nasty, repulsive, disgusting, immature..seems like you are already biased against most people posting here, so why do you even look at this thread?
Here are the facts:
1) Genentech has mediocre, inexperienced managers because of Joni Faucet; these managers that will benefit from training and feedback
2) there is a lack of consequences for manager’s actions, except for HA no one has been reprimanded - seems like AC is on the chopping blocks next and then someone from oncology. They should face the consequences of their actions!
3) there is no method for providing constructive feedback before things hit the fan and get on this thread.
4) Our HR team needs do a better job at fixing smaller issues before they become too big
None of these 4 facts deal with race, gender, or diversity. If you feel my comments are distasteful, I’m sorry that you feel that way. These 4 facts could have been discussed at the Medical meeting, instead of ZS-led clown fest
people are frustrated, fix the frustration - stop complaining about hurt feelings.