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incompetent hospital brilinta sales reps

To choose the right people for a CVAS job, AZ needs to use that personality tests that asks: would you rather stab them in the back or push them off a tall building? I think that sums up the selling environment.

Answer: Death is certain when pushed from a tall building. One can survive with a stab wound in the back.

Wow, sounds like things have gotten much worse since I left just a few months ago. So very glad I did. Life is much better now. Make the move and you'll be a lot happier.

My favorites are the new IDs that are calling on the same buildings as me and the CVAS rep and the DSM and the RSD and the RSM and the RDMA and the NCAM and get this - they told me that they are the strategic lynch pin. I love this place

I would buy this if I knew the role of a lynch pin. Is that similar to the "strategic interface to the customer". That is how our ID describes himself. It was too funny. Not saying where just saying. I love this place. Buck forty/year and some metric manipulations and here I go.

SPOT on for Primary care

Do you sell Brilinta? Cause, this is pretty much how most on my team will quietly tell you their day goes. Our boss used to want a "daily" success story based on the new sales aid. Yes! Oh, fun times. I love AZ! I went from an exclusive biotech position to standing in an office waiting for a signature. What a step up this has been!

Do you sell Brilinta? Cause, this is pretty much how most on my team will quietly tell you their day goes. Our boss used to want a "daily" success story based on the new sales aid. Yes! Oh, fun times. I love AZ! I went from an exclusive biotech position to standing in an office waiting for a signature. What a step up this has been!

Is your boss TS?

I am competent: at sitting in parking lots, faking calls, looking busy, leaving fake success stories, brown nosing my boss, taking him on milk runs, and even padding my expense report to get free food! I ROCK! Whatya mean incompetent? AZ is the best place to hide all day and let someone else do the work!

Great group of folks hired too soon and taking away access from CVAS.

I don't think AZ cares what team has access or doesn't have access, although admittedly middle managers are going to hold the reps feet to the fire for it as though the nurses or additional assets aren't in place sharing the same space. What Brilinta needs is dollars and it must start producing within the next quarter or two.

Whatever your internal issues with 1000 reps per territory...please fix it before you ruin my perfect access with my cath labs. -A highly successful Effient hospital rep.

Whatever your internal issues with 1000 reps per territory...please fix it before you ruin my perfect access with my cath labs. -A highly successful Effient hospital rep.

AZ is NOT going to change this. You are right, they are so very close to getting EVERY rep just throwing out and systems locked down. I have seen it happen before due to ONE rep and now it is one company that will be responsible for a shut down. My asshole manager actually thinks he should just be able to walk back to any spot in the hospital without being a registered vendor. What a fucking jerk this guy is. I have had it. You have no idea what a hellhole it is to work for AZ. Literally, everywhere I go inside any hospital they say "please do not send anymore AZ reps in here!" I have ten accounts and have NO access to three because my counterparts are in there ALL the time. Soon I expect they will lose access too.

We have to teach people that any access at all in any hospital is a privilege that must be earned and respected and appreciated. We have DSMs that forget that these are places (especially teaching institutions) where the sickest people go in fear for their lives. It is where research and treatment options are studied and evaluated and to be a small part of that conversation is an honor.

If that is how your DSM looks at it then they would be right. Anything else sounds like the asshole loser you describe above. Treat a hospital like a church and you will be better for it.

AZ is NOT going to change this. You are right, they are so very close to getting EVERY rep just throwing out and systems locked down. I have seen it happen before due to ONE rep and now it is one company that will be responsible for a shut down. My asshole manager actually thinks he should just be able to walk back to any spot in the hospital without being a registered vendor. What a fucking jerk this guy is. I have had it. You have no idea what a hellhole it is to work for AZ. Literally, everywhere I go inside any hospital they say "please do not send anymore AZ reps in here!" I have ten accounts and have NO access to three because my counterparts are in there ALL the time. Soon I expect they will lose access too.

How dare you question management!! They ALWAYS know best! A good rep can bring their DM to any place in the hospital, at any time w/o question! So what if 3 other AZ reps have already been that SAME day!!! WE HAVE BRILINTA, FOR GOD'S SAKE!! We ARE special! I think AZ needs to INCREASE share of voice for this utterly amazing drug!! SHOUT IT FROM GTHE HALLWAYS OF THE HOSPITAL FOR ALL TO HEAR...BRIIIIII LIIIIIIN TAAAAA!

Why friend you have the wrong idea. You should look at any office or institution as a bucket full of money... and each time you visit you are dipping your hand into that bucket.