How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

Yes Keystone overpaid but your opinion is not based on facts or industry knowledge. Lifecore had $40m in implant sales and $20m in Hyaluronic Acid sales with $6m in profits. The $234m they got (all numbers available on web) was a fair price based on their stock value because they were a public company but it was far too high based on ten value of their implant business because they had no unique products and no manufacturing. Niznick's business on the other hand had the broadest product line in the industry including a number of patented designs, plus state of the art manufacturing which allowed him to sell very high quality products at very low prices and still make $15m profit(again information all on the web). Yes he wanted to sell Even before he started to distribute after two years of product development and If Nobel had bought his company instead of Alpha Bio, Scala would not now need to resign. If Zimmer had bought to eliminate the competion and ger the next generation Niznick implant, they would be bigger than 3i and Astra today. If Danaher had bought a year earlier, they would have saved $100m. Niznick had phenomenal growth in product diversity, sales and profits in four years which is why Danaher left him running the company and tied him into the deal by only buying 75%. Some of the Sybron managers left either voluntarily or involuntarily with Niznick running the show but The team that helped Niznick build the business is completely in tact so Danaher can expect continued growth. the people who buy just on price are boning to the Israeli clone companies but those that want value, quality, innovation and compatibility are going to Implant Dirct. Danaher is not Warburg Pincus. It buys and manages a number of successful companies.

Thanks for the numbers, but please spare us the "broadest product line in the industry" selling point. It's tired and useless when the "broad" product line impresses no one. Crappy restaurants have a "broad" menu--not a great marketing point. It states you do many things, but not one of them well.

Also, unless you are Niznick, again, you come off as the hero-worshipping, Kool-Aid-drinking delusional type. You could pick a much better star to hitch your wagon to.

What is happening is that The premium priced companies are discounting up to 50% because of pricing pressure primarily because of there customers threatening to go to implant Direct. Niznick is exposing the discounts on his website. Any Nobel or Zimmer customer can get these deals just by putting in a few Niznick implants and telling there rep they worked. Implant Direct does not discount for value or to keep a customer because it can sell everything it can make.

What if the equalibrium price of implants, including Nobel and Straumann turns out to be around $159? If Nobel and Straumann discount to compete with ID and their prices were within a few dollars oc each other, why would anyone buy an ID implant? Niznick continually brags about Nobel discounting their prices. Once that Nobel discounted price matches Niznick it becomes a war of attrition. Nobel will win that pissing contest all day. Add to the mix the fact that Nobel is cutting costs while ID cost of doing business increases as it needs to capitalize the $300 million just spent to merge with Sybron. For anyone to think that Danaher can't make a mistake is just ignorant. Big companies make big expensive mistakes all the time.

Hate to break the hearts of you ID folks but Straumann's bone level fixture is supposedly growing at +30% and I assume from a much higher number than the total of what ID is doing.

Hate to break the hearts of you Straumann folkes but Straumann's growth of its bone level fixture is at the expense of its tissue level implants, otherwise you would be seeing an overall higher growth rate for the total sales.

Hate to break the hearts of you Straumann folkes but Straumann's growth of its bone level fixture is at the expense of its tissue level implants, otherwise you would be seeing an overall higher growth rate for the total sales.

In part, that's true. But it also vaulted the overall sales high enough to outpace the market in the last 3-4 years, getting them to #1 in early 2010. NA Up 12% in Q4 2010, globally, 7%. Very impressive in this economic climate. They continue to widen the gap between themselves and Nobel, and others. They're getting the growth in significant amounts in many places other than the cannibalization of the tissue-level product. I doubt highly that their hearts are breaking over these developments.

Sorry no mention of the Niz here, because these are real, published numbers vs. major market players.

Nobel Biocare fell further behind Straumann in 2010; fourth-quarter net revenue -7.9%

(Source: Reuters) - Swiss dental implant maker Nobel Biocare fell further behind main rival Straumann as a profit slump in the fourth quarter added to a string of disappointments that has already led to the demise of chief executive Domenico Scala. Fourth-quarter net profit fell by 80 percent to 5.2 million euros ($7.04 million), net revenue in constant exchange rates -7.9%.

I doubt highly that their hearts are breaking over these developments.

Sorry, I obviously was implying ID reps being heart broken...................ITI people are thrilled. Long couple of weeks being at both MWM and AO....................

Back on board after a stressful and successful AO! The ID reps looked as if they had been injected by steroids before the show, that is while Jerry was around. Individual talks reveiled however that the reps are frustrated, demotivated and scared. According to one rep, a nice looking woman by the way, the former Sybron reps are on their last leg and getting ready for the road to nowhere, with the comment, "That´s the way I roll!" Whatever that means?

But the layout for ID was impressive, at least Danaher knows where their money is going. I just wonder how much they budgeted for their 75% From the looks of things it must be around $400m as Jerry is spending like a hamster in a wheel. Maybe he is finally aiming in at Straumann, as hes always wanted to and we just dont realise that is the strategy, spend more for the next two years and try to take away Straumann market share.

It´s all a bit strange, but maybe we can learn something from Jerry as he is doing something right. Spending the money of someone else while doing everything he wants to do without answering to anyone. God, I hope they buy my company!!

Hate to break the hearts of you Straumann folkes but Straumann's growth of its bone level fixture is at the expense of its tissue level implants, otherwise you would be seeing an overall higher growth rate for the total sales.

Straumann customers are loyal almost to a fault. At least the bone level addition stopped them from using tissue level fixtures in the upper anterior region.

Back on board after a stressful and successful AO! The ID reps looked as if they had been injected by steroids before the show, that is while Jerry was around. Individual talks reveiled however that the reps are frustrated, demotivated and scared. According to one rep, a nice looking woman by the way, the former Sybron reps are on their last leg and getting ready for the road to nowhere, with the comment, "That´s the way I roll!" Whatever that means?

But the layout for ID was impressive, at least Danaher knows where their money is going. I just wonder how much they budgeted for their 75% From the looks of things it must be around $400m as Jerry is spending like a hamster in a wheel. Maybe he is finally aiming in at Straumann, as hes always wanted to and we just dont realise that is the strategy, spend more for the next two years and try to take away Straumann market share.

It´s all a bit strange, but maybe we can learn something from Jerry as he is doing something right. Spending the money of someone else while doing everything he wants to do without answering to anyone. God, I hope they buy my company!!

Danaher / Sybron do not know the half of it. About a dozen of us wrote letters detailing abusive comments, discrimination, conflict of interest, and so on after the merging of the 2 businesses... with NO response - except from Niz who told us that if we went to HR again we'd be fired.

Danaher / Sybron do not know the half of it. About a dozen of us wrote letters detailing abusive comments, discrimination, conflict of interest, and so on after the merging of the 2 businesses... with NO response - except from Niz who told us that if we went to HR again we'd be fired.

HR? What´s that? Human Remorse? The puppets at HR should feel ashamed at even saying they are there to help. Sure they´ll listen to you. Just send them a note on the subject so they can forward it to the appropriate person. That way the final check can be prepared more effectively.

There was supposed to be a code of ethics, ha!

Niznick and Human Resources. That's a nice oxymoron. Don't let this merger fool you no matter which Niznick jock-sniffer tells you why they follow him. They do so because they have no other options in the industry. They're a confused lot. The only chance he has is retaining and motivating the good reps he has left and even then it's probably not going to matter. Expect turnover to be high in the next few months.

Unions like the Teamsters or IBEW started because of people like Dr. Niznick. Its only a matter of time until sales people realize that true strength is in numbers and they assemble to form a Union to protect hard working sales people from the unethical tactcs that Dr. Niznick is and continues to conduct. Forming a Union is a very simple process when the employees are left with no option.

Unions like the Teamsters or IBEW started because of people like Dr. Niznick. Its only a matter of time until sales people realize that true strength is in numbers and they assemble to form a Union to protect hard working sales people from the unethical tactcs that Dr. Niznick is and continues to conduct. Forming a Union is a very simple process when the employees are left with no option.

If someone is starting a union, I'm in!

Danaher / Sybron do not know the half of it. About a dozen of us wrote letters detailing abusive comments, discrimination, conflict of interest, and so on after the merging of the 2 businesses... with NO response - except from Niz who told us that if we went to HR again we'd be fired.

If you filed complaints, then they do know 'the half of it." What exactly did he do, other than blend the SIS comp plan with that of ID, for the Sybron reps to complain of "abusive comments, discrimination, conflict of interest and so on?"

Niznick and Human Resources. That's a nice oxymoron. Don't let this merger fool you no matter which Niznick jock-sniffer tells you why they follow him. They do so because they have no other options in the industry. They're a confused lot. The only chance he has is retaining and motivating the good reps he has left and even then it's probably not going to matter. Expect turnover to be high in the next few months.

Meanwhile, any rep unhappy with the comp plan Niznick instituted has the same opportunity to quit and none have. Is this because it is not that bad or is it because they can not find better paying jobs?

Now there are two knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing morons waiting to Unionize - The SEIU is waiting for you. You'll fit perfectly with your new brothers building your New World Order

Enough with the Union - get real

This is the type of behavior we are referring to. I am pretty sure there are more than only 2 morons on both sides ready to unionize to prevent future mistreatment and abuse of power occurring now. Unions are usually a very difficult thing to start but I could see the ease in this specific situation - Niznick has stirred a boilong pot without regard to what Danaher's CEO would think if he got wind of this. SEIU + Danaher = who knows thats not who we are, but I bet everyone would raise their hands to join if a 3rd party union came in and offered to protect those from what has been happening here. They are very effective in protecting employees - remember the Writer's Guild" strike a few years ago? It works!

I don't think anyone wants to quit but they want a real democratic system with checks & balances and 3rd party Union organizations are the best option at this time. We are interested in hearing from you all of the interest on this specific blog. Please, let us hear your voice.

This is the type of behavior we are referring to. I am pretty sure there are more than only 2 morons on both sides ready to unionize to prevent future mistreatment and abuse of power occurring now. Unions are usually a very difficult thing to start but I could see the ease in this specific situation - Niznick has stirred a boilong pot without regard to what Danaher's CEO would think if he got wind of this. SEIU + Danaher = who knows thats not who we are, but I bet everyone would raise their hands to join if a 3rd party union came in and offered to protect those from what has been happening here. They are very effective in protecting employees - remember the Writer's Guild" strike a few years ago? It works!

I don't think anyone wants to quit but they want a real democratic system with checks & balances and 3rd party Union organizations are the best option at this time. We are interested in hearing from you all of the interest on this specific blog. Please, let us hear your voice.

I have never heard of a sales force that is covered by a union, can this be done?

I have never heard of a sales force that is covered by a union, can this be done?

Yes, it can be done. The logistics can add difficulty but aslong as the reps feel as if they have nothing to lose and much to gain then it is very possible. It sounds like the reps at Implant Direct are at this point based on what Mr. Niznick has done. I can't speak for osteohealth, I am only familiar with Implant Direct.