How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

No incentive to work hard here. Plain and simple.

Unlike before, if you do not work hard, Niznick will figure it out pretty quickly and you will be out selling for Southern next. The incentive to work hard is that you can earn good commission and get to keep a job with a good base, selling the most exciting implant product line on the market .

Interpersonal skills and diplomacy is kind of needed in the business world. Of course if someone doesn't have those attributes, then it is imperative that they be able to delegate tasks to people more skilled in those areas. Unfortunately for Niznick, he is unable to delegate nor is he able to interact with fellow human beings without pissing them off. All I can say is good luck Danaher.

With all his shortcomings, please tell me how he has been able to build companies worth over $400,000,000 (Zimmer $100M, Danaher $300M) in the last 2 decades? Maybe micromanagement and exactly what is needed and good products at good prices is more important than diplomacy.

With all his shortcomings, please tell me how he has been able to build companies worth over $400,000,000 (Zimmer $100M, Danaher $300M) in the last 2 decades? Maybe micromanagement and exactly what is needed and good products at good prices is more important than diplomacy.

He's been able to do it because he's smart and shrewd. Nobody is denying that, and they never have. (We'll see if this purchase pans out--no one but Danaher thought it was worth anywhere even close to $300M). However, if you look at large, profitable, multi-faceted companies with a lot of different departments that thrive (and people who need to be handled certain ways), it's been proven that those with his narcissistic personality traits cannot remain at the top for long, and it has nothing to do with "micromanagement" and "good products at good prices". There are many businessmen like this who know their own personality limitations--they build, sell, and move on. If Sybron wants to go forward on a larger scale, Rain Man must stay more in the background while Tom Cruise tries to use his tools to scam Vegas.

Diplomacy is, and always has been, a crucial skill with any true leader. And Niznick does not play nice in the sandbox with the other children.

With all his shortcomings, please tell me how he has been able to build companies worth over $400,000,000 (Zimmer $100M, Danaher $300M) in the last 2 decades? Maybe micromanagement and exactly what is needed and good products at good prices is more important than diplomacy.

My feeling is that if he were able to overcome his complete lack of interpersonal skills, and not be so hated by everyone in the dental industry, he may have been able to create value worth $1Billion+ dollars. He is proud of the level of hatred there is for him in the industry. A real CEO, a real visionary, does not operate like this. In reality, couple hundred million dollar deals are small change in the corporate world. These $100-500M. deal occur extremely often. Groupon, is currently valued at $6 Billion and its been in business 20 months. That is success. The deals that gain true respect are the $5-10 Billion deals that require true vision and exceptional people. Shit, Discus Dental was just sold for $300 million, and you don't hear people crowing on about it. These are small deals in the world of Private Capital and Hedge Funds. For Niznick, its a huge deal, he's a dentist, in the dentist world if you do ANYTHING in the business world outside of filling and drilling and speaking engagement your considered a success. I'd love to see Niznick at the helm of a real company, with real structure, real stockholders and a real board of directors. Guaranteed he wouldn't last more than a couple days.

Unlike before, if you do not work hard, Niznick will figure it out pretty quickly and you will be out selling for Southern next. The incentive to work hard is that you can earn good commission and get to keep a job with a good base, selling the most exciting implant product line on the market .

"IF" that statement were true then you would be absolutely correct. But since there is no commission earning potential then the only incentive to work hard is to maintain a mediocre base salary while you find another job. It is sad and how everyone feels.

"IF" that statement were true then you would be absolutely correct. But since there is no commission earning potential then the only incentive to work hard is to maintain a mediocre base salary while you find another job. It is sad and how everyone feels.

Exactly right! I´ve been at this job for a couple of years and was making good commissions every month, that is until our plan was recently changed. I would stay up late working my next plan and then hit the road for at least ten hours per day and attend seminars, etc. on the weekends. That was with base and commission.

And now? With no incentive, I usually start my morning having breakfast at home, instead of in the car and spend a maximum of eight hours on the road. If I get an appointment, great, if not that´s OK too. Weekends are spent at home looking for another job.

Exactly right! I´ve been at this job for a couple of years and was making good commissions every month, that is until our plan was recently changed. I would stay up late working my next plan and then hit the road for at least ten hours per day and attend seminars, etc. on the weekends. That was with base and commission.

And now? With no incentive, I usually start my morning having breakfast at home, instead of in the car and spend a maximum of eight hours on the road. If I get an appointment, great, if not that´s OK too. Weekends are spent at home looking for another job.

If you do not produce sales growth, you will be having lunch at home also. Eight hours on the road is a full day that will be very productive with an inside sales partner and the best product line and value in the industry.

If you do not produce sales growth, you will be having lunch at home also. Eight hours on the road is a full day that will be very productive with an inside sales partner and the best product line and value in the industry.

You must have misread the previous sales rep's post--he represents Implant Direct--not the best product line. He'll be broke before that ever happens.

You must have misread the previous sales rep's post--he represents Implant Direct--not the best product line. He'll be broke before that ever happens.

Thank you! And to the other comment, what use is our internal sales support when they are only order takers anyway? And besides that, even if they did provide me with leads what use is it? I could sell the entire stock and still get my lousy monthly salary. Where´s the motivation?

But it doesnt really matter now anyway. I have just been called for a job interview with one of our competitors. And they are offering 8% commission on everything I sell and $400 more a month in salary. And you know who my first customers are going to be!

And yes I will be enjoying my lunch at home, while I´m out making sales and thanking God for taking me away from the modern day slave house. May God have mercy on his soul. No, thinking about it ... let him suffer in the other direction. God knows he deserves it.

Niznick used to brag about his commission plan how fair it was how simple it was. A flat percentage of sales from dollar one. Now his people are on here complaining that his plan sucks. ID is starting to sound exactly like Nobel-huge turnover complaints of sub standard pay changing the comp plan mid stream. Things sure have changed at ID.

Niznick used to brag about his commission plan how fair it was how simple it was. A flat percentage of sales from dollar one. Now his people are on here complaining that his plan sucks. ID is starting to sound exactly like Nobel-huge turnover complaints of sub standard pay changing the comp plan mid stream. Things sure have changed at ID.

Initially, working for Niznick was exciting because he was offering attractive sales commissions and a new product - in the begining it WAS fun taking business from Nobel or Zimmer - I actually used to care about his business. He has taken a Bull that would break its back for him (the sales force) and cut its balls off (No commission earning potential). The long term damage he is doing to the company won't be felt for at least 2 years and by that time Danaher will be stepping in and realizing they could have grown 35% every year.

Niznick's legacy will be this: "It has become a trend for him to stop short of billion dollar success - he could have been legendary".

What exactly has he done to change the commission plan? Does he now pay the percentage only on the year over year growth and not from dollar one? Basically paying commission on incremental growth?

Niznick was walking around the AO meeting today with some worn out horse face side kick today. Insulting all the exhibiters and being his usual asshole self. I guess the idea of doing things on the cheap is no longer the case since ID has a huge booth and then a secondary booth in another part of the meeting, a full on sales team and $300 million in acquisition costs. Now they have the overhead of a premium player with the price of a discounter. Bad combo.

Niznick was walking around the AO meeting today with some worn out horse face side kick today. Insulting all the exhibiters and being his usual asshole self. I guess the idea of doing things on the cheap is no longer the case since ID has a huge booth and then a secondary booth in another part of the meeting, a full on sales team and $300 million in acquisition costs. Now they have the overhead of a premium player with the price of a discounter. Bad combo.

Amazing. You would think that it would be impressive to be seen with Niznick. I would be so embarrased to be seen talking to him. How does a man destroy his own social reputation so badly that not even bottom of the barrell reps would want to be seen in public with him.

Niznick was walking around the AO meeting today with some worn out horse face side kick today. Insulting all the exhibiters and being his usual asshole self. I guess the idea of doing things on the cheap is no longer the case since ID has a huge booth and then a secondary booth in another part of the meeting, a full on sales team and $300 million in acquisition costs. Now they have the overhead of a premium player with the price of a discounter. Bad combo.

Boy, are you ever a bad judge of character. That "worn out horse face side kick" you refer to was the CEO of Danaher, that owns Sybron, owns Icad, owns Pelton Crane, owns Kerr and last week bought Beckman Colter for $5.2B. For that amount, Danaher could buy Nobel, Straumann 3i and still have enough left to buy Niznick - but he only bought Niznick - what does that say!

Amazing. You would think that it would be impressive to be seen with Niznick. I would be so embarrased to be seen talking to him. How does a man destroy his own social reputation so badly that not even bottom of the barrell reps would want to be seen in public with him.

You idiot! The guy with Niznick was no "bottom of the barrel rep" nor was he embarrassed to be seen with Niznick. He is one of the 25 top paid executives in the Country. He and Niznick may have been on a shopping trip.

Amazing. You would think that it would be impressive to be seen with Niznick. I would be so embarrased to be seen talking to him. How does a man destroy his own social reputation so badly that not even bottom of the barrell reps would want to be seen in public with him.

Apparently, Forbes #1 top executive Corporate earner over the last 5 years does not share your opinion. Maybe he and Niznick are so far out of your league in accomplishments in this lifetime ore the next, that you should realize how inappropriate your comments are and just slink back to your booth.