How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

Apparently, Forbes #1 top executive Corporate earner over the last 5 years does not share your opinion. Maybe he and Niznick are so far out of your league in accomplishments in this lifetime ore the next, that you should realize how inappropriate your comments are and just slink back to your booth.

Whoever wrote this post (unless is was Niznick) is probably a suck-up minion who makes himself feel better by worshipping these people, who will always be way out of his league. Probably lives month-to-month like most ID reps until they're on the street looking for the next 3rd rate job. Until that inevitable day, enjoy uselessly nipping at their heels while they briefly allow you to be in their presence.

Initially, working for Niznick was exciting because he was offering attractive sales commissions and a new product - in the begining it WAS fun taking business from Nobel or Zimmer - I actually used to care about his business. He has taken a Bull that would break its back for him (the sales force) and cut its balls off (No commission earning potential). The long term damage he is doing to the company won't be felt for at least 2 years and by that time Danaher will be stepping in and realizing they could have grown 35% every year.

Niznick's legacy will be this: "It has become a trend for him to stop short of billion dollar success - he could have been legendary".

The company is still growing 35% which is why reps will make more commission than a company like Nobel losing 8% a year. He's made 1/2 a billion - that makes him a legend in dentistry by anyone's standard.

The company is still growing 35% which is why reps will make more commission than a company like Nobel losing 8% a year. He's made 1/2 a billion - that makes him a legend in dentistry by anyone's standard.

Dude... Seriously take the knee pads off. Your level of devotion to this guy is frankly creepy. I don't care for the guy, but I respect what he's done to enrich HIMSELF. It's all about him all the time. Somehow you have been bamboozled into his spin zone and it's soo complete that you have now taken to message boards to defend is honor.

The company is still growing 35% which is why reps will make more commission than a company like Nobel losing 8% a year. He's made 1/2 a billion - that makes him a legend in dentistry by anyone's standard.

If you are one of his reps, remember that he merely tolerates you and wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire. He does not like you--but he does need you. At the lowest payout possible for all of your effort; getting doors slammed in your face and constantly being ridiculed for being associated with him. That's no way to go through life, son. He's got you right where he wants you, and you probably deserve each other. (until you miss a quarter or two, and you're out on your ass with the provocative "Implant Direct" on the resume.)

...but certainly keep singing his praises. You're now officially Stevie to his Kenny Powers from "Eastbound & Down".

Dude... Seriously take the knee pads off. Your level of devotion to this guy is frankly creepy. I don't care for the guy, but I respect what he's done to enrich HIMSELF. It's all about him all the time. Somehow you have been bamboozled into his spin zone and it's soo complete that you have now taken to message boards to defend is honor.

Tell this to the 100 Nobel reps laid off in the last year. Do you think Nobel cares for it's reps any more? Of course he wants to enrich himself, just like you do. I have a better long term future with a successful company that is expanding than one that is contracting.

The total number of reps laid off is an irrelevant number. You need to look at the turnover ratio to see which is a more stable company for employment. If ID has a 35% turnover, and Nobel has 16%, then obviously Nobel is the better bet. No company cares about you, your family, your well being. All companies in the US care about is profit and loss. No concern whatsoever about the individual. Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.

Tell this to the 100 Nobel reps laid off in the last year. Do you think Nobel cares for it's reps any more? Of course he wants to enrich himself, just like you do. I have a better long term future with a successful company that is expanding than one that is contracting.

Did you actually just type that you may have a long term future selling Sybron/ID or whatever they're calling it? Are you that misguided? They have NO share, Niznick is a PR nightmare, and you defend him as you have a "future" together. You must be one of those people I'll see on the news one day as the Feds raid you're cult's compound in New Mexico to haul away whatever "messiah" you've decided to devote yourself to by then.

How much commission are you going to make selling a $150 screw (plus the other garbage components that are free) that no one uses? Math must not be your strong suit, either.

We were positioned fairly close to the ID booths at the AO meeting in DC this past weekend. No way ID made their investment back on what they spent at the show. Their booths were large, well manned, with no dentists showing up. Must have been quite a disappointment for them. I did see Niznick detailing a couple of Asian Drs, who did not speak English. Probably there to copy his copy of Nobel and Straumann's implant so they can sell it for $79.00.

The total number of reps laid off is an irrelevant number. You need to look at the turnover ratio to see which is a more stable company for employment. If ID has a 35% turnover, and Nobel has 16%, then obviously Nobel is the better bet. No company cares about you, your family, your well being. All companies in the US care about is profit and loss. No concern whatsoever about the individual. Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.
Look at the layoff rate as a result of cut-backs for the two companies. Niznick is constantly expanding the sales force and marketing expendiures whereas Nobel has been cutting back faster than it's sales are dropping.

Look at the layoff rate as a result of cut-backs for the two companies. Niznick is constantly expanding the sales force and marketing expendiures whereas Nobel has been cutting back faster than it's sales are dropping.

For the last time, there is no comparison between Nobel and ID. One, until recently, was the #1 implant company in the world for longer than people can remember. the other is a fly in the ointment who's A-hole of a leader creates controversy by stirring the pot and pretending to be a current implant market share player. They are not in the same stratosphere in implant sales, period.

For the last time, there is no comparison between Nobel and ID. One, until recently, was the #1 implant company in the world for longer than people can remember. the other is a fly in the ointment who's A-hole of a leader creates controversy by stirring the pot and pretending to be a current implant market share player. They are not in the same stratosphere in implant sales, period.

Nobel is putting the NA conical connection on the Replace and other implants that now have the trilobe connection. Niz better start getting rid of his cloned inventory fast. Not much going on at the Sybron/ID booth at the AO. Astra, Nobel and Straumann seemed to be the winners but all vendors probably suffered due to theri location being a considerable distance from the lecture halls.

The company is still growing 35% which is why reps will make more commission than a company like Nobel losing 8% a year. He's made 1/2 a billion - that makes him a legend in dentistry by anyone's standard.

Legend or not, this statement is not 100% accurate. This company has a chance to grow at 35% per year but it can't because the reps are not motivated to work for just a base salary. If a rep does grow a territory by 35%, he would have worked 3x harder than any Nobel, Zimmer, Astra, 3i or Straumann rep currently in the field. 35% growth is such an aggressive goal that if you hit it, you should be earning $150k per year if you are earning from Dollar One, which is only a wet dream here. The commissions that Dr. Niznick pays his people does not even justify the ridicule, rejection and difficulty of getting new business that an ID rep goes through on a daily basis. I have seen this way too many times and the one that suffers is the company. Again, Danaher will step in once they see that his promise of growth is not achievable with the way he treats and pays his people.

Legend or not, this statement is not 100% accurate. This company has a chance to grow at 35% per year but it can't because the reps are not motivated to work for just a base salary. If a rep does grow a territory by 35%, he would have worked 3x harder than any Nobel, Zimmer, Astra, 3i or Straumann rep currently in the field. 35% growth is such an aggressive goal that if you hit it, you should be earning $150k per year if you are earning from Dollar One, which is only a wet dream here. The commissions that Dr. Niznick pays his people does not even justify the ridicule, rejection and difficulty of getting new business that an ID rep goes through on a daily basis. I have seen this way too many times and the one that suffers is the company. Again, Danaher will step in once they see that his promise of growth is not achievable with the way he treats and pays his people.

If he is such a bad manager, and his market strategy so flawed, how was he able to catch BH in just 4 years, drive Nobel to discounting up to 60% assuring 2 years of steady decline and build a business worth $300M?

If he is such a bad manager, and his market strategy so flawed, how was he able to catch BH in just 4 years, drive Nobel to discounting up to 60% assuring 2 years of steady decline and build a business worth $300M?

Again, (and hopefully for the last time, but, probably not), the ONLY company that had the desperation to do this deal was Sybron, who was the implant equivalent of an alcoholic hitting rock bottom. ID is not, and never was close to being worth 300M. Niznick was peddling this deal to any and all takers for years and had more doors slammed in his face than the average ID rep on a specialist's doorstep. He hit a home run in getting this deal done, and don't try to sell me on "Danaher is a multi-billion dollar corporation and knows what they're doing, yada yada.." Look at Warburg Pincus for a recent analogy. Lifecore probably sold 5-10 million dollars/year in implants prior to WP's ridiculous purchase price of that knockoff line in order to rectify Keystone's failure in their initial launch of the XP 1 implant line. Was Lifecore worth 200M-300M? The only reason it might have been valued as high was their hyoaluronic division. Implant Direct sales are a mere pittance by comparison. Watch as the deal is regarded as a failure over time, and a lesson in "these companies must know what they're doing" rhetoric.

If he is such a bad manager, and his market strategy so flawed, how was he able to catch BH in just 4 years, drive Nobel to discounting up to 60% assuring 2 years of steady decline and build a business worth $300M?

It is a good success story, but let´s take a look at how and why it happened, and most importantly, will it continue?

Our hero sold his company for just over $100,000,000 several years ago and then decided to try out a new venture "Nizjet" which for some reason was gone in a very short time. As he still had some money left, he invested into implant machines and decided to go cheap. This could have gone either way, but since he had the capital to pump into the staff, he could keep his head above water.

As with the Koreans, he hit the market with cheap copies, winning over a number of dentists, just like the Koreans. So far, fair enough. If you have the money, you can get away with it.

Sybron, as we all know, had some very bad experiences with their first implant companies and were looking for an investment into something larger. Dont be surprised, they have been looking for several years, but most we simply not selling. With Niznick, who had been looking for a buyer for some time, they saw an opportunity and jumped at it.

Was it a good deal? No one is certain, but several of the top Sybron managers have already regretted the purchase and have resigned from ID. From the rep side of things, ID is a nightmare while you are awake.

The biggest question, will ID continue to make its numbers? Not with the current overhead and spending. But that doesnt seem to be the main issue, ID profit margin and sales will depend on what the other companies i.e. Koreans etc., are doing to the low price market.

At the AO I was told by several that ID´s prices are beginning to slide into the mid range sector while in foreign markets they are already moving into the upper level as far as pricing.

If we think back, Comodore was also the market leader in cheap computers years ago. Where did they go?

Again, (and hopefully for the last time, but, probably not), the ONLY company that had the desperation to do this deal was Sybron, who was the implant equivalent of an alcoholic hitting rock bottom. ID is not, and never was close to being worth 300M. Niznick was peddling this deal to any and all takers for years and had more doors slammed in his face than the average ID rep on a specialist's doorstep. He hit a home run in getting this deal done, and don't try to sell me on "Danaher is a multi-billion dollar corporation and knows what they're doing, yada yada.." Look at Warburg Pincus for a recent analogy. Lifecore probably sold 5-10 million dollars/year in implants prior to WP's ridiculous purchase price of that knockoff line in order to rectify Keystone's failure in their initial launch of the XP 1 implant line. Was Lifecore worth 200M-300M? The only reason it might have been valued as high was their hyoaluronic division. Implant Direct sales are a mere pittance by comparison. Watch as the deal is regarded as a failure over time, and a lesson in "these companies must know what they're doing" rhetoric.

Yes Keystone overpaid but your opinion is not based on facts or industry knowledge. Lifecore had $40m in implant sales and $20m in Hyaluronic Acid sales with $6m in profits. The $234m they got (all numbers available on web) was a fair price based on their stock value because they were a public company but it was far too high based on ten value of their implant business because they had no unique products and no manufacturing. Niznick's business on the other hand had the broadest product line in the industry including a number of patented designs, plus state of the art manufacturing which allowed him to sell very high quality products at very low prices and still make $15m profit(again information all on the web). Yes he wanted to sell Even before he started to distribute after two years of product development and If Nobel had bought his company instead of Alpha Bio, Scala would not now need to resign. If Zimmer had bought to eliminate the competion and ger the next generation Niznick implant, they would be bigger than 3i and Astra today. If Danaher had bought a year earlier, they would have saved $100m. Niznick had phenomenal growth in product diversity, sales and profits in four years which is why Danaher left him running the company and tied him into the deal by only buying 75%. Some of the Sybron managers left either voluntarily or involuntarily with Niznick running the show but The team that helped Niznick build the business is completely in tact so Danaher can expect continued growth. the people who buy just on price are boning to the Israeli clone companies but those that want value, quality, innovation and compatibility are going to Implant Dirct. Danaher is not Warburg Pincus. It buys and manages a number of successful companies.

It is a good success story, but let´s take a look at how and why it happened, and most importantly, will it continue?

Our hero sold his company for just over $100,000,000 several years ago and then decided to try out a new venture "Nizjet" which for some reason was gone in a very short time.

Nizjet was just the company that Niznick formed to manage his airplanes. is the business he owns to manufacture aerospace parts for Boeing, Lockeed etc. Any dentist who can build and sell a company for $100m and a decade later sells another for $300m certainly deserves more credit than you are giving him. In fact , these numbers are so far beyond your level of comprehension that your opinion is irrelevant.

It is a good success story, but let´s take a look at how and why it happened, and most importantly, will it continue?

At the AO I was told by several that ID´s prices are beginning to slide into the mid range sector while in foreign markets they are already moving into the upper level as far as pricing.

What is happening is that The premium priced companies are discounting up to 50% because of pricing pressure primarily because of there customers threatening to go to implant Direct. Niznick is exposing the discounts on his website. Any Nobel or Zimmer customer can get these deals just by putting in a few Niznick implants and telling there rep they worked. Implant Direct does not discount for value or to keep a customer because it can sell everything it can make.

The company is still growing 35% which is why reps will make more commission than a company like Nobel losing 8% a year. He's made 1/2 a billion - that makes him a legend in dentistry by anyone's standard.

Hate to break the hearts of you ID folks but Straumann's bone level fixture is supposedly growing at +30% and I assume from a much higher number than the total of what ID is doing.

What is happening is that The premium priced companies are discounting up to 50% because of pricing pressure primarily because of there customers threatening to go to implant Direct. Niznick is exposing the discounts on his website. Any Nobel or Zimmer customer can get these deals just by putting in a few Niznick implants and telling there rep they worked. Implant Direct does not discount for value or to keep a customer because it can sell everything it can make.

Straumann is the only company that doesn't discount like the other hackers. Product performance dictates they don't have to.

Implant Direct does not discount because 1.) it has no leverage whatsoever and 2.) they already practically give it away. What does that tell you of the product or the company's worth? Everything. And the Grand Wizard No One Trusts pulling the levers behind the magic curtain.