How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

Brenda is a class act and you shouldn´t pick on someone you clearly do not know. She has been with me for a long time and will continue in the future. As for the others, they know their places and they will do fine. And it´s the early 70´s, so shows how much you know. I would like to see any of you achieve half of what I have achieved years ago, regardless of what is now. Just wait and see what the next two years will hold.

If you are going to impersonate Dr. Niznick, at least get his age right... He is 68 and has enough energy to run 3 companies. Brenda is just doing her job in a company that now has over 300 employees.

If you are going to impersonate Dr. Niznick, at least get his age right... He is 68 and has enough energy to run 3 companies. Brenda is just doing her job in a company that now has over 300 employees.

68?!? Sure, he's the spring chicken you suggest he is. Real multi-national companies wouldn't let a guy who's next manuever is to take a dirt nap run their implant division. Desperation by Danaher because they had no viable implant presence.

All I can say is if Danaher & ID management are reading these posts I can't imagine this is helping to recruit good reps in the future. Apparently Dr. Niznick knows what he is doing since he has a long history of success. I will agree that many have been badly treated by him and his regard for reps in general. How do you make any $$$ with products at there price point? I would think Sybron has given some additonal products as door openers to introduce the ID implants. If I know Jerry, he has a long list of other products coming into the market. Zirconia, guided surgery etc. So, this is not the end just the beginning. Like him or not he is successful but disrepected by his peers. That will pose a problem with the specialists until Sybron gets wise and makes him disappear or fade into the background, telling the Drs. he is not active in the company. Now, you have something to worry about. I can attest to the fact that many Straumann, 3i, Nobel, Zimmer etc Drs. are starting to use some ID implants without admitting it. When Sybron gets their reputation back on track this will be a company to be reckoned with in the implant market. Make sure you strike up a good deal with your base pay and bennys forget about the comp plan. Your better off selling goods on EBay.

Your post forgot one caveat: Niznick has been successful, yes, For HIMSELF. The idea of representing him or what his products purport to do is not attractive at all, from a compensation standpoint, or personal reputation standpoint. Only an egomaniac like him would have a public distaste for sales reps and then pretend to be their buddy when he realizes he absolutely needs them to have a shred of hope to succeed. Why would anyone, unless they had no options, work with this PR catastrophy? Making money there isn't the answer, and best-in-class product isn't the answer. You'd have to be in some downward turn to consider it at all.

How successful has Niznick really been. He is like a rep that switches companys and takes his business with him. Is he a good rep or is he just living off the same people he originally sold?

Niznick made some loyal customers and has just resold those same customers each time he has started a business! Thats not being successful. Thats being a slime ball or at the very best a hired gun!!

Either way, I'll never have as much money as this guy. But on the other hand i'll NEVER have that many people hating me either.

Sorry - new device and spell check - see if youannderstand this;
There is your problem. You don't understant that ID products are highly differentiated while still offering surgical and prosthetic compatibility. They are covered by new designs and thread patents with value added all-in-1 packaging.

So the all-in-1 packaging sounds good. However, it really isn't that useful. Plus all the implants are have a fixture mount which confuses a lot of doctors and slows down the whole process.

The system would be much better off if it was a mount less system. But that would cost more money for Niznick to make so it won't happen.

As for the rest of the implants. From what I can see from afar most of them are useless one piece implants which are neat to talk about, but most people won't use. GOOD LUCK selling them!

The Legacy 1 is offered as a mount-less implant,and as far as the fixture mount/ abutment being confusing for the doctors I have to disagree, in fact, most of the doctors just take a closed tray impression and send the entire fixture mount/abutment and an analog to the lab for the tech to refine and make minor adjustments and fabricate the crown. The abutment and crown are then returned to the doctor for delivery.. Even if they prepare the abutment in the office it is a simple procedure that takes only a few minutes of chair time. It is an idiot proof system.

The Legacy 1 is offered as a mount-less implant,and as far as the fixture mount/ abutment being confusing for the doctors I have to disagree, in fact, most of the doctors just take a closed tray impression and send the entire fixture mount/abutment and an analog to the lab for the tech to refine and make minor adjustments and fabricate the crown. The abutment and crown are then returned to the doctor for delivery.. Even if they prepare the abutment in the office it is a simple procedure that takes only a few minutes of chair time. It is an idiot proof system.

Yea, umm, that fixture mount has been a savior. I have actually won some of my business back from implant direct because labs and dentists have had major issues taking closed tray impressions with it. If your dentists/labs are using ID's so called fixture mounts, start asking about the issues, you'll be pleasently surprised.

So the all-in-1 packaging sounds good. However, it really isn't that useful. Plus all the implants are have a fixture mount which confuses a lot of doctors and slows down the whole process.

The system would be much better off if it was a mount less system. But that would cost more money for Niznick to make so it won't happen.

As for the rest of the implants. From what I can see from afar most of them are useless one piece implants which are neat to talk about, but most people won't use. GOOD LUCK selling them!

The one implant that ID makes without a titanium mount cost only $125 and it still comes with a cover screw and 2mm healing collar. The implants that come with a titanium fixture-mount that can be used as a transfer and converted to an abutment cost $150-$200 and after taking the transfer, (nothing to order), it can be shortened by the lab to be an abutment. It cost as much to make the titanium fixture-mount as it does to make the implant so you have no clue what you are talking about. Niznick being able to advertise "all-in-1" packaging and undercut the major competitors' prices by 70% by counting all the comonents that ID includes with the implant, is pure marketing genious - and made Niznick even richer. As for one-piece implants with the Locator top selling for the price of the Locator itself, that must have been a good idea because now Zest and Schein are also doing it.

How successful has Niznick really been. He is like a rep that switches companys and takes his business with him. Is he a good rep or is he just living off the same people he originally sold?

Niznick made some loyal customers and has just resold those same customers each time he has started a business! Thats not being successful. Thats being a slime ball or at the very best a hired gun!!

Either way, I'll never have as much money as this guy. But on the other hand i'll NEVER have that many people hating me either.

If Niznick has built a loyal following that follows him to each new company, then he must have a lot of people who appreciate his products and his prices. So who hates him.... the competition and paid oppinion leaders whose life he makes more difficult by offering value and innovation, along with compatibility. How many people even know you exist let alone hate or love you. Niznick is rich and famous. That certainly makes him a target for animosity and riducule but it certainly has not stopped him over the last 20 years from becoming richer and more famous. Name me one other President of an Implant Company that has lasted more than 5 years and has had the impact on the industry that Niznick has. Nobel's current CEO has been on the job a month or so after Scala was dumped, and Neilssen, the US GM, was president of a competing company only a year ago. He replaced Bill Ryan who worked for Nobel, then 3i, then Straumann and then Nobel and is now out. Steve Scheiss ran 3i until he was fired and now runs Zest. Zimmer Dental has had 3 different presidents in the last 10 years. Somehow Niznick has managed to stay relevant in the implant industry for almost 30 years and probably laughs his ass off with all the postings critical of him. Meanwhile, he sells to Sybron and they have the good sense to keep him as president and as a shareholder so don't expect to see him dissappear in the near future.

The one implant that ID makes without a titanium mount cost only $125 and it still comes with a cover screw and 2mm healing collar. The implants that come with a titanium fixture-mount that can be used as a transfer and converted to an abutment cost $150-$200 and after taking the transfer, (nothing to order), it can be shortened by the lab to be an abutment. It cost as much to make the titanium fixture-mount as it does to make the implant so you have no clue what you are talking about. Niznick being able to advertise "all-in-1" packaging and undercut the major competitors' prices by 70% by counting all the comonents that ID includes with the implant, is pure marketing genious - and made Niznick even richer. As for one-piece implants with the Locator top selling for the price of the Locator itself, that must have been a good idea because now Zest and Schein are also doing it.

The healing abutment included is a joke. Its a two piece healing abutment. If you use it, you effectively have 2 microgaps. Two more places for bacteria to congregate and grow.

As for the the one piece locator. It sounds great but isn't practical. These pieces are made to wear out. When a one piece wears out you have to add another whole locator to the top of the implant. What an esthetic nightmare when that happens.

People will use it initially, have problems with it and then give it up like every other implant fad thats come and gone.

If Niznick has built a loyal following that follows him to each new company, then he must have a lot of people who appreciate his products and his prices. So who hates him.... the competition and paid oppinion leaders whose life he makes more difficult by offering value and innovation, along with compatibility. How many people even know you exist let alone hate or love you. Niznick is rich and famous. That certainly makes him a target for animosity and riducule but it certainly has not stopped him over the last 20 years from becoming richer and more famous. Name me one other President of an Implant Company that has lasted more than 5 years and has had the impact on the industry that Niznick has. Nobel's current CEO has been on the job a month or so after Scala was dumped, and Neilssen, the US GM, was president of a competing company only a year ago. He replaced Bill Ryan who worked for Nobel, then 3i, then Straumann and then Nobel and is now out. Steve Scheiss ran 3i until he was fired and now runs Zest. Zimmer Dental has had 3 different presidents in the last 10 years. Somehow Niznick has managed to stay relevant in the implant industry for almost 30 years and probably laughs his ass off with all the postings critical of him. Meanwhile, he sells to Sybron and they have the good sense to keep him as president and as a shareholder so don't expect to see him dissappear in the near future.

Niznick, you again reveal yourself. If you were a kidnapper, you'd probably sign your ransom notes by accident with those mis-shaped cut-out letters. Even in your so-called lofty position, you just can't get out of your own way. Speaking of yourself like this is EMBARASSING to you (or should be), and any talented people reading this who might think you're a good leader will quickly deduce that this is amateur hour, and save themselves by avoiding you and your low quality trinkets altogether.

I'd like to get you in a poker game sometime. You're easier to read than an open book.

If Niznick has built a loyal following that follows him to each new company, then he must have a lot of people who appreciate his products and his prices. So who hates him.... the competition and paid oppinion leaders whose life he makes more difficult by offering value and innovation, along with compatibility. How many people even know you exist let alone hate or love you. Niznick is rich and famous. That certainly makes him a target for animosity and riducule but it certainly has not stopped him over the last 20 years from becoming richer and more famous. Name me one other President of an Implant Company that has lasted more than 5 years and has had the impact on the industry that Niznick has. Nobel's current CEO has been on the job a month or so after Scala was dumped, and Neilssen, the US GM, was president of a competing company only a year ago. He replaced Bill Ryan who worked for Nobel, then 3i, then Straumann and then Nobel and is now out. Steve Scheiss ran 3i until he was fired and now runs Zest. Zimmer Dental has had 3 different presidents in the last 10 years. Somehow Niznick has managed to stay relevant in the implant industry for almost 30 years and probably laughs his ass off with all the postings critical of him. Meanwhile, he sells to Sybron and they have the good sense to keep him as president and as a shareholder so don't expect to see him dissappear in the near future.

This just keeps getting better. Smthers... I mean Dr. Niznick did you just refer to yourself as famous and becoming more famous? Filthy rich? Yes! Famous? No! Maybe to a bunch of dental geeks, internal ID fluffers, and people in the implant industry you are famous. Certainly not by any conventional criteria of what someone would use to determine if someone was famous or not. My guess is you could walk through JFK, Disney World, or just about anywhere in the USA and not a single person would know who you are.

Hell I'd consider that a good thing. I'd rather be loaded and flying under the radar then loaded and famous personally. As an outside observer, (thankfully) it just seems tragic that someone could be so gifted and done so well in life but be completely void of interpersonal skills or humility. With just a touch of class, humility, thankfulness to the people that helped him succeed to this point, and professionalism your fearless leader would not only have money but also the affection and respect from the entire dental community. In the end if that doesn't matter to him so be it. If it does matter it's never to late to change.

I am an SIS rep as well. I too was excited about the merger until my 2nd day in Vegas (Nat sales meeting). I didn't think it was possible to be miserable in Vegas, but Jerry got the job done. I think it hilarious that the president and director of this company have more time to post on this shit show than they do to run a company. I too will be leaving this company and look forward to leading my next company in sales. It is amazing how the worst environment imaginable can ruin such angood thing.

I am an SIS rep as well. I too was excited about the merger until my 2nd day in Vegas (Nat sales meeting). I didn't think it was possible to be miserable in Vegas, but Jerry got the job done. I think it hilarious that the president and director of this company have more time to post on this shit show than they do to run a company. I too will be leaving this company and look forward to leading my next company in sales. It is amazing how the worst environment imaginable can ruin such angood thing.

He ruined my time in Vegas too!

Its amazing that just one guy can absolutely ruin the culture of a company. Whats even more funny is that he doesn't realize that its not only the SIS reps that hate him and the job, but 90% of the ID reps hate it too.

This just keeps getting better. Smthers... I mean Dr. Niznick did you just refer to yourself as famous and becoming more famous? Filthy rich? Yes! Famous? No! Maybe to a bunch of dental geeks, internal ID fluffers, and people in the implant industry you are famous. Certainly not by any conventional criteria of what someone would use to determine if someone was famous or not. My guess is you could walk through JFK, Disney World, or just about anywhere in the USA and not a single person would know who you are.

Hell I'd consider that a good thing. I'd rather be loaded and flying under the radar then loaded and famous personally. As an outside observer, (thankfully) it just seems tragic that someone could be so gifted and done so well in life but be completely void of interpersonal skills or humility. With just a touch of class, humility, thankfulness to the people that helped him succeed to this point, and professionalism your fearless leader would not only have money but also the affection and respect from the entire dental community. In the end if that doesn't matter to him so be it. If it does matter it's never to late to change.

Did you ever hear the expression "success breeds contempt"


People don't dislike him because he has had success in business. People hate him because he is cruel to everyone. He has stepped on the backs of each of the sales rep at every company to make the money he now has, and has never once even said "thank you" to them. He belittles everyone. Plus worst of all he spouts so many lies he probably doesn't even know when he is speaking the truth.

When all his new employees where complaining about the comp plan. He said "if you don't like the plan then talk to your VP and we'll give you a bump in your base pay". ONE day later in a meeting with that VP he said "I have no intention of giving any raises I just said that to shut them up.

That is why poeple don't like him. NOT because he has been successful in business.


People don't dislike him because he has had success in business. People hate him because he is cruel to everyone. He has stepped on the backs of each of the sales rep at every company to make the money he now has, and has never once even said "thank you" to them. He belittles everyone. Plus worst of all he spouts so many lies he probably doesn't even know when he is speaking the truth.

When all his new employees where complaining about the comp plan. He said "if you don't like the plan then talk to your VP and we'll give you a bump in your base pay". ONE day later in a meeting with that VP he said "I have no intention of giving any raises I just said that to shut them up.

That is why poeple don't like him. NOT because he has been successful in business.

I know a number of us who did get nice increases in base salaries - if you didn't then you were probably an overpaid SIS rep. If as you say "people hate him because he is cruel to everyone" (an overgeneralization) then how come so many people stick with him for years and even decades? You need anger management therapy. If he belittled you, don't assume that he did it to everyone - you must be specially incompetent to even deserve his attention.

There is no way that any good rep is defending Niznick on here. If you are a good rep you would have another job (or at least be looking) if your a bad rep then you are fine with getting paid the same as your local sanitation worker (at least they have a pension)!

So Congrats on getting a small bump in base pay and only making 5% commission (on some of your sales).

I know a number of us who did get nice increases in base salaries - if you didn't then you were probably an overpaid SIS rep. If as you say "people hate him because he is cruel to everyone" (an overgeneralization) then how come so many people stick with him for years and even decades? You need anger management therapy. If he belittled you, don't assume that he did it to everyone - you must be specially incompetent to even deserve his attention.

Hmmm, I wonder who could have possibly written this retort? Who's out of control ego would lead him to post this laughable reply that a 5 year old can see through as false representation of another "rep". So sad you people have to work for this guy...