How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

these attacks are pointless. Regardless of how YOU feel about it, this guy changed the implant business in the U.S. Now, part of that change is also being felt by the new salesforce. No one is safe, not even the people that worked for him prior to the sale of the company. Many of them took huge paycuts too. His answer was 'that growth belongs to the company'.

these attacks are pointless. Regardless of how YOU feel about it, this guy changed the implant business in the U.S. Now, part of that change is also being felt by the new salesforce. No one is safe, not even the people that worked for him prior to the sale of the company. Many of them took huge paycuts too. His answer was 'that growth belongs to the company'.

"Growth belongs to the company" - the people are the company and people usually want the company to grow - ID will grow....slowly. I could give 2 shits less about Zimmer, Nobel, may not be such a bad thing for me because I now have much less stress since I know I won't make money no matter how much I sell. This will change my lifestyle, maybe I will have some time to start a garden or focus on flying kites. Losing this job is equivalent to getting fired from Walmart at this point.

"Growth belongs to the company" - the people are the company and people usually want the company to grow - ID will grow....slowly. I could give 2 shits less about Zimmer, Nobel, may not be such a bad thing for me because I now have much less stress since I know I won't make money no matter how much I sell. This will change my lifestyle, maybe I will have some time to start a garden or focus on flying kites. Losing this job is equivalent to getting fired from Walmart at this point.

Funny you mentioned Walmart. Four more reps were chopped and two employees from Walmart applied for jobs, yes, as reps! I´m not sure which depts they worked in, but I was told one was in automotive and the other restocked the candy section. Hey, maybe I´m wrong, they could be a good fit!!

Answer: They won't--even if all the reps were retained. They will settle into a low-cost niche like the other dozens of non-innovative brands out there, and they'll have a party whenever they gain a specialist using them, which will be extremely rare. What isn't spoken of here too often is how specialists view Niznick, which is that he's an annoyance whose stated purpose is incongruous with why they choose other systems. When you're a snake oil salesman with a dislikeable personality, you'll play in the minors and stay there. He"s a hindrance to himself in taking the business to the next level, and thinks that every time he retools some titanium it's "innovation". No one (who counts) cares. Certain brands have almost zero problems at this point and years of proof on top of that. I know there will be some nut claiming his product is already dominating the world in the next post, but those living in reality have never heard of, or seen proof of this. Just hot air.

The latest word is that Implant Direct has closed the Sybron European Headquarters, fired the Sybron Asia Manager and has set his own people in Australia. So much for just the US.

"Growth belongs to the company" - the people are the company and people usually want the company to grow - ID will grow....slowly. I could give 2 shits less about Zimmer, Nobel, may not be such a bad thing for me because I now have much less stress since I know I won't make money no matter how much I sell. This will change my lifestyle, maybe I will have some time to start a garden or focus on flying kites. Losing this job is equivalent to getting fired from Walmart at this point.

The fatal mistake that was made was trusting a guy like Niznick who, remember, hates sales reps. His original intention was to not have them at all. He only relented when he realized that you have to have people driving sales out in the field, which of course had been obvious to everybody else. He would like nothing better than to rid himself of everybody because he's a classic megalomaniac, and I'm assuming you had no other option when you agreed to work for him and promote his "inventions". Bad career move.

it's doubtful anyone will quit immediately - at least until they have another job, which isn't an easy thing right now. Are there managers or do all the reps work for Mike still?

There are managers. 3 guys were promoted, combined with the 3 Sybron guys who were already managers. MK also has a region, but I was told yesterday that the Sybron VP is leaving, so there are now NONE of them left in management.

There are managers. 3 guys were promoted, combined with the 3 Sybron guys who were already managers. MK also has a region, but I was told yesterday that the Sybron VP is leaving, so there are now NONE of them left in management.

Is the Sybron VP Chris, the former short lived Nobel RM? So basically mini me is still in Phoenix, and all of the Sybron managers are out? If the Sybron managers were evaluated on their performance, then they should have been shit canned. The SIS managers were worse than even the Innova people.

How many Sybron VPs are there? Which one is leaving?

DC is on his way out, which isn´t a surprise as GN didnt want him anyway. Our friend in Arizona is waiting his time, but as far as I see it, he´ll take over some VP position, maybe even the void left by DC.

Sybron, SIS is dead by the way, didnt have enough foresight to see what was happening. This should have been obvious when GN and DT had their fight and DT left back to his own hole leaving the killing grounds open for GN. looks like he´ll have their money and play as he likes.

And as to the acronyms, anyone in the company will know exactly who they are. Goodluck MS, DR and JH!

Well done with your attempt to hide who the people you were refering too!

Mini Me is not VP material. So far he has proven is he can provide a happy ending to GN (if you know what I mean!) and the ability to piss off all those who have ever had to answer to him. He is not qualified (or proven to be able to sell anything himself) to take on the role of a VP. This doesn't mean that he won't get the chance though! He speaks in nothing but 14 letter-long words in an attempt to sound smart and this just makes him the douche that he is!

If Mini Mike gets that job it will give GN exactly what he more outside reps!

Bottom line....Sybron will figure out sooner rather than later tha Niz needs to go! Only after that happens will they become what they can be in this indusrty! HE IS IN THE WAY!!!!!! Go figure!

Well done with your attempt to hide who the people you were refering too!

Mini Me is not VP material. So far he has proven is he can provide a happy ending to GN (if you know what I mean!) and the ability to piss off all those who have ever had to answer to him. He is not qualified (or proven to be able to sell anything himself) to take on the role of a VP. This doesn't mean that he won't get the chance though! He speaks in nothing but 14 letter-long words in an attempt to sound smart and this just makes him the douche that he is!

If Mini Mike gets that job it will give GN exactly what he more outside reps!

Bottom line....Sybron will figure out sooner rather than later tha Niz needs to go! Only after that happens will they become what they can be in this indusrty! HE IS IN THE WAY!!!!!! Go figure!

Sorry for the type-o's! Just got in a rush!

It will be short order when Sybron realizes what kind of a shit bag they have invested in with Niznick. My prediction is that within several months, Niznick and and Sybron will be embroiled in a huge legal battle that will take focus and resources away from the job at hand-selling product. The ensuing battle will be public, and even more doctors will realize that Niznick is just an asshole, and stop or refuse to do business with him. This guy Niznick has done a great job convincing people he is the biggest asshole in dentistry. That is not going to change now. Sybron fucked themselves when they bought Innova, they put the nail in an expensive coffin with this latest debacle. No one gets along with Niznick, it is how it is. That is not going to change. He is probably up at night figuring out how he can destroy Sybron, so they have to pay him another couple million to get rid of him. No shit, I guarantee he will be out within months. Sybron is a very structured, corp. environment. Not the rag tag half ass business operation Niznick ran. Cracks are already appearing.

Well done with your attempt to hide who the people you were refering too!

Mini Me is not VP material. So far he has proven is he can provide a happy ending to GN (if you know what I mean!) and the ability to piss off all those who have ever had to answer to him. He is not qualified (or proven to be able to sell anything himself) to take on the role of a VP. This doesn't mean that he won't get the chance though! He speaks in nothing but 14 letter-long words in an attempt to sound smart and this just makes him the douche that he is!

If Mini Mike gets that job it will give GN exactly what he more outside reps!

Bottom line....Sybron will figure out sooner rather than later tha Niz needs to go! Only after that happens will they become what they can be in this indusrty! HE IS IN THE WAY!!!!!! Go figure!

I agree with you, but what GN wants is two different things. I don´t think he´ll get rid of reps, just the ones he´s inherited, which is already and has already happened. Just look at DT and DC, they left without protecting their own. So much for the rats leaving the ship first. Chicago should be interesting as the rumors will be running more than the CAD-CAM equipment. I´m looking forward to it.

It will be short order when Sybron realizes what kind of a shit bag they have invested in with Niznick. My prediction is that within several months, Niznick and and Sybron will be embroiled in a huge legal battle that will take focus and resources away from the job at hand-selling product. The ensuing battle will be public, and even more doctors will realize that Niznick is just an asshole, and stop or refuse to do business with him. This guy Niznick has done a great job convincing people he is the biggest asshole in dentistry. That is not going to change now. Sybron fucked themselves when they bought Innova, they put the nail in an expensive coffin with this latest debacle. No one gets along with Niznick, it is how it is. That is not going to change. He is probably up at night figuring out how he can destroy Sybron, so they have to pay him another couple million to get rid of him. No shit, I guarantee he will be out within months. Sybron is a very structured, corp. environment. Not the rag tag half ass business operation Niznick ran. Cracks are already appearing.

Yes, Sybron IS a very structured corporate environment, so they MUST have seen something in Implant Direct they like - most likely the profitability. The sad thing is that Sybron must have known their people around the world were going to be in harms-way as a result and still made the decision to buy the company. Here in Europe it is a complete mess as well with several cases of constructive termination!

Yes, Sybron IS a very structured corporate environment, so they MUST have seen something in Implant Direct they like - most likely the profitability. The sad thing is that Sybron must have known their people around the world were going to be in harms-way as a result and still made the decision to buy the company. Here in Europe it is a complete mess as well with several cases of constructive termination!

The key to any merger is integration. Having GN involved with the transition probably wasn't the best move. If GN has a streamline structure it is only because he doesn't have the skills to build a more complex business model. If ID is going anywhere which I doubt that will be required. If you put the business model in front of GN it still wouldn't help because he doesn't have the interpersonal skills to execute the task.

Interpersonal skills and diplomacy is kind of needed in the business world. Of course if someone doesn't have those attributes, then it is imperative that they be able to delegate tasks to people more skilled in those areas. Unfortunately for Niznick, he is unable to delegate nor is he able to interact with fellow human beings without pissing them off. All I can say is good luck Danaher.

Its too bad that this is the environment that Niznick created because the products have some potential. Wether he or Danaher knows it or not, this culture is what will be presented to customers. An unhappy employee or sales rep is not going to go out of his way to make Niznick or the company look like a great place to work if he truly doesn't believe it. Attrition, mal-treatment, pay-cuts / poor compensation and so on == all of these things motivate nobody to set the world on fire.

Its too bad that this is the environment that Niznick created because the products have some potential. Wether he or Danaher knows it or not, this culture is what will be presented to customers. An unhappy employee or sales rep is not going to go out of his way to make Niznick or the company look like a great place to work if he truly doesn't believe it. Attrition, mal-treatment, pay-cuts / poor compensation and so on == all of these things motivate nobody to set the world on fire.

Well said. This has been the problem with Sybron from the beginning, not Danaher as Danaher let Sybron, who they had acquired in 2006, run their implant business when the existing managers at Sybron had no idea what an implant was. There were a few good managers in the two implant companies they acquired, but Sybron let their own management micro manage them to death finally destroying what little they had.

And then came Niznick. As Sybron had lost their own market through their own stupidity, they needed a new injection of market share, no doubt from pressure from Danaher, so instead of fixing what they had, throw it away and go shopping, which they did.

Niznick is now in place because of the history of what had happened and Sybron/Danaher do not want to make the same mistake a second time. If Niznick goes on his own, time will tell, but for sure, Sybron/Danaher will let him run the show and weed out those who stood in their way during the first and second round.