait somewhere else while you interview, but then you are returned to a room to sit and wait until the end to find out who goes to the RD. That is when you get to see who you were up against.

Looking for diabetes injectable experience with numbers format questions--3 people for one territory and one gets the jog...heard base is 72-75 with company car

Base is determined by past experience/pay. I was offered 65, my last job paid if you've been around awhile, I'd ask for up to 75 if you made that elsewhere. Good luck.

Looking for diabetes injectable experience with numbers format questions--3 people for one territory and one gets the jog...heard base is 72-75 with company car

no diabetes or injectable exp. and interviewing soon -- hope the people i'm up against are without that experience too...