How do you Sybron reps feel about Niznick?

Sounds like a disgruntled employee that was fired for cause. Post your name if you are so confident in your re-cycled accusations. This didn't stop Sybron from putting a $300M value on the company and keeping Niznick running the company.

Niznick thinks that anyone who posts unfavorable remarks about him is a "disgruntled employee", well how many "disgruntled employees" does he have? Does this not tell you something about working at ID!

Anyone interested in emails from Niznick to the entire sales staff telling the sales team if a doctor drops an implant on the floor just rinse it off and you can still use it in a patient. How about sales managers and the sales/customer service director telling staff not to tell anyone that a tool is defective and that we will just keep selling it and cover it up with store credits for the doctors. This was before and after the sybron merger. FDA should shut them down just for these two reasons alone. They treat doctors and the staff the same way with little or no respect. Niznick thinks he is god and he can say whatever he wants. I will gladly join any legal action against him and the company.

The statements above are true and I unlike most people talking crap can prove it.

How do I get ahold of you , do you have a email or website I can go to?

Sounds like a disgruntled employee that was fired for cause. Post your name if you are so confident in your re-cycled accusations. This didn't stop Sybron from putting a $300M value on the company and keeping Niznick running the company.

Here's the Niznick suck-up who just regurgitates the "Sybron/300M" line over and over again. If these and other allegations are true, you're gonna have to do better than that to defend this nutjob.

for the person that wants to contact me:

Niznick im sure you and your slacker managers can figure out who I am. Now go talk to your managers and figure out the information I might know then start crapping your shorts. I have been quiet for long enough its time to bring the light to how implant direct does business. Your managers are useless and your director of customer service is....well just stupid. Your technical department is lame with people who cant explain half the things you sell. You have sales people who have been with you for over a year who had to ask if a gold plastic abutment has metal in it? REALLY!!!!! Your Implant analogs are made of aluminium ...I tell you this because half your sales team did not know this. Sounds dumb but very true.

For a very long time I did not post on this forum but NizNick is just out of hand with his god like ego. Niz you are all of 5 foot 5" tall .....get a clue all most everyone is looking down at you no matter what you do. Niznick the lawyers are comming soon and you will not be able to hide. Make sure you grab Brenda, Page and Josie so they can prentend they will help you but they have already thrown you under a big bus. These three lie to you on a daily basis then kiss your ass when they talk with you. The biggest fool thing you did was trust these three.

Good will need it

for the person that wants to contact me:

Niznick im sure you and your slacker managers can figure out who I am. Now go talk to your managers and figure out the information I might know then start crapping your shorts. I have been quiet for long enough its time to bring the light to how implant direct does business. Your managers are useless and your director of customer service is....well just stupid. Your technical department is lame with people who cant explain half the things you sell. You have sales people who have been with you for over a year who had to ask if a gold plastic abutment has metal in it? REALLY!!!!! Your Implant analogs are made of aluminium ...I tell you this because half your sales team did not know this. Sounds dumb but very true.

For a very long time I did not post on this forum but NizNick is just out of hand with his god like ego. Niz you are all of 5 foot 5" tall .....get a clue all most everyone is looking down at you no matter what you do. Niznick the lawyers are comming soon and you will not be able to hide. Make sure you grab Brenda, Page and Josie so they can prentend they will help you but they have already thrown you under a big bus. These three lie to you on a daily basis then kiss your ass when they talk with you. The biggest fool thing you did was trust these three.

Good will need it

I hope Danahr is keeping an eye on these blogs. They have to know just what kind of company they bought and what kind of man they kept in charge of this company. Considering Niznick's age (mid 70's) I think they should have him examined by the company's medical examiners for dementia. He is exhibiting all the signs and that would explain alot of things.

I hope Danahr is keeping an eye on these blogs. They have to know just what kind of company they bought and what kind of man they kept in charge of this company. Considering Niznick's age (mid 70's) I think they should have him examined by the company's medical examiners for dementia. He is exhibiting all the signs and that would explain alot of things.

Brenda is a class act and you shouldn´t pick on someone you clearly do not know. She has been with me for a long time and will continue in the future. As for the others, they know their places and they will do fine. And it´s the early 70´s, so shows how much you know. I would like to see any of you achieve half of what I have achieved years ago, regardless of what is now. Just wait and see what the next two years will hold.

I forgot one thing. Niznick, the state of California has laws that an employer must follow. Brenda has broken many laws but 2 I can prove. She is not allowed to do whatever she wants to. No one in your company trust her unless they are brand new employees and then they will learn not to trust her quickly.

Equal opportunity employer is NOT what Implant direct / sybron is.

Brenda is a class act and you shouldn´t pick on someone you clearly do not know. She has been with me for a long time and will continue in the future. As for the others, they know their places and they will do fine. And it´s the early 70´s, so shows how much you know. I would like to see any of you achieve half of what I have achieved years ago, regardless of what is now. Just wait and see what the next two years will hold.

Hopefully no one reading this will be able to achieve what you have achieved-status of being the most hated, disgusting, most laughed at person in all of dentistry. None of us would want it. You revel in it because you're a complete asshole.

I forgot one thing. Niznick, the state of California has laws that an employer must follow. Brenda has broken many laws but 2 I can prove. She is not allowed to do whatever she wants to. No one in your company trust her unless they are brand new employees and then they will learn not to trust her quickly.

Equal opportunity employer is NOT what Implant direct / sybron is.

Sounds like another useless ex Sybron employee because Implant Direct employees wouldn´t leave such a comment. And if you can´t roll with the flow, then roll on out!

I'm a SIS rep! I was excited about this merger. I couldn't have been more wrong. The ID implants are NOT as great as I expected. The comp plan is horrible. I can double my numbers from last year and still make 70K less.

Mike & Niz keep talking about % growth of 30-40%. Well, my territory isn't growing at that (flat line at best). However my territory with SIS grew at way more than that last year. Oh but wait, ID products are superior and should sell themselves. I GUESS NOT!!!

That being said I have no Delusions of my worth to the company. When I quit (and I will) the company will still make money and yes they will hire someone to replace me, and thats fine. I just refuse to make Jerry another dime. I will not work for someone who treats EVERYONE but a select few "yes men" horribly. I rather make less money and be happier (not that I could make less than the ID comp plan)

Jerry's reason for the horrible comp plan "Sybron just paid me $250 million and I have to find a way to pay them back"

I'm a SIS rep! I was excited about this merger. I couldn't have been more wrong. The ID implants are NOT as great as I expected. The comp plan is horrible. I can double my numbers from last year and still make 70K less.

Mike & Niz keep talking about % growth of 30-40%. Well, my territory isn't growing at that (flat line at best). However my territory with SIS grew at way more than that last year. Oh but wait, ID products are superior and should sell themselves. I GUESS NOT!!!

That being said I have no Delusions of my worth to the company. When I quit (and I will) the company will still make money and yes they will hire someone to replace me, and thats fine. I just refuse to make Jerry another dime. I will not work for someone who treats EVERYONE but a select few "yes men" horribly. I rather make less money and be happier (not that I could make less than the ID comp plan)

Jerry's reason for the horrible comp plan "Sybron just paid me $250 million and I have to find a way to pay them back"

You are not the only one! And I thought SIS was bad, but this sucks!!!!!! I´ve already submitted my resume so Jerry can´t have the pleasure in firing me. The HR people at Sybron are puppets and don´t give a rats ass what happens. As long as they keep getting paid they´ll hide at the bar or the golf course. "Yes Jerry, we can do that. Yes, Jerry gulp!

If you´re interested in the worst place to work, you´ve found it!!! my position will be open next week.

for the person that wants to contact me:

Niznick im sure you and your slacker managers can figure out who I am. Now go talk to your managers and figure out the information I might know then start crapping your shorts. I have been quiet for long enough its time to bring the light to how implant direct does business. Your managers are useless and your director of customer service is....well just stupid. Your technical department is lame with people who cant explain half the things you sell. You have sales people who have been with you for over a year who had to ask if a gold plastic abutment has metal in it? REALLY!!!!! Your Implant analogs are made of aluminium ...I tell you this because half your sales team did not know this. Sounds dumb but very true.

For a very long time I did not post on this forum but NizNick is just out of hand with his god like ego. Niz you are all of 5 foot 5" tall .....get a clue all most everyone is looking down at you no matter what you do. Niznick the lawyers are comming soon and you will not be able to hide. Make sure you grab Brenda, Page and Josie so they can prentend they will help you but they have already thrown you under a big bus. These three lie to you on a daily basis then kiss your ass when they talk with you. The biggest fool thing you did was trust these three.

Good will need it

Yes Cory, we know it is you making these postings. This board is for reps. You were a telemarketer until you were fired. Only by the good graces of Dr. Niznick did we take you back after a few days and called it a suspension for playing with the orders, only to be fired again for being a negative and distruptive person at the office. Ask yourself why all the people you call "useless" and "stupid" are still at Implant Direct's Inside Sales department and you are gone. Maybe it is you that is useless and stupid. You apparently have not found another job so you have time to make all these postings and then respond to your own postings. That might be difficult since you can not use Implant Direct as a reference, knowing what we all thought of you when you were here. Isn't it time you went and got a life. For your clarification, Dr. Niznick is 5'10" tall and certainly looks down the likes of you in more ways than height.

You are not the only one! And I thought SIS was bad, but this sucks!!!!!! I´ve already submitted my resume so Jerry can´t have the pleasure in firing me. The HR people at Sybron are puppets and don´t give a rats ass what happens. As long as they keep getting paid they´ll hide at the bar or the golf course. "Yes Jerry, we can do that. Yes, Jerry gulp!

If you´re interested in the worst place to work, you´ve found it!!! my position will be open next week.

Implant Direct just hired Joe Campbell, former VP of Sales for Paragon, Niznick's old company, to be Director of Sales of the East Coast and is starting training of 5 new reps on Monday. Sybron's HR has nothing to do with Implant Direct Sybron Int'l since Sybron is just an investor along with Niznick in the Joint Venture. If you have an HR issue, talk to your manager or HR at Implant Direct. Yes Dr. Niznick is in charge and for a very good reason. He knows how to build and run successful implant companies as he has demonstrated over the last 30 years. A company's continued success (ie new products, increased sales) is the best insurance policy any rep has, as the hundred or so Nobel reps who were let go over the last few years can well attest to.

Hopefully no one reading this will be able to achieve what you have achieved-status of being the most hated, disgusting, most laughed at person in all of dentistry. None of us would want it. You revel in it because you're a complete asshole.

Are you referring to Dr. Nizninck, who also happens to be the most successful dental entrepreneur in the history of the profession? I guess he has to expect to make a few enemies and a lot of jealous competitors to accomplish that distinction.

ID will never move be in the top 3 implant companies as long as Niznick is in charge. He as pissed off way to many people and is not growing the business in a way thats is sustainable.

I was an SIS rep and I was shocked when I finally get my list of current ID customers. All GP's. Most placing 5-10/year! There was only 1 specialist in a $500,000 territory that was placing ID's stuff.

Good luck to all you "YES MEN" out there. I'm leaving this company!!!

Implant Direct just hired Joe Campbell, former VP of Sales for Paragon, Niznick's old company, to be Director of Sales of the East Coast and is starting training of 5 new reps on Monday. Sybron's HR has nothing to do with Implant Direct Sybron Int'l since Sybron is just an investor along with Niznick in the Joint Venture. If you have an HR issue, talk to your manager or HR at Implant Direct. Yes Dr. Niznick is in charge and for a very good reason. He knows how to build and run successful implant companies as he has demonstrated over the last 30 years. A company's continued success (ie new products, increased sales) is the best insurance policy any rep has, as the hundred or so Nobel reps who were let go over the last few years can well attest to.

Dr. Niznick, is this where all your employees should get all their information from? Quite honestly, this is fucking embarrassing, what the hell are you doing? You need to be more professional and more cautious about sending messages like this on a website like this. I would think that in any respectable organization, there would at least be a formal internal email sent out first to all your employees about these types of events. Who the hell is running this company? Seriously though, be a leader, start communicating with us through our emails....thats why we have them.

Yes Cory, we know it is you making these postings. This board is for reps. You were a telemarketer until you were fired. Only by the good graces of Dr. Niznick did we take you back after a few days and called it a suspension for playing with the orders, only to be fired again for being a negative and distruptive person at the office. Ask yourself why all the people you call "useless" and "stupid" are still at Implant Direct's Inside Sales department and you are gone. Maybe it is you that is useless and stupid. You apparently have not found another job so you have time to make all these postings and then respond to your own postings. That might be difficult since you can not use Implant Direct as a reference, knowing what we all thought of you when you were here. Isn't it time you went and got a life. For your clarification, Dr. Niznick is 5'10" tall and certainly looks down the likes of you in more ways than height.

This is funny since I know Cory and I am not him. I am female you idiot.

Dr. Niznick, is this where all your employees should get all their information from? Quite honestly, this is fucking embarrassing, what the hell are you doing? You need to be more professional and more cautious about sending messages like this on a website like this. I would think that in any respectable organization, there would at least be a formal internal email sent out first to all your employees about these types of events. Who the hell is running this company? Seriously though, be a leader, start communicating with us through our emails....thats why we have them.

So true. Bush league for sure. I love watching this train wreck though. I actually like having ID around. Let's face it dental can be quite boring and Niznick/ID keep things interesting and quite humorous at times. If ID was as effective out in the field as they are at making waves in here then it might be another story. I will give the man credit. Clearly he's brilliant with implants and he's made millions off of a customer base that's hard to pry money out of.

ID's business model is to go for the low hanging fruit (GP's). Not a bad move. Short term, clearly it's been effective and they've made money. Long term, selling on price alone is very risky and hard to sustain. The customers will dump you in a second, there is no loyalty, there is always somebody cheaper, and finally if any of the big players decide to join them in the price war or match price they will lose massive amounts of business.

So true. Bush league for sure. I love watching this train wreck though. I actually like having ID around. Let's face it dental can be quite boring and Niznick/ID keep things interesting and quite humorous at times. If ID was as effective out in the field as they are at making waves in here then it might be another story. I will give the man credit. Clearly he's brilliant with implants and he's made millions off of a customer base that's hard to pry money out of.

ID's business model is to go for the low hanging fruit (GP's). Not a bad move. Short term, clearly it's been effective and they've made money. Long term, selling on price alone is very risky and hard to sustain. The customers will dump you in a second, there is no loyalty, there is always somebody cheaper, and finally if any of the big players decide to join them in the price war or match price they will lose massive amounts of business.

It is all very humorous, what with Niznick obviously (and foolishly) defending himself in a series of rapid posts, and the small handful of employees that have, against all common sense, bought into this company's marketing lines of garbage. You can't make money here, and even if you could, who with any talent and respect for their own reputation would align themselves with these posuers? The only people they could attract are the low-expectation, no-experience types who will subsequently be crushed by competitors or quit because they don't want to handle the daily ridicule and door-slamming indifference to ID/Niznick.

The big players will remain that, and Niznick will remain what he is--a 2-bit blowhard.