How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

Good that you have all the documentation and recordings. You should take them to the bank and own them. I understand if you don't though to stay in the industry with no rumors floating around that you sued them. Maybe it is best if you just quit or if you already quit, to find better people to work with.

More likely that he was fired and his first name starts with a "C". A bit of advice - you do not want to get into a legal battle with Niznick with false accusations or disclosure of confidential company documents.

Management does so many unethical things, I myself have multiple grounds on lawsuits. Suits that lawyers salivate over. Got the proof and witness too on multiple transgressions/illegal actions. Old man likes to mess with folks in very bad ways that are contrary to any CA work ethics, the tall man likes to break rules and regs. that the state of CA would like to know. The new doggy thinks his doesn't smell, but things that he has stated to reps. would look very interested posted. I won't. But it would be funny to see on some of the garbarge these guys have done. Lawyers galore would be salivating and calling. Backup paperwork on some it would keep the Sybron Lawyers in BMW's for years.

Go ahead, it might help you get a better job elsewhere - but be sure to post the link.

Go ahead, it might help you get a better job elsewhere - but be sure to post the link.

I feel as if I have been sold out. we were told that everything would be fine and we would have so many new opportunities and new sales that our commissions would not only double but we could buy a new house in one year.

What commissions were they talking about? Thanks "D" my commission has been cancelled and I have been told that my salary is too high and I have to sell a F... lot of implants just to stay with the team. What team?

Even though we bought these guys, they have taken control and we are being thrown out like waste, which secretly they say we are. HR could care less, regardless of the letters, which even though are marked confidential they find their way straight back to the person we are all complaining about. Once that happens, well, I dont have to explain.

Heart attacks and high blood pressure are given out like coffee. But dont worry, if you say the name "S" you will be given the famous 60 days, just time enough to get another job if your lucky.

And forget about the funny pictures and text training. No one follows whats written there. And forget about complaining or court, you´ll just get chewed and spend all your money while the others hide in the corner afraid to speak out as there just might be a chance for a bonus. Bonus? Yeah right!

So hail the new leader and count your days.

I feel as if I have been sold out. we were told that everything would be fine and we would have so many new opportunities and new sales that our commissions would not only double but we could buy a new house in one year.

What commissions were they talking about? Thanks "D" my commission has been cancelled and I have been told that my salary is too high and I have to sell a F... lot of implants just to stay with the team. What team?

Even though we bought these guys, they have taken control and we are being thrown out like waste, which secretly they say we are. HR could care less, regardless of the letters, which even though are marked confidential they find their way straight back to the person we are all complaining about. Once that happens, well, I dont have to explain.

Heart attacks and high blood pressure are given out like coffee. But dont worry, if you say the name "S" you will be given the famous 60 days, just time enough to get another job if your lucky.

And forget about the funny pictures and text training. No one follows whats written there. And forget about complaining or court, you´ll just get chewed and spend all your money while the others hide in the corner afraid to speak out as there just might be a chance for a bonus. Bonus? Yeah right!

So hail the new leader and count your days.

The only thing we could pray for is his early demise. He is an old fart.

Look, the piece shit may have made some serious money, but at the end of the day he is a human being. A miserable, much hated pathetic human being. Regardless of the criticism someone throws at him, he can respond with "I have 57 patents and sold 2 companies, for $X dollars" But, in the end an asshole is an asshole regardless of how much money he has made. A real man, a real human being can make plenty of dough and not conduct himself like a pompous, arrogant deeply hated human. He is not long for this world, and even if the shit bag rides his Harley every day and fucks his wife, he still has about a 5% chance of being alive in 5 years, that is what the stats say. So, go enjoy yourself fuck nuts, we'll be here long after your sorry pathetic ass is in the ground.

No one got a base salary decrease - but the days of buy 1-get 2free to make month end bonuses are over. The good news is we no not need that to grow sales and make bonuses sit the ID products and pricing.

Well this above comment is proof that an education is not required to beome an employee of ID. I guess it is true that the mean IQ level of ID's employees is 49.

Well this above comment is proof that an education is not required to beome an employee of ID. I guess it is true that the mean IQ level of ID's employees is 49.

Not sure if the poster is uneducated or just hammered, since it was posted at 2AM. Maybe the poor bastard was out on a bender all night when he realized he was getting a "salary decrease".

No one got a base salary decrease - but the days of buy 1-get 2free to make month end bonuses are over. The good news is we no not need that to grow sales and make bonuses sit the ID products and pricing.

For you reps who have never placed scrabble or made a typo, here is the message from Implant Direct Sybron -
"The good news is we do not need that (discounts) to grow sales and make bonuses with the ID products and pricing."

To answer the question about how we feel about Niznick, without him, we would still be selling outdated products at high prices and having to make deals to close sales like the rest of you.

For you reps who have never placed scrabble or made a typo, here is the message from Implant Direct Sybron -
"The good news is we do not need that (discounts) to grow sales and make bonuses with the ID products and pricing."

To answer the question about how we feel about Niznick, without him, we would still be selling outdated products at high prices and having to make deals to close sales like the rest of you.

With him, you'll be selling low-cost/low commission rate products to only GP's. But if you sold Sybron implants, you're already used to that. Lots of closed doors, and don't think for a second that ID is innovative. It isn't, and specialists know this. You'd do well to move on.

I heard Major pay-cuts like $60k plus, commissions are non-existent. Working for Niznick is the last job you'll have before totally leaving dental, so just be aware of that. If the reps leave, which I hear they are all interviewing anyways, ID will not be able to attract any real talent - nobody wants to work somewhere where you are not paid for working hard. Niznick can always hire robot Pharma reps or dental assistants....hey, it will help my region if they hire pharma reps since they know jack-shit about selling. I'd hate to have to work for him but I hope their reps quit cuz it'll show my customers how unstable and unreliable their support truly is. This is why my specialists won't use 5 in 5 ass.

With him, you'll be selling low-cost/low commission rate products to only GP's. But if you sold Sybron implants, you're already used to that. Lots of closed doors, and don't think for a second that ID is innovative. It isn't, and specialists know this. You'd do well to move on.

Ask yourself why Implant Direct has grown in 4 years to catch BioHorizons and Zimmer in unit implant sales globally and why a smart company like Danaher, who just bought Beckman Coulter last week for $5.5Billion would shell out $300M for Implant Direct if it did not have great products and manufacturing, plus a compelling go to market strategy.

The debate is over - Implant Direct Sybron International is here to stay and is a force in the implant industry for innovation and value.

I heard Major pay-cuts like $60k plus, commissions are non-existent. Working for Niznick is the last job you'll have before totally leaving dental, so just be aware of that. If the reps leave, which I hear they are all interviewing anyways, ID will not be able to attract any real talent - nobody wants to work somewhere where you are not paid for working hard. Niznick can always hire robot Pharma reps or dental assistants....hey, it will help my region if they hire pharma reps since they know jack-shit about selling. I'd hate to have to work for him but I hope their reps quit cuz it'll show my customers how unstable and unreliable their support truly is. This is why my specialists won't use 5 in 5 ass.

Two of us were just let go. I guess they will be saving on salaries too.

Ask yourself why Implant Direct has grown in 4 years to catch BioHorizons and Zimmer in unit implant sales globally and why a smart company like Danaher, who just bought Beckman Coulter last week for $5.5Billion would shell out $300M for Implant Direct if it did not have great products and manufacturing, plus a compelling go to market strategy.

The debate is over - Implant Direct Sybron International is here to stay and is a force in the implant industry for innovation and value.

Does this post reek of BS or what? I don't sell for either one, but ID caught up with Zimmer? Child please!

Ask yourself why Implant Direct has grown in 4 years to catch BioHorizons and Zimmer in unit implant sales globally and why a smart company like Danaher, who just bought Beckman Coulter last week for $5.5Billion would shell out $300M for Implant Direct if it did not have great products and manufacturing, plus a compelling go to market strategy.

The debate is over - Implant Direct Sybron International is here to stay and is a force in the implant industry for innovation and value.

I don't think anyone disputes that Niznick knows what he is doing with implants. Fact is, people respect him but people do not trust him and most dislike him. Can't blame them, he brags about his millions to your face while telling you to take a huge pay-cut. How can you get a large sales force behind a man that they do not trust. ID may grow, but it will not grow at its true potential, because its employees are not bought-in and are not being given the formula to be the prior poster said, top 5 in 5 years, my ass.

Ask yourself why Implant Direct has grown in 4 years to catch BioHorizons and Zimmer in unit implant sales globally and why a smart company like Danaher, who just bought Beckman Coulter last week for $5.5Billion would shell out $300M for Implant Direct if it did not have great products and manufacturing, plus a compelling go to market strategy.

The debate is over - Implant Direct Sybron International is here to stay and is a force in the implant industry for innovation and value.

Since Danaher imposed a gag order on Niznick's spew, he comes on here and posts anonymously. Pretty funny. As usual, he is the only one saying anything positive about ID.

How can the company become top 5, if he is going to lose half of his reps in the first year due to the pay cuts?

Answer: They won't--even if all the reps were retained. They will settle into a low-cost niche like the other dozens of non-innovative brands out there, and they'll have a party whenever they gain a specialist using them, which will be extremely rare. What isn't spoken of here too often is how specialists view Niznick, which is that he's an annoyance whose stated purpose is incongruous with why they choose other systems. When you're a snake oil salesman with a dislikeable personality, you'll play in the minors and stay there. He"s a hindrance to himself in taking the business to the next level, and thinks that every time he retools some titanium it's "innovation". No one (who counts) cares. Certain brands have almost zero problems at this point and years of proof on top of that. I know there will be some nut claiming his product is already dominating the world in the next post, but those living in reality have never heard of, or seen proof of this. Just hot air.