If Niznick has built a loyal following that follows him to each new company, then he must have a lot of people who appreciate his products and his prices. So who hates him.... the competition and paid oppinion leaders whose life he makes more difficult by offering value and innovation, along with compatibility. How many people even know you exist let alone hate or love you. Niznick is rich and famous. That certainly makes him a target for animosity and riducule but it certainly has not stopped him over the last 20 years from becoming richer and more famous. Name me one other President of an Implant Company that has lasted more than 5 years and has had the impact on the industry that Niznick has. Nobel's current CEO has been on the job a month or so after Scala was dumped, and Neilssen, the US GM, was president of a competing company only a year ago. He replaced Bill Ryan who worked for Nobel, then 3i, then Straumann and then Nobel and is now out. Steve Scheiss ran 3i until he was fired and now runs Zest. Zimmer Dental has had 3 different presidents in the last 10 years. Somehow Niznick has managed to stay relevant in the implant industry for almost 30 years and probably laughs his ass off with all the postings critical of him. Meanwhile, he sells to Sybron and they have the good sense to keep him as president and as a shareholder so don't expect to see him dissappear in the near future.