How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

Yes, it can be done. The logistics can add difficulty but aslong as the reps feel as if they have nothing to lose and much to gain then it is very possible. It sounds like the reps at Implant Direct are at this point based on what Mr. Niznick has done. I can't speak for osteohealth, I am only familiar with Implant Direct.

Yes, there are several unions that cover sales people. The thing is you have to have enough people committed to the cause before the union will come in and sign everyone up. You have to organize and then vote in a union. Employers can't fire you for organizing or joining a union. Of course employers will attempt to intimidate and dissuade people from joining. What is most important is to document everything if you are planning to organize. All conversations, correspondences, documents, phone calls, emails, etc, should be documented and stored somewhere safe, not using company assets. One of the problems in organizing a labor union is that most states maintain at will employment, so essentially a company can fire you, and you can leave for no reason or for any reason. This allows the employer to fire people at will. This could mean that the employer fired you because they believed you were organizing a union, but used another pretense for the firing. This is why its essential to document your every move when you are organizing a labor union. You have to prove that the firing was based on your attempt to organize and not because of the reason the employer states.
If things have gotten so bad that sales people are looking to form a union, I feel bad for the people being subjected to Niznick's abuse. In a normal economy, i.e. 5% unemployment, the easiest thing to do would be to seek another employer. In the current economic environment, unethical employers like Implant Direct abuse and take advantage more frequently because they feel the employee has less opportunity to leave. In the end a business that values their employees, treats them fairly survives. The employers, like Niznick's implant direct eventually fail. At the end of the day its the employees who provide the attributes that make a company successful.

If things have gotten so bad that sales people are looking to form a union, I feel bad for the people being subjected to Niznick's abuse. In a normal economy, i.e. 5% unemployment, the easiest thing to do would be to seek another employer. In the current economic environment, unethical employers like Implant Direct abuse and take advantage more frequently because they feel the employee has less opportunity to leave. In the end a business that values their employees, treats them fairly survives. The employers, like Niznick's implant direct eventually fail. At the end of the day its the employees who provide the attributes that make a company successful.

Sybron Sales People joined the Implant Direct Sales Team and were told they would receive commissions on sales increases above 2010 bases... and that that base would stay for 2011 and 2012. They were told no more volume discounting or buy 1 get 2 free deals. They were given access to the industries broadest product line with compatible components to Nobel, Straumann, Zimmer, BioHorizons and MIS. With those products, priced at substantially lower than the competitors they were given the opportunity to work with regional managers (not Niznick) to generate real sales growth. If they do that, and many are, they will make as much or more than they made from Sybron. They were given increases in their benefits, rental cars, 401k plans, medical, dental etc. They were given the industries best online technical support to help them sell and they were each given an inside sales rep to help grow their territory. SO WHERE IS THE ABUSE? Companies that fail, like the one they worked for before, failed because of a lack of any of the things that Implant Direct is now providing them to be successful. Because of Sybron's lack of competitive products, money and commissions were thrown at the salespeople and they became spoiled to the good life. Most have adjusted to a normal existance working for a company that requires the use of product knowledge, sales skills and commitment to hard work to succeed. A union will not protect an employee for lack of performance or from a failing company that needs to make cut-backs. The best security is to work for a successful growing company. I doubt whether this complainer even works for Implant Direct - probably just a competitor whose own sales are deteriorating because an ID salesperson is taking their customers, and hoping to plant some seeds of discontent. Beleive me, nothing is going to distract Niznick from continuing to build a successful, committed, hard-working sales team and if this discription does not describe you, he will figure it out and you may soon be working for the janitorial union.

Sybron Sales People joined the Implant Direct Sales Team and were told they would receive commissions on sales increases above 2010 bases... and that that base would stay for 2011 and 2012. They were told no more volume discounting or buy 1 get 2 free deals. They were given access to the industries broadest product line with compatible components to Nobel, Straumann, Zimmer, BioHorizons and MIS. With those products, priced at substantially lower than the competitors they were given the opportunity to work with regional managers (not Niznick) to generate real sales growth. If they do that, and many are, they will make as much or more than they made from Sybron. They were given increases in their benefits, rental cars, 401k plans, medical, dental etc. They were given the industries best online technical support to help them sell and they were each given an inside sales rep to help grow their territory. SO WHERE IS THE ABUSE? Companies that fail, like the one they worked for before, failed because of a lack of any of the things that Implant Direct is now providing them to be successful. Because of Sybron's lack of competitive products, money and commissions were thrown at the salespeople and they became spoiled to the good life. Most have adjusted to a normal existance working for a company that requires the use of product knowledge, sales skills and commitment to hard work to succeed. A union will not protect an employee for lack of performance or from a failing company that needs to make cut-backs. The best security is to work for a successful growing company. I doubt whether this complainer even works for Implant Direct - probably just a competitor whose own sales are deteriorating because an ID salesperson is taking their customers, and hoping to plant some seeds of discontent. Beleive me, nothing is going to distract Niznick from continuing to build a successful, committed, hard-working sales team and if this discription does not describe you, he will figure it out and you may soon be working for the janitorial union.

Niznick needs to be careful in regard to his very obvious and pompous ramblings on websites like CF, OsseoNews and DentalTown. As a manager in a public company, Niznicks inability to quell his oral dysentery can get the company into some trouble. Its obvious that many of the responses on this board are his. He immaturely, and almost psychotically refers to himself as "he" and "Niznick". As soon as the deal was closed, Niznick's postings went from the first person to the third person. There are plenty of postings, many recorded for posterity, which clearly identify him as the poster. Once the investment community at large, specifically the firms that track Danaher know the full extent of Niznick's lack of management skill, inability to keep his mouth shut, and the hatred that exists for him within the company, as well as in the industry, investors may rethink their confidence in this company. There will be some some very incriminating information forthcoming that will not only embarrass Niznick, but question the his ability to manage.

Now there are two knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing morons waiting to Unionize - The SEIU is waiting for you. You'll fit perfectly with your new brothers building your New World Order

Enough with the Union - get real

Sounds like the knuckle dragging, mouth breathing moron is YOU!! You wouldn't enjoy half of the benefits that you currently have if it weren't for unions. Did you ever read "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair in High School? Maybe they didn't cover that in your GED class. There are more Unions than the SEIU: Actors and Broadcasters have a Union. Hell, Football players have a Union, why not us?

Crawl back into your cave you Neanderthal!!

Sounds like the knuckle dragging, mouth breathing moron is YOU!! You wouldn't enjoy half of the benefits that you currently have if it weren't for unions. Did you ever read "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair in High School? Maybe they didn't cover that in your GED class. There are more Unions than the SEIU: Actors and Broadcasters have a Union. Hell, Football players have a Union, why not us?

Crawl back into your cave you Neanderthal!!

Obviously the rant of a "progressive" - I am familiar with the avowed Socialist Upton Sinclair and his novel The Jungle that was set in the early 1900's - perhaps his best known work. I am also familiar with his failed attempt at a political career capped by his failed run for Governor of CA - too left even for them. Perhaps you are familiar with his writings calling for the support for Hitler and his form of Socialism. All in all Upton is perhaps the perfect symbol for the proposed union of failed sales reps.

Of course there are unions other than SEIU, but you must admit this one best projects what you hope to achieve. As you must know the Union Movement has lost a large percentage of the work force over the last 25 years primarily in private industry with a slight increase in the public work force - but overall a significant decline.

Those who lack talent and ability will be the only ones attracted to the union and they will not be missed by Niznick or anyone else.

I do hope you eventually get your GED GOOD LUCK

Obviously the rant of a "progressive" - I am familiar with the avowed Socialist Upton Sinclair and his novel The Jungle that was set in the early 1900's - perhaps his best known work. I am also familiar with his failed attempt at a political career capped by his failed run for Governor of CA - too left even for them. Perhaps you are familiar with his writings calling for the support for Hitler and his form of Socialism. All in all Upton is perhaps the perfect symbol for the proposed union of failed sales reps.

Of course there are unions other than SEIU, but you must admit this one best projects what you hope to achieve. As you must know the Union Movement has lost a large percentage of the work force over the last 25 years primarily in private industry with a slight increase in the public work force - but overall a significant decline.

Those who lack talent and ability will be the only ones attracted to the union and they will not be missed by Niznick or anyone else.

I do hope you eventually get your GED GOOD LUCK

Niznick and his threats if you join a union. I think the subject of a union is a sore spot with him.

Once the investment community at large, specifically the firms that track Danaher know the full extent of Niznick's lack of management skill, inability to keep his mouth shut, and the hatred that exists for him within the company, as well as in the industry, investors may rethink their confidence in this company.

Danaher investors are interested in only one thing... profits, like every other investor. That is why they are leaving Nobel in droves and that is why BioHorizons could not float its public offering. Implant Direct is such a small part of Danaher, now doing over $15B a year, that what Niznick does is of interest only to those in the dental implant industry....and he sure seems to have stired things up in the last 5 years since he has been been back. He must be doing a lot of things right (products, pricing, marketing, customer service) to have build such a profitable company in such a short time. Most of the posters on Cafepharma have never met him so they are just projecting their frustration and insecurities on the one person who has "done it his way" in this industry for almost 30 years and made more money than anyone in dentistry on a global scale. While you may not agree with him, or understand his reasoning, you can not argue with success.

Danaher investors are interested in only one thing... profits, like every other investor. That is why they are leaving Nobel in droves and that is why BioHorizons could not float its public offering. Implant Direct is such a small part of Danaher, now doing over $15B a year, that what Niznick does is of interest only to those in the dental implant industry....and he sure seems to have stired things up in the last 5 years since he has been been back. He must be doing a lot of things right (products, pricing, marketing, customer service) to have build such a profitable company in such a short time. Most of the posters on Cafepharma have never met him so they are just projecting their frustration and insecurities on the one person who has "done it his way" in this industry for almost 30 years and made more money than anyone in dentistry on a global scale. While you may not agree with him, or understand his reasoning, you can not argue with success.

I agree with the statements made. But I think we are talking about two things here. #1. ID is making money and should, that´s why they are in business. #2. Have we forgotten the values that made our country what it is? Family, God, working for a better life style.

It makes me sad to see our nation being torn apart at the roots by those who are only interested in money. Wealth can be taken, but respect must be earned. Danaher is a great company, like a magnificent bull dog ready to take more territory, just don´t let ID be the flea or tick that takes away the greatness by ruining what this country was based on, it´s people and their rights to a better life. No one should be treated like a slave, physically or mentally.

Danaher investors are interested in only one thing... profits, like every other investor. That is why they are leaving Nobel in droves and that is why BioHorizons could not float its public offering. Implant Direct is such a small part of Danaher, now doing over $15B a year, that what Niznick does is of interest only to those in the dental implant industry....and he sure seems to have stired things up in the last 5 years since he has been been back. He must be doing a lot of things right (products, pricing, marketing, customer service) to have build such a profitable company in such a short time. Most of the posters on Cafepharma have never met him so they are just projecting their frustration and insecurities on the one person who has "done it his way" in this industry for almost 30 years and made more money than anyone in dentistry on a global scale. While you may not agree with him, or understand his reasoning, you can not argue with success.

Yeah, HIS success, not yours, you useless sycophant. And I'll believe this "profitability" when I actually see it, not when Niznick tells me it's so. He's a blowhard, so stirring discussion up is mostly what he does, not outpace real competition. If Danaher bought Astra, I might worry a bit, but not ID. It doesn't affect most of us one bit.

Yeah, HIS success, not yours, you useless sycophant. And I'll believe this "profitability" when I actually see it, not when Niznick tells me it's so. He's a blowhard, so stirring discussion up is mostly what he does, not outpace real competition. If Danaher bought Astra, I might worry a bit, but not ID. It doesn't affect most of us one bit.


If Danaher bought Astra, I might worry a bit, but not ID. It doesn't affect most of us one bit.[/QUOTE]

How would you feel about Straumann buying Astra? Who else do you think might be interested?

If Danaher bought Astra, I might worry a bit, but not ID. It doesn't affect most of us one bit.

How would you feel about Straumann buying Astra? Who else do you think might be interested?[/QUOTE]

Straumann buying Astra is unnecessary, but would put the two best, and most proven systems under the same name.

How would you feel about Straumann buying Astra? Who else do you think might be interested?

Straumann buying Astra is unnecessary, but would put the two best, and most proven systems under the same name.[/QUOTE]

Looks like a sly way to get away from the union talk and something for the Straumann blog. A couple of us were told yesterday that if we don´t reach our numbers we can move on. Looks like we´ll be going. As a Sybron rep I have no chance anyway as we are seen as a whole different bunch and poison from the get go. I can´t speak for everyone, but as for me, I can´t believe anything they say and don´t have the enthusasim to sell their product.

Straumann buying Astra is unnecessary, but would put the two best, and most proven systems under the same name.

Looks like a sly way to get away from the union talk and something for the Straumann blog. A couple of us were told yesterday that if we don´t reach our numbers we can move on. Looks like we´ll be going. As a Sybron rep I have no chance anyway as we are seen as a whole different bunch and poison from the get go. I can´t speak for everyone, but as for me, I can´t believe anything they say and don´t have the enthusasim to sell their product.[/QUOTE]

Yes, talk of forming a union is not a good thing but it is a very realistic need. Sybron reps are indeed looked upon as a whole different bunch by Dr, Niznick. The sales force is underpaid but not mistreated. If there is mistreatment, its in the fact that Niznick pulls the old "bait and switch" by telling you that if you are sales person who grows the business you will make money - no way that is close being realistic. Niznick pays low commissions and limits the amount you can earn, so no matter how broad the product line is all you have is upset employees who represent the company poorly because they are not mentally committed nor are they motivated - the damage the current comp produces will last forever in customer's eyes. Give all the reps a real chance to earn a 6-figure income again and you will see tremendous growth, even Niznick won't believe.

Ironic how this dickhead, Niznick used to criticize all the big implant companies for their sales comp. plan. Now he is the one who is criticized. Gone are his "you'll get paid from dollar one". What happened to those days you fucking worm of a human being?
There has never been a highly successful company where the sales people absolutely hated their company, and the CEO. It is amazing how hated Niznick is, you never hear anyone say anything nice or even remotely positive about him. If that is how he wants to go through life, so be it. There is nothing wrong with making money, but it is the more respected man who does it while making friends, and garnering the support and loyalty of the people around him. Niznick is akin to a despot, a hated dictator. A person without a friend in the world. Shit, if he were on fire in his office its doubtful anyone would piss on him to put him out.

Ironic how this dickhead, Niznick used to criticize all the big implant companies for their sales comp. plan. Now he is the one who is criticized. Gone are his "you'll get paid from dollar one". What happened to those days you fucking worm of a human being?
There has never been a highly successful company where the sales people absolutely hated their company, and the CEO. It is amazing how hated Niznick is, you never hear anyone say anything nice or even remotely positive about him. If that is how he wants to go through life, so be it. There is nothing wrong with making money, but it is the more respected man who does it while making friends, and garnering the support and loyalty of the people around him. Niznick is akin to a despot, a hated dictator. A person without a friend in the world. Shit, if he were on fire in his office its doubtful anyone would piss on him to put him out.

How true!

How true!

Quit complaining and sell! The range of implants and accessories are the best on the market and we have a huge investor behind us!!!! If any of you can´t sell or feel not motivated to sell, LEAVE! I don´t want your ill will rubbing off on my people. They are happy with their salaries and commission. You sound like one of those from another company who threw money at you for making numbers that were irrelevant anyway, piss poor job!!

Ironic how this dickhead, Niznick used to criticize all the big implant companies for their sales comp. plan. Now he is the one who is criticized. Gone are his "you'll get paid from dollar one". What happened to those days you fucking worm of a human being?
There has never been a highly successful company where the sales people absolutely hated their company, and the CEO. It is amazing how hated Niznick is, you never hear anyone say anything nice or even remotely positive about him. If that is how he wants to go through life, so be it. There is nothing wrong with making money, but it is the more respected man who does it while making friends, and garnering the support and loyalty of the people around him. Niznick is akin to a despot, a hated dictator. A person without a friend in the world. Shit, if he were on fire in his office its doubtful anyone would piss on him to put him out.

I disagree with the above and felt the "death" notice was distasteful. I don't work for ID but have known Jerry for a number of years. Yes, he has his moments, but behind all the BS is a decent guy. Dentistry probably isn't the best preparation for running a company and a dentist selling to other dentists is hardly an ideal relationship. Niz just needs to move forward with what he has and innovate from his base. Nobel has already copied his internal hex and from what I have heard they are going to a conical connection and getting away from the trilobe design. His 45 degree lead in bevel (while not what today is considered a conical connection) has worked well for many years. Give the guy a break and let his people do their job - enough is enough ! ! !