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incompetent hospital brilinta sales reps

Right on, old chap. Exactly how long do you think a management team, especially the one as utterly clueless as the Brilinta brain trust, can defend a massive sales organization that is posting sales numbers inversely proportional to the cost of the reps selling the product? Eventually the people with real power to make change see things for what they are and pull the plug. I give Brilinta until early fourth quarter to gain traction; if nothing happens expect a "workforce right sizing" notification shortly thereafter.

Right on, old chap. Exactly how long do you think a management team, especially the one as utterly clueless as the Brilinta brain trust, can defend a massive sales organization that is posting sales numbers inversely proportional to the cost of the reps selling the product? Eventually the people with real power to make change see things for what they are and pull the plug. I give Brilinta until early fourth quarter to gain traction; if nothing happens expect a "workforce right sizing" notification shortly thereafter.

Perhaps, but what other products does AZ have right now? Management has already committed a huge work force. The reality is this drug HAS to make it in their minds. There is nothing else. The alternative is utterly unthinkable and unacceptable. Recommendation and outcomes-wise the company firmly believes it is a better drug and the reps better damn well too. Further indications may come down the road if Brilinta can hold on that long, so the thought is to get traction until that time.

Perhaps, but what other products does AZ have right now? Management has already committed a huge work force. The reality is this drug HAS to make it in their minds. There is nothing else. The alternative is utterly unthinkable and unacceptable. Recommendation and outcomes-wise the company firmly believes it is a better drug and the reps better damn well too. Further indications may come down the road if Brilinta can hold on that long, so the thought is to get traction until that time.

The view that this product simply HAS to work just may not be in alignment with objective reality. In either regard, no one will really know for sure if will have been worth pursuing until after October 2015 it would seem. The question is, will they wait that long for their answer? Or even, can they wait that long for their answer?

The view that this product simply HAS to work just may not be in alignment with objective reality. In either regard, no one will really know for sure if will have been worth pursuing until after October 2015 it would seem. The question is, will they wait that long for their answer? Or even, can they wait that long for their answer?
This company is bleeding money and is desperate to stop the losses but doesn't have many options. Sooner or later the final decision will be forced on them. They had the wrong people with the wrong strategy and that doomed Brilinta before it ever hit the market.
These same people might as well have been preparing to launch a new toy because they probably knew more about that than they did about selling pharmaceuticals in this market.

This company is bleeding money and is desperate to stop the losses but doesn't have many options. Sooner or later the final decision will be forced on them. They had the wrong people with the wrong strategy and that doomed Brilinta before it ever hit the market.
These same people might as well have been preparing to launch a new toy because they probably knew more about that than they did about selling pharmaceuticals in this market.

You just described the entire management and every other dept. at AZ! Brilinta is now 2 years old and should have been put out of it's misery months ago. AZ needs to know when to fold em' and when to hold em' ! Well, it's time to fold em'.

It may be a wonderful drug, but they simply don't have the data to prove it. Quite a bit of time will have passed before the do have sufficient data, assuming this trial wasn't flawed from its inception like the prior study. Opportunity is being lost as the clock ticks. Sales can't fix this situation. This is a life or death indication. No Physician is going to put his butt on the liability line to use an unproven novel agent without enough data to cover him if he has any sense at all.

You just described the entire management and every other dept. at AZ! Brilinta is now 2 years old and should have been put out of it's misery months ago. AZ needs to know when to fold em' and when to hold em' ! Well, it's time to fold em'.

2 years old, $15 million/quarter in US and still hiring/expanding. Hmmm. Makes a ton of sense.

This has got to be one of the worst mismanaged and unproductive divisions in the entire industry. Never have we seen so many people running into each other not knowing what to do and how to do it. We have a product 2 years post launch with lone ranger mentality reps who are totally in the dark with how to work in a hospital. There is massive confusion on how to drive the business which is why we see lackluster results. The best hope is to sell the product off and dismantle the hospital division.

We have a product 2 years post launch with lone ranger mentality reps who are totally in the dark with how to work in a hospital.

In all fairness to the hospital folks you once had a lot of people who knew how to work a hospital. Many were driven off or have left and the team has been managed much like any other division. Success in a hospital was never driven by metrics.

This has got to be one of the worst mismanaged and unproductive divisions in the entire industry. Never have we seen so many people running into each other not knowing what to do and how to do it. We have a product 2 years post launch with lone ranger mentality reps who are totally in the dark with how to work in a hospital. There is massive confusion on how to drive the business which is why we see lackluster results. The best hope is to sell the product off and dismantle the hospital division.

Finally a suggestion that actually makes sense! DUMP BRILINTA NOW!!!!!

Hey, Ipad webnar thus afternoon. Really looked forward to account affiliations. OMG! Only at AZ would this knobs scan a .pdf and read it to us. Fuck u AZ! Any other company would have gad some animation to actually show us. This place is such a shithole!

In all fairness to the hospital folks you once had a lot of people who knew how to work a hospital. Many were driven off or have left and the team has been managed much like any other division. Success in a hospital was never driven by metrics.
This is on MT's shoulders. He thought, God only knows why, that he knew how to sell in hospitals. He put his golden boy Dave H. who equally did not know shit about hospitals other than he was born in one, in charge and slowly they drove off anyone who had a clue.
Anyone who told them the truth was targeted and driven off.
And now you have the mess where we have multiple people, just like PC, running around looking busy and mostly costing us any chance of a sale.

You hospital assholes make me sick! Never any accountability EVER. You dickweeds live in you own little world patting each other on the back. If you fucksticks could sell anything we wouldn't have a team of 8 people "helping " you out!

Now it's becoming obvious that there is a problem and everyone is pointing at each other.

Ha ha ha :)

You hospital assholes make me sick! Never any accountability EVER. You dickweeds live in you own little world patting each other on the back. If you fucksticks could sell anything we wouldn't have a team of 8 people "helping " you out!

Now it's becoming obvious that there is a problem and everyone is pointing at each other.

Ha ha ha :)

At one time hospital was a good team. Cefotan beat back Merck's Mefoxin. Even difficult to sell Merrem eventually passed Primaxin in many areas, at least it did in mine. Diprivan was a terrific drug and great to sell too. Gradually hospital was dumbed down as true hospital products went off patent and reps sold more community based medicines. As other posters have said, many reps were driven off or left until what you have left is no different than ANY other selling team at AZ. Micromanagement, CYA, finger pointing... and buttheads like you.

You CVAS a**holes make me sick. With only a few exceptions you people suck and spend your time whining about the hospital reps because you yourselves are incompetent and egomaniacal. You call yourself the elite and cream of the crop, but aside from a couple of really great CVAS reps, most of you could not compare favorably against the MC reps you malign almost as viciously as you do the hospital reps. Arrogant and incompetent is a very bad combination bolstered by idiots like MT and the finally departed DH who f**ked up Brilinta beyond all hope. You morons have ganged up on the hospital reps who did know what they were doing in an attempt to save your pathetic asses and in the act you got rid of the very people who might have been able to salvage this joke of a launch. If Brilinta does end up getting pulled from the market, you will deserve your "vacation". Stop bitching, put the bottle of vodka down and get your ass into the territory for a change and actually work instead of taking credit for the efforts of everyone around you including the hospital and MC reps. Do I hear the sound of uncontrollable dyspnea gaining on you?

This has got to be one of the worst mismanaged and unproductive divisions in the entire industry. Never have we seen so many people running into each other not knowing what to do and how to do it. We have a product 2 years post launch with lone ranger mentality reps who are totally in the dark with how to work in a hospital. There is massive confusion on how to drive the business which is why we see lackluster results. The best hope is to sell the product off and dismantle the hospital division.

This is not the hospital division's fault. For some unfathomable reason, the morons in marketing and sales management felt that the outpatient CVAS clowns should take the lead in selling the first inpatient product AZ has had since Merem. They virtually cut hospital out of the launch completely. The best and brightest hospital reps were managed out and bullied out by either management, their CVAS "colleagues" or both leaving the CVAS fools and their hopelessly ignorant and lazy CVAS managers to guess about formulary access, hospital protocols, order sets and patient flow. These idiots thought it was just a matter of hanging out in the cath lab and everything else would just happen. This shows just how stupid they really are. Dumb asses!

You hospital assholes make me sick! Never any accountability EVER. You dickweeds live in you own little world patting each other on the back. If you fucksticks could sell anything we wouldn't have a team of 8 people "helping " you out!

Now it's becoming obvious that there is a problem and everyone is pointing at each other.

Ha ha ha :)

I would love to work WITH my hospital counterpart but from day one she has been a total cunt. I have never gotten ONE single shared appointment, one contact person, I have not been invited to a single appointment, I have not been given any idea of what she'd like me to work on to help her. Now, all would be great and I'd stay home and lie and pick my nose but she sucks the big one as our number are tanking. I ask her to please give me the name of the lab people so that I may make my own appointment and I am told "Do NOT go in there!" How's that for sharing? I am so sick of this shit. What she does not know is that I have saved every single text and conversation of her yelling at me for no fucking reason. Next time my boss wants to know how it's going, he can just read it.

The right business move would be to get rid of those stupid nurses, and cull out all of the reps except 2 selling brilinta. I doubt that would even help. I think everyone is beginning to realize that B will never be a big player, and selling it off or let a CSO sales force have it might be the best way to go. It's as dead as dead can be after 2 years!