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incompetent hospital brilinta sales reps

The right business move would be to get rid of those stupid nurses, and cull out all of the reps except 2 selling brilinta. I doubt that would even help. I think everyone is beginning to realize that B will never be a big player, and selling it off or let a CSO sales force have it might be the best way to go. It's as dead as dead can be after 2 years!

Dead on. This is what happens when AZ management never learns from their mistakes, they just do what didn't work the first time twice as hard... again, and again, and again. Duh...

I would love to work WITH my hospital counterpart but from day one she has been a total cunt. I have never gotten ONE single shared appointment, one contact person, I have not been invited to a single appointment, I have not been given any idea of what she'd like me to work on to help her. Now, all would be great and I'd stay home and lie and pick my nose but she sucks the big one as our number are tanking. I ask her to please give me the name of the lab people so that I may make my own appointment and I am told "Do NOT go in there!" How's that for sharing? I am so sick of this shit. What she does not know is that I have saved every single text and conversation of her yelling at me for no fucking reason. Next time my boss wants to know how it's going, he can just read it.

It's a two way street. Same thing happens with hospital reps being asked in on or scheduling office appointments off site with CVAS. Often a no go. Have you ever invited your rep?

Your message about your boss encapsulates what happens at AZ. Limited ability to team, share information, and work together cross teams. Your boss should already be having discussions with other managers. With force rank it's about individual accountability and pegging that to an individual manager and team on a scorecard.

I would love to work WITH my hospital counterpart but from day one she has been a total cunt. I have never gotten ONE single shared appointment, one contact person, I have not been invited to a single appointment, I have not been given any idea of what she'd like me to work on to help her. Now, all would be great and I'd stay home and lie and pick my nose but she sucks the big one as our number are tanking. I ask her to please give me the name of the lab people so that I may make my own appointment and I am told "Do NOT go in there!" How's that for sharing? I am so sick of this shit. What she does not know is that I have saved every single text and conversation of her yelling at me for no fucking reason. Next time my boss wants to know how it's going, he can just read it.
Then she is a great hospital rep going against the kool aid passers. The most successful sales approach in any hospital is one rep period. They are political houses occupied by some of the biggest egos in the world and it only takes one incompetent, ill informed rep to lose a formula position. She is probably highly successful and sees you as a risk not an asset. Good for her but I am sure she will be targeted by your boss or bosses boss for not being a team player.

It's a two way street. Same thing happens with hospital reps being asked in on or scheduling office appointments off site with CVAS. Often a no go. Have you ever invited your rep?

Your message about your boss encapsulates what happens at AZ. Limited ability to team, share information, and work together cross teams. Your boss should already be having discussions with other managers. With force rank it's about individual accountability and pegging that to an individual manager and team on a scorecard.

Short of the bitch knowing this is for sure about her, I have of course invited all of my counterparts to join me and some do. Most go their own way or go with . . . . HER! Yes, the gal who claims to run a ship alone chooses only a select few to join her crew and I am obviously not one of them. She has point blank told me that she would NEVER call on an office and a week later - she's in the office! Never done a damn thing to this cunt and yet I hear from nurses that she gossips endlessly behind my back, stiring the pot so that is what the account thinks next time they see me. Never in my career have I had to work with such a witch. She's really fucking lucky I am not a guy or I'd beat her fucking head in with a stick in some dark parking lot - or pay a couple of thugs to just do it. Sick of this shit. As if the job is not hard enough we have this POS on our team. Again, I'd just suck it up, if she was really all that and a bag of chips, but she fucking sucks and she's taking over all the accounts ALL for her lonesome. The rest of us have to tap dance around her. Oh, our manager: He loves her! Yep. She can brand message like nobody's biz and loves to shine at every single BEM.

The right business move would be to get rid of those stupid nurses, and cull out all of the reps except 2 selling brilinta. I doubt that would even help. I think everyone is beginning to realize that B will never be a big player, and selling it off or let a CSO sales force have it might be the best way to go. It's as dead as dead can be after 2 years!

This IS the answer. Dump The Big "B" on a CSO, and chalk it up to experience. They will never do it though. The dumb shits are still hiring more and more reps every day! Only at this shit company!

Short of the bitch knowing this is for sure about her, I have of course invited all of my counterparts to join me and some do. Most go their own way or go with . . . . HER! Yes, the gal who claims to run a ship alone chooses only a select few to join her crew and I am obviously not one of them. She has point blank told me that she would NEVER call on an office and a week later - she's in the office! Never done a damn thing to this cunt and yet I hear from nurses that she gossips endlessly behind my back, stiring the pot so that is what the account thinks next time they see me. Never in my career have I had to work with such a witch. She's really fucking lucky I am not a guy or I'd beat her fucking head in with a stick in some dark parking lot - or pay a couple of thugs to just do it. Sick of this shit. As if the job is not hard enough we have this POS on our team. Again, I'd just suck it up, if she was really all that and a bag of chips, but she fucking sucks and she's taking over all the accounts ALL for her lonesome. The rest of us have to tap dance around her. Oh, our manager: He loves her! Yep. She can brand message like nobody's biz and loves to shine at every single BEM.

We had one in our district and people quit or moved to get away from her...might be talking about the same person. Yeah, management thinks she can do no wrong. In reality, she works very little and only with a handful of thought leaders. Anything else is beneath her.

Smartest thing Lilly has ever done is get rid of the 420 Effient speciality reps and double its hospital sales team. Our biggest competition was battling our internal cardio speciality reps who thought they actually had talent.

Smartest thing Lilly has ever done is get rid of the 420 Effient speciality reps and double its hospital sales team. Our biggest competition was battling our internal cardio speciality reps who thought they actually had talent.

Lilly has 1 rep per account. No wonder they have better access and relationships.

Lilly has 1 rep per account. No wonder they have better access and relationships.

Did you just say that right? As 1 rep per every account would be about 10,000 E reps and what the fuck do they do all day. Sit in the cafe and eat? No lab is letting any company's rep in more than once per month, whether you have one rep or ten, unless there is some HUGE difference in product and rep knowledge/skill for a procedure. Pharma reps who sell pills do NOT need to be in any account's department but once a quarter. You know it, I know it, the account and all their staff knows it, the doctor knows it. The only one that does not seem to know it is AZ HQ.

Did you just say that right? As 1 rep per every account would be about 10,000 E reps and what the fuck do they do all day. Sit in the cafe and eat? No lab is letting any company's rep in more than once per month, whether you have one rep or ten, unless there is some HUGE difference in product and rep knowledge/skill for a procedure. Pharma reps who sell pills do NOT need to be in any account's department but once a quarter. You know it, I know it, the account and all their staff knows it, the doctor knows it. The only one that does not seem to know it is AZ HQ.

I sure hope the above post is satire. If not...Sir or Ma'am you are the dumbest fuck in the history of posting on CafePharma.

I sure hope the above post is satire. If not...Sir or Ma'am you are the dumbest fuck in the history of posting on CafePharma.

It's a statement, asshole. Do you really think that I believe Lilly has 1 E rep per every hospital account in the nation? I am best friends with their sales director. I think I know what their doing and it looks nothing like the mess that is AZ. You must just be the typical angry nasty ugly AZ rep. I know it will happen to me too. I just have not been here long enough and with any luck from God or the Universe, I will be out of here in the next 60 days selling something at a company that is N O R M A L.

It's a statement, asshole. Do you really think that I believe Lilly has 1 E rep per every hospital account in the nation? I am best friends with their sales director. I think I know what their doing and it looks nothing like the mess that is AZ. You must just be the typical angry nasty ugly AZ rep. I know it will happen to me too. I just have not been here long enough and with any luck from God or the Universe, I will be out of here in the next 60 days selling something at a company that is N O R M A L.

You're an idiot. What was meant about Lilly is that the only have 1 rep calling on any given account. 1 person instead of 5+. Obviously they handle more than one account. If AZ really hired you god help us all.

Did you just say that right? As 1 rep per every account would be about 10,000 E reps and what the fuck do they do all day. Sit in the cafe and eat? No lab is letting any company's rep in more than once per month, whether you have one rep or ten, unless there is some HUGE difference in product and rep knowledge/skill for a procedure. Pharma reps who sell pills do NOT need to be in any account's department but once a quarter. You know it, I know it, the account and all their staff knows it, the doctor knows it. The only one that does not seem to know it is AZ HQ.

Moron. 1 rep/account means only 1 person calling on an account. They are responsible for multiple accounts. Last I heard they have a grand total of about 300 hospital reps and 0 specialty reps.

Moron. 1 rep/account means only 1 person calling on an account. They are responsible for multiple accounts. Last I heard they have a grand total of about 300 hospital reps and 0 specialty reps.

So they have 300ish reps producing $130 mil/qtr in US and we have 1000+ producing $15 mil/qtr in US? Anyone else see a problem here?

Moron. 1 rep/account means only 1 person calling on an account. They are responsible for multiple accounts. Last I heard they have a grand total of about 300 hospital reps and 0 specialty reps.

Well, you see: AZ is great then. We have, um, maybe 8 reps calling on one account! Yeah! that's our ticket to success. Look at us!!!! Look at us!!!! Every day every account can have a different Brilinta rep visit. They love us and they hate you. Hospital staff cannot even turn a corner without seeing a smiling AZ Brilinta rep with a tray of food or some vouchers. LIfe is good here.

I sure hope the above post is satire. If not...Sir or Ma'am you are the dumbest fuck in the history of posting on CafePharma.

Wouldn't it be 1 rep per territory and not account? Makes no sense to say you have one rep for every account. If you were at a job interview and that is what management said to you, would you pretty much think "Wow, that's a lot of reps!" What YOU have basically said is that if there are 10 accounts, there are 10 reps - or 1 rep for each account. I realize AZ has like five reps for every account but that is b/c they have 10 reps per territory when you count all the management, ID, science and whatnot - I cannot even list them all anymore.

You're an idiot. What was meant about Lilly is that the only have 1 rep calling on any given account. 1 person instead of 5+. Obviously they handle more than one account. If AZ really hired you god help us all.

I'm friends with my Lilly rep who is also my competitor. Before their re-org they had some of the same issues as us (access, poor communicatin among overlaps, etc). Now that they eliminated their specialty group and only have a small hospital team, they seem to be on the right path. I know their sales model sounds a lot better. She is encouraged to have clinical conversations with customers rather than spewing a brand message.

I've heard my hospital try and have a "clinical discussion", and I almost burst out laughing! We were doing a lunch together with her DM, who couldn't put together one coherent thought. I think they all need about 2 weeks of SIMS training, maybe 3.

The only thing my hospital rep does well is go over every single screen on the IPAD. Can she sell? No. Does she know anything really about clinical practice? No. Can she have an individual pt discussion? No. But, God, management loves that eye candy and the way she points to her IPAD. Personally, I think she could be just saying "bla, bla, bla" and they would just be staring at her and nodding. You're right, though, it does not sell the product.