It will be short order when Sybron realizes what kind of a shit bag they have invested in with Niznick. My prediction is that within several months, Niznick and and Sybron will be embroiled in a huge legal battle that will take focus and resources away from the job at hand-selling product. The ensuing battle will be public, and even more doctors will realize that Niznick is just an asshole, and stop or refuse to do business with him. This guy Niznick has done a great job convincing people he is the biggest asshole in dentistry. That is not going to change now. Sybron fucked themselves when they bought Innova, they put the nail in an expensive coffin with this latest debacle. No one gets along with Niznick, it is how it is. That is not going to change. He is probably up at night figuring out how he can destroy Sybron, so they have to pay him another couple million to get rid of him. No shit, I guarantee he will be out within months. Sybron is a very structured, corp. environment. Not the rag tag half ass business operation Niznick ran. Cracks are already appearing.