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incompetent hospital brilinta sales reps

The only thing my hospital rep does well is go over every single screen on the IPAD. Can she sell? No. Does she know anything really about clinical practice? No. Can she have an individual pt discussion? No. But, God, management loves that eye candy and the way she points to her IPAD. Personally, I think she could be just saying "bla, bla, bla" and they would just be staring at her and nodding. You're right, though, it does not sell the product.

Perception is reality. If management perceives pointing at an i Pad as selling, then it is, whether it sells or not.

Perception is reality. If management perceives pointing at an i Pad as selling, then it is, whether it sells or not.

Exactly right.

If you are being judged on how you read the ipad, then don't expect any sales discussions.

This is an example of a DSM and RSD who are marketing department and primary care focused.

I'm friends with my Lilly rep who is also my competitor. Before their re-org they had some of the same issues as us (access, poor communicatin among overlaps, etc). Now that they eliminated their specialty group and only have a small hospital team, they seem to be on the right path. I know their sales model sounds a lot better. She is encouraged to have clinical conversations with customers rather than spewing a brand message.

What you still, incredibly, don't understand yet is that the doctors do not want to have a clinical discussion with a rep., generally speaking. The doctor went to medical school and residency for about 8 years, the rep went to a pharmaceutical company's marketing school for about 8 weeks. Plus when you factor in all of the cases of outright deception the pharma companies are guilty of (but never admit guilt, they just fork over a big payment), why would you even let them in the door? How many major pharma companies are operating under Corporate Integrity Agreements, right now? (The answer is every major pharma company, even the once-impeccable Merck.)

Tell me, if you spent eight years, spent a few 100 thousand dollars, and spent many sleepless nights getting trained to do your job, would you want to discuss how to do your job with a guy who has about 1/50th of your training, and who is biased towards one way to do your job, and is motivated primarily by money? No way. But there is so much cash at stake that the pharma companies will try anything to force their product sales through. The marginal profit from 1 nRx has the companies drooling and the drug companies cannot think straight because of it.

Perception is reality. If management perceives pointing at an i Pad as selling, then it is, whether it sells or not.
Management in most companies are incompetent for sure but when I see the same AZ rep setting in the same coffee shop in scrubs tapping on a laptop and scrolling through an iPad when I go into a facility and he is setting in the same place at noon when I’m headed to lunch it seems creepy to me. Like a stalker, peering over his wire rimmed glasses at the staff. I go to this facility quite often and he seems to always be there. It’s just weird.

Management in most companies are incompetent for sure but when I see the same AZ rep setting in the same coffee shop in scrubs tapping on a laptop and scrolling through an iPad when I go into a facility and he is setting in the same place at noon when I’m headed to lunch it seems creepy to me. Like a stalker, peering over his wire rimmed glasses at the staff. I go to this facility quite often and he seems to always be there. It’s just weird.

Why do you cafe? The fact that it bothers you says a lot about you not him. And by the way it is sitting not setting. Lord we have some ignorant people working at AZ. I will guess that you have a liberal arts degree from some cut rate university.